
The New Girl - Part 2


Chapter 8
After their little oral sex exchange in the woods, Dave and Caitlin exchanged phone numbers and separated with a brief kiss at the bleachers. She walked home in a bit of a daze, reliving the wild adventure she’d just experienced. She still couldn’t believe what happened! She barely knew him, yet she got naked and sucked his cock with hardly a moment’s hesitation. And when he licked her! Wow!
She was still turning the thoughts over in her mind when she arrived home. It was almost six and her mother’s car wasn’t in the driveway. She sighed dejectedly, but then reconsidered. Maybe it was best if she was alone for a while. She certainly needed a shower, or better still, a nice hot bath. She went inside and instead of the usual flashing red light on the answering machine saw a note taped to the refrigerator door. She pulled it free and read it.
Caitlin: I have to go back to the city for a couple of days to help
a client. I was hoping you’d be here, but I couldn’t wait or I
would have missed my flight. I’m sorry, honey. I promise I’ll
make it up to you somehow. I left some cash in the usual place and
I’ll call when I get to the hotel. Love you, Mom.

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Caitlin reread the note twice before it sunk in. She was going to be alone for a couple of days. Tomorrow was Friday, so that meant she wouldn’t be back until Saturday or Sunday. Her mind instantly went to Dave. It would be the perfect opportunity for them to further explore their feelings. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to take the next step with him in their relationship just yet. Hell, she didn’t even know if they even had a relationship. Sure, he told her that he and Marcie were through, but did that mean that she was his new girlfriend? Or was she just someone who went down on him in the woods after school?
Shit! Why did she have to be so stupid! She didn’t know if she could trust Dave not to spread it all over school what she had done! And if he did she’d soon gain a reputation as the school slut, which wasn’t exactly the kind of attention she was seeking.
She went into the bathroom and turned on her bath water, then went into her room and stripped off her clothes. She paused to examine herself in the mirror. Did she look different? Was she really a slut? With a long sigh, she went into the bathroom, picking up the cordless phone on the way, and slipped into the warm water, sighing as it soothed her weary body and soaked the odor of Dave’s spunk from her skin.
The phone startled her and she awoke with a start, splashing water over the edge of the tub. She wasn’t sure what time it was, but she must have slept for some time because the water was noticeably cooler. She wiped her hand on a towel and answered the phone on the fourth ring. It was her mother, as she expected.

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"Hello? . . . oh, hi, Mom . . . no, I’m in the bathtub . . . school was ok. " She listened for a few moments while her mother explained why she had to leave on such short notice and that she expected to be home about noon on Sunday. "Yeah, I found the money . . . no, it’s enough .

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   . . uh-huh . . . ok, hold on. " She stepped from the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her as she went out to the table in the hall to write down her mother’s room number at the hotel. "Ok, Mom, I got it . . . don’t worry, I’ll be fine . . . ok . .

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   . love you, too . . . bye. "
She dropped the phone on the table and went back into the bathroom where she let the water drain and finished drying off. She dropped the dirty towel in the hamper and strode naked into her room, then sat down and began brushing her hair. With no one else home, she didn’t see the need to put anything on and it felt rather stimulating to be naked. Maybe it was her naked romp in the woods that left her feeling a little braver than usual. Usually, the first thing she did when she got out of the tub or shower was to put something on, even if was only her ragged old cotton robe. Maybe she’d stay like this the whole night - even sleep in the nude. Why not? Who was going to see her?
The phone rang again and she set her brush down to answer it, thinking it was her mother calling back. She went over to her night table and picked up the phone.
"Hi, Caitlin?" It was a male voice.

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   Who’s this?"
The voice chuckled. "You mean you forgot about me already?" Suddenly she recognized the voice as Dave’s.
"Oh, hi, Dave. No, sorry, I . . . " He didn’t let her finish.
"Don’t worry about it!" She could almost feel his crooked smile through the phone and it was getting her a little turned on talking to him without anything on. "Listen," he continued, "I was wondering if you were free tonight. Maybe we could go out somewhere; get a burger or something. "
She smiled. "You mean, a date?"
He laughed again. "Yeah! Sure! A date! So is that a yes?"
Caitlin thought about it, but only for a brief second. "Yeah, I guess so," she replied, trying not to sound too eager.
"Cool," he said.

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   "Why don’t we meet at the school, over by the bleachers in say . . . an hour?"
She agreed and hung up the phone, her heart pounding. Maybe he did actually like her! Then another less appealing thought occurred to her. Maybe he was just hoping for a repeat performance, thinking she was easy. She would have to keep herself under control and not let things go that far tonight. Besides, tomorrow was a school day. She could always tell him she had to be home early.
Even though she wanted to keep him at arm’s length, so to speak, she selected her low rider jeans. Her new sexy bra and thong were dirty and she didn’t want to wear one of her old, less than sexy bras. Despite her vow not to let things get out of hand again, she opted to go braless. The panties she couldn’t really do anything about. She briefly consider not wearing any, but she pushed that thought from her mind. While she may let him cop a feel of her tits, he definitely wasn’t getting into her pants tonight, she told herself. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   She selected her nicest pair anyway, some sheer pink ones. They weren’t as much fun to wear as her thong and she made a mental note to pick up a few more. One of her new t-shirts completed her ensemble - a tight fitting red one. She examined herself in the mirror. Not bad, although her quivering tits would let Dave know right away she wasn’t wearing a bra. She went through her closet and pulled out a loose-fitting navy blue work shirt. She buttoned up only enough buttons so it wasn’t so obvious she was braless, and with a final check in the mirror, put on her windbreaker and left to meet him.
She was a few minutes late and he was sitting on the lower seats of the bleachers looking out to the woods where they had spent the afternoon. He turned when she came into sight and stood up to go meet her.
"Hi," he said, as they met near the dugout. He smiled at her and leaned in to give her a quick kiss.
"Hi," she replied, smiling at him.
There was a moment of awkward silence.
"So, you wanna go get something to eat?" he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets. She felt his eyes moving over her, taking in her curves in her tight jeans.

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"Sure," she replied with a little shrug. "Where do you want to go?"
He shrugged as the began to walk toward the street. "I dunno. I was thinking maybe Melvilles?" Melvilles was the burger joint where the local teens hung out. Caitlin swallowed a lump in her throat. What if Marcie was there?
"Uh, ok. But aren’t you worried about Marcie seeing us?"
Dave made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "So what if she does? I told you, we broke up. "
Caitlin briefly entertained the idea that maybe he had asked her to go to Melvilles in the hopes that Marcie would be there, in an attempt to make her jealous. But she had seen the breakup, and he was the one who broke it off, not her, so he had no reason to do that.
They walked along the empty sidewalk, making small talk. Caitlin began to wonder if there was anything to their relationship (there was that word again) if they couldn’t even have a decent conversation. But they really hadn’t had much time to get to know each other, at least not in an intellectual way, so she wrote it off to that awkward first date nervousness.
Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Melvilles, a fifties style diner that still had carhops on roller skates. Well, actually they were roller blades, but their outfits were still reminiscent of the fifties.

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   It wasn’t very busy, with three or four cars outside and only a few tables occupied inside. It wasn’t all that surprising, being Thursday. Tomorrow the place would be packed and Caitlin was grateful that they would have some privacy.
As soon as they went in, she did a quick scan of the other patrons, looking for Marcie’s blonde hair, but she didn’t see her anywhere. Dave waved to a group at one table but made no move to go over to them, something she was thankful for. She was nervous enough being here with him without having to meet a bunch of his friends.
They sat down in a booth and scanned through the menu, making idle chit-chat about what to order. Dave selected what he called ‘the usual’, a thick burger with a large portion of fries. Caitlin, feeling too nervous to eat much, settled for a BLT with fries. They both ordered cokes to go with it.
After the waitress left, Dave looked over at her and reached out to take her hand. "You know, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this afternoon," he said with a smile.
‘Oh, shit,’ she thought, ‘that is all he wants!’ But his next words weren’t what she expected.
"I’ve never done anything like that before and I hope you don’t think that’s why I called you. " He paused and lowered his eyes sheepishly.

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   "I’ve . . . uh, I’ve seen you sitting all alone in the bleachers at lunch time and I’ve been wanting to go talk to you, but Marcie was always there. " He looked back up to her and flashed her that intoxicating smile. "That’s part of the reason I dumped her. "
Caitlin felt her heart skip a beat. Could this be true? It was what she had fantasized about! Was he somehow able to read her mind and tell her exactly what she wanted to hear? No, of course not. That was ridiculous. But it was still a little spooky.
"I . . . I don’t know what to say," she stammered. "I had no idea you felt that way.


"Yeah, well," he said with an casual shrug.
The waitress arrived with their order and Dave dug into his burger like he hadn’t eaten for a month. Caitlin took a small bite of her sandwich and watched him devour nearly half of the huge burger in just a few bites. She nibbled on a fry and thought about what he’d just said.
He put his burger down and wiped his mouth with his napkin. "So, what are you doing tomorrow night? Would you like to go out again?" His eyes locked onto hers and she felt herself entranced by them.
"Maybe. What did you have in mind?"
He chuckled. "Well, nothing too extravagant. This . . . " he swept a hand over the table, "pretty much wipes me out until next week. " He gave her an apologetic smile. "Maybe we could just hang out.

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   You know, talk and stuff. "
Stuff. Right. She had a pretty good idea what ‘stuff’ was.
She was about to say no, then stopped herself. Did she really want to refuse his advances? If that’s indeed what they were. Here she was, given the opportunity to go out with a guy she had been dreaming about since she’d first seen him, and she was considering turning him down? And after watching the couple having sex, she wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted to! Besides, after the day they had spent in the woods, it was going to be difficult to try to explain that she really wasn’t like that.
As she watched him tackle his burger again, she began to wonder if she did refuse him, if he might get mad and tell everyone what they did. In the sexually biased world of teen dating, he would be a hero, of course. And she would be the slut who no one would want to date except to get laid. Did he even realize what kind of hold he had on her? And if he did, was he the type who would use that power?
She took another bite of her sandwich. Maybe she was over-thinking this. It was entirely possible that he was just a nice guy who also got caught up in the moment. After all, he’d seen the couple going at it, too. She knew all too well the effect that had on her.

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   Why should he be any different?
"Yeah, sure," she said, finally coming to a decision.
Dave grinned at her and picked up his burger. "Great!"
Chapter 9
Dave kept stealing glances at Caitlin as they ate. He was certain she wasn’t wearing a bra. He’d noticed her tits shivering just a little too much under her blue shirt. Damn, she was sexy! He was so fucking horny right now he was trying to figure out some way to get her somewhere private where they could pick up where they’d left off. He wondered if she would have to be home early. That would suck, but he’d already put his backup plan into effect. They’d be going out again tomorrow. ‘Just keep your cool,’ he told himself as he smiled at her. ‘Don’t push her too hard tonight and screw up your chances tomorrow!’
He couldn’t wait to feel his hard dick slip into her tight virgin pussy. He truly enjoyed deflowering virgins. Marcie had been one when they started dating, and before her there was Christine. There had been other girls, of course, but they were the only two he’d been the first to fuck. And he planned on making Caitlin number three!
They continued on with small talk, the usual crap - what classes they shared, who was dating who, which of the teachers were real dickheads, and how there was never anything exciting to do.

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   Dave finished his burger and most of his fries before Caitlin’s sandwich was even half gone. He sipped at his coke, studying her sexy curves and remembering how she looked as she knelt before him, completely naked, with his cock in her mouth. He was getting hard just thinking about it.
Caitlin finished most of her sandwich and they were preparing to leave when she spotted Ariel Hanson walk in with three other girls she recognized from school, but didn’t know. They all hung out with Marcie. They immediately saw them and began whispering as they took a booth across the room. Caitlin felt her face getting hot as they kept looking over and talking excitedly. They would be on the phone to Marcie within the hour and tomorrow morning she’d no longer be the shy, reclusive girl who nobody noticed. No, tomorrow she would be the center of attention - something she was truly dreading.
Dave noticed her nervousness and jerked his head in their direction. "Don’t let them bother you. They’re just a bunch of gossiping hens," he told her with his disarming smile. "Do you wanna get out of here?" Caitlin nodded and when they stood up to leave, all four pairs of eyes focused on them and followed them out the door.
Caitlin released a long breath when they finally stepped outside. She hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath until then.

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   Dave reached down to her hand and grasped it in his, which made her feel a little better. She glanced back into the neon lit diner and saw all four girls watching them walk away and chattering to each other. They may just be gossiping hens, as Dave put it, but they could really screw up her life.
They made their way back to the schoolyard. The whole way, Caitlin kept looking over her shoulder to see if they were being followed, but she saw no one. Dave seemed to sense her unease and gripped her hand tighter, smiling at her.
"Why don’t I meet you here tomorrow morning and we can walk to school together?" he suggested.
Caitlin looked up at him. "Do you think that’s wise? What if Marcie sees us together and makes a scene?"
Dave shook his head and gave a short laugh. "Naw, she wouldn’t do that. If she did, everyone would know that she was the one who got dumped, and she’s way too proud to let that happen!"
Caitlin thought for a moment. It made sense. "But then, wouldn’t me and you together be like rubbing salt in a wound? Like, she breaks up with you and the next day you show up at school with another girl? What does that say about her?"
Dave laughed again, thinking it says more about his ability to score chicks, but instead he said, "She won’t say anything. She pretends to be this in-your-face tough chick, but she’s really just like everyone else. She’ll keep a low profile for a week or two, then she’ll find a new boyfriend she can torture for a while.

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They reached the schoolyard and Caitlin turned to him. "Well, I hope you’re right. I’m having enough trouble making friends here without making enemies. "
He smiled and touched her cheek. She closed her eyes and nuzzled his warm hand. "You’ve made at least one friend, Caitlin," he told her. She opened her eyes and gazed up into his. For a moment, time stopped as he leaned in to kiss her. She closed her eyes and when his warm lips touched hers, she thought she would melt into him. His tongue probed at her lips and she parted them, inviting it into her mouth. Her arms went around his neck and his around her waist and they held each other tightly while their tongues danced together.
After a moment, they loosened their embrace, but continued to plant soft, lingering kisses on each other. Finally, Caitlin pushed way.
"I . .

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   . I really have to be going," she said breathlessly.
Dave thought about pressing her to stay a while longer, but reconsidered. If he played it cool now, he might score some points he could cash in tomorrow night. "Ok. So I’ll see you here tomorrow morning?"
She nodded and turned to go, forcing herself not to look back, afraid of what she might do. After that warm, incredibly sexy kiss, she would have agreed to do almost anything he asked her to!
"Good night!" he called after her. She simply raised a hand and kept walking.
Chapter 10
Dave watched Caitlin walk away, then turned and cut through the school yard toward his house. He was so caught up figuring out a way to get into her pants that he didn’t notice the person standing in the shadows next to the dugout.
"Dave," she called out softly as he passed by.
He stopped at the sound of his name and turned to see Marcie step from the shadows. She wore her cheerleader skirt and had on a matching polar fleece sweater. Her hands were thrust into the pockets of her sweater.
"Marcie!" he exclaimed, taken totally off-guard by her. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   "What are you doing here?"
She walked toward him slowly, her long blonde hair shimmering in the light from the floodlight next to the school.
"I need to talk to you," she said, her large blue eyes meeting his gaze and holding it.
"Uh, ok," he replied in a cautious tone. "What about?"
She sighed and stopped in front of him, taking her hands from her pockets. "I wanted to ask you if . . . if we could, you know, try again. "
He let out a short breath. "Marcie, we’ve been over this. I . . . "
"Please," she said, her beautiful eyes pleading with him. "Just hear me out, ok?"
He studied her face for a moment, then allowed his eyes to drift down over her body.

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   God, she was hot! His other head made his decision for him.
"All right," he said with a resigned sigh.
She smiled, then reached out her hand to his as if to take it, then changed her mind and put it back in her pocket. "I . . . I’ve been thinking about . . . what you said earlier. About how I was never there when you needed me. "
Dave nodded. What he had said was that she wasn’t into sex anymore and he didn’t want to go out with someone who wouldn’t put out. Well, maybe not in those exact words, but she knew what he had meant.
"Well, you were right.

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   I haven’t been giving you the attention you deserve. And if you give me another chance, I promise I’ll change. " She took her hands from her pockets again and this time didn’t hesitate. She took both of his hands in hers and looked up to him, her eyes welling up with tears. "I love you, Dave. And I’ll do anything if you’ll only give me another chance. "
He looked down at the beautiful, sexy cheerleader and smiled to himself. "Anything?"
She swallowed hard, but nodded exuberantly. "Yes, anything. " She smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.
He closed his eyes. This was a dilemma! He desperately wanted to nail Caitlin, and he figured after the blowjob in the woods, she’d be an easy target! But she was starting to play hard to get. All this dating and getting to know each other was getting in the way of him getting laid!
And now Marcie was throwing herself at him, and her promise to do ‘anything’ opened up all kinds of possibilities. He opened his eyes and looked down into hers.
"I dunno," he said, trying to look doubtful.

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   The truth was, he was so horny that he’d already made up his mind. To hell with Caitlin. She would keep. He needed to get laid - now. If Marcie started withholding again, he could always to back to Caitlin. He saw the way she looked at him and knew he’d be able to win her back if he had to.
Marcie stepped closer and began to lower the zipper on her sweater. He was surprised to see she had nothing on under it. "Please . . . ?" she pleaded, her eyes looking up to his pitifully; a mischievous smile on her lips as she slowly exposed her beautiful tits to him.
"Uh," he stammered, his eyes locked on her bare tits. She had never done anything like this before! Her other hand reached down and began rubbing sensuously over his thickening cock.
He suddenly pulled her to him and kissed her as his other hand found its way to one of her supple tits.


   She moaned into his mouth as he began to knead her nipple between his fingers, bringing even more soft moans. They pulled apart and she took his hand, her sweater still open to the night air, and led him down into the dugout. She turned and kissed him again, and this time she worked on the button of his jeans. When she got it undone, she unzipped his fly and slipped her hand inside his boxers, grasping his hard cock.
Dave pulled his mouth from hers and looked into her eyes. They were full of mischief. She was acting like she did after the first time they’d had sex; wild and up for anything! She pushed him over to the bench and lowered his jeans and boxers. He took off his jacket and spread it out on the cold wooden bench, then sat down on it. Marcie crouched between his legs and took his cock in her hand, stroking it slowly and turning her big blue eyes up to his.
"Can I suck your big cock, baby?" she asked, licking her lips.
He nodded, grinning. "Oh, yeah!"
With a wink, Marcie lowered her head and took half of him into her warm, wet mouth. He lay his head back and closed his eyes, moaning as her tongue worked along his sensitive glans and shaft. She was sucking hard, and seemed to be enjoying it. She had sucked him off before, of course, but always treated it as an unpleasant duty she was obligated to do.

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   And she never swallowed.
She continued her powerful blowjob, never easing up. He moved her long hair from her face and pushed down on her head, forcing her to take even more of him into her mouth. She gagged a little, but never once complained.
Before too long, he felt the familiar tingling begin and knew he’d be shooting his load soon. He thought about not warning her and filling her hot little mouth, but decided not to push his luck.
"Marcie! I’m really close!" he gasped.
"Mmmph!" she murmured, not easing up in her sucking. She actually may have sucked harder; he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he couldn’t keep it in any longer and let go with a hard surge of cum just as she was sucking hard.
"Arghhh!" he groaned, his ass lifting from the bench as he pumped shot after shot of his thick cream into her waiting mouth.
To his surprise, she didn’t pull off, but swallowed every drop, even sucking the last of it from his throbbing meat before licking him clean and sitting back, licking her lips.
She gave him a wide grin. "How was that?"
He returned her grin. "Awesome, baby! I didn’t expect you to do that!" he replied, referring to her swallowing.

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She shrugged. "No big deal. " He knew that was a lie. She told him the very first time she gave him head that she had never swallowed before, or even let a guy cum in her mouth, and that she had no intentions of letting him do it either.
He stood up, pulling her to her feet, and kissed her. His hands went up under her short, pleated skirt and grasped her panties. With a quick jerk, her ripped them laterally, dropping them to the ground at their feet.
Marcie jumped, but quickly recovered, never breaking their passionate kiss. What were a pair of panties compared to winning her boyfriend back?
He pushed her to the bench, then sat her down on his jacket. He knelt at her feet and pushed her legs apart, then lifted her skirt and began to kiss along her thighs until he reached her hairless little pussy, already very wet. He looked up at her with a wry smile, then went back to her slit, slowly kissing all around it. She was sighing and letting out little yelps as his tongue touched on sensitive areas, then she groaned when his tongue finally licked along her labia, pushing between her engorged folds to the tasty pink flesh inside. He began a methodical licking, pushing his tongue deep inside her, then moving up to her hard little clit. She cried out every time he touched it. After several minutes of going back and forth, he pushed two fingers into her tight hole and flicked his tongue back and forth over her little trigger.

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Marcie reacted by crying out and pushing his head tight to her cunt with one hand while gripping the edge of the bench with the other.
"Oh, yesss! Ungh! Ungh!" She came hard, grunting and panting; her back arched and her body stiff; until she finally climaxed, crying out in one long moan; her young body jerking and twisting on the bench.
Dave sat back and allowed her to come down from her orgasm. When she opened her eyes and gave him a sweet smile, he leaned closer and kissed her, depositing her sweet nectar on her tongue.
When she seemed to come more or less back to normal, he helped her to her feet, then turned her around and bent her at the waist. She reached out and braced herself against the back wall of the dugout, not sure at first what he was doing, her mind still dazed from the orgasm.
When she felt his renewed cock pressing to her pussy, her eyes flew open.
"Dave, wait!" she cried, looking back over her shoulder. They had never fucked this way before and she wasn’t sure what to expect. But he didn’t give her time to say anything else. He plunged into her wet pussy in one stroke, causing her to cry out in surprise and a little pain.
"What are you . . . ungh!"
Before she knew what was happening, he was buried to the hilt inside her.

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   It felt like he had gone deeper than he ever had before and it scared her a little. Before she could say anything about it, he pulled out and thrust in again. She cried out, more in surprise than pain, and leaned against the wall. After a few more strokes, she was starting to feel a tingle of pleasure unlike any she’d felt when they screwed missionary style. It felt wonderful and each time he drove into her the feeling intensified. She began moving with him, pushing back when he was pushing into her; trying to force him deeper.
After only a few minutes of this hard fucking, she felt the stirrings of another orgasm.
"Oh, yeah!" she grunted. "Fuck . . . me! Harder!"
Dave increased his speed, his cock now pistoning in and out of her ravaged cunt. Bare flesh slapped together, almost drowning out their animalistic grunts. Marcie lowered her head between her outstretched arms and whimpered, then groaned as the orgasm gripped her. Her pussy clamped down hard, holding Dave’s cock in its velvet vise.

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   Her neck muscles strained and she cried out in a long, strangled scream of unbridled passion as another even more powerful orgasm rocked her slender body.
Dave was almost at the point of no return when she ordered him to fuck her harder. He complied, knowing it would finish him very soon. When her pussy began to squeeze his shaft, he pushed all the way in and groaned loudly as his seed was forced from his balls; her tight pussy milking it from him. For a long moment, they both held this position, both of them caught up in a massive, simultaneous orgasm.
When the sensations finally eased, they relaxed somewhat, but Dave stayed inside her, and even the slightest move by either of them sent a shiver throughout their bodies. When he finally pulled his wet cock from her dripping pussy, she collapsed to her knees on the bench, resting her head against the wall until she caught her breath again. Dave pulled up his jeans, fastened them, then sat down beside her, still breathing hard.
He looked over at her and grinned. "That was fun !" he said.
Marcie turned her head to look at him, a smile of complete satisfaction on her pretty face. Her skin was damp with sweat and her skin was flushed a crimson red. Her chest heaved as she tried to regain her breath, and her hair fell straight down, partially obscuring her face. She brushed it back over her shoulder and sat down beside him. Her legs were spread open and her pussy drooled their mixed cum onto Dave’s jacket.

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   Adding to her slut-like appearance was her open sweater, with her tits also exposed to anyone who might happen by. She looked like a cheap whore after a very busy night.
"Wow!" she exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief. She turned to him, her eyes wide. "I have never cum like that before!"
He chuckled. "I’ve always heard that make-up sex is the best! I guess it’s true!"
She leaned against his shoulder. "So, does this mean that you won’t be dating Caitlin anymore?"
He put an arm around her. "No, Marcie. Not after this. She’s got nothing on you!"
Marcie suddenly sat bolt upright, a cold look in her once soft eyes. "You slept with her?!"
Dave swallowed hard, realizing what he had just said. "Uh, no . . . no! Well, not really. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   I mean, we never . . . fucked!" She continued to stare at him.
"Tell me, then! Just what did you do?"
He knew there was no way out of telling her. With a deep breath, he recounted their first meeting in the woods, leaving out the part about the other couple.
"It was her idea," he told her. "She said she had a crush on me or something, and that she wanted to do it!" Marcie continued her cold stare. "I tried to say no; that we had just broken up, but she was . . . very insistent. "
Marcie’s look hardened and she looked off in the direction Caitlin had left in. "That little slut. Wait until I see her at school tomorrow!" She turned back to Dave.

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   "You’re not going to see her anymore, right?" He shook his head. "I don’t even want to see you near her, ok?" He nodded again, thinking to himself how quickly the tables had turned. Had he made a mistake getting back together with her? Maybe, but at least he got laid!
As if reading his thoughts, Marcie’s face took on the same loving smile she had displayed earlier. "I don’t want to share you with anyone!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And if you can promise me sex like that every time, I’ll fuck you anytime, anywhere!" They kissed for a long time, then got up, finished dressing, and walked toward their homes, arm in arm.
Chapter 11
Caitlin took her time walking to school the next morning, unsure if she really wanted to meet Dave. By now, she was sure Marcie had been told all about their date, and she had a feeling she would confront her about it before the day was over.
She’d done a lot of thinking after she went home last night, and knew the right thing to do would be to break it off with Dave before it went any further. Their date last night had been ok, and a part of her wished he had made a move. But it was probably for the best that he didn’t.
The problem was, she still craved him physically. She knew it would be wrong - for a lot of reasons, but that didn’t make her want him any less. After she had gone home, she immediately stripped naked and lay down on her bed. Her fingers twirled around her wet pussy as she thought of him between her legs, and how it would feel when his hard cock penetrated into her virgin pussy. When she finally came, it was an intense orgasm - nearly as powerful as she’d had that afternoon.

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   She fell asleep naked, her sheets wet from her juices.
She turned the corner and looked ahead to the students milling about the quad in front of the school. She didn’t see Dave, or Marcie, and she felt a sense of relief, although she was certain it was only a temporary reprieve. She made her way through the crowd, clutching her books to her chest and keeping her eyes straight ahead. Almost there.
Then she caught a glimpse of familiar blonde hair out of the corner of her eye and glanced over to see Marcie walking hand in hand with Dave. She stopped suddenly, not believing what she was seeing. Someone collided with her from behind, sending her stumbling.
"Hey!" a male voice said. She regained her balance without falling and turned around to see a boy about her age with short brown hair and wire-framed glasses sprawled on the sidewalk, his papers scattered around him. He looked up at her accusingly, then began to gather up his papers. "What did you stop for?"
Caitlin felt her face get hot as several pairs of eyes turned to them. "I’m so sorry!" she exclaimed and knelt down to help him pick up the papers before the breeze scattered them even more. "I didn’t mean to . .

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   . " They finished collecting all the papers and stood up together. Their eyes met for an instant and Caitlin felt something as his warm, brown eyes met hers. A connection? She wasn’t sure, but there was definitely something there.
"It’s ok," he said, dusting off his jeans. He reached out a hand. "Could I have my papers, please?"
Caitlin came back to the present and gave him the papers she was holding. "Oh, yeah. Sorry," she said.
He looked up at her and gave a forgiving smile. "No harm done. " Then he gave her a questioning look. "You’re Caitlin, right? Mr Ross’ second period biology?"
Now she remembered. His name was Mark. They had biology together.


"Yeah. Mark, right?"
He raised an eyebrow and nodded, tucking his books back under his arm. "That’s right. I’m surprised you knew. "
She returned his quizzical look. "Why would you say that?"
He laughed humorlessly and pushed his glasses back up on his nose. "Most pretty girls just ignore me," he said. "To them . . . " He nodded toward the jocks and cheerleaders, "I’m a nobody. A geek. "
Caitlin didn’t know how to respond to that, but she certainly knew how he felt. Wait a minute! Did he say she was pretty? She once again felt her face getting hot. "You’re not a geek," she finally said.

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   "I think you’re nice. "
He chuckled and started walking toward the school. Caitlin took a quick look around for Marcie and Dave, but they were nowhere in sight. She saw Mark starting up the steps and began to run after him.
"Hey, Mark! Wait up!" He stopped and turned around. When she caught up to him, they climbed the steps together. "So you really think I’m pretty?" she asked with a shy smile.
He grinned at her. "Do you really think I’m nice?" She laughed and his grin widened. They went inside talking, each hoping to have found a friend.



