
Read our honest reviews on escorts from Birzebbuga at

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  • 28-11-2023
  • Roselinda
  • City:Birzebbuga
  • Looks1.0 / 10
  • Services:1.0 / 10
  • Communication:1.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:vj1235
  • Kiss:No
  • Blowjob:Don't know
  • CIM:No
  • Sex:Passive
  • Anal:No
  • Breast:Don't know
  • Extra Ball:Don't know
  • Photo:Not that girl


Scam. Asks for 50% payment before meeting via PayPal or gift card then says they’ve not received the money. Do not contact this person as they will take your money.

Reply: I’m a professional and I will never rip anyone off my hard earned money,he’s lying cus he refuse to pay me after sex he then robbed and harassed me 🥺 and even smashed my phone I was lucky to be alive




Reviews on escorts from Birzebbuga give you insight into expectations

Nothing tells the truth like a sincere review. If you are in Birzebbuga and wish to meet a stranger, but you are unsure who to select, take a look at the reviews to narrow it down. Different people like different things, but you will get first-hand impressions on our service.