

  • 25-09-2020
  • Emily
  • City:Krakov
  • Görüntüsü10.0 / 10
  • Servisler:10.0 / 10
  • İletişim:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:redox
  • Öpüşme:Dilli
  • Oral seks:Kondomsuz
  • Ağza gelme:Evet, yuttu
  • Seks:Aktif
  • Anal:Mevcut değil
  • Göğüs:Doğal
  • Tek Seferde Birden Fazla Boşal(t)ma:Birden fazla sefere izin
  • Fotoğraf:Gerçek resim


Emily is a natural and sensual lady. I had an overnight date with her and it definitely worth it! She is really the girl on the pictures, while (it could be just me) she looks a little bit taller on the pics than she really is. She has a very open and honest attitude, I didn't had the impression that she was faking anything.

Her English is not perfect, but fluent and good enough for a personal, charming and open conversation. She is curious, but also told me a lot of interesting things about Kraków and of course herself. I even learned some Polish words :)

She doesn't hurry in bed, instead she is really caressing. Very keen with her tongue, on every body part :)

Hint: Caress her like a kotka ;)


