

  • Öpüşme:Dilli
  • Oral seks:Kondomsuz
  • Ağza gelme:Evet, dışarı tükürdü
  • Seks:Sertçe
  • Anal:Evet
  • Göğüs:Silikon
  • Tek Seferde Birden Fazla Boşal(t)ma:Birden fazla sefere izin
  • Fotoğraf:%10 Photoshop'ta düzeltilmiş


One really has to admit that she is an amazing girl- although having been distant in the very first moment- it all changed once in bed. Her kisses are demanding but tender at the same time and she knows how to give head for sure. Also important: She´s very hygenic and her p**** is a beauty…I really hope to see her again!!

