It is a shame the way some escorts/agencies try to trick us with totally fake photos. I went to the specific girl because I liked her looks. Instead I found a 40 year old woman, very short (1.50m), in bad body shape and no matter how willing she was to earn her money, I was not in the mood to be there and participate. This fake photos party with Cyprus escorts must stop. I do not know how they trick the site and import fake profiles but it has to end. To all fellow sex comrades, please write comments to inform all of us.
Reply: Good if it's true why you do not have the courage to call me you're a great liar.... We are letting the world judge who is a liar of sin that because of you the world no longer has confidence...
A busty blonde, a curvaceous brunette, or maybe a foxy redhead? We have all of them, tell us what you like and makes your dirty wishes true. Feel free to let us know about any special requests and we send you a perfect escort girl.