

  • 07-04-2024
  • Lara
  • City:Bristol
  • Görüntüsü10.0 / 10
  • Servisler:10.0 / 10
  • İletişim:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:kiant1985
  • Öpüşme:Dilli
  • Oral seks:Kondomsuz
  • Ağza gelme:Yüze
  • Seks:Pasif
  • Anal:Hayır
  • Göğüs:Doğal
  • Tek Seferde Birden Fazla Boşal(t)ma:Birden fazla sefere izin
  • Fotoğraf:Gerçek resim


I have been with so many escorts and none have met my expectations or completely satisfied me. They were all supposedly doing a GFE, which I didn't get, at least I didn't have that feeling. Sex with almost everyone was great but not what I was looking for. I continued my search and finally found an escort that made me feel like I had a girlfriend and was in a relationship. Lara is experienced in her job and loves her job, and most importantly she gave me what I was looking for. I had a fabulous GFE with her and I'll only call her regular from now on and luckily my search for escort is over.


