
Mrs. Cardella Is One Hot MILF


Mrs. Cardella was a sweet older woman. She lived alone, her two kids grown, as they married and moved away – one to the west coast, the other to a different part of the state. Mrs. Cardella used one of those motorized scooters to get around most of the time although she was not an invalid by any stretch. In fact, I met her because of her ailment.

She had arthritis pretty bad in her ankles and knees so she used her scooter to make it easier on her painful lower joints, but she was completely mobile when the pain was bearable. I had been cutting Mrs. Cardella’s grass for years. She lived next street over from me and had known her for years. When I was a young teenager I was fascinated by her large breasts. She had the biggest tits I ever saw in my life on a normally sized woman. I mean I have seen some of them real fat gals with footballs on their chests, but Mrs. Cardella had smaller footballs on a more normally shaped body and as a 12 or 18 year old I was fascinated with them. I loved cutting her grass just to see her tits.

Now that I was 19 I had known Mrs.

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   Cardella for years and she sort of adopted me as her pseudo-son. I did all kinds of little things for her and we grew sort of close. I raked her leaves, cut her grass, helped her with her spring cleaning, would haul her Christmas tree in from the attached garage – stuff like that, and in return not only did she pay me but she adopted me too. She lavished nice gifts on me at Christmas and birthdays and treated me like a grandson and I liked that, although I did feel guilty as my initial impetus for my attention to her was due to them hooters. In fact I was still fascinated with them but I also grew to love Mrs. Cardella too.

She was a retired teacher and was way smart and engaging too. In fact if we’d been near in age I could have fallen in love with this smart, gregarious and thoughtful woman. She was full of life for sure. And she taught me politics which I loved. We discussed current events for hours on end and I loved the time I spent with her. I found myself becoming fascinated by her. And she was still a very attractive woman. Her green eyes were vibrant, her face none too wrinkled at all, and at 59, she was a GILF – at least to me.

Which brings me to this story.

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   It was late Spring and she’d asked me to help her with her clothes rotation – something women seem to do every Spring and Fall – put away Winter cloths and drag out Summer attire, only when Fall came to reverse the process. I was glad I was a dude and but for shorts, my wardrobe remained constant year round.

Mrs. Cardella – Viv as she now insisted I call her, was having me go into one of her spare rooms and drag out the large, clear plastic vacuum bags she stored her other season’s clothes in and bring them to her in her bedroom. I would go up and retrieve the bags, she would empty them and fill them with her off-season stuff, vacuum out the air and have me run those up to her storage closet. She ordered a pizza and we spent a few hours this Saturday rotating the wardrobe. It was on one of the trips up to the closet that my interest was piqued by another vacuum storage bag off to the side in the back of the closet. I started nosing around and I was in for a bit of a shock.

Viv had a bag full of frilling, girly things – lingerie and all. I eyeballed the bag. There were sexy panties, a matching bra and panties set and to my utter shock, a purple corset. In the recesses of the large storage closet were also boxes of shoes. I peeped into a couple of them. They held all sorts of women’s shoes, but three of them held the “good stuff. ” Viv had three boxes with what would now be called “stripper shoes.

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  ”I was fascinated by this discovery and decided I would bring the bag of frilly stuff down too and play dumb if she got angry or anything. I would say I just grabbed one too many vacuum bags. It didn’t go as I expected.

I bounded down and dumped the last three vacuum bags on the bed in Viv’s bedroom and waited for her to get a load for me to carry up for her. She noticed the bag of goodies and smiled “Where did ya find this Eric?” holding up the goody bag. “It was on the floor beside the other bags,” I replied and decided to see if she was mad or thought I was snooping, which of course I was.

“Why?” I asked. “Didn’t ya want that one too?” I played dumb. She looked longingly at the bag. “Did you see what’s in here?” she asked, sort of probing and sort of proud. “No ma’am” I replied. “Did I get the wrong stuff or something?” She grinned at me. “No Eric, I just hadn’t seen these things in a while I guess. “Oh sorry, Viv,” I added. She smiled at me and her green eyes danced in memory.

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“Look in the bag. What do you see?” she asked. “Ahhhh,” I pretended to be seeing the contents for the first time. “Wow Viv!” I exclaimed in my best surprised tone. “Frilly stuff huh?” I smiled at her making sure she grasped that I found it nice that she was indeed a woman as well as the mature lady next block over. She seemed to like my noticing. “So, seems Mrs. Cardella has a hot streak in her, huh?” She laughed and her eyes sparkled. “Not anymore, but back in the day I was a pistol. ” “A pistol, huh?” I shot back, hoping to lead her into chatting about it and she did.

“When I was still married before he ran off, my husband liked to see me in frilly, girly things and I liked to show off for him. I guess I just kept this stuff around as a sort of keepsake. I don’t really know why…” she trailed off, not so much sad as remembering.

“Nothing wrong with that,” I consoled her. “Every woman likes to feel sexy and desired, so no crime there Viv!” She smiled warmly at me and I winked at her.

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   “Besides, ya never know when you’ll meet a fella who likes sexy mature women too. Every man does not only want young girls, ya know, especially nowadays. You have heard of MILF’s and GILF’s right?” I teased probingly.

I knew Viv had a computer because we traded emails often so she was computer and Internet literate, but she said she did not know what a MILF or GILF was. “What is it?” she asked. I hemmed and hawed and finally said “It’s sexual…” “Okay,” she replied. ”I am a grown woman, so what does it mean?” I proceeded to gently and delicately explain it was younger guys chasing mature women and explained the MIL and GIL parts, hesitating to go all the way with defining it for her. She grinned at me and I guess to prove she wasn’t dead, nor a prude, she said “Does the “F” stand for fuck?” I got red-eared and nodded. She smiled and said “Embarrassed ya did I?” “A little maybe. Just shocked me, but yeah, that’s what it means,” I replied.

“Why Eric, your ears are red! I didn’t know between the two of us you’d be the prudish one. ” She teased me. I defended myself. “I ain’t a prude, but I never figured I’d hear you say the “F” word is all. ” “Well I can and have said it plenty.

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   Say it with me now – fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! See how easy it is? Now your turn. I looked at her unsure in only how’d she take it and followed along. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Neat word!” She smiled at me and we chuckled at it. She looked back at the vacuum bag of stuff and excitedly said “Let’s see what’s in here. Will it embarrass you for us to look?” “Naw, I’m good if you are Viv!”

She broke the seal and the bag fluffed up. She began to paw at the contents, pulling out each thing and holding it up admiring it and asking me what I thought of each item, etc. She pulled out a couple pair of sexy panties and even a thong! I acted shocked. “Oh, Eric!” she playfully exclaimed, “I haven’t always been old, ya know. My husband only ran out a dozenyears ago and until the end, we had a very fulfilling intimate life, so don’t be so shocked. ”

“No, I’m good, and in fact think it’s cool. It’s neat to see people other than how we picture them in our minds, if ya know what I mean?” She nodded and said “You are very astute and wise young man Eric. And a real cutie too!” I blushed again. By now it was 4 o’clock and she said “Call your folks and tell them you’re helping me into the evening and we’ll finish this up, if you haven’t other plans. ” “No Viv, I’m free all night. Just cause it’s Saturday doesn’t mean I have a date or anything necessarily.

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   Actually I was just gonna go home and watch the Baseball game tonight, so I’m free,” I added a definite hopeful sound in my voice. I think Viv picked up on it.

She suddenly announced “I need a stiff one,” and then she looked at me as if she’d caught herself in a faux paux, and added “A drink I mean” and she laughed, throwing her head back, her magnificent tits shaking with reckless abandon. I was loving this. She rose from the bedside and headed into the hall. “Need help Viv?” “Nope. So, what do you like to drink? I have whiskey, gin, scotch and vodka. Any of that tickle your fancy?” I looked at her oddly for a sec and she said “I know, only 19, but if we don’t tell, who’ll know?” I smiled and said, “What do you drink?” She adamantly shot back “Seagram’s and 7UP – a 7&7 it’s called. ” “Yeah, that sounds good,” I replied. She walked gingerly to her kitchen and I followed. I enjoyed her swaying hips and full ass as she did.

She mixed up the drinks and I carried them to the bedroom for us. She sat back on the bed and then totally knocked my socks off with her comments about various items of sexy wear.

The item that most grasped my attention were the black thigh highs and purple corset. Well that and the 3 bras that obviously were for wrangling her massive breasts, which by now I was desperate to see.

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   Viv delighted me with her following statement, “Oh, this is tame stuff son. Do me a favor and go back up and get the three show boxes from the bottom left of the closet. They are separated from my other shoe boxes – the red boxes. ” I already knew these red boxes contained the stripper shoes I spied, so I eagerly ran up.

I returned with the boxes and Viv cooed her delight. She pulled the contents from every box proudly demonstrating she was a woman through and through, much to my obvious pleasure. “Yep,” she sort of thought out loud, “I was a real pistol!” “Ya still are Viv, ya still are!” I shot back and she warmed to that comment. “ “You are so sweet, Eric. If I were younger I would be crazy about you…” she sheepishly offered, the alcohol loosening her tongue. I smiled nervously. I wanted to make some lewd and accepting comment but was too scared to do so, but Viv could feel the tension between us as well as I and I guess it was more than she could handle because she became more direct.

“So, are you a MILF chaser, is it?” she asked, a look of hopefulness in her green pools of lust and long too ignored sexuality. I looked embarrassed and she said “I’m sorry Eric. I didn’t meant o put you on the spot like that…I guess I was just getting caught up in the conversation is all…” she trailed off. I decided it was now or never.

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“Viv, I have eyed you since I was 12 years old. Your are a MILF for sure!” I excitedly replied. She smiled and her expression changed from innocent teasing and innuendo and direct. “So, do you mean a MILF in general, or do you mean you think I am a MILF?” I was scared and eager. My tummy was turning with butterflies and I was almost dizzy with lustful enjoyment. I leered back at her and just stared into her eyes for a second before I sincerely and in a low and wanting voice replied “You are most definitely a MILF!” She got my meaning clear as a bell. “Would you excuse me for a moment Eric?” I thought she was going to go to the lavatory, but she meant would I leave the room. “Oh, sorry Viv…yeah, I’ll go and refill our drinks if you’d like,” I replied. She nodded vigorously. “That would be nice. ” I walked out in giddy anticipation and she crossed and closed the door.

I refilled our drinks and waited. Then Viv called, “Okay Eric, you can come on back. ” I did. I opened the door and what I saw shook me to the core.

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“MILF, huh?” she teased as she stood before me in a robe. I could see beneath the robe that came to her mid calves that she wore the black thigh highs and the platform black patent leather shoes. She smiled again and asked once more, “Wanna see a real MILF Eric?” I nodded, mouth agape. I sat the drinks on the night stand and she said “Sit Eric!” I did and she stepped to me and took her drink and took a big swig, to steel herself I guess, and she stepped back.

“Wanna peek?” I nodded eagerly. She opened her robe exposing her legs. They were nice legs for an almost 60 year old woman. She smiled at my obvious approval and it fueled her. She opened the robe all the way and let it fall from her shoulders. I almost fucking fainted.

The purple corset was really more a waist cincher type thing. Her abundant and gargantuan tits spilled from the low cut cups and the cleavage seemed to go on until forever. At the bottom of the exceptionally tight cincher were garters that she’d attached the thigh highs too. Of course the bottom half of the cincher did not cover her lower abdomen and pubic patch, and she wore a tiny pair of black panties, and the panties were on over the garters like women used to do when there were no panty hose.

She stood before me.


   She placed he hands on her hips and turned in half profile and looked at me to gauge my reaction which was clear. “By your expression you seem to like this look on me,” she coyly played. “And by looking you over closely it seems your ‘body language’” as she stressed it, “seems to approve as well!” She was looking at my bulging crotch as she said it and she made no bones about it, because clearly my crotch had a bone of its own. Viv smiled at me. “So, am I MILF enough for ya?” I had not yet spoken in the two minutes since I returned to the room. All I said was “Jesus Christ Viv! You’re hotter in real life than any fantasy I ever had about you!” She liked that. “You fantasize about me Eric?” I nodded yes, embarrassed at my big mouth

So far all this was Viv, with me as observer but with my admission, I was now an active participant in seduction and that was all she wanted to hear. “I am flattered Eric – really, I am. ” She looked through me as she said it. “Have you ever been with a MILF or is it just fantasy for you?” I confessed I’d had sex with an ex-girlfriend’s mother once as her mom consoled me over me and her daughter’s break up. Viv played the disappointed act and added “I wanted to be your first MILF, but oh well…”

I stood and my cock was busting to break free from my jeans. “Well, I would be honored it you were my second. ” She looked at me very lovingly and asked “You would make love to a woman who uses a scooter to get around?” “Hell yeah I would!” She stepped to me and took my hand in both of hers. “Ya know Eric, this will redefine us a bit. Will this make you too uncomfortable to be my friend anymore?” I decided to disabuse her of that thought.

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   I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. She opened her lips and our tongues danced. She put her hands on my ass and pulled me to her. In the six inch heeled platform pumps she was almost my height and she ground her crotch to me. I ground back and kissed her even more deeply. She took my tongue and gave as good as she got.

“That’s a very hard cock trying to impale me Eric. ” I grunted “And if denied much longer it may rip through my jeans. ” She held my neck in one hand and used the other to stroke my cock held back by denim. “That’s a very hard and full pair of underwear you have Sweetheart. Can I be of any assistance with your ‘difficult’ situation?” She smashed her tits to me and we kissed again.

I slid my hands under her panties and cupped her plentiful ass. She purred her delight, ”God, I haven’t been touched like this in years. ” She kissed my neck and held to me tightly as I squeezed her warm ass cheeks. “You are beautiful Viv.

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   I swear you are so sexy!” She loved that. “Would my young friend like to see more?” I smiled my desire and she began to very sexily move slowly in front of me to some unheard music, as she swayed in her enticing me, although I needed none, but she seemed to be enjoying it so I gladly enjoyed it as well.

She leaned forward and shook her incredible tits inches from my face. As she did so and I was preoccupied with them, she slid off her panties. She backed away, flicked her foot and threw the panties across the room and stood before me showing her not too hairy bush. I took in all I saw. She then slinked to me again and began to kiss my neck, chin and cheeks as she loosened my jeans. The snap came undone and she then used on hand to hold my waistline up as she tugged at my zipper. She looked me in the eyes the whole time. The look of lust so long felt yet denied was driving me insane.

I looked down briefly to admire her sexy little hands, their French manicure perfect, as she tugged down my zipper and kissed my cheeks. She slid my pants and underwear over my hips in one deft move and my fattening and lengtheninghard cock popped free. She looked at it, back into my eyes, then looking at me she took it in both her hands and gently pulled, all the while cooing at me, her breath in my mouth. She kissed me again, looked back at my cock in her hands and then back into my eyes. “Is this big old thing for me?” I kissed her hard and pulled her to me equally hard and she responded with darting tongue over hot breathed encouragements “Oh my God Eric.

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   I too have wanted this for so long. I have fantasized about you for the longest time as well. ” She kissed me and pulled back, looking pensive and asked “Is there a word for a woman who wants a young man like you?”

“They call ‘em Cougars, but you’re more fully fledged lioness to me. ” She slid my t-shirt over my head and I slipped off my tennis shoes and was now naked, my cock thumping full of my blood, seeming to pulse with my heartbeat. She backed up and stood naked as I admired her and she loved it!

“I want you to fuck this MILF Eric!” she said as she ran her hands along her naked hips, then she hefted her breasts as I stared slack jawed. “Would you like to see these?” she asked as she pushed her tits to me? “Oh Jesus yes” I huffed. She shook and pulled them free of the cups on the cincher. She then folded the cups under and into the cincher at the tops and now stood before displaying herself as a whore in need. Her huge tits hung, the cincher pulling her waist tight, her hasp straining against the bottom of the corset. Her nude tummy and pubic patch were incredible, and the thigh highs still held up by garters and the shoes, all in concert made me unconsciously begin to rub my cock to give it relief. She took her little hands and put them on my forearms and halted my rubbing. She looked at me and took me by the hands and turned me around. She sat on the edge of the bed and held her tits and swished them and her pert nipples over my cock as it bobbed and swung free as she teased me with her glorious tits. I reached down and cupped them as she did it. She looked up at me and asked “Do you like them Love?” “Oh Hell yeah!” I adamantly answered her.

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She leaned back, dropped her orbs and looked up at me as she leaned in and with her tongue and no hands, licked the head and shaft. She never let her eyes venture from mine as she then let the head slide into her warm and wet mouth. She used her tongue on the underside and I was in Heaven. She vaulted my pole, her hands now on my hips as she became more deliberate and driven with purpose.

She released me hips and stroked my cock. She then spit on it and stroked it with fervor as she looked into my eyes. “Does my man want to fill my mouth with his seed, or would he prefer to cover my tits in his hot release?” I was faint again. “Both!” I replied and she complied. She stroked me as she looked at me and began filthy chatter.

“Would my man like to cover me in his hot cum? Want your MILF to bow to your power? Want to fill my mouth with your seed as I drink it down and please you?” She then held my 7 inch cock in both hands and began to engulf the head again, looking into my eyes all the while. I pumped her mouth slowly, her hands still stroking the shaft as my cum built. She tasted my precum and released my cock as I spurted. The first spurt hit her chin and then she pointed it toward her tits and stroked as my second spurt covered her tits and upper chest. She then swallowed me, and I mean a lot as she continued to pump and I filled her mouth. She sucked, stroked and swallowed as my cock drained of its milky white reward.

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She then grabbed my ass and pulled back until only the head was in her mouth and she tickled me with her lips, teeth and tongue. She let my cock fall from her lips and then looking back into my eyes she used her tongue to lick her lips of drops of semen on them. I stood before her as sweat dripped down my belly and she leaned forward and scooped it up with her tongue. I gently pushed her back and fell between her legs and began to eat her. She began to gush her cum within about 30 seconds.

I held her hips in my hands and continued to eat her clit, labia and sucking her pussy as she screamed in pleasure. She pushed back on me to release her as the pleasure was almost more than she could stand, but I was having none of that. I sucked her cunt harder and then let the clit rest between my pursed lips as I worked it and she began a series of intense orgasms. Her last one was accompanied by a guttural scream. I released my grip and then gently kissed her labia and clit ad she came gently again. I backed off and stood above her. I helped her lean back and propped her up with pillows. She parted her legs and pulled my hand.

I hovered over her as she slid my cock into her. She gasped as it penetrated her tight and hot cunt.

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   I began to slowly pump her and she came again and again. I knew with her arthritis she would likely be uncomfortable soon so I did not try to prolong my lovemaking, not that I didn’t wish I could have, but I was concerned for her comfort as much as my own release.

Viv and I kissed and she whispered how much she’d wanted this to happen. I pumped her slowly and she came as I announced I was coming too. I released into her and she squealed she could feel “that powerful cock shooting in me!” We orgasmed together and kissed. I rolled off of her and held her in my arms and we kissed as lovers.

It was now almost dark, but we could not part. I laid back and she stood on the floor, which was easier for her, and she sat on my cock side-saddle and I held her hips in place and rocked her clit and pussy over me until she came again. I then lifted her from me and she stood up, bent at the waist and let her gargantuan tits swing free. I knelt beneath her and loved her tits as I had never loved anythingbefore. She had two orgasms as I suckled her tits, sometimes gently, sometimes more forcefully biting them. She then screamed “Fuck me now!”

I stood and slammed my hard cock into her as she bent at the waist and held onto the bedside. I held her hips and drove her to a few more orgasms as she screamed her pleasure. I pulled out and came all over her back and ass, which she loved.

Our couplings continued for years.

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   My parents sold the neighborhood home after I graduated from college and they moved to the lake house full time in their retirement. I took a small apartment but as often of not shared Viv’s bed as much as I slept in my own. We traveled together and I became her kept man as it were, but I would not let her give me money, but she did shower me with gifts over my constant and firm objections.

Sadly, when I was 26, 7 years after our trysts began, Viv lost her life suddenly as she was at her daughter’s house visiting up state. Her daughter, who I’d known as a smaller kid was grateful I cared so much for her mother, but she did not know anymore other than I was the young guy who’d helped her for the last 18 years as arthritis took its toll.

I was grief stricken but hid my feelings. Viv was buried locally and a few weeks later I got a letter and a phone call from an attorney. I had no clue until he told me Viv was quite well off and had left me a substantial sum of money. I was called to her will’s probate and it was read to me. I cried as the clerk read the will in her office, especially at Viv’s quote of “his love and unfailing devotion to me bolstered me. ” Gladly VIv was so well off, unknown to me at all, that her son and daughter were not upset that she’d left me a quarter million dollars, as she left each of them with all her property and over two million each in cash. Who knew she was loaded? Her son and daughter each profusely thanked me for taking such loving care of their mother and told me she spoke of me with love and fondness. They never knew just how much love we shared, but I carry the memories for a lifetime and smile often in missing her. .



