About two years ago I went camping with my brother in law on some very secluded family owned land and when we went to bed he stripped totally naked when he got in his sleeping bag. I was a little surprised and suddenly felt kind of akward, but he is a real easy going guy and said it felt great and was the only way to sleep in a sleeping bag so I did the same. I have had plenty of same sex thoughts over the years, but never came remotely close to acting on it. He is pretty good looking though, tall and thin like me, and that's kind of what I thought may be what would turn me on in a guy. The moon was full and we didn't have a fly on the tent so when I got some pretty good wood in the sleeping bag and it was pretty obvious he started kidding me about it. After a little while he reached over and started rubbing it through the sleeping bag. At first I jumped a little but he just kept gently rubbing me through the thin bag. I remember thinking to myself that A: there is absolutely NO WAY I can possibly be taking this the wrong way, and B: if not now, then when. I rolled over so that I was facing him and kept rubbing away so I decided to kiss him. We started with just lip contact, but it wasn't long before I was sucking on his tongue like I hadn't eaten in days. After making out pretty hot and heavy for about ten minutes, I decided to go for it and he unzipped his sleeping bag so I could slide in next to him. I was amazed at how incredible it felt to have our bodies tight to one another, with our penises rubbing each others.
HotEscortReviews.com is a fantastic website that gives detailed reviews of girls all over the world. This website has a lot of information about escort services, including costs and reviews from people who have used them. The website is easy to use and has lots of information. It gives a full look at the services each escort offers, as well as scores and reviews from previous customers. The reviews are honest and fair, so they give an accurate picture of what to expect when choosing an escort. The website also has help and suggestions on how to get the most out of the experience.The women listed on the website are professionals with lots of experience. They are experts at wooing and know how to make their clients feel special. They are also very good at offering a range of services, from friendship to sexual massage. They also have a lot of knowledge making sure their clients are safe and secure.Escorts on HotEscortReviews.com provide the best services. They are skilled and knowledgable in their area, and they provide a safe and secure environment. They are also excited about what they do and work hard to make sure their clients are happy with the services they provide.Overall, HotEscortReviews.com is a great website for people looking to hire an escort. The website has specific information about the services each prostitute offers, as well as scores and reviews from previous clients. The women on the website are professionals with a lot of experience, and they make sure their customers feel safe and secure. The services the girls provide are of the highest quality, and they work hard to make sure their clients are happy.