
Measuring My Cum Ch. 01


My problem started soon after I had just turned 18. My name is Jacob and I'm just a regular kind of guy. Or so I thought. Ok, so I had a few issues back then, but doesn't everyone at 18? For me most of these issues revolved around my mom being temperamental and difficult, and the way I had been brought up. My mom, Margaret Addington, or Marge as she liked to be known, had divorced three years back, and now at 55, in the prime of her life, she had become a bit of a recluse. She'd given up on men, 'I'm not giving myself to another man' she would say angrily, when I'd suggest she maybe try meeting someone. 'Not after all the trouble your father gave me' she would continue. 'One man in my life has been quite enough'. My mom had a tough life until she divorced. She'd married quite late compared to others in her generation at 35, been my father's second wife and it seemed he'd only married her to have someone cook and clean and provide some carnal satisfaction. They had argued a lot - as far back as I could remember, and enough for me to get sick of it. Anyway, it all finally ended with a divorce and with me as an only child. And now mom just wanted to stick to working in her job of many years as a librarian until she retired, enjoying her garden, and the occasional women's institute gathering, a few female friends and of course taking care of her only precious child -- yours truly. The problem for me in all of this was that I had been over protected, and mom had a fiery temper, and would be very controlling. She was also quite prudish and straight laced. Now, at the age of 18 when I just wanted to break free and experience life, I felt guilty about leaving her alone.

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   We had no other family close by, so I felt obliged to stay on at home and go to my local college rather than move away. And that meant losing my freedom, and having to cope with mom's controlling ways, and her moodiness and temperament. This was not easy. Sometimes she would fly off the handle over the smallest thing. I'd argue back and then she'd sulk or not talk to me for ages until I came round to her way of thinking. And mostly, I would give in. I wanted a quiet life. It was either that, or the guilt I would feel by moving out. So I decided to stay. Looking back, I think that was a mistake in some ways, but as this story unfolds, you might think otherwise. Before I go on, some descriptions. I was 5'8" average to heavy build with dark hair, and I wore glasses. I didn't think I was bad looking, but I had never really made it with girls up to then, and never had a girlfriend. I was still a virgin at that stage. Mom at 55, was 5'6", with dark hair, which she liked to keep in a bun, and a dress size of between 12 and 18 She had filled out, so to speak, as many women do in their late forties and fifties, but she did still have curves and a figure of sorts.

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   She had quite a voluptuous frame with largish boobs that definitely filled out anything she wore (I found out later she was a size 38DD), and a good-sized rear end -- not gross, but quite a nice full, curvy bottom. And if you were going to ask me 'Did I ever fantasize about my mom sexually?' my answer would be yes, of course. Many a time. Don't most sons' at one time or another? This story is actually about how those fantasies, quite unexpectedly became a reality. So back to the story. I had just turned 18. Like most guys I had been masturbating for some years. I had what I thought was a reasonable stash of porn -- magazines, videos and DVDs. Then for some inexplicable reason I started to develop a regular ache in my balls which I had never experienced before. It would start gradually in the mornings and then build up to an uncomfortable feeling by the end of the day. The only way to relieve the discomfort would be to bring myself off and get rid of my cum when I got home in the evenings. I'd have to do it at least three times during the course of the evening. By the end of my third wank, I'd be fine and comfortable again. And the funny thing about this was I always seemed to have plenty of semen. I never seemed to dry up or produce a small quantity, even after the third time of the evening.

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   After a few weeks of this I decided I needed to get some medical advice. There was surely something not quite right. I felt embarrassed about going to our family doctor. I had never really discussed anything sexual with mom before (as I said before, she was quite a prude and didn't approve of 'modern girls' behaviour), but I felt as this was a health issue, I should ask her advice on it. I didn't know who else to turn to, in all honesty -- I didn't really want to discuss it with my friends. One evening after our dinner we were in the living room. I was reading a magazine and Mom was knitting (I was only allowed a TV in my room as mom rarely watched TV, refusing to have 'those awful shameless programmes with semi nudity and violence mixed with commercials ' in her living room). "Mom, I've got a bit of a problem," I said. "What's that dear?" she said, not looking up at me. "Well," I replied rather awkwardly, " It's a little embarrassing. ""Come on Jacob, speak up," she replied rather sternly this time, and giving me a cursory glance. "Well, it's a little personal" I continued again, hesitatingly. She stopped her knitting, straightened up her body a little and looked at me rather seriously. "Tell me young man," she said keenly, "Have you got a girl in trouble?""Er. .

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  . no mom," I replied. "It's more of a personal health thing. ""Go on then," she said relaxing a little and starting up her knitting again. "Don't be shy. ""Er. . . well its about my. . . er," I hesitated, ". . . private parts," I said squirmingly, and in a low tone.

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  "About what?" she said loudly. "Well, it's about my testicles" I said not looking at her but the carpet in front of the sofa. She stopped knitting again. "Go on" she said, more gently than I had expected. "Well, I seem to have some aches and discomfort there. I was wondering if I should se a doctor. ""Are you sure you've not been with a girl and caught something?" she replied accusingly. "No mom, honestly" I said. She thought for a moment. "How long has this been going on?""A few weeks" I said"A few weeks?" she replied questioningly. "Why didn't you say anything before?""I was embarrassed. And I thought it might clear up by itself. ""Oh," she said, looking concerned. "Well, I'm not sure what I can do except get you in front of a doctor. I'm not too keen on you seeing our family doctor Jacob because our health center is full of gossips and I wouldn't want my son to be thought of in a funny way -- they'll probably think you've caught something off someone.

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  "I felt a bit horrified that mom would think like that, but I could sort of see her point. "I'll have to take you to a private clinic," she said after another days later we were both sitting in the reception of a private sexual health clinic. Don't ask me how mom found out about it, but she had been busy making phone calls after I raised my little problem. We went in to see the doctor together. As we entered the consulting room I saw a desk behind which a largish looking lady in a white coat was sitting. There were two chairs in front of the desk and to one side of the room a standalone curtain rail on castors, behind which was an examination table. Mom and I both sat down on the chairs. The doctor was a mature lady -- she looked liked she was around 50, chubby and buxom, and with greying hair. She wore glasses, but had quite a pretty face and wonderful deep blue eyes. She looked at mom and then me, smiled and then said in a quite matter of fact way, "Hello. My name is Dr Taylor. It's Jacob isn't it?" she said, looking directly at me. I nodded. "Your mother contacted us about a problem you are having," she continued. "I know you are 18, and old enough to see me on your own, but she wanted to sit in on our little consultation.

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  " She briefly glanced reassuringly at mom and then back at me. "Is that ok with you Jacob?""Er. . . yes, sure. . . I guess," I replied, a bit timidly. "Now, what appears to be the problem young man?" she continued. I explained the problem like I had to mom previously, only with more embarrassment. The doctor listened patiently and took some notes as I spoke. "As you are just a young man, there could be many reasons for your condition," she said looking at me then at mom. She spoke quite confidently and without any embarrassment. I guess she dealt with sexual problems all the time. "It may just be a phase and nothing to be too concerned about, but we do need to do some tests," she continued.

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  "Firstly, I need to examine you," she said. "Come over to the examination table. "I had been expecting this with a bit of trepidation. I went over to the table and lay on it. "Undo your trouser button and belt," she said, as she drew the curtain rail around us so mom could not see. I had undone my belt and top button of my jeans and lowered the zip a little. She put on some latex medical gloves which were cream coloured and tight fitting on her hands, and pulled down my jeans and underwear in one yank, as I moved my hips up to help clear the way for the material. I was exposed from the waist down, my private parts showing. "Just relax," she said. I felt her hands first touch and lift my limp cock, squeeze it gently along its length, and then feel around my balls, cupping each in turn. Then she pulled back the foreskin of my penis for a moment, taking a look at the skin there, and then let it go back to normal. "Any pain when I touch your penis or testicles?" she said, looking at me for a moment. "No" I replied. But I do still have a sort of ache in my ba. .

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  . . . I mean testicles," I said. It goes away when I. . . er. . you know. . . masturbate," I said meekly. "I see," she said, still looking at me and then licked her lips. She seemed to linger her tongue around and outside her lips a little longer than I would have expected.

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   Or maybe that was my imagination. "Ok, Jacob" she said finally, "Get you clothes back on and come back to the desk when you are ready. She took off her gloves, apparently satisfied, washed her hands in a sink next to the table, and walked around the curtain back to her desk. I made myself decent and joined her and mom a moment later. I was still thinking about the way she had licked her lips. "Well," said Dr Taylor, "Everything appears normal on the physical examination. What we need to do in a case like this is take some blood tests and samples of your semen. ""Ok," I said, rather timidly. Dr Taylor then looked at mom and said firmly, "Mrs Addington, I assume you are happy to go ahead with the tests?""Yes, of course" replied mom. "Good. Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions Jacob," said Dr Taylor looking back at me. "Don't be embarrassed. Firstly, do you have a regular girlfriend at the moment or have had one in the past year?""No" I replied. "Have you been with a prostitute in the past year?""No," I replied. "Have you had casual sex with anyone in the past year?""No," I replied.


  Dr Taylor ticked some boxes on a form as I gave my answers. "Right," she continued, "As I mentioned before, this is not something to be embarrassed about -- it could just be a phase you are going through as many young men do at or around puberty. Some boys develop later than others and everyone can have slightly different experiences. ""For the blood test please see the nurse outside, who will take some samples, and I will let you know the results of those in one week. ""Now, the other thing is samples of your semen. As you are describing an unusual amount in quantity, what I need from you is a record of how much you are producing. " She looked at mom and then me. "Now, it is very important that we get an accurate record as possible. So what I need you to do is use this. "She opened a drawer of her desk and pulled out what looked like a clear plastic beaker, about 5 inches in height and 3 inches wide at the open end, and with some measuring lines on the side. "It's better that you don't use a condom to masturbate into as much of your semen will get stuck to the insides of it and so we will lose the accuracy of the measurement. This beaker has been specially treated on the inside so that all the semen flows to the bottom and then you can take a measurement using the lines on the side," she continued. She looked at mom again and then me, making sure we understood. "Is that ok?""Er. .

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  . yes," I said, and mom said the same. "Now, Jacob, when you masturbate you need to aim the tip of your penis at the centre of the beaker and make sure your cum goes into the beaker. Make sure you don't spill any. After every session of masturbation, measure the amount produced and write it down on this form. " She gave me a couple of sheets of paper with grid lines on and columns marked 'date', 'time' and 'quantity'. "In order to get an accurate sample, I need to know how much semen you are producing everyday for 2 weeks. I will arrange an appointment to see you again in 2 weeks time, and depending on the results, I may ask you to continue to keep a record of how much semen you are producing for a further two weeks after that. Is that clear?"Mom and I both nodded. "Now one last thing, is that when we ask for samples like this, we normally find from experience that most men require the help of their partner, girlfriend or wife in collecting the samples, because it can be quite awkward for a man to catch all his semen when he masturbates into this beaker. In this case," she said, looking at me directly, "I hope you will be able to manage, but if you have difficulty," she continued, now looking at mom, "Perhaps your mom will be able to help. It is nothing to be embarrassed about as we are dealing with helping to resolve your condition for medical reasons. "Dr Taylor paused for a moment, still looking intently at mom. "Would that arrangement be ok with you Mrs Addington?" I glanced a look at mom, who looked a little perturbed, but then composing herself said, "Well it's going to be a bit of a nuisance, and inconvenience to my routine, but yes I'll do it Doctor, as it's for medical reasons, and to help my son," replied mom. "As long as it gets him sorted out.

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  "She sounded a bit annoyed, but that was what she was like when she had to do something out of the ordinary, usually. "Good," replied Dr Taylor, now looking at me and smiling. "Don't be shy of your mom and ask her help if you need it," she continued. "In fact, I would recommend your mom helps you collecting your semen and doing the measuring from the start as that way you will avoid any mistakes and little accidents that may affect getting an accurate result. I do need accurate measurements to be able to make a proper diagnosis. ""Er. . yea sure," I replied, a little stunned by the implications of what she meant. Dr Taylor stood up, indicating the consultation was over. She handed mom the semen beaker and we shook hands and said our goodbyes. On the way out I gave a blood sample, whilst mom waited in the reception area. There was a bit of a silence in the car for a while as we began our drive home. I guess it was because of what the Doctor had said. I didn't know quite what to think and mom must have been having similar thoughts about it. What she seemed to have said was mom would help me masturbate into the beaker! It seemed bizarre! Mom would see my erect cock and then see me spurt my cum.

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   God! That was a private thing to me in my life so far, but now I was supposed to wank off in front of mom! I felt a mixture of embarrassment and excitement at the same time. Mom eventually broke the silence. She spoke firmly and without any embarrassment. "Well this all a bit of a pain Jacob, but we must do what the doctor has suggested. I will do my best to help you. We need to get your problem sorted out and get back to normality. It is going to be very inconvenient for me, but it has to be done. " She sounded ok about it but she also seemed a bit pissed at me. "Thanks, mom" I replied, a little awkwardly, and trying to sound grateful. "We'll talk more about this when we get home and how we make arrangements for collecting . . . . er . .

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  . you know. . . your semen. We'll have a chat after dinner. We probably won't be able to start properly getting your samples until tomorrow, so if you need to relieve yourself when you get home you can do, but we might do one test run tonight, so save yourself for a time with me when I will be present when. . . you know. . . you masturbate. " I'd never heard mom talk like that before and my cock stirred. I was semi hard when we got home and had to cover the front of my pants with my jacket until I got into my bedroom and wanked off.

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   I came a bucket load. I came again about an hour later thinking about mom touching my dick. The ache in my balls had eased as normal after cumming a couple of times, but I knew I could still cum once more, which mom had suggested I saved myself for. We had dinner in front of the telly. Nothing more had been said about how mom would help get samples of my cum since we had got home. After I finished my plate, mom said, "Finish the dishes and then come back in here so we can have a talk. "I disappeared and did my chores. Finally, when the last plate and spoon had been washed up, I dried my hands and went back into the living room. My heart was beating fast. "Come and sit here. " We had a 3 seater sofa. Mom sat on one end and she beckoned me to sit next to her on the middle cushion. "Now Jacob. This is going to be quite inconvenient for me but we have to do what the doctor advised. Firstly, as some people might not understand what we are doing and that it is for medical reasons, what ever we do must never be discussed outside this house except with Dr Taylor.

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   Do you understand that?" she said in a very stern tone. "Yes, mom" I replied meekly. "Now, the other thing is that we need to discuss some very personal things, and there is no point in getting embarrassed with me about it. I have seen your body many times before when you very young and growing up, although I haven't seen you naked for many years or in a sexually aroused state. Whatever we do or discuss now, you must remember it is for medical reasons, so don't be shy with me. ""Ok, mom" I said. My dick stirred again. "Firstly," she continued, "You'll have to tell me how you masturbate normally, and what you do to arouse yourself. " She spoke in a schoolmistress sort of tone. "Er. . . well", I paused, trying not to be embarrassed, but not succeeding. "Come on now, don't be shy," said mom encouragingly. "I know most boys of your age have magazines of some sort with pictures of naked women.

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   Do you?""Er. . yes, I do", I said, being up front about it. "I've got some magazines and some videos and DVDs which I read or watch, and then I normally masturbate onto a towel on my bed. I keep a few towels only for that purpose so as not to mix them up with the normal laundry. ""I'm glad to hear that Jacob. " replied mom in quite a 'matter of fact' way. "I'm glad you have the sense to be clean. ""Well," she continued, "I certainly don't want to help you when you're looking at such things. I don't want to be in a room with you when you are looking at those things, some of which are quite disgusting, I'm sure. "I blushed in embarrassment, and also felt a little admonished about my porn collection. "But," she continued, "I do have to help you masturbate into the semen beaker. So I will have to see you naked, and see your erect penis, hold it, feel it and stimulate it, and make sure you cum into the beaker. ""You will also need some visual stimulation - we can't really avoid that," she continued, again sounding very schoolmistress like. "As you have told me some of your personal 'secrets' so to speak, I will also tell you one of mine.

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   When your father was around, he liked me to dress up for him in what you might call 'stimulating underwear' before we had sex. " She paused for a moment letting what she had said sink in. "I did not mind doing that -- in fact I used to enjoy it, as long as it was done tastefully" she continued. "So what I am prepared to do is stimulate you by dressing up in some suitable underwear which will help you to cum more quickly. " My dick had turned rock hard as she spoke. I did not quite believe what she was saying. So my mom had liked dressing up in sexy lingerie for dad! Wow! And she was prepared to do that in order to 'stimulate' me as she put it! Fuck!"Is that acceptable for you?" she continued. Acceptable? Fuck, yea, I thought, but kept my composure and acting a little, replied, softly, "Yea mom, if you're ok with that?""Good," she said. "Now, a few other rules. Firstly, I may let you touch me if I feel it may help you cum more quickly. I don't want our sessions to last for ages as I have my day-to-day routine to do, so it may help speed things along if you are able to touch me. But, you may only touch me by first asking my permission, or when I say you can, and where you can. "I gulped. "Secondly, and again, only because it may help to stimulate you, we can use more normal day to day words for our various body parts. I think it might be a bit off putting if I used the word 'penis' all the time when I was stimulating you, or if you said 'semen' instead of cum.

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   You may use normal slang word which men and women use such as ass, bum, cock, pussy and tits, but, and this is a big but, I do not want you to be very crude in my presence unless I say you can. Do you understand?"I couldn't believe I had heard my prim and proper mom use such words. My cock was raging in my pants and making me feel quite uncomfortable. All I could do was nod in agreement and slight shock. "Is there anything you want to ask me?" she continued. My mind was still half in a daze, and all I could do was say " I can't think of anything right now mom, but I might later. ""That's fine," she replied. "Now, the other thing is that it may be better to take one sample in the morning and then the others in the evening. How many times do you normally need to cum in the evening?""Normally about 3 times" I said. "That is a lot," she said. "Well, let's see what happens. We'll both have to get up a bit earlier in the morning during weekdays for the next two weeks if we are to have one session in the morning. ""Ok," I agreed. "Do you feel the need to cum now Jacob?" she said. Fuck yea, I did, my prick was straining, "Yes that would be helpful," I said, as coolly and politely as I could.

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   "Ok then. What I would suggest is you go to your room, take off your clothes and lie face up on your bed. Oh, and give yourself a wash down below -- I do insist on cleanliness," she continued. "I'll go and change into something suitable and come in with the semen measuring beaker. "I got up. Mom must have noticed the tent in my pants. She didn't say anything. I thought it didn't matter, she would soon see my hard on in all its glory anyway. I walked out of the room a little awkwardly, and almost flew up the stairs, I went so fast. I had my own bathroom attached to my bedroom so after undressing, I gave my hard on and balls a quick wash. I felt like I was going to cum quick. I laid down on the bed on my back. I was now semi hard as the washing had taken the edge off it. As I lay there waiting for mom to come in thinking about what she might be wearing, I started to get a full pole again. I stroked it gently once.


  After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock on the door. "Jacob, are you ready?" I heard mom say in a raised voice from the other side of the door. "Yea, mom," I said. My cock was still rock hard and sticking up like a pole. The door swung open and mom came in. I took in the wonderful sight. She was wearing a black bra and matching panties and nothing else. She saw my hard cock sticking up already and it jerked up again at seeing her. I saw her draw a heavy take of breath. "So you are hard already I see. You didn't really need much stimulation today. " As she walked over to the bed I got a better look at her body, although I tried not to stare too much. She had quite large boobs, but the bra and panties were a little old fashioned with quite a lot of material and covered most of her private parts well. She came and stood next to me as I lay on the bed. I saw she had the semen beaker in one hand.

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   "You've grown a lot since I last saw you naked," she said, looking at my raging prick, and then looking at me straight in the eye. I thought I saw a slight glint in her eyes I had never seen before. "Now Jacob," she said, "I'm going to stroke your cock and wank you off into the semen beaker. I'm going to bend over slightly. You may touch my bottom lightly if you wish, and it helps you to cum. She stood level with my chest and at about a 45 degree angle so that her ass was a bit more accessible to me, and then she bent over me, her head towards my legs, and started stroking her right hand up and down my dick. With her other hand she put the beaker between my legs near my groin, but not so it was touching me. I saw her bra wrapped boobs hanging over my stomach as she touched me and realised they were probably much bigger than I had imagined. "Go on," she said, "You can touch my butt lightly, but you must tell me when you are about to cum. "I looked at he ass, which was largish, but not huge. It was quite round and shapely and her black panties gripped the flesh of her buttocks sexily. Some of the white flesh was visible, under the thinner material of the panties where they covered her buttocks, but there was a thicker, non-see through material that covered the line of her ass and pussy area. I don't think this underwear was very modern, but it sure still turned me on seeing mom almost naked next to me and sticking her ass out at me. As mom touched my dick I felt like I was in heaven. She started stroking it up and down ever so gently at first.

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   With my left hand with was nearest her ass I started stroking her butt cheeks gently in circular motions, feeling the flesh there. Her ass felt wonderful. I wanted to grope it hard and squeeze the flesh there much more roughly, but I dared not, and was quite soft and gentle so as not to put mom off. Even so, I knew I would not last long this first time. Within about a minute of mom starting to pump my dick up and down, and me feeling up her ass curves, I said, "I'm gonna cum mom. "She grabbed the beaker quickly with her free hand and then, still pumping my dick wit her other hand, she pointed the tip towards the open end of the beaker. I closed my eyes, and with my left hand still playing and feeling up moms wonderful fleshy ass cheeks in wide round circles as she pumped my dick even harder now, I shouted, "I'm cumming. . . oh. . . oh . . .

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  . ohhhhhhh. . . . . ," and I spurted a ton of cum. Mom had directed the tip of my prick right into the centre of the beaker and gently milked my dick into it, managing to collect all my spunk as I came. As my dick became limp, she wiped the tip with her fingers, and then wiped them into the beaker to collect as much as she could from them. "That's good Jacob, well done. We have a good test sample," she said, pointing at the beaker and showing me my cum had reached the measuring lines marked on the side. I think our little arrangement will work well. You get yourself cleaned up and I'll do the same," and with that she turned and walked towards the door. I saw her hourglass voluptuous figure fully from the back now, with her white smooth skin naked and bare, except for the bra strap and panties. I couldn't take my eyes of her wide full ass cheeks as they wriggled and wobbled in her knickers as she walked.

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   Her ass looked really sexy to me, and I wondered if I would ever see more of it, and than in just old fashioned black panties. I looked up at the ceiling after she had left the room and wondered just how good the next two weeks would be. To be continued. . . .



