
From Rags To Bitches


From Rags To Bitches

Part One - An Unorthodox Climb Up The Social Ladder.

All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

As I lay there on my back by the side of the pool, with two of my man-servants massaging my stark naked body with exotic oils, I could feel that unmistakable feeling welling up down in my crotch. Then as my hips began the involuntary lift, James (one of the two servants), started to work his fingers into my pussy. So as I lay there about to be taken to heaven, I overheard two of the young waitresses talking. These girls had been provided by the caterers, and I guess they were busy cleaning up the poolside tables from last night's party. They obviously thought I was too far gone to hear or as they were speaking in French, thought I didn't understand what they were saying.

(This paragraph was all spoken in French)
“Look at her, it fucking makes me cringe. An old wrinkly of her age getting-off with fit studs like those two. ”
“English women; Pah! They're all sluts, and the nobility are the worst. And unlike French wine, they don't get any better with age. ”
“Who is she then?”
“Lady Joan Thomas, she's sixty if she's a day. Her and her sisters are notorious. They not only own this place, but they’ve got one like it in Spain and a fucking castle back in England.

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“So I guess they've never known what its like to do a days work?”

I heard them, and as I was paying their wages, I could have reacted by getting them both sacked from the catering company. But in my mellow state, I just began to think back to my past, when I was only a year or two younger than they are now. I thought if only you knew; my story didn't start by being born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

I guess my story started when I left school at the age of 15; that was way back in 1960. My schooling had been pretty basic, and leaving as I did without any qualifications, it was obvious I would be destined for a manual job on the factory floor. And so it was that I started work in a small factory that made plastic knobs and all kinds of levers for the local car industry.

On my first day, I was introduced to a man about my dad's age, and after a five minute talk warning me of the dangers of operating machinery, I was shown how to drill holes with a pedestal drill. So that was it; all morning, from 7:30, until the bell rang for mid-day break at 12:30. Well I tell a lie, a lady did bring me a tin mug of tea at around 10:30, but I wasn't allowed to stop work or sit down to drink it.

So there I was at mid-day opening my lunch box, and beginning to tuck into my sandwiches, when someone spoke.
“Hi good-looking. I guess it must be your first day. What's your name?”
I span around, and there was this boy, well almost a man. He was a good three or four years older than me, and he looked so handsome. I was at a loss for words, mainly because I'd only ever been chatted-up by boys of my own age.

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   But I'd also just taken a mouthful of food, and I almost choked as I tried to reply.

“Hey! Steady on there girl, I didn't mean to freak you. ”
“Cough! Sorry, I guess it went down the wrong way. Cough! My name is Jenny, I just started this morning. ”
“Well you don't want to be spending your dinner break in this shit hole, you aught to come and sit outside with the rest of us. It's only the old gits who sit around in this filth eating their sarnies (sandwiches). ”

So with that I got to my feet and joined him with several others outside. There were five other girls, ages ranging from 18 to around 20. And at least fifteen boys/men, their age range was harder to guess. But I'd think their ages ranged from around my age up to mid thirties.

From that day on, I joined their little group, and we'd all sit outside talking each mid-day break. Unless the rain prevented it, in which case we'd all huddle together in one of the old store rooms that was situated off the main factory yard. Nothing sex related ever went on, either outside or while we were in the store rooms. But the main topic on the agenda for nearly all the males, revolved around chatting-up one or more of the females.

Over the next few weeks, Lewis, for that was the name of the man who'd first talked to me, focused his attention on me, and within the month, I'd agreed to go out on a date with him.

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   And he was soon my regular boyfriend. As was normal back then, we'd get involved in nothing more than heavy petting (basically, kissing and maybe he'd get a feel of my tits). But it was also normal, that he kept up a constant onslaught, trying to get into my knickers.

Well after we'd been going together for around six months, it was his 20th birthday, and on that night I'd been asked to do some babysitting for one of my moms friends. Lewis had been getting really persistent, asking me to let him have a feel inside my knickers as his birthday present. So I said if he'd come babysitting with me, I'd let him.

The night arrived, and as soon as my mom's friends had left their house, Lewis was all over me, his hands reaching up under my skirt, and trying to get into the waist-band of my panties. He got his feel, but he was so impatient and forceful, it did nothing to arouse me, and a feel was all he got. In fact when I arrived home that night, I was feeling very sore from his dry rough fingers rubbing and pulling at what was very tender skin.

Gradually over the next few weeks, any time he got the chance, he'd have his hand up under my skirt. This was normally in the pictures (Cinema) or as before whilst babysitting. It only took him a short-while to realise, if he eased my knickers down a little, access to his goal was achieved far easier via the leg hole of the panties. And as his technique improved, the affect he had on me rapidly began to change.

So much so, one night whilst babysitting, he'd started slowly, first kissing, and then his hand had slipped into my blouse. As he slid into my bra and cupped my breast, my nipples hardened to his touch.

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   For a change, he was taking his time, and this phase of his embrace lasted quite some time, resulting in me being very aware of a strong sensation building down in my crotch. Then as he lowered his lips to the tits, which he'd already uncovered, his mouth began to suck and nip at my nipples.

This began to drive me wild, and almost without knowing what I was doing, I was aware of my own hand taking hold of his wrist, but not as usual, to prevent access to some part of my body. On the contrary, I was leading his hand into the top of the skirt. The skirt that I'd just undone the waist-band on! And pushing his fingers down across my bush, as my hips lifted my crotch to meet them.

My top end was fully exposed, blouse wide open, bra undone and hanging below my tits. Once his fingers had made their exploratory reconnoitre of my pussy, and he'd felt the wetness inside, this fanned the flame that was his passion, into an inferno. He began to rip my skirt and panties from my legs, and I have to admit, I did nothing to resist him.

He pulled my naked legs wide open, and began to prod and probe his fingers into my virgin pussy. This foreplay lasted little more than a minute, whereupon, he stood back, leaving me laid with legs wide open whilst he dropped his jeans and pants. This was the very first time I'd seen an erect penis, and I have to admit I was more than a little worried when I saw how big it was.

When his pants were off, he wasted little time in getting into position in between my legs. As he pushed the big bulbous head of his penis into my entrance, I gasped a deep breath. It only entered a little way, but the pain caused me to bite my lips to prevent myself from screaming. He then proceeded with a manic thrusting, not really getting much deeper into my pussy, but causing a great deal of pain.

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   Thankfully it was soon over, and he pulled it out, to shoot his cum all over my naked belly.

I did my best to pretend I'd enjoyed the experience, and the look on his face showed he had no need to pretend. So I guess up to now, you are thinking, this sounds like a very ordinary introduction to sex, and not really worth bothering to tell anyone about. And I guess this normal development continued throughout the next year of our relationship.

I, like most girls, eventually began to like having sex. Not that I'd ever had an orgasm, or anything approaching one. And sex as far as I knew was always done with the girl laid on her back, legs open, and the man laid in between. Lewis had started using jonnies (condoms), so he could now leave his cock inside when he cum. And as I was now more relaxed, he was able to get full penetration. But our sexual knowledge was still very limited.

So move on 12 months; he is now 21 and I am just turned 18 This was back in the early 1960's before the boom in holidays abroad had really taken off. So when Lewis suggested he take me to Spain for a week's holiday, it was something really out of the ordinary, and I was beside myself. My mom and dad, of course, said no. But after a week or so of constant badgering, they gave in, and consented.

But only after my dad had had a very serious talk with Lewis, threatening him not to get up to any monkey business.

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   Little did they know the monkeys had been let out of the bag ages ago. So eventually came the day we jetted-off to the sand and sun of Spain.

The holiday was like something out of a movie, sunny all the time, drinks on the beach, dancing in the evening and sex before going to sleep in each others arms. But in no time, the week was almost over, and now there were only two days left. It was late morning; we sat in a bar, and were reminiscing over the week that had just flown by, and talking about repeating the same thing next year.

I had noticed two tall dark men sitting at the bar, and they had kept looking my way with leering glances. Then when Lewis went to the bar to refresh our drinks, they entered into a conversation with him. When he returned to our table, he asked if I fancied a boat ride.
“Boat ride? Can we afford it?”
“Those two men have a speed boat, and they're looking for someone to volunteer to have a go at water skiing. ”

“You have to be kidding. That'll cost more than we can afford. ”
“No. They're just starting up in business, and they're offering to let me have a go for free. They say they need someone, out on the water, to get other people interested. And if you want, they say you can sit in the boat with them.

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“Well if it isn't going to cost us anything, then we'd be silly to say no. Will I be alright like I am, or do I need a swimming costume on?”

“I've got to go back to the hotel to get my trunks, so at the same time you might as well put on that sexy little bikini I bought you. ”
“Are you sure? It doesn't cover me up very much. ”
“That's why you look so good in it, and in any case, you won't get much chance to wear it back in England. ”
“Ok, I guess your right. ”
“I'll go and tell them we're on, and that we'll be back in ten minutes. Ok?”

Well we went and got our costumes, and I wore the skimpy bikini, but only because Lewis had insisted. We met the men back at the bar, and walked down with them to a little landing stage on the beach where their boat was moored. I was soon aboard, and they helped Lewis get into a wetsuit and put on his skis. And then we were off!

He was having a wonderful time, even though he was spending as much time on his back in the water, as he was riding on the skis. Whilst at the same time; within seconds of the boat pulling away from its landing stage I was also unbeknown to him doing the same.

It was like this; within seconds of the boat getting up to speed, it hit a wave, and I was bounced from the seat, landing on the floor on my back. I rolled over onto my hands and knees, but hadn't even managed to get re-seated before the boat lurched skyward once again, throwing me back where I'd just got up from.   So you see; I spent more time on my back (though not in the water) floundering around with legs in the air, than I did seated, not that Lewis knew anything about what was happening on board.

It had all begun so innocently, or so I thought, but I soon began to think they were bouncing the boat over every wave they could find intentionally.

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   They would just make some comment in their own language, as they looked on and laughed. The boat was an inflatable made of rubber, so I wasn't getting hurt, just embarrassed at them seeing so much of my flesh, and from such an angle. Never the less, I thought it was just a game to them and I tried to take it all in good fun.

But on one occasion whilst I was on my back, Tamer was looking on and laughing, and Mahadra, who was steering, found another wave. Tamer toppled over the back of his seat, and almost landed on top of me. It is difficult to be sure if what happened next was deliberate or not. I know I was having great difficulty in getting back to my seat, or for that matter, just getting onto my hands and knees. So it is possible Tamer was, like me, just flailing around trying to get his balance.

But what I do know for sure was; first he was laid alongside me, and then without warning, as his arms thrashed about, one of his fingers hooked into my bikini top, and down it came. He then rolled on top of me, his face buried into my breasts. Next second I felt his hand on my tummy. Thinking it would rapidly make its way into my bikini pants, I fought like a wild cat, kicking and bucking wildly. Within seconds, I'd managed to roll him off, without his hand even getting a finger tip into my waistband.

I crouched in the bottom of the boat re-fitting my top, before returning to my seat. I didn't want Lewis to know what had taken place.

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   Tamer just sat where he landed, watching, but he did nothing to hinder me. In fact; once I'd re-fitted my top, he even helped me back to the seat.

But before he'd managed to climb back to his own seat, he'd fallen back again, and I admit this time, I joined in with Mahadra as he started to laugh. But my laughter was short lived, as with the next wave I re-joined Tamar. But this time it was me on top! We didn't stop this way for long, as one more wave reversed the positions, rolling us over so that he was once again above me. But unlike last time, now our heads were at opposite ends of the boat. Meaning, his face slammed down into my crotch, and his crotch was pushing into my face. I struggled to lift his hips, but he was far too heavy. Then the boat rolled violently, first coming to my rescue by throwing him off, and he landed alongside me. Then rolling back again, throwing him back into contact, but not actually on top of me. But as he rolled away again, I felt my bikini briefs being pulled down my legs.

Again, all this rolling back and forth took only seconds and could have been accidental, but I very much doubt it. I doubled up into a ball, and tugged like hell pulling them back into place. My legs were closed during this event, and I didn't feel any hands make contact. But all sense of fun was now gone, and as Tamer reached to give me a helping hand, I lashed out in anger, and also swore at him.

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“Fuck-off! Get your hands off me!”

Within seconds of that, the boat slowed down and they headed for their pitch on the beach, where we were soon mooring up. They helped me out, and once Lewis was out of the wet suit, they turned their attention to the first skier in their waiting queue. Lewis was quite disappointed it had ended so soon, but for my part I was relieved it was all over. So even though Lewis had really enjoyed himself, it was the two men who had smiles all over their faces. And I did my best not to show Lewis how angry I was with them.

We sat on the beach for a couple of hours watching others skiing and having fun, but they, of course, had to pay for their enjoyment. Then the two men walked up to where we were sunbathing, even though they now had a small queue of people waiting at their landing stage.

“Thank you. You see, that was all that was needed, someone to arouse their interest. We're going to make the most of the crowd we have waiting, but can we meet you later in the same bar, to buy you a drink to show our gratitude. ”
“I guess so, we'll be in there from around eight,” answered Lewis.

So that night, we met the two men, and they told us they were from Tunisia. Not that I had the faintest idea where Tunisia was. They said they were going back home tomorrow, but would be back in Spain in a weeks time. Lewis was getting on well with these men, but I felt just a little uneasy about them.


   Nothing I could put my finger on (well there was the incident in the boat, but I couldn't be sure that had been deliberate), but I'd also sometimes catch a look from either of them, and a shiver would go up my spine.

But they were agreeing with every opinion Lewis vented, and I began to think they were buttering him up, not that I could think why. Then as the evening got late, and Lewis was more than a little worse-for-wear as a result of all the free drinks they'd been buying, he began to get a little miserable. Talking about having to fly home in two days time, even though we both still had another week of holiday before we needed to return to work.

“Why don't you postpone your flight? You could both come and stay with us. We're coming back next week, which will give you an extra week free. I know we don't live on the beach, but we have lots of sun, and more sand than all the beaches in Spain. ”
“Are you serious?” asked Lewis.
“Why not? You did us a favour, it won't cost us anything, so it's the least we can do. ”

“What do you think Jenny?”
“Oh, I don't know. My mom will be expecting us back. ”
“We can send a telegram, she'll understand. ”
“I'm not sure, let's go back to the hotel and think about it. ”
“Your little lady is right. You go back to your hotel, but if you want to come it won't cost you a penny.

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   And we'll help you sort out the flights. Just be here by 10:00 tomorrow morning. ”

Well we left soon after, and we did talk about it, but there was no way I could talk Lewis out of accepting their offer. It was all, 'Tamer said this or Mahadra said that. ' He had swallowed their smooth talk, believing them to be real nice guys. But for my part, I kind of got the shivers every time either of them looked at me. And although I felt their behaviour on the boat was deliberate, I never told Lewis about anything that had happened out there.

But it mattered not what I said or thought, the next morning, we had our cases packed, and we met them at the bar as they'd asked. They were good as their word as far as helping us postpone our flight, and sending a telegram home. You have to remember communications in those days was not like today. Neither of our parents had a telephone, so a hand delivered telegram was the only option. And they cost money, so words were kept to a minimum.

‘Stopping in Spain one more week. Everything is okay. Love Jenny Lewis.

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Once that was sent, we followed them to the local harbour, to where their boat was moored. It wasn't the little speed-boat that we'd been dashing back and forth along the beach in yesterday, it was a very old, and not very sea-worthy looking fishing boat. One by one they climbed down the dockside ladder followed by Lewis. I stood there looking down, not really wanting to use the ladder. As Lewis turned to help me down, Tamer said,
“It's Ok. You get your cases stowed; I'll help the little lady. ”
“Ok, where shall I put them?”
“Just follow Mahadra, he'll show you. ”

With that, Lewis carried the cases, and disappeared into the cabin. I was dressed in a thin summer skirt, and a loose blouse, worn over the top of my skirt (Not tucked into my waist band). I, of course, had a pair of knickers and bra on underneath. My shoes were as the fashion of the day, high heals with pointed toes, and not suitable for this kind of descent. So, my first reaction was to slip my shoes off, as I would when walking on the beach, or negotiating any difficult surface. But, this ladder must get submerged every time the tide comes in, and hence it is covered in a slimy sea-weed. And the thought of that slimy stuff oozing through my toes, or what ever might be living in it, made my skin creep. So, I decided to keep my shoes in place.

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I had to turn around, and climb backwards onto the iron ladder, which was attached to the harbour wall. I slowly made my way down, clinging onto the side rails for dear life with my hands. At first the rungs didn't appear to be too bad, the sea-weed was dry and didn't appear to be over slippy. But by the time I'd descended half a dozen rungs, I could tell by the soft squishy feeling, the sea-weed was wet and that would mean slippy.

From now on my descent became very slow and cautious, but I'd only gone a rung or so more before I felt Tamer's hand on my ankle.

“That's it little lady, I'll make sure you don't slip. Now the next one. ”
I couldn't look down, but I instinctively knew Tamer would be looking up, with a clear unrestricted view of my panties. But it was pointless starting back up, so I lowered myself towards the next rung. Then my left ankle felt his hand, as he helped my foot to find the rung. Once my foot was firmly in contact, I once again lowered myself, this time dropping the right foot, which was also helped to safety.

Bearing in mind, these rungs weren't spaced nice and close, as if they were designed for demure ladies. They dropped you down over a foot each time. So whereas the first time his hand had only just managed to reach my ankle, now, once he'd positioned my foot on the next slimy rung, his open hand slipped up the back of my leg, and took hold of the back of my knee. And as I descended one more step, as soon as he'd secured my foot on the next rung, his hand slid up under the back of my skirt, now able to reach up my leg to about stocking-top height.

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   Being a hot summer's day, I of course, wasn't wearing any.

I began to panic; I turned my head, and tried to look down,
“Please don't,” I begged.
“Don't what?”
“Your hand! Please take it off my leg. ”
“Don't you worry about my hand; you just take care on those steps. I won't hurt you; but if you slip from that height, you could do yourself a lot of harm. ”
I pleaded again.
“Please don't put your hand any higher, it's not nice. ”
“You English girls! You were happy enough yesterday rolling around almost naked on your back with your legs in the air, showing everything you've got. And now you'd rather risk your neck, than let me make sure you get safely down, just because my hand might touch your ass. Well I'm sorry little miss English girl, but I'd rather risk getting told off for touching you, than let you fall and hurt yourself. ”

It was useless trying to argue, and as I lowered myself down for the next rung, I expected his other hand to slide up the other leg, but this time reaching even higher. At this point I must have been concentrating more on what he was doing, rather than my own actions. Because even though I'd lowered myself towards the next step, I couldn't reach it.

I'd been in such a fluster; I'd forgotten to re-position my hand before moving my foot; therefore leaving myself suspended by this hand. Which I daren't let go of, until my dangling foot was securely returned to a rung.

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   So my only option was to push myself back up; get my balance; and then, re-position my hands on the side rail in a lower position. But without warning, as I pushed down on the foot that had been taking my weight, it slipped off the rung. The unexpected sudden extra load ripped my hands from the side rail and I dropped like a stone.

Now came the irony, it was lucky for me that his hand was wrapped around my upper leg, as this meant I literally dropped into the palm of his hand! Meaning he was able to take the weight of my falling body by my crotch. And with the help of his other arm which shot around the front of my tummy, he arrested my fall. If he had not been there to catch me, the alternatives could have been landing on the boats iron safety rails, or even worse, falling down into the water in the narrow gap between the boat and the harbour wall. The latter being the fate that one of my shoes suffered.

“Good god girl!” He shouted.
I was momentarily shaken, and I froze, knowing just how near I'd been to getting seriously hurt. Then I became aware of the positioning of Tamer's hands. The hand that had been reaching up and holding my leg, was now reaching down, taking my weight as it cupped under my crotch. The other arm, which had dashed around to the front of my body to prevent me falling forwards, had slipped up over my tummy, and was now across my chest, with this hand cupping one of my breasts. Even though these hands were now both making contact in places I would normally have not allowed anyone but Lewis to touch, I was so thankful for my narrow escape; I just hung there motionless in a stunned trance.

Then as I began to come to my senses, I said.
“Oh Tamer, thank you.

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   I I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't caught me. ”
“I'll sit you up here, and we can make sure you're ok. ”
He reached sideways, and lifted me back onto the roof of the cabin that was behind him. It was just above waist height on him, and as he placed me down, I felt his fingers being pushed into my pussy lips, albeit with my panties in between, preventing flesh to flesh contact.
“I think you'll have to lift that pretty little ass a little, otherwise I won't get my hand back. ”
As he said this he gave me a sly grin.

I blushed as I lent myself across onto one cheek of my bottom, lifting my crotch free of the deck.
“Sorry. ”
“No problem my little one, I was quite enjoying it. ”
This whole event only took seconds, but as I lifted my weight, and he was making his dirty remarks, his fingers stroked my gusset and even managed to poke a little of my panties into my pussy before the hand was withdrawn. It all happened so quickly, I didn't get chance to protest, but I'm sure the reaction was shown on my face. But regardless of my reaction, he just stood there directly in front of me as he sniffed his fingers.
“Sweet. I bet that sure tastes good. ”
I just blushed even redder but said nothing.

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“Are you hurt anywhere?”
“No, I don't think so. ”
”So its only one shoe lost?”
“I think so. ”
“Well I think you can say you were lucky, if you'd fallen down there, you'd have been crushed for sure. ”
At that moment a speedboat had just passed close-by, causing a large wave. We both looked down at the opening and closing gap, as the boat was alternately pulling away from the harbour wall a couple of feet, and then as the mooring ropes restrained it, it would lurch back, the big rope-buoys hanging over the boats side getting crushed flat each time. A shiver ran up my spine as I realised I could have been crushed to my death, if I'd have slipped down there.

I suddenly began to look on this man in a new light, maybe my initial reticence was just prejudice. I had no reason to think his intentions weren't honourable. Maybe it is just my narrow minded English upbringing that has given me a mistrust of foreigners. So with my new change of heart, I said.
“Yes you were right all along, I'm sorry I behaved so silly. I can see now just how dangerous it was, I guess I owe you my life. ”
“Well, so long as you are alright, I don't think I'd tell Lewis, it would only worry him. ”
I hadn't thought that far ahead, but I couldn't see why I shouldn't tell Lewis. But being so grateful, I just agreed.

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“No, I won't. ”
“Are you feeling well enough to go inside now?”
“Yes. ”

And with that I began to shuffle myself to the edge of the cabin roof so I could drop onto my feet on the narrow walkway around the boat.
“Hang on there, the wood on this deck is as rough as a bears bum, without shoes, you'll get your feet covered in splinters. ”
But I continued and dropped the six inches or so to the deck. But instead of just landing on my feet and standing upright, my legs buckled and I just sank towards the deck.

I'm not sure if it was the shock of the near disaster, or just not being used to the boat rolling on the waves. Or even a combination of the two, but if Tamer hadn't caught me, and lifted me back up onto the cabin roof, I'd have ended in a heap on the deck.

“You silly girl, here let me carry you. ”
He reached behind me, and I felt his hands cupping the cheeks of my bottom.
“You put your arms around my neck. ”
This time I did as he'd said without question, now quite confident that this was just an innocent helping hand. So with his hands now cupping my bottom (on the outside of my skirt), and my arms around his neck, I was carried along the side of the boat until we reached the door to the wheelhouse, where he stopped.

“Hang on tight, while I get a better grip, so I can free-up one of my hands. ”
I clung onto his neck, and he shuffled me around to one side, and I ended-up with my crotch once again cupped by his hand.

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   But this time he'd managed to juggle me into a position where he'd slipped his hand up my skirt, and under my crotch from the front (not the back as last time). I was still in a dazed state and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Reasoning; he has to take all my weight with one hand, so he needs to make sure he has a secure hold.

I therefore made no protest or comment, and with his free hand, he opened the door and carried me inside. In front of the big wheel that they steer the boat with was a tall stool on a single pole protruding from the floor. He plonked me down, and said.
“Ok little missy, your safe now, you can let the blood flow back to my neck. ”
I hadn't realised just how tight I was holding him, and I instantly released my hands, and sat back, saying.
But like before, I was again sitting on his hand. So, before he made a comment, I eased myself across onto one cheek, to allow him to retrieve it. But as he answered,
“No need to say sorry, I'm sure a little touch of this velvet pussy will take my mind off the crushed neck muscles. ”
And instead of his hand just pulling away, he began to gently stroke his index finger back and forth along my slit.

My hands immediately dropped to grip his wrist, but even with my two hands gripping his wrist, I didn't impede his rhythmic motion one iota. His eyes glared into mine, and I began to beg.
“Please stop.

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“Well your gratitude was short lived. One minute you owe me your life, next, you're complaining when I just have a little feel. It isn't even as though I was inside your knickers. ”
“But Lewis might come out at any moment. ”
He pulled his hand out, and snapped.
“Ok. I can see you're the kind that just takes; with never a sign of repaying your debts. ”
“Please don't say that, I really am grateful for what you did. It's just. . . ”

He stopped me mid sentence.
“Forget it. You English have always looked on us as shit!”
Then as he moved away and looked down the doorway that led to the front cabin where Lewis and Mahadra were, he shouted.
“How are you pair getting on?”
From the front cabin below could be heard.


“We'll be with you in a sec. ”

As he looked back my way I said apologetically,
“Please don't think like that about me, I'm sure you can see it's impossible for me to re-pay you that way. ”
“I belong to Lewis. ”
“So? Would he rather you'd been crushed?”
“No, don't be silly. ”
“Well if you let me have a quick feel, and he doesn't know, then how does that hurt him?”
“I daren't, he'll be here any second. ”

And then as if responding to my queue, Mahadra began to climb back up into the wheelhouse, followed by Lewis.
“Its ok Lew, you carry on stowing your gear away, and get yourself changed into some shorts or something, whilst we get your little lady settled into one of the cabins down the back. Once were ready, you can then come up top and try your hand at steering the boat, and maybe Jenny here will rustle up some food. ”
“Ok, I'll meet you on deck once I've got changed. ”
Then he looked across to me.
“Are you ok with your case?”
“Don't worry about that, we'll sort that for her. She'll be in safe hands with us. Won't you Jenny?”
And he gave me a sly wink.
I didn't really want to make a fuss, and anyway, there wasn't really anything to make a fuss about. Even though, I got the feeling that once Lewis was out of sight, Tamer would try to get the feel I'd refused a moment ago.

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So as Lewis disappeared, Tamer looked across to the doorway to the back cabins, and said to Mahadra.
“You get her case and get it down to the cabin, I'll bring her. ”
He did as he was bid, and disappeared down into the cabin with my case. Going towards the opposite end of the boat to where Lewis was busy getting ready. Then Tamer gave me a knowing look as he said.
“Come on then my little missy; arms around my neck. ”

“It's ok, I can walk now. ”
“Don't be silly, you know what happened last time. And anyway, I like carrying you. You don't mind do you?”
“I guess not, but please be careful where you put your hands. ”
“Oh don't worry, the only place my hands are going is exactly where I intend them to go. Now arms around my neck. ”
I obeyed his instructions, even though I knew I was about to be lifted with his hand under my crotch.
“Now lift up that little ass. ”

So I lent over onto one cheek as I'd done to allow him to get his hand out, knowing this time it was for him to put it back.

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   He slid his hand under me slowly, his eyes staring intently into mine. It was then I felt his finger push up into my slot and slowly begin to stroke back and forth. As it first made contact, I took in a sharp intake of breath, and then held it, stifling all protest I might otherwise have made. He'd stroked maybe half-a-dozen times, watching intently for my reaction. And then his fingers spread, and they took my weight, lifting me from the stool, as he whispered.
“Good girl. ”

He then walked across to the doorway, and descended into the cabin, carrying me as if I were no weight at all. As he started to make his way through the cabin towards the gangway that led out of the other end of the boats main cabin, Mahadra looked back, and I guess at this point noticed where Tamer was holding me. He turned and came back to get a closer look.
“Hey man, is the little English girl gonna fuck?”
“Don't be silly. But if we talk nicely to her, she might just let us have a quick feel. What do you say little girl?”
“I I'm not sure. ”
“But you told me you're not just a taker, you wanted to reward me but you daren't in case Lewis caught you. He's at the other end of the boat, and all I want is just a quick feel. ”
I could see he wouldn't be satisfied until he had got his feel, and I guess I did feel I owed him some kind of gratitude for saving my life.

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“Well maybe, but that's all. ”
“Come-on Mahadra, get a move on, lets get her back to the cabin before her boyfriend comes looking for her. ”

Mahadra turned and once again made his way down the boat, this time with more urgency, and within a few seconds he had opened a door to a side cabin and gone inside. Tamer followed, carrying me, hand still cupped under my pussy. I had resigned myself to letting him feel me through my panties, but the thought of even this minor sexual act had begun to excite me. It was like it was inevitable, and my body had decided it might just as well make the best of it. So much so, I could feel my pussy beginning to throb with anticipation.

Tamer sat me on the bed, and as he took hold of one of my legs, pulling it wide and high, he said to Mahadra.
“Grab that one. Let's get her opened up. ”
Mahadra didn't need telling twice, and I was soon spread wide, and as they pulled my legs high, I was tipped onto my back. As my pussy was now lifted off the bed, it freed his fingers to allow him to begin his stroking. In this position I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could feel what I assumed was a single finger stroking up and down my slit, pushing the material of my knickers into my lips as it slipped on the juices that had soaked through.

“See little girl, that wasn't difficult was it?”
My pussy was by now throbbing so hard it was difficult to keep my hips from humping up and down, but I attempted to answer him.
“I guess not.

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   Are you finished now?”
“That's up to you my little one. Do you think my reward could stretch to a kiss as well?”
Stupidly, I thought, ‘how touching. He is just a nice boy at heart, and now he's had a feel, he wants to kiss me. '
“Of course you can. ”
And with that I began to try to sit up, thinking they'd release my legs.

But Tamer looked at Mahadra.
“Get up there, and hold these ankles. And if she starts to make a noise, sit on her face. ”
Before I'd deciphered the meaning of his instructions; Mahadra had climbed up onto the bed, and was kneeling with his legs either side of my head. He'd taken hold of both ankles, and pulled them down to the bed, into a position on the outside of his own knees. Then I felt my gusset being pulled to one side.

“He. . . ”
I didn't get the word 'Help!' from my lips before Mahadra's crotch descended across my face, preventing me from uttering a word.

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   Then I felt Tamer's tongue, although I couldn't see him, and I'd never been licked before, it was so obvious this was a tongue and not a rough finger or even a stiff dick. He began slowly, lapping up my lips, and then he began to chew lightly at my little bush of wispy hair. Then as he lowered his mouth, he sucked on what I now know is my clit. At the time he did this to me, I had no idea what he'd found, all I knew was I could no longer prevent my hips from thrusting upwards. As much as I wanted to fight him off, this sucking just melted any form of resistance.

“Tamer. Mahadra. Are you down there?”
I heard Lewis's voice somewhere off in the distance, but I was too far gone to react in any way. But Tamer wasn't, and he snapped to Mahadra.
“Quick, you go and divert his attention. Get him up on top, and show him something to keep him occupied. ”
So as Mahadra jumped down to the floor and ran off out of the cabin, there was no longer anyone holding my legs or preventing me from screaming for help. But although I realised he'd gone, screaming for help was the last thing on my mind. I'm sure I was making some kind of noises, but they were moans and gasps of pleasure.

Tamer had now progressed from just sucking on my clit, and he was now finger fucking my pussy at the same time.

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   As I've said, Lewis and I have had sex many times, but this was to be my first orgasm, and he didn't even fuck me to achieve it. I felt my tummy tightening, my pussy throbbing and my hips were lifting to ram myself onto each of his finger thrusts. This in itself was giving me more pleasure than any sex I'd experienced with Lewis, but when my pussy began to spasm, and I lost total control, it was like nothing I'd ever known or dreamt about. I moaned, I writhed around, and I excreted a pool of sticky juice all over the bed.

When it eventually subsided, Tamer was sitting at my side, playing with my nipples. As I began to realise what I'd just let him do to me, I was overcome with embarrassment. I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me.
“I told you I wouldn't hurt you. ”
I didn't answer him; I just tried to turn my face away, but he gently pulled my face back towards his with his hand on my cheek.
“Don't look away little girl. You did real good. And there is no point in telling me you didn't like it. I'm going up top now, once you've got yourself cleaned up, you'll find the galley at the back of the boat. See what food you can find, and when it's ready, just come up on deck, and give me a wave. I'll help you carry it up to us.

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   And don't worry when the boat starts to shudder, it'll just be the engine starting-up. And put a smile on that face, it isn't like you've committed a crime. ”

With that he was gone, and I sat up and started crying. I don't know why, because he was right, I had enjoyed it, and it wasn't a crime. But god did I feel guilty and dirty. I began to wonder if Lewis would be able to tell someone else had been playing with my pussy. Suddenly there was a rumble and then a loud drone began to radiate from every panel. You could not only hear the almost deafening noise, you could feel it as the whole boat began to shake. This sudden noise brought me to my senses, and I thought I'd better snap out of the silly mood I was in. I began to clean myself down, and ten minutes later I was changed into clean clothes, and looking for the galley, which I was sure, was the term they used for kitchen.

I'd been in the kitchen about ten minutes, and I'd found all the raw ingredients I needed to make a meal. I was busy looking in cupboards, to find where they kept the pans. I'd looked in all the upper ones, and only found food. Then as I was bent over reaching into the back of one of the cupboards at floor level I felt hands on my hips. They gripped me lightly on the outside of my skirt, and before I could attempt to back out of the cupboard, I felt someone pushing up against my bottom.

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   Even though I couldn't see behind me, there was no mistaking that it was a man with a hard dick, pressing his upright member into the valley of my bottom. I guessed he still had his trousers on, and I still had my skirt and knickers, but the feeling this generated was not my normal revulsion.

Yes it took me by surprise, but normally, even if Lewis had done this, in these surroundings, I'd have been annoyed with him. How I knew this wasn't Lewis, I'm not sure, maybe he was taller and that meant his dick was higher than Lewis's would have been. Or was it the size of the dick, because this really felt like a monster. But whatever it was, I kind-of knew it was either Tamer or Mahadra. And as such, a stranger doing this to me, should have filled me with rage and or fright, but it didn't. My first thought was, ‘I hope the other one (Tamer or Mahadra) is keeping Lewis busy, and that he doesn't catch us. '

So did this mean I was going to let whomever this was, just take me without a struggle or protest? Well I guess fate or circumstance took that decision out of my hands. For the next thing to happen was he stepped to one side of me, keeping one hand in the middle of my lower back and whenever I tried to back myself out he applied just enough pressure, to let me know that wasn't going to happen.

This now left him one hand free, which he immediately used to set about unbuckling my belt, he pulled it out of the loops of my skirt, and threw it across the floor. Then I felt my waist band slacken off, and I felt him tugging the zipper down. This wasn't a man in a hurry; it was like he had all the time in the world. Once the zipper was fully down, my skirt slipped down my legs only needing the slightest of encouragement. The hand took hold of one calf, and ushered my leg to lift, as he stepped it out of the skirt.

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   He repeated the same with the other leg, and even though I knew what he was about to do, the strength in the hand that lifted my leg, told me it was futile to fight him.

So now I'm bent right over, bottom sticking out of a cupboard, with only a very skimpy pair of panties on. But after only a brief feel of my bottom, I then feel him tug first one, then the other side of my knickers over my hips and bottom. And then two seconds later, I'm stepping out of them as well, so now it's a naked bottom. His hand touches my inner thigh, and he exerts slight pressure, as if to indicate he wants my legs wider. But just to make sure I get the message, his foot taps my foot on the inside, to tell it to move. I'm now resigned to the fact that he is far too strong to resist. And the noise of the engine would make any kind of shouting or screaming totally pointless. So as he taps the other foot, I move it wider, leaving me now with my legs spread at least a couple of feet apart.

The hand that had been pressing down on my back, slipped into the back of my blouse, and up my back, until it reached the clasp of my bra. This he tugged until it gave way, and I felt my tits expand as the bra fell loose in my blouse. The hand then moved around to the front, and began to cup my tits, going from one to the other, and squeezing each nipple. This sent ripples of energy flowing through my body, and they culminated in a trembling down in my pussy. But no sooner had the trembling began, than fingers from his other hand started to work my clit. I still at this time didn't know it was called a clitoris, but Tamer had at least educated me enough to know what to expect when it is worked by an expert.

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And whether this was Tamer or Mahadra, didn't appear to matter, they were definitely an expert. I had sensations coming from both ends of my body, and they were shooting around and bouncing in all directions. It was as if my body was a pinball table, and the lights, bells and buzzers were going off in every corner of my being. He worked my crotch and tits for a good five or more minutes, and although I shouldn't say it, I do mean GOOD. By this stage, it was now getting too much for me, and my legs began to buckle. It was at that point, the hands left my body, and I guess that was the time, with no restraining hands, I should have tried to escape. But it was all I could do to hold onto the shelf in the cupboard, to prevent myself from sinking to my knees. Now although I didn't know it at the time, I guess while I was struggling with my emotions, he was busy dropping his pants.

But before I came to my senses, I felt his hands re-taking hold of my hips, and as they gripped tightly, I felt his bell-end probing into my slit. It slipped up and then down, as if doing a quick scout to find my entrance. And then as it lined up with my pussy, I'm sure my pussy actually opened as if to show him the way. He was still not in a rush, he just pushed gently, and this monster dick began to enter. Oh my God! Did I say monster! The bloody bell-end began to stretch my entrance, and for a second I thought it was going to rip my pussy walls. It had only entered an inch or so, but god it was so fat, it was as if my crotch was being torn apart.

I didn't mean to, but I let out an involuntary shriek.


   He eased it out just a little, and then pushed again.   He wasn't forcing hard, but it entered slightly deeper, stopping just at the point where I was again about to scream. He didn't pull out, but just relaxed for a second, and then pushed again. And again, it entered just a little more, stretching more pussy. Over the next minute, he kept up this slow push, and then relax method. And although every push would make me bite my lips to fight the screams away, it was when he decided to pull almost out, that I realised just how much he'd managed to get into me. As he kept pulling slowly out, he was drawing my pussy walls with him. And then on his next push, it just kept on going deeper and deeper. Well I said this man was an expert, and as he'd already brought me to the point of orgasm before he'd entered me, as I felt this stretching deep inside my tummy, my orgasm just exploded.

My legs folded, and all I was conscious of was waves of pleasure as my pussy rhythmically convulsed. By the time my systems were all back on line, he was shafting that big cock in and out, as I literally hung from his hands which were holding my waist. Each push drove it deeper inside my pussy, which by now was screaming with pain. I was still gripping onto one of the shelves inside the cupboard, and I'd opened my legs as wide as I could to allow everything room to stretch. His pace was still slow and leisurely, using the length of his monster cock to drive me back into a state of oblivion. But as I know now, and didn't at the time, I wasn't taking anywhere near all of his length.

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   In fact although I was doing my best to relax and take as much as possible, I don't think he penetrated me much more than an inch or so deeper than Lewis would normally do with his dick. But it must have been almost double the thickness of Lewis's, and hence the sensations were so much stronger.

And even though I was by now revelling in the pleasure he generated, I still wasn't able to take even this much of his length without pain. But gradually as my arousal built back to the previous level, the sensations it produced were pushing the pain to the back of my conscious. And I almost think in some weird way, the pain was almost becoming a kind of pleasure. I know that doesn't make sense, but I swear I began to want him to ram me deeper to increase the pain level. Not that I would have told him, even if it had been possible. But as I was still bent double, head in cupboard, gripping the shelf, as he pounded away, I'm afraid communication was non existent. Well apart from on a sensual level.

And talking of sensual signals; that was something else that my little encounter with Tamer had taught me, I now knew what these feelings were that were building up inside me. And as they built up to a crescendo, I was mentally preparing myself for the rush of pleasure. This was something I hadn't been able to do a few moments ago as his first penetration had stretched me wide. But this time my body was preparing for the orgasm to come, and I just knew this would take me to a higher level than I'd ever experienced before. I had however, heard, or to be more accurate, read in a magazine, about simultaneous orgasm, and how this enhances everything to a new level. But although I knew my climax was imminent, I had no idea how I could delay it.

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   Then as I detected the change in stroke, I realised that wouldn't be necessary. His grip on my hips suddenly began to tighten, and his slow smooth strokes stopped. He rammed me violently, and I knew from my previous fucks with Lewis, that this was the first of his cum strokes. Not that Lewis had ever done this. He'd either used a jonnie, or pulled out and shot all over my tummy. But who ever it was that had hold of me, obviously wasn't concerned about any consequences that might come from his load of cum.

So as his first ramming thrust delivered his hot love juice, it triggered my climax. And boy what a climax it was. The first reaction was my pussy sort of clamping onto his dick. But as it was already such a tight fit, it prevented the dick from reaching the depth it had previously been fucking me to. This squeezing action enhanced the velocity of the speeding juices that splattered from his mighty dick. And then as he began to pull back for his second thrust, my pussy dilated and flooded out its own juices, spraying his balls. He immediately took advantage of this dilation, and his second thrust went deep. GOD! I mean real deep. My pussy clamped again, but not quick enough to arrest the monster before his bell-end had come into contact with my cervix.

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So as I clamped down on his dick, it white-washed the roof of my pussy. Then as my dilation repeated he retreated to take another shot. My pussy gradually began to spasm, and I lost conscious knowledge of exactly what was going on. I knew there were sensations filling all of my being, and I could still feel his presence. I think my legs had given-up taking my weight, and he was holding my hips, to allow him to complete his delivery. At which point, I felt myself being pulled from the cupboard, and rolled gently onto my back on the floor.

And on the floor is where I found myself when I eventually came to my senses. I have no idea how long the fuck lasted, or the subsequent orgasm. But whomever it was that fucked me, had long gone, and I was still none the wiser.

I had to get myself cleaned down again, and then complete the meal. At which point I made my way up to the deck, and began to wave my arm in the air to attract someone's attention. Mahadra came down to the galley and helped me to carry the prepared food up to the top deck. We all sat around on the upper wheelhouse deck, eating the food and drinking bottled beer. As Lewis excitedly told me about how he'd piloted the boat out of the harbour, my eyes were scanning the eyes of Tamer and Mahadra, to attempt to find out which of them had taken me to such levels of pleasure in the galley. But neither of them showed any signs of reaction, apart from maybe them thinking I was coming on to them.

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   So I tried to change my thought process, and began to listen to Lewis.

He was so excited, like a child at Christmas with a new toy.
“You should have seen me; even Tamer said I must be a natural. They both thought I must have driven a boat before. I'm not kidding; you'd have been scared out of your wits when we went through the harbour mouth. I know when we look down the other day from up on the harbour wall it looked like a big opening. But from here, in this boat, it didn't look wide enough for something this size, but I got it through like I'd been driving boats all my life. ”
My thoughts were far from the size of a boat leaving the harbour, and more about the size of that monster dick that had just stretched my pussy. As I thought, ‘I bet you'd have been more scared than me if the roles had been reversed, and you'd have been the one with your head in the cupboard. ' But I obviously didn't say this. I just nodded, as if to agree with him.

Once we all finished eating, I started to gather all the crockery, and I said.
“I'll just go and wash this lot, and then I'll come back up. ”
“I'll give you a hand to carry it,” said Mahadra.
This was not good, as I knew once he was below decks with me, he would start playing around again, but I didn't know how I could stop him coming with me.

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“Its ok, I can manage by myself, thank you. ”
Then Lewis surprisingly saved the day, or so I first thought.
“Hey, why don't you have a go at driving? It's as much your holiday as mine. After all you prepared the food, it's the least I can do to do a bit of washing-up. ”

Now I wasn't really interested in steering the boat, but I stupidly thought I would be safer up here out in the open.
“Ok, I'd like that. Are you sure you don't mind. ”
As Lewis dropped down from the stool, still holding the big wheel to keep the boat on course, Tamer placed his hands on my waist, and lifted me up. As I placed my hands on the wheel, Lewis let go and began to pick-up the crockery. Tamer moved up and stood very close behind me, placing his arms around my shoulders and his hands on the wheel alongside mine. Lewis looked back as he was about to descend down the ladder.
“Ok, won't be long. I can see you're in good hands. ”
To which Tamer replied.
“You take your time, we'll make sure the little lady is well looked after.

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And almost immediately, his hands moved from the wheel and slipped onto the inside of my legs, pulling my skirt up as they made their way up towards my crotch. I loosed the wheel as well, and my hands followed his, grabbing his wrists. But he was far too strong for me to pull him away or even restrict his progress. But as there were now no hands holding the wheel, it had begun to turn, slowly at first, and then it just started spinning. The boat began to steer sharp right, and for a moment I thought it was about to turn over. Tamer by now had the gusset of my knickers gripped in one hand, and the fingers of his other hand were probing their way into my still slippy pussy.

This whole event happened in a flash, and as Mahadra dashed across to take hold of the wheel, Lewis re-appeared at the top of the ladder.
But as the ladder was behind where I was seated, and Tamer was stood behind me, Lewis obviously was referring to the movement of the boat, and he had no idea about what Tamer was up to in my crotch. But hearing Lewis, Tamer's fingers pulled out, and he let go of the gusset of my knickers along with my skirt. Tamer turned his head, and calmly said.
“I let go of the wheel for one second, and I guess this little lady of yours wasn't strong enough to hold onto it. Don't worry; we're back in control now. I think we'll let Mahadra take the helm until you've done your chores. And I'll take your little lady over there and we'll lie back and soak some sun.

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Lewis didn't bat an eyelid, and although now it sounds silly, I didn't call him or try to tell him what Tamer had just done; I think I must have been in a state of shock. So with a quick,
“Ok, back soon,” Lewis was once again gone.
But as Tamer took hold of my hand and began to lead me across to where the deck-chairs were set-out, I snapped angrily.
“Don't you dare try anything like that again. ”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. If you touch me again, I'll tell Lewis. ”

“Oh no! You wouldn't do that would you?”
His voice had a sarcastic edge to it.
“Don't you take the piss out of me. I mean it, if you so much as lay a finger on me again, you'll be in trouble. ”
Tamer looked across at Mahadra and called out something in their own language, so I had no idea what he'd said. Mahadra's face lit-up with a big smile, and he lent down and drew a great-big knife from a pouch that was on the side of his trouser leg. It wasn't a kitchen knife, and the like of it I'd only ever seen in western movies.

As he held it in the air swivelling it around, the sun glinted off it like a mirror, and then Tamer pulled a similar knife from a pouch on his trousers.
“Has your Lewis got a knife?”
“No, of course not. ”
“So if he gets upset about me messing with his little girl, who do you think will come off the worse?”
“You wouldn't use those? Surely you're joking?”

“We wouldn't want to, Lewis is a good lad.

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   But if you get him upset, we'd have to defend ourselves. ”
“But he could get seriously hurt. ”
“I know, that's why we wouldn't want it to come to that. It's much nicer when we're all friends, yes. ”
“So you're threatening to stab Lewis unless I let you do what you want with me?”
“I haven't threatened anything or anyone. But up to now, Lewis has done us some favours, and we've returned them. And I thought you and me were also good friends. I was quite happy to come to your rescue, and then later, you let me get to know you a little better. We had fun together, I know you enjoyed it, and Lewis was none the wiser, so he didn't get upset. But now you're getting all nasty, saying you'll tell Lewis. All I want is for us all to be friends. ”

“And as far as you're concerned, that means you can have sex with me whenever you want to?”
“We haven't had sex. All I've done is had a little play with your pussy. That is hardly having sex. ”
“And what about down there in the galley while I was preparing the food.

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   If it wasn't you, it must have been Mahadra. ”
“In the galley? Both Mahadra and me were up here on deck whilst you were preparing the food, until you called one of us down to help you carry it up here. ”
“Well it wasn't Lewis, his thing isn't that big. ”

“Hold on here little girl, are you saying you let someone fuck you?”
“I didn't have much choice. ”
“What you were raped?”
“That's about the size of it. ”
“But you don't look harmed in any way; did you try to fight them off?”
“It was pointless, they were far too strong. ”
“So you didn't put up any resistance, or you didn't scream or cry out?”
“Well no, like I said, he was far too strong. And anyway, he had me pushed inside one of the cupboards, so screaming would have been useless. ”

“I see. "
He paused, then continued,
"In our country, some girls have sex before they get married, even though they know they should be a virgin until their wedding day. So they also claim they were raped. But a girl, who is genuinely raped, will fight, even if she can't win, she will always end-up bruised and cut as a result of the struggle. So I think in your case we can say you were persuaded, not raped. And are you trying to tell me you don't know who fucked you?”
“It wasn't like that, he just overpowered me, and my head was in the cupboard all the time. He'd gone before I got my head out.

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   And anyway, it's no good you pretending you don't know what happened; it must have either been you or the other pig over there. ”

“What makes you so sure? There are three other men on board. ”
“What! It isn't just us four?”
“No, the man who owns the boat is asleep in his cabin, and I guess both his crew are in theirs. ”
“You never told us there was anyone else on board. ”
“You never asked. ”
“So are you saying it might have been one of them who raped me?”
“No, but I'm saying it could have been one of them who you allowed to fuck you. You start saying rape, and I can see your Lewis getting all upset. And I've just explained what could happen then. Nobody knows either of you are on board. All you said in your telegram was, ‘We are staying an extra week. Everything ok. Love Jenny Lewis'. So if Lewis were to meet with an accident, he could end-up feeding the sharks. ”

“Look, stop it. You're really frightening me.


"All I'm doing is explaining your situation. And all I want is for you to be a bit friendlier. "
"This isn't fair. I could maybe go along with being friendly to you. I could even have turned a blind eye to the occasional touching, so long as Lewis didn't find out. But surely you can't expect me to let just anyone on board bend me over and have sex with me when ever they get the urge?”
“I didn't even know about you getting fucked until you just told me, and that was something between you and who ever did it. But if you want me and Mahadra to protect you from the boat crew, then you need to start being a bit friendlier. It's only fair, yes. ”

“So if I go along with you and Mahadra, you'll make sure the crew doesn't touch me?”
“Of course we will. Hang on, here's Lewis. ”
With that he turned and walked .



