As a way of apologising for the long delay, here is the first part of an extra long chapter. It picks up on the morning after the party the night before.
As always, all comments and emails are much appreciated.
stuartkgrant@yahoo. co. uk
The next morning, I was sound asleep when I felt the covers being pulled from me. Feeling them being removed, I lay where I was, assuming it was Louise who was down for some more fun…
"Fucking hell man! Why the fuck are you sleeping naked on my couch?!?" came the loud exclamation that awoke me fully, not from Louise, as I had hoped, but from David, her son and my best friend.
"Shit, sorry man…" I spluttered as I covered my cock and balls.
"Seriously man" David repeated, "Naked on my couch? What the fuck is that?"
"Sorry, sorry" I apologised again, "force of habit I suppose. You know I always sleep naked". I looked around for my boxer shorts. My clothes were suspiciously scattered across the living room, something that David noticed too.
"Jesus man, were you doing a strip tease before you went to sleep?" he half-laughed.
"Yeah, for your mum" I joked. The look on his face told me a lot; even a lame-arsed joke like that hurt him.
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Shut the fuck up" he replied, somewhat seriously, as he threw my boxer shorts at my face. "Now get dressed before mum and dad get up and see you naked on their couch".
I slipped on my boxers and the rest of my clothes quickly, not wanting to piss him off any more or have him dwell on the possibility of his mum seeing me naked. I can't imagine what his reaction would be like were he to find out the truth.
I ate breakfast at David's house with him and his dad. His mum, Louise, remained in bed 'hungover' – "she can't handle it" said David's dad. 'Yes she can' I thought to myself – so I never got to see her before I left for home. I could have done with lazing in bed all day once I got home but Christmas was fast-approaching and I needed to do some shopping. Everyone was out when I got home – no idea where they all were – so I had a quick nap before calling Marie. It was the least I could do seeing as I had 18 text messages and 20 missed calls from her since last night. For a slut who didn't do 'relationships', I found this behaviour surprising – needy almost.
Having spoken to her and told her of my intention to do some shopping, Marie surprised me again by suggesting she come with me. Really? Been seen in public with me? Surely this girl wasn't getting serious?
I was a little unsure to begin with as being busted as a 18-year-old in the middle of a shopping mall would be THE most embarrassing thing ever but if that didn't happen, I'd be the envy of every guy we walk past because a) Marie is super-hot and b) she knows it.
And she didn't disappoint. As I walked to the main entrance of the mall, she was already standing there waiting for me.
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Now this was the week before Christmas so it's December, it's cold. To look at Marie, you wouldn't have thought so: she was wearing the tiniest skirt I have ever seen – minuscule – along with a tight little top that showed off a lot of her fabulous stomach and a generous amount of her cleavage. And no bra – the cold air was doing its job alright. There was a serious amount of rubber-necking going on from passers-by. I was going to love having her on my arm.
"Hey baby" she smiled as we met "Missed you" she whispered giggling as she squeezed my cock through my jeans.
"Missed you too you sexy bitch" I smiled back, eyeing her all over. "So our first big public outing huh?" I teased "You'll be asking me to marry you next!"
"Shut it!" she giggled blushing, realising that this was a pretty big deal for her. I found it funny that by teasing her in such a way embarrassed her, but dressing like a slut had no detrimental effect on her self-confidence – in fact, it spurred her on.
So taking my arm, we went inside to do some serious shopping.
The mood remained playful and fun for the two hours we shopped. A bit of fondling here, a bit of groping there, but other than letting me feel her arse under her tiny skirt as we walked, Marie was remarkably reserved – by her usual standards anyway. But it was good fun and enjoyable; my first real boyfriend/girlfriend experience, of doing the day-to-day stuff that they do. It was good. I saw a really different side to her: softer, more open, vulnerable even.
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But that all ground to a halt when I looked up ahead of me and saw a figure walking through the throngs of shoppers. The blonde hair, the amazing figure, the large, heavy tits in a tight, open-necked blouse, the tight-fitting pencil skirt: shit – it was Louise. She was looking in store windows as she strutted on her high heels carrying a selection of shopping bags when I saw her, walking towards us. My heart started to race, my mouth went dry. 'Shit!' I thought again. I had no idea what to do, or say, or think.
Louise scanned around the mall and as she did our eyes locked. For a second we stared at one another as each of us assessed the situation. 'Maybe she'll just walk past' I thought. Not with Marie beside me she didn't – she grinned wide as she saw us and made her way directly to us.
"Andrew!" she sung out, smiling and waving at me as if I didn't know she was there. Marie's conversation, which for the last few seconds had been reduced to nothing other than mumbling in my head, now stopped as she looked over at this older woman approaching. I felt her squeeze my hand a little.
"Andrew!" Louise sung again as she reached us, "How are you?" she grinned as she opened her arms wide for a hug. The buttons on her blouse were straining.
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"Oh… er, hi Mrs Wilson" I said a little unsure and a little nervous as I hugged her. Feeling her tits pressed against me was always good but I was concerned how this was going to pan out. The hug was very tight though.
"And who is THIS beautiful girl?" she smiled as we broke our hug and she turned to Marie.
"Oh this? Er… this is Marie" I said making a terrible job of introducing my 'girlfriend'.
Louise extended her hand: "Very pleased to meet you Marie".
"You too" smiled Marie, looking at Louise then at me. I took that as my cue to introduce Louise.
"Oh shit, yeah, er… sorry. Marie, this is Mrs Wilson, my best friend David's mum".
Louise, sensing my discomfort, was now having fun: "Andrew, you never told me you had a GIRLFRIEND?" she grinned. The emphasis on 'girlfriend' hung in the air making both me and Marie uncomfortable. I knew Marie never mentioned me to others, and she would have guessed the same of me but to hear it so openly was cringe-inducing.
"Oh well, er… you know" I muttered, feeling my face going redder and redder.
"Aww" Louise giggled, "Look at that adorable little face getting all shy and embarrassed" as she reached and pinch my cheek like a mother would do.
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"I'll tell you one thing Marie" she said, turning to her "you stick with this one – he's a keeper". She giggled some more as both me and Marie squirmed some more.
"So what are you kids out for?" Louise asked, thankfully bringing the conversation towards something less embarrassing.
"Just some Christmas stuff" I shrugged.
"Me too" she smiled holding up her bags. "Just have David to get something for then I'm done but he's a nightmare to shop for – boys your age always are" she smiled at me, her eyes boring knowingly into me.
Stuck for something to say I uttered "Well he dresses the same sorta way I do" with a shrug.
"That's true" smiled Louise looking me up and down as if examining my attire. "And you're about the same size right?"
'Oh shit' I thought. I think I can see where this is going.
"Umm yeah we are".
"Well why don't you kids help me out, just for half-an-hour or so?" she asked optimistically. I looked at her stunned for a second, then I looked at Marie who looked equally as unsure. Then Marie spoke:
"Listen, I'm all done here anyways" she smiled, "Why don't you help Mrs Wilson and I'll head home and make us dinner for later? What do you say? Sound good?"
I had no other choice.
"Oh ok sure.
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You'll be ok getting home yourself yeah?" I asked in a last attempt to try and not make this look like the weirdest most awkward meeting ever.
"It's fine" she smiled, "I'll see you at the house later. " With that, she tip-toed up and putting one hand behind my head kissed be hard and deep, easing her delicious tongue into my mouth. The kiss lasted a few seconds and I noticed her glancing at Louise – a more obvious 'hands off, he's mine' statement you'll never see.
I watched her walk off, teetering on her heels, her ass pretty much visible for all to see under her tiny skirt and male heads turning left, right and centre as she walked past.
"My goodness" I heard Louise whisper in my ear "what a little slut you have got yourself there". I turned to see her grinning. "So that's my competition?" she giggled hands on hips, framing her amazing cleavage and mouthwatering hourglass figure.
"Cut it out you!" I half laughed, starting to see the funny side in all this. "I thought you were going to bust me then!"
"Bust you honey? If I bust you then I'm bust too, remember? We both have a lot to lose… me more than you to be honest so please remember that. " She smiled. "Now, where are we going shopping?"
It was now Louise's turn to link her arm in mines as we walked and it felt incredible having this hot older woman on my arm. Guys looked at her just as much as they did Marie but the look was different in that they looked at me too, as if to wonder 'is that some dude with a hot MILF girlfriend or is just a mum and son being very friendly'. It was funny seeing the looks on their faces. It was pretty obvious Louise wasn't my mum by the way she spoke to me and acted around me but she is a mum and from time to time would revert to 'mum' mode – light-hearted scolding, playful telling off – that made her even hotter.
We ended up in the Hollister store as I suggested it would have the sort of stuff David would appreciate: jeans, t-shirts, hoodies – that sort of thing. So after some rummaging around and some less-than-subtle touching from Louise as she pressed items of clothing against me to for a quick visualisation as to how they'd look, she settled on a few items. It was the greatest shopping trip I've ever been on as for most of it all I did was watch Louise's ass in her super-tight skirt and get plenty of nice deep cleavage flashes as she moved around and bent over looking at various items of clothing. The blouse, as I said, was very tight and the top three button were undone but it was also a very flimsy material and I couldn't see bra straps – she surely didn't come out braless?
With her arms full of clothes she was ready to go to pay for them when she came upon an idea: "Why don't you try these on for me?" she smiled "So I know for definite they'll fit David?"
"Um sure ok" I smiled back as I took them from her and made my way to the changing area. Louise followed.
The changing area was a narrow corridor of 18 cubicles, five on either side facing one another, each covered by a heavy thick curtain. At the entrance to the changing area were a few seats, on one of which Louise sat.
"I'll wait here and you try them on – just pop out when you have each item on so I can check they're ok. Ok?" she smiled.
"Ok, ok" I laughed, "I can tell when clothes fit me you know". With that I made my way to a cubicle, the last one on the right hand side.
I decided to try the jeans on first so I removed my own. I'd sorta forgotten about the fact I had been semi-hard all day thanks to both Marie and Louise. I looked down at my bugling boxers which had a trace of precum on them. I slipped on the jeans, which seemed to fit alright, checked myself in each of the three mirrors all around me then stepped out of the cubicle to get Louise.
As I stepped out she was already standing at the end of the corridor waiting for me to emerge: "How do they fit sweetie?" she asked.
"They feel pretty good…" I started, as I got set to walk towards her. But I then looked up to see her approaching me. Reaching me she grabbed the waistband on the jeans saying: "Here, let me have a look".
With a quick glance over her shoulder she pushed me back into the cubicle and drew the curtain behind us.
"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"Just checking they fit ok honey" she replied smiling sweetly, her hands running around the inside of the waistband from front to back. "Are you sure they're not a little tight?" she grinned as she gripped each of my arse cheeks in her hands, pressing herself against he tightly.
"Tight's good" I smiled letting out an approving groan.
"What about the front?" Louise asked as she moved her hands around and cupped my growing cock through my jeans "There doesn't seem to be much space round here" she grinned.
"No?" I moaned "You don't think so?"
"Definitely not" she replied as she began to unbutton my flies quickly. As quick as a flash my jeans were pulled open and Louise was on her knees – the view of her cleavage from my standpoint was breath-taking.
"Mmmm those jeans were way too tight" she moaned softly as she yanked them to my ankles. "This is much better". A second later my boxers joined them as my hard cock sprung out and bobbed around.
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"Oh fuck Louise really? Here? Now?" I whispered. "There are so many people outside. There's no way we'll get away with this with no one hearing".
Whether she heard me or ignored me I don't know, but she never answered. She simply gripped my cock and stuffed it into her mouth and began sucking deep and fast. She moaned pretty loudly but perhaps not loud enough to be heard over the busy store outside – she did have a cock stuffed in her mouth after all. I on the other hand had nothing to muffle my moans so I had to do the best I could; and it certainly wasn't easy. Practically biting down on my tongue as I gently stroked Louise's hair she sucked my cock like a woman possessed: head bobbing furiously, slurping loudly, drooling down her chin, she was jerking my cock as she sucked – the single best blow job I'd ever had.
"Fuck Louise you're killing me here!" I whispered laughing and moaning at the same time, such was my desperation to let out a roar or a grunt of some kind.
"What's wrong honey? Mummy not sucking your cock good?" she teased as she pulled off my cock jerking it slowly in her hand as she looked up at me.
"You know no one sucks my cock like you mum" I grunted, possibly a little too loudly for the environment we were in.
"Not even that little slut Marie?" she asked.
"No mum, not even her".
I had to have a little laugh to myself when I heard that. Here she is sucking the cock of her son's 18 year old best friend in a clothing store changing area and she thinks Marie's a slut? 'I'd love to know her definition of slut' I chuckled to myself – 'but that's for another day'.
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I gently gripped Louise's hair in my hand as she devoured my cock. Her wet, warm and tight mouth felt incredible wrapped around my throbbing head and shaft. The feeling of her pointed little tongue swirling around and around was driving me crazy. She was going for it, make no mistake; desperate to make me cum as quickly as possible – not a bad idea considering where we happened to be.
But she must have realised that me cumming in her mouth was never going to satisfy her fully so she pulled off again, this time standing up. Wiping her mouth she leant forward, her tits pressing against me and whispered in my ear: "I want you to fuck me now. Right here".
I grinned and nodded, my hands reaching for the sides of her thighs as I quickly slid her tight skirt up higher, bit by bit. She wriggled her hips to help me – the skirt was extremely tight and not the easiest to manoeuvre. But soon enough, between us both, we had her skirt up around her hips. I smiled wide as I saw she was pantieless again, reaching out to cup, stroke and rub her wet pussy.
"Mmmmmmmm baby that's nice but we need to fuck now. Come on!" she hissed in my ear as she reluctantly broke away, turned and placed her hands on one of the mirrored walls, bending over a little and sticking out her world-class arse.
Once again, as I looked at the sight before me, I wondered what I'd done to be so lucky. Stepping in behind her, my hands firmly gripping her hips, I quickly eased my cock into her pussy from behind, bending my knees and crouching a little as I slid in a few inches.
Louise lifted her right leg up on to the bench, giving me easier access. I was then able to slide right in easily, fully inside her, my balls pressing firmly against her.
I moaned as I felt her incredible pussy swallow my cock again but the noise she made was as if she'd gone years rather than hours without cock. 'Man, public sex really turns her on' I thought as I withdrew a few inches before driving back in. Looking at her in the mirror, her reflection so close, was an incredible turn on. Her cheeks flushed, mouth open panting, eyes rolling, fluttering or closing in pleasure. Looking down, seeing her smooth tanned bare legs, standing in her heels, one leg up on the bench in this changing cubicle, taking my young cock in her hot snatch, my length and girth sliding in and out between her round firm smooth arse cheeks was almost enough to make me blow my load there and then. But I was determined to make it last a bit longer just for Louise.
I began to thrust my hips faster, pistoning them as I pumped my cock in and out of her faster, our flesh slapping loudly. I was trying to keep myself in check as far as noise was concerned: grunts moans but nothing that would alert attention to easily. But once I began to pound Louise's pussy hard and fast I had to reach around and cover her mouth – her moaning was becoming a lot louder and was starting to becoming squealing. We'd be caught for sure if she kept this up despite my best attempts at muffling her.
"Oh fuckkkkk baby yessss fuck that pussy yes pleasssssse" she hissed way too loudly. It was at this point I heard some whispering and giggling coming from the cubicle next to us; we were busted, we'd been too loud, people could hear us.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I whispered in her ear as I fucked her hard but not for one second did I think of stopping and if Louise knew people had heard I doubt she'd have stopped either.
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"Come on baby, come on fuck mummy's pussy. Fuck it hard, fuck it harrrrddddddd" Louise growled, at which point the whispering stopped sharp – probably wondering if they'd heard correctly. Louise's words were egging me on more.
"Yeah mummy that's it beg for your boy's cock tell him how much you love it" I hissed in her ear as I looked at her in the mirror, one hand slapping her arse the other tugging her head back by the hair.
"Yessssss you know how much mummy loves it!" she squealed as I tried to cover her mouth again. "I'm getting close honey I want to cum so hard on your cock" she wailed, whimpering.
I pulled my cock from her pussy with a loud sloppy slippery noise, trails of precum and pussy juice hanging from it as it waved around. "Sit on my cock mummy" I whispered as I took a seat on the bench. Louise did as I asked, straddling me and easily sliding down on my length. Heaven again.
As he began to ride my cock like a slut I unbuttoned her blouse quickly, three buttons down and her tits were spilling out. Fuck they were simply the greatest tits I'd ever seen. Louise did incredibly well getting them both to fit in such a tight blouse. As she rode my cock, her greedy pussy slurping on every inch I have I got greedy on those tits, one in each hand I began to suck and slobber all over them. Taking one nipple in my mouth, sucking hard, swirling my tongue around it, then on to the next one.
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Louise loved having her nipples sucked – the noise she made told me as much. I was unable to cover her mouth now but as I was getting closer and closer to cumming I was caring less and less. I was going to empty my load in this super hot woman, my best friend's mum, for the fourth time in about 12 hours.
Louise gripped tight to me, her thrusting becoming faster but shallower – the very technique that blew my mind the previous night on the couch – and within seconds I was grunting and roaring in as restrained a way as possible as I erupted into her pussy, thrusting up into her as my cock spasmed wildly in her cunt, shooting spurt after spurt up into her. Once again the feeling of my cock going wild in her pussy and my young seed filling her was enough to send Louise over the edge. As she came on my cock, and as I felt her pussy gripping and milking my cock for all it was worth, I smiled to myself as I could tell she was trying her best to be quiet. She was still pretty loud but considerably quieter than usual. She shuddered hard, moaning, gasping, biting her bottom lip, trying to remain in control but just as her orgasm hit its peak she couldn't help herself: "Ohhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk sweetie yessssssssssss!" she gasped breathily, which brought more sniggering and giggling from outside. Louise, hearing the people outside for the first time, gasped open-mouthed, whispered "Shit!" and giggled as she leaned forward on to me, both of us catching our breath. As she lay slumped forward on me, I gently stroked her hair with one hand, the other hand lightly running my fingertips along the curve of her arse. She was incredible.
But we couldn't hang around and bask in the aftermath of another amazing fuck. We had to get out and pay for the clothes as quickly as possible.
Louise slowly got up off my cock, her pussy squelching as she stood up leaving my cock throbbing, pulsing, slippery and wet on my stomach. Within a few seconds, she'd lowered her skirt and re-buttoned her blouse – watching her stuff her big tits into her blouse was enough to make my cock twitch again.
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Fuck she was so sexy.
"Come on you, stop staring and hurry" she giggled. I pulled off the jeans I'd been trying on along with my boxers, and pulled on my jeans and trainers. Gathering up the items Louise was buying, we pulled the curtain open and stepped out.
In the corridor were three or four guys, watching for who was coming out, all having been in trying on clothes and all having heard what was going on. As I let Louise walk in front of me I could see them all eyeing her up and smiling. She started to strut, loving the attention. As I followed each of them whispered 'Well done mate', 'nice one, man' or words to that effect. I felt 18 feet tall.
We got out into the store and headed for the cash desk. I breathed a sigh of relief that we weren't caught by the store staff – being thrown out would have been hugely embarrassing. But as we stood at the desk I noticed a lot of people around were looking at us, whispering to one another. It looked like our encounter was heard by more people than we thought and was now talk of the shop floor.
After paying for the clothing we turned to leave, items now neatly folded into bags. Just as we were making our way through the store towards the door, thankfully not arm-in-arm, we bumped into my sister Sophie.
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Sophie was the youngest of my two sisters at 19. Today was certainly a busy day for Christmas shopping.
"Oh hey Andy!" she smiled before looking at Louise. "Hi Mrs Wilson" she smiled, the look on her face was one of piecing together why both me and Louise would be in the same store at the same time.
"Hey Soph" I replied. "Hello Sophie" said Louise.
"Er so, um, are you guys shopping? Together?" asked a clearly puzzled Sophie.
Louise calmed explained the story of how we met in the mall and I was helping her out with David's clothes. All very innocent and all very true.
"Oh ok" Sophie shrugged "but wait till you hear this!" she beamed excitedly "There's a rumour going around that there were two people… you know… doing it in the changing cubicles!" Whispering excitedly: "Can you believe that? Right here in the store? My God, how horny must you be to do that sorta thing!"
I shifted uneasily from one foot to the other as I stood. "Oh my goodness" said Louise, fairly convincingly "That's quite something". But she couldn't stop herself from blushing.
"It sure is!" said Sophie, "I'd love to have seen who it was!" she giggled.
"You should keep an eye out for them then sis" I said a little irritably.
"Yeah ok I will" Sophie pouted sticking her tongue out at me.
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"So what you been buying mrs Wilson?" she asked Louise.
"Oh you know, just some jeans and clothes for David" she smiled politely.
"No, no" replied Sophie, "what's in those bags?" she pointed at the bags from the stores Louise had been to before I met her. She leaned over a little to move the bags aside to see what was inside them. But then she seemed to pause and her enthusiasm for seeing what Louise had bought seemed to disappear entirely.
"Oh well, er… there's no point in me keeping you back Mrs Wilson, you must be really busy. I'll speak to you later ok? Bro… I'll see you when you get home". That last part was said pretty sternly. I looked at Sophie then at the bags. Then I saw it. Next to the bags, running down the inside of Louise's thigh was a trail of cum. My cum. Sliding its way slowly down her smooth bare leg. I gulped hard, my stomach churned and my heart felt like it had stopped: I was well and truly busted.
Flushing red I said "Sure Soph.
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I'll… eh… see you at home".
Sophie looked at me, then at the cum on Louise's leg, then back at me once more before saying goodbye, cheerily, to Mrs Wilson.
"What a pleasant girl" Louise remarked as we stepped out of the store "She always has been. But she looked a little spooked at the end there? What was up with her?"
"She noticed this" I nodded down at the trail of cum running down Louise's thigh.
"Oh my goodness!" Louise blushed, looking around to make sure no one else saw it before, surprisingly, scooping it up with her finger and sucking it into her mouth. The look on my face must have clearly indicated my surprise. "Well?" she smiled "It would be a waste to wipe it up with a tissue" she giggled.
"But we're caught. Busted" I sighed.
"Not necessarily" she countered. "It might have looked like cum but it doesn't mean it was cum. Sophie couldn't be certain. "
"But cum running down your leg at the very point she's telling us about people fucking in the store? She's not stupid you know".
"I know she's not. But you're a charming boy.
Work on her. Make her realise the consequences of telling people about us. If she can keep it to herself then one person knowing isn't the end of the world, is it?"
Louise smiled.
"We'll be alright. Don't worry. It'll take more than your sister finding out about us to stop me getting that cock inside me. Now young man you'd better go. You have a girlfriend who is cooking dinner to meet".
I smiled and shrugged: "Ok, cool, I'll go. I'll call you soon though ok?"
"Text me first" Louise replied, smiling. "Have a lovvvvvvely night" she giggled teasingly.
I shrugged again somewhat embarrassed and we both went our separate ways. .