
Family Friend - Part 22


  Chapter 76
Michelle went into her room and dropped the shopping bags of back to school clothes on the floor. As much as she loved shopping for clothes, it saddened her to think that this wonderful summer was quickly drawing to a close and very soon her days of freedom would come to end. She sat down on the bed and began sorting through her purchases; tops, jeans, and even a couple of skirts that pushed the limits of the school dress code. This summer had definitely changed the way she felt about her sexuality and her body and she wanted to reflect that in the way she dressed. She stopped short of the school slut/hooker look, but some of her things were pretty revealing.
As she tried on the various articles of clothing one more time before removing the tags, she thought about how school was going to affect their sex lives. Sure, they’d still be able to sneak off to the creek after school for a little while, but what about when the weather turned too cold for outdoor activities? She supposed they could go to Artie’s house or somewhere else where no one would be home until dinner, but she hated the restrictions that placed on them. Not to mention the chance of a parent coming home early and catching them. And she was really beginning to enjoy sex outdoors.
She sighed and tossed the new clothes into a pile to be washed, then glanced at the clock on her night stand. Two-thirty. She picked up the phone and called the O’Connell’s, but only got voice mail. Where was Angie? She could have gone to the mall and they could easily have missed one another. She knew Kristi was off with her older sister Katie, who was going to college in California and stayed out there over the summer except for a couple of weeks when she came home to visit. Kristi and Katie were very close and she wondered just how much she’d let on about her recent sexual activities. No doubt she’d tell her she was no longer a virgin, but doubted she’d go into details.

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   Katie was cool, but there were some things you just didn’t tell your older sister, no matter how cool she was.
She decided to take a bike ride, maybe go down to the lumber yard where Steve was working and see if he knew where she might be. The afternoon was still young and there was the chance she and Angie could still spend a couple of hours alone together. Or maybe they could find Jake and give him another workout. She grinned as she pushed her bike out of the garage and started down the street. Now that would be a fun afternoon!
She rolled into the dusty parking lot of the lumber yard about fifteen minutes later and spotted Steve standing by one of the huge open overhead doors talking with a couple of the guys he worked with. She coasted through the gate and pulled up to a stop about thirty feet away and waved at him. Steve waved back and his coworkers gave her a quick once-over before wandering off into the warehouse. Steve came over and gave her a quick kiss.
“Hey, this is a nice surprise! What’s up?”
She got off her bike and leaned it against the building. “Nothing much. I’ve been out shopping all morning. I tried to call Angie when I got home but there was no answer. I thought maybe you might know where she is. ”
Steve shook his head.

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   “No, I don’t. Sorry. ” He thought for a moment. Angie had mentioned wanting to talk to Jake. “She might be with Jake. She said she wanted to talk to him…sort of see how he’s measuring up, I guess. ”
Michelle nodded. “Maybe they went to the creek. ”
She saw a flash of darkness cross his face, but it passed quickly. They both knew that if Angie and Jake were at the creek, chances were good they weren’t swimming. Michelle smiled and gave him a warm hug.
“Don’t worry, Steve…you’re the one she loves. ”
He returned her smile, nodding almost convincingly. “Yeah, I know. It’s just hard to think of her alone with him.

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She put her arms around his neck and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. He seemed startled at first, then returned it for several seconds before pushing her gently away. “We better stop,” he said, looking around. Fortunately, none of his coworkers or any customers were in sight. Michelle nodded, smiling apologetically.
“Sorry…I don’t want to get you into trouble. ”
He smiled and brought her hand to his lips. “It’s ok, I won’t get into trouble. ” He glanced back into the dark warehouse. “Although if Bill or Jack saw that, they’ll be riding my ass for the next few days!”
She giggled and discreetly rubbed her hand over his crotch. “Then we better not do what I really wanted to do!”
Steve laughed and gave her another quick peck on the lips. “Don’t ever change, Michelle. ”
She gave him a seductive wink. “Not a chance!” She went over to her bike and straddled the seat, her long tanned legs stretching to the ground. “I better go so you can get back to work.

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   Why don’t we all get together after dinner?”
He nodded. “Sounds great. ”
They said their goodbyes and he watched her ride away, her long hair flowing out behind her as she picked up speed. When she was gone from sight, he turned and went back into the warehouse. He hadn’t gone too far when Bill and Jack, two guys who worked full time, stepped out from behind a pile of plywood, grinning. ‘Oh, shit,’ Steve thought, rolling his eyes.
“Now, I may be mistaken, Bill,” Jack said, folding his arms over his chest, “…but I could’ve sworn ‘ole Cassanova here was dating a blonde girl…” He held out a hand about five and half feet from the floor. “…cute little thing…about this big, wasn’t she?”
Bill grinned, nodding. “I do believe you’re right, Jack. ” His eyes twinkled as he looked over at the blushing Steve. “So, do tell, Mr O’Connell…just how many girls are you dating at the moment?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “C’mon guys, we need to fill that order by five. ”
They ignored his attempt to change the subject. Bill continued. “As a matter of fact, I’ve seen both of those girls together, like they was good friends or sumthin’.

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  ” Jack’s eyebrows raised as if in mock surprise.
“Oh, is that so? That’s very interesting, Bill,” Jack mused, trying hard not to crack a smile.
Bill nodded, still grinning at Steve. “Interesting, yes…yes it is. ”
Finally, Steve relented with a sigh. “Ok, ok…they’re friends. So what?”
“Well, young fella,” Bill said, “Do they know you’re diddling both of them?” At that, Steve’s face flushed red and both men broke out in loud, knee slapping laughter. He forced himself to look away and say nothing. If they only knew the truth, he thought, they’d soon stop laughing and he’d be practically a god in their eyes.
As luck would have it, a pickup truck pulled into the yard and a man stepped out holding a yellow pick slip. Steve jumped on the opportunity to escape their good-natured ribbing and hurried over to fill the order.
Chapter 77
Angie pedaled slowly toward home, keeping her tender pussy a little off the tiny bicycle seat. As much as she enjoyed sex, that much in such a short span of time really made her sore. She was happy that she and Jake had the opportunity to hook up, though. And having the other teenagers nearby while they did really got her motor running. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   The only part she regretted is that she may be too tender to have sex with Steve later, and he’d know exactly why. She hoped he wouldn’t be hurt or jealous. After all, she did tell him she wanted to get together with Jake and he’d already seen her with Artie, not to mention Kristi and Michelle.
She pulled into the O’Connell’s driveway and slowly climbed off the bike, then pushed it past their car toward the garage, limping slightly. Her parents were off finalizing some of the house paperwork and their van wasn’t there. She leaned it against the back wall of the garage and went into the house, planning to take a long, soothing shower. Cathy’s voice stopped her before she could start down the stairs to the basement.
“Angie? Is that you?”
She poked her head into the kitchen, where Cathy stood at the sink, drying her hands.
“Hi. ”
Cathy smiled and nodded toward the kitchen table. “Do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you about something. ”
Angie nodded, but she felt a knot forming in her stomach. If Steve’s mother wanted to talk to her alone, it probably had something to do with her and Steve, or to be more precise, her and Steve’s sex life. “Sure, I guess. I was just going to take a quick shower.

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  ” She went up into the kitchen and took a seat across the table from Cathy, her eyes meeting the older woman’s unfalteringly. “What’s up?”
Cathy smiled at the pretty blonde. It was easy to see why Steve found her so attractive. She was almost the spitting image of her very sexy mother. “Well, we’ve never really talked and since you and Steve seem to be getting pretty serious, I thought we should have a little chat. You know - girl stuff. ” Angie nodded and forced a smile. Something in Cathy’s eyes told her she had something a little more specific she wanted to talk about, but she decided to play along.
“Ok, sure…I’d like that. ”
They chatted for a couple of minutes about how much she was looking forward to moving into their new house and starting school in the fall. Finally, there was a lull in the conversation. Cathy fidgeted with a napkin for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and looked up at Angie. “I guess there’s really no easy way to bring this up, so I’ll just come out and ask. ” Angie felt the knot tighten and hoped her expression didn’t betray her nervousness. Cathy met her eyes.

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   “Are you and Michelle both dating Steve?”
Angie swallowed hard and lowered her eyes. How the hell did she figure that out? Cathy let out a long sigh. “I’ll take it from your silence that’s a yes. ” Angie nodded slightly, but didn’t look up. Cathy reached out and took her hand. “Look, Angie, I really like you a lot. I think of you as the daughter I never had, especially since you’ve been staying here. And Steve’s never seemed happier. ” Angie looked up at her and she paused. “But I don’t want to see any of you get hurt. If you and Steve were only dating casually, I wouldn’t even be bringing this up. It’s good for him to be with different girls, so he’ll have a better understanding of what he wants when he finally settles down. But you told me you were in love. Is that true? Because if you are, that changes everything. ”
Angie hesitated for almost a full ten seconds before replying.

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   She nodded her head and looked up into her eyes. “Yes, I do love him - very much. ” She paused. “And so does Michelle. ”
Cathy blew out another long breath and sat back in her chair. “Oh, boy. ”
Angie shook her head. “It’s ok - really. We aren’t having any problems at all. ”
“Angie, honey, you’re a smart girl. Surely you can see how this can only end badly. Eventually he’s going to have to chose one of you and the other will be devastated. ”
Angie sat there without answering, her eyes darting around the room. Cathy suddenly seemed to come to a realization. “Unless…oh no, Angie…you three aren’t…”
Angie felt her face heat up and lowered her head.

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   That was as good as admitting they were having sex together. Cathy got up and walked over to the counter, staring out the window. So her hunch, as wild as it’d been, was correct. How did this happen? Had one of them seen her and Alan together with Angie’s parents? But they were so careful! Now she was faced with the choice of being a hypocrite or condoning their kids’ lifestyle. For a long moment, she said nothing, the tension heavy in the air. Finally she spoke without turning around.
“I’m not going to say anything to your parents, Angie. Your Mom and Dad are just starting to come to grips with you and Steve having sex. I don‘t think they could handle knowing you like girls too. ” She turned around to face her. “But you’re going to have to tell them sometime. ” She went back over and sat down again. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I mean, there are a lot of adults who aren’t able to do that. ”
Angie kept her eyes lowered and nodded, speaking quietly. “We all love one another.


   It’s no big deal. ”
Cathy sighed again. It was hard to argue with her because she knew it was possible to maintain an open, loving relationship. She just couldn’t tell her that.
“Ok, honey. We’ll leave it at that for now. ” She reached over and took Angie’s hand and she looked up. “Please be careful. And promise me something; if you ever need to talk to someone about this, I’m there for you, ok?” Angie nodded, but without much enthusiasm. Cathy gave her hand a gentle squeeze, then let it go. “Ok, go take your shower. ”
Chapter 78
Angie stood and made her way to the basement, hoping she was able to cover her slight limp. As she stood under the hot shower, her mind raced as she considered the consequences of Steve’s mother knowing she was having sex with both Steve and Michelle. So far, she seemed ok with it, as much as any parent could be anyway. How long before she discovered it went far beyond that?
She finished showering and dried off, then wrapped the towel around her naked body and opened the door.

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“Hey, sexy. ”
She started, then relaxed when she saw Michelle sitting on the couch, grinning at her. “Michelle! Holy shit, you scared the hell outta me!”
Michelle got up, glanced up the stairs, then came over to her. “Steve’s mom let me in. ” She embraced her and they shared a deep, loving kiss. As they did, Angie’s felt all her fears and apprehension drain from her mind. All that mattered then was that she was holding and kissing the girl she loved.
After a few moments, they separated and Angie smiled up into her pretty face. “Wow, baby!”
“I missed you,” Michelle said, giving her a wink. Her eyes traveled over Angie’s barely concealed body and she took another glance up the stairs. “I want you so bad,” she whispered, her hand caressing Angie’s cheek. Angie lay her own hand over Michelle’s and brought it to her lips, kissing it softly. Despite her afternoon of sex, she felt her tender pussy moisten at her lover’s touch and her not-so-subtle suggestion.
“Mmm…that’d be so hot,” Angie replied. “But I’m very, very sore right now.

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Michelle’s eyes sparkled and a grin spread across her face. “Oh, is that so? Then I take it you met up with Jake?”
Angie nodded, her own face breaking into a wide grin. “Come on, I’ll tell you all about it while I get dressed. ”
Michelle followed her into her room, which now had several boxes labeled ‘ANGIE’ in black marker in preparation for their upcoming move. Angie dropped her towel as soon as the door was closed and sat down to dry and style her hair still naked, enjoying Michelle’s lust-filled looks. As she recanted her exciting afternoon of sex in the woods, Michelle sat across the bed, her hand under her top and tugging on her nipples. When Angie related the part about the seniors and watching Evan and Jennifer fucking, her eyes grew wide.
“Holy fuck, Ang! That is so fucking hot! They did it right there in the open?”
Angie grinned and reached over to tweak her hard nipple. “You say that like it’s something you’ve never done, you little slut!”
Michelle gasped at her touch, then giggled. “You’re a fine one to talk!”
When Angie told her how Ashley was checking out Mandi’s ass, Michelle raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Come on, Ashley Morrison - into girls?”
Angie shrugged and wound her long hair around the curling iron. “If you don’t believe me, ask Jake. He saw it too. ”
She shook her head. “No, of course I believe you.

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   It’s just…a little hard to accept. I mean, I’ve seen her with guys…lots of guys. ”
Angie shrugged. “Maybe she’s like us. ” Michelle nodded absently, still trying to work her head around it. “Anyway, she was looking really good. I think I’ll try out for cheerleader and see if I can get to know her a little better. ”
Michelle looked over at her. “You mean, the five of us aren’t enough! Holy shit, Ang!”
Angie laughed. “Hey, the more the merrier, right?”
Michelle shook her head, trying to keep a straight face. “I was wrong - you aren’t a slut. You’re a fucking nympho!”
Angie laughed and stood up, walking around the bed to where she was sitting. Her freshly washed hair shone and her skin glowed from the hot shower. She stepped closer and Michelle could smell her excited sex emanating from her swollen, red pussy. She reached up and pulled her closer, planting soft kisses on her belly as her hands moved to squeeze her smooth ass.

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“Mmm…you smell delicious, baby!”
Angie propped one foot up on the bed next to her and took her hand, moving it between her spread legs to her tender pussy. She sucked in a long breath as Michelle’s fingers probed at her aching lips, but held her hand in place, eager for her loving touch despite her discomfort.
“Oh Angie,” Michelle murmured, leaning up to take one of her hard nipples into her mouth. She suckled it for a few seconds, then pulled off and looked up. “What about Steve’s mom?”
Angie was enjoying her fingering and sucking and had forgotten that Cathy was still upstairs. Would she come down after Angie’s admitting her and Michelle were also having sex? It was possible, but she seemed cool and wondered if she’d leave them alone. If she did come down and catch them, it isn’t like she’d be discovering a big secret anymore.
“Don’t worry about her,” Angie sad, urging Michelle to suck on her other tit. As she began to nibble on it, Angie moaned softly. “She knows all about you and me. ”
Michelle stopped her tit-sucking and pulled back, a look of astonished horror on her face. She tugged at her hand Angie was holding between her legs and Angie reluctantly let her pull it nodded and sat down. She hated to ruin their intimate moment, but it was something Michelle needed to be told about.
“Yeah, she asked me straight out about an hour ago. I couldn’t have lied even if I wanted to.

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   I think she knew before she even asked me, to be honest. ” Michelle stared at the floor, trying to come to grips with it. So that was why Steve’s mom had looked at her strangely when she answered the door. Angie put an arm around her and hugged her to her naked body. “Baby, it’s ok. She said she wasn’t going to say anything. She was just concerned that someone would get hurt. ” Michelle looked over at her, her eyes telling her that she wasn’t entirely convinced. Angie smiled and kissed her forehead. “I believe her. Do you think I’d be this calm if I thought she was going to tell my parents?”
Michelle shook her head slowly. “No…I…I guess not. ” She paused, then added, “How did she know? I mean, we’ve been careful, haven’t we?”
“Steve told me she caught you and him kissing once and asked him about it. He didn’t really say much, but I guess she just put two and two together. ”
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   She looked up again. “What about Artie? And Kristi? And…”
“Shhh…just relax, baby. She didn’t mention them and I didn’t volunteer any information. So far I’m pretty sure she only knows about the three of us. ”
Michelle grunted. “Yeah, so far. ”
Angie hugged her tighter. “It’ll be ok. So she knows - big deal. When they found out Steve and I were having sex, that didn’t change anything. Why should this?”
Michelle looked again into those deep blue eyes and felt an almost immediate sense of calm. She forced a small smile. “I suppose that’s true, but…”
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   That’s the bottom line. ”
Michelle gave her a genuine smile of loving admiration. “You’re amazing, Angie. I love you too. ”
Angie grinned and licked her lips. She stood up and went over to the door, opening it just a crack and peeking out. She pushed it closed and locked it before turning around. “The coast is clear. Get naked, baby…I need to taste that pussy!”
Michelle stood up and reached down to take off her top, but paused, her eyes moving toward the door. Angie came over and grasped her top. “It’s ok. The door’s locked and she won’t bother us anyway. ” Gently, she eased her top up and off, revealing her beautiful tits. She pushed her back onto the bed, her fingers fumbling with the fly of her shorts. Michelle watched as she undid them and pulled them off, followed quickly by her panties.

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   As Angie knelt between her thighs and began to lick and suck at her wet pussy, she lost herself in the wonderful feelings, allowing her beautiful lover to bring her to two crashing orgasms before they fell into one another’s arms on the bed, kissing hungrily. When Michelle started to go down to return the favor, Angie stopped her.
“No, baby…I’m too sore and I want to be able fuck Steve tonight. ”
Michelle nodded and crawled back up next to her. They lay there in silence for several minutes, just enjoying the warm touch of each other.
“I saw Steve at work today,” Michelle finally said. “We made plans to get together tonight, but if you want him to yourself, I’ll understand. ”
Angie gave her a hug. “Uh-uh…I’d rather be with both of you right now. ” She kissed her again, thinking about the plainly wrapped package that had arrived at the post office today and was now in her backpack. She couldn’t wait to try it out!
Michelle smiled and nuzzled her cheek against her soft breast. “That means a lot, thank you. ”
“It’s the truth. ”
They lay there for a few more minutes, then the sounds of more footsteps could be heard upstairs. Michelle sat up and reached for her clothes.

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   “I better go. It’s almost dinner time. ”
Angie sat up and watched her put her clothes back on, but made no effort to dress herself. She loved being naked, especially when she was with one of her lovers. She stood and walked Michelle over to the door, where they shared one more deep, loving kiss.
“I’ll give you a call later,” she said as she stepped out into the rec room. Angie nodded and blew her one last kiss before she turned and went up the stairs.
She closed her bedroom door and went over to straighten the rumpled bed covers, then reluctantly put on a white thong, a pair of jeans and a white wife beater. She adjusted it so that her braless tits fit just right, then went upstairs to help prepare dinner.
Chapter 79
Her parents were there in the kitchen talking to Cathy and except for a subtle exchange of looks, nothing was said about their earlier conversation. Although things were a little tense at first, she soon relaxed once she realized Cathy was going to keep her word and not spill the beans. They had the meal almost ready when Steve arrived, then his father a few minutes later. Dinner went well, without any awkwardness between Angie and Cathy, although a couple of looks from Steve told her he sensed something had happened. They talked about moving day, which would be on Saturday - two days away. Steve had the day off from work to help and Angie said Michelle had volunteered her services as well.

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   With all the help, plus the movers, it seemed like it should go fairly quickly.
After the dishes were done, the parents retired to the family room while Steve and Angie retreated to the basement. As soon as they were down the stairs, Steve turned to her and asked, “What’s up between you and Mom?”
“What do you mean?” She planned on telling him of course, but was curious what he’d seen to make him ask. She thought she’d been pretty cool and not acted unusual.
He shrugged. “I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but something seemed…off. Did you two have a fight or something?”
Angie went over to the couch and sat down, patting the cushion beside her. “Or something,” she said as he sat down. She told him everything and he sat in stunned silence until she finished, even telling him how her and Michelle made love in her room afterward.
“Holy fuck,” he said in a low voice. “She knows. But, how?”
Angie shrugged and leaned her head on his shoulder. “She’s a smart woman, baby. She just watched us and figured it out, I guess. ”
Steve sighed knowingly.


   “Yeah, she is smart, especially about stuff like that. Like how she knew me and you were doing it. ”
Angie nodded, her hand caressing his chest. “Speaking of which, do you still want to meet up with Michelle tonight?”
He nodded absently, his mind obviously still occupied with the fact his mother knew he was having threesomes. “Huh, oh yeah, sure. ”
She paused for a moment, then sat up and looked into his eyes. “I need to tell you what I did today,” she said. He licked his lips and gave a slight nod.
“I figured you were with Jake. ”
“Yes, I was. Does that bother you?”
He took a deep breath, then shook his head. “I guess not. I mean, it does in a way because I wasn’t there too, but I can deal with it. ”
She leaned in and kissed him. “I’m sorry, baby.

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   I should have thought of that. I promise - no more guys unless you’re there, ok?”
He smiled. “Thank you, Angie, but I’m not going to ask you to do that. Just promise me that I’ll always be number one. ”
“Oh, hell, yes!” she exclaimed, climbing onto his lap and straddling his hips. “I’m so in love with you I’d stop seeing everyone if you asked me to. ” She thought for a second, then added, “Well, maybe not Michelle…I couldn’t leave her any more than I could you. But everyone else…pffft…gone!”
He chuckled and grabbed her ass, pulling her tighter to his stiffening cock. She ground against him, despite her tenderness, and they kissed deep and hungrily. Her mother’s voice forced them to stop.
“Hey, you two! We’re going out for about an hour. Try to behave, ok?”
“Ok, Mom!” Angie called back. “We’re going to go meet Michelle anyway. ”
“All right, honey. Don’t be too late, ok?”
They promised not to and a few minutes later they heard all four of their parents leave.

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   Angie grinned at him. “Hmm…an hour, huh? I wonder how fast Michelle could get here?”
Steve laughed and nibbled on her earlobe. “I’m gonna need more than an hour, baby. ”
She giggled and picked up the phone while still straddling him. She dialed Michelle’s number and when she answered, Angie had her tongue back in Steve’s mouth.
“Mmmm…oh, hey darlin’!” Angie said, pulling away from him.
“Why, hello yourself!”
“Want to meet us and maybe get lucky, sexy?”
Michelle giggled. “Sure! What are my chances?”
“Hmm…I’d say Steve should be able to satisfy both of his women tonight, wouldn’t you, honey?” He nodded and grinned, rubbing his even harder member against her heated pussy. “Ooo…he says yes!”
Michelle laughed and agreed to meet them at the creek. Angie hung up and her and Steve made out for a few more minutes before she finally let him up. She watched as he adjusted his fully hard cock inside his jeans.
“I’d be happy to take care of that for you before we go,” she said, licking her lips, her smoldering eyes meeting his. His eyebrows shot up and a wide grin spread across his face.
“Well, technically it is your fault,” he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Angie laughed and dropped to her knees in front of him before he could say another word.

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   He watched with an amused smile as she expertly had his jeans unfastened and his hard cock in her hand in record time. She stroked it once or twice, looking up at him.
“I’d prefer to take my time and really enjoy your cock,” she said, touching her tongue to the tip, “but we don’t want to keep Michelle waiting so I better get busy. ” With that, she opened her mouth and literally swallowed almost his entire length, her tongue rolling back and forth on the tender underside. She began to pump back and forth, sucking hard, while her hand stroked him. She’d managed to get him quite turned on as she’d been grinding her steamy pussy against him, even with their clothes on, and he could already feel the tingle as her mouth and hand worked him in those little ways she knew would have him cumming as soon as possible. He moaned as she allowed him to grasp her head and practically fuck her mouth, all the while maintaining a steady suction. Before long, he could feel his nuts contracting and pushed even deeper into her hungry mouth.
“Oh fuck…!” he groaned as he felt the cum surging through his hard shaft. Angie murmured approvingly, recognizing his body language. She pulled back just a bit and a few seconds later was rewarded with a mouthful of his hot jism. She swallowed it, and the remaining shots, then sucked and licked him clean. When she was satisfied he was finished, she gave his deflating member a loving kiss, then zipped him up and got to her feet. She leaned in and kissed him, then grinned.
“Ok, sexy…let’s go!”
He laughed, then followed her up the stairs, making her squeal as his hands teased her sexy ass in her tight jeans.

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   They got on their bikes and headed for the creek at top speed, arriving at the trail a little out of breath, but excited about their rendezvous with Michelle. They were the core of the group, and it’d been too long since just the three of them had been alone together.
Michelle was sitting on the grass next to her bicycle and digging through her small backpack. She looked up and waved as they arrived and rode over to where she was.
“Hey gorgeous!” Angie called out as she skidded to a stop.
“Hiya, beautiful!” Michelle countered, grinning. She winked at Steve. “And sexy!”
Steve merely laughed and watched as the two girls hugged and kissed, then he and Michelle did. Angie stood watching, a little smile on her face. When they separated, Michelle noted her lustful look.
Angie licked her lips. “I get so turned on when I watch you two making out!”
Michelle waggled her eyebrows and pressed her body to Steve’s. “Oh, yeah?”
Angie nodded, her smile growing. “Oh yeah. ” She moved closer.

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   “I want to watch you fuck…right now. ”
Michelle looked up at Steve, who shrugged and said, “Hey, who am I to argue!”
“Come on,” Angie said. She knew the perfect spot.
She led them down the faint trail to the place where she and Jake had watched Evan and Jennifer that afternoon. “Right there,” she said, pointing to the patch of grass by the creek bank. Michelle grinned and began to remove her top. Steve also began to undress, but Angie simply watched them, her eyes moving from one to the other.
“Aren’t you getting naked, too?” Steve asked her as he pulled off his shorts to reveal his rapidly growing cock.
Angie shook her head. “Not until your cock is slamming into her cunt,” she said, her blue eyes glittering.
Michelle pulled her panties off and stood naked except for her sneakers. “But you are going to join us, right?”
She nodded. “Oh, yes…when the time is right. ” She went over and took Michelle’s hand, leading her over to a fallen tree. She bent her over so that her arms were on the trunk and her bare ass was positioned for Steve to conquer. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   Angie leaned in to whisper into her ear as she beckoned Steve over. “So tell me, you little slut…where do you want it? In that hot little cunt, or up your tight asshole?”
Michelle felt her juices really start to flow as Angie’s dirty talk began to turn her on even more than she already was. She sensed Steve directly behind her and few seconds later felt the wet tip of his engorged cock rubbing along her ass crack, over her tiny back door, then down to her moist and ready pussy.
“Oh, god…both!” she gasped, rolling her hips against him. Angie motioned for Steve to continue to tease her.
“Both? You really are a horny little slut, aren’t you?” Michelle nodded, amazed at how much this was turning her on. “I bet you’d like to have a cock in each hole at the same time, wouldn’t you?”
Michelle was lost in the carnal feelings and nodded without even fully realizing what Angie was saying. “Oh, yes, please…fuck me anywhere…just fuck me!”
This was really getting Angie excited as well, and the look on Steve’s face told her he was getting very turned on, too. “Hmm…in a minute, slut. I want to make sure you really want it first. ”
Michelle’s ass pushed back, but Steve was following Angie’s direction and moved back so she couldn’t make him enter her. She moaned in frustration. “Oh, please! Just fuck me!” she cried.
Angie nodded to Steve and he stepped forward, the head of his cock sliding easily through her slick lips. Michelle moaned again and pushed back, but Steve again eased off.

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   She let out another cry of frustration.
“Please, stop teasing me! I need to be fucked now! I’m begging you…please…please just…”
Her pleas were silenced as Angie nodded to Steve and he thrust into her in one hard push, burying his hard cock in her dripping, hot cunt. She cried out and braced herself with her arms, her eyes closed as her pussy was finally filled with the hard cock she longed for. Steve pulled back and hammered in again, this time grabbing her hair and wrapping it around his fist. He pulled back on her hair and drove in again, causing her to cry out in ecstasy so loudly that if anyone were in the clearing they’d be sure to hear her.
As she watched her boyfriend pound harder and harder into her girlfriend’s sweet pussy, Angie began to undress. Despite her tender pussy, she was so turned on right now she didn’t care how uncomfortable sex would be. She was going to get fucked, too. Hard.
She got naked and reached for her backpack, where she had a little surprise. Inside was a new purchase - a strap on dildo. When she’d asked Michelle if she wanted a cock in both holes at once, she wasn’t kidding. She attached the straps, cinching them tight, then made sure the little nub was positioned at her clit before smearing a liberal amount of lube all over the long rubber shaft. The whole time she could hear Michelle’s cries, Steve’s grunts, and the slapping sound of their bare flesh.
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   He looked over at her, his face flushed from exertion. His eyes went wide when he saw the dildo protruding from her pussy and Angie grinned, bringing a finger to her lips. She pointed to the grassy area and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Get her on top!”
He looked down at the well-lubricated prosthetic and nodded, although he still seemed a bit uncertain. Angie chewed on her lips and let her eyes tell him that she wanted, no needed this to happen and he seemed to get the message. She moved up to where she could whisper into Michelle’s ear while keeping her toy out of her line of sight.
“Are you enjoying my boyfriend’s big cock, you little whore?” Michelle grunted a yes. “Good…he’s going to lie down and I want you to climb onto that cock and ride it hard. Do you understand?”
“But…what about…you?” Michelle gasped out between thrusts.
“Never mind about me for now, you horny little bitch. Just do as I say, ok?” She gave her ass a resounding slap for emphasis.
Michelle cried out, then nodded and closed her eyes as Steve’s cock slammed home again. Angie stepped back and turned around, keeping her hands over the straps so Michelle wouldn’t suspect, not that she was in any condition to see much anyway. From her flushed face, it looked like she’d already had at least one good orgasm already. There would be plenty more to come.

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Steve led her to the grass and lay back, his hard, wet cock pointing straight up. Michelle straddled him and placed her pussy at the tip. As soon as her back was turned, Angie came up behind her and placed her hands on her shoulders, leaning in.
“Mmm…go ahead, whore…you know you want to feel that hard cock inside you again!” She pressed down on her friend’s shoulders and felt Michelle’s body shudder as she impaled herself on Steve’s cock. “Oh, yeah…feels good, doesn’t it?” Michelle nodded, her eyes closed as her pussy was once again flooded with the incredible sensation of being stretched by a big cock. “You like it up the ass, too, don’t you, Michelle panted as she began to move up and down.
“Do you mind me calling you a whore, or a slut? Because that’s just what you are, you know. ” Michelle nodded. “Tell me what you are. ”
“I…I’m a slut!” Michelle gasped as she sank down onto Steve’s cock.
Angie moved in so that her lips brushed against Michelle’s ear. “And what else?” When after several seconds Michelle didn’t respond, Angie reached down and slapped her ass. She cried out. “I said, what else are you besides a slut?” Angie’s breath was hot in her ear.
“A…a whore!” she panted, “I’m a whore!”
“Mmhmm…you certainly are,” Angie said, smiling.

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   “And you know what whores like, don’t you?”
Michelle’s tongue flicked over her dry lips. she gasped.
“Yes, they do,” Angie said. She moved into position behind Michelle and pushed her forward so that her tiny back door was revealed to her. She reached down and began to rub a lubed finger over the puckered opening. “You have such a sweet little asshole, baby. ” Michelle groaned as the combined sensations of Steve’s cock in her pussy and Angie’s finger teasing her asshole pushed her closer to another orgasm. “I’d really love to fuck it. Will you let me put my big, hard cock in your little asshole while Steve fucks your tight cunt?”
Michelle’s muddled brain tried to make sense out of this, but it simply didn’t compute. Angie didn’t have a cock! What the hell was she talking about?
Angie’s breath was once again in her ear and her finger began to work its way into her ass. “I know what you’re thinking - that I don’t have a big hard cock. ” She felt Angie move from behind her and up next to her. “Take a look, whore. ” Michelle opened her eyes and was astonished to see the realistic looking dildo attached over her pussy. She looked up at her friend, her hazy eyes holding a confused look.


   Angie grinned. “I’m going to fuck your ass while Steve keeps fucking that hot pussy. ” Michelle felt a pang of fear and started to shake her head, then remembered how good it felt the last time she’d had anal sex and was intrigued at the idea of a double penetration.
She nodded. “Just…be careful…ok?”
Angie smiled. “Of course, baby. Just yell ‘stop’ if it’s too much. ” Michelle nodded and Angie leaned in, once again taking on the dominant persona. “You’ll love it. You’re too much of a loose fucking slut not to!”
Michelle felt herself approaching another orgasm just at the thought of being double fucked and as she felt the hard tip of the dildo press against her tight anus, she moaned and leaned forward, spreading her cheeks wide. Angie applied pressure, working the slippery head into her little brown star. Michelle’s moans became louder but she didn’t tell her to stop, so she kept at it. Finally, the tip spread her open and slipped inside. She howled and arched her back and Angie paused, unsure if she was liking it or if was hurting her. She leaned forward, being careful not to push in any further.

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   “Are you ok, baby?”
Michelle nodded. “Y…yes…oh god…it had eased up his movements, pulling back so that only the tip of his cock was still in her hot hole. This was turning him on like never before and bringing him close to the point of no return and he needed a break. He also wanted to make this as easy on Michelle as possible. Angie looked down at Steve but spoke to Michelle. “Do you want more, slut?” Michelle’s head bobbed up and down. “You have to tell me what you want,” Angie told her.
“Please…don’t stop!”
Angie grinned. “Don’t stop what?”
“Don’t stop…fucking my ass!” Michelle cried out in a half moan.
Angie pushed in a little more and Michelle reacted with another loud yelp. Still, Angie fed more of the hard plastic cock into her distended back door. When about half of it was buried in her ass, Michelle gasped, “No more! That’s all…I can take!”
Angie leaned over her, pulling on her long hair. “Ok, whore…now you’re really gonna get fucked!” Angie pulled out, then pushed back in a few times until she felt Michelle start to get used to the foreign object in her ass. When she began to moan in pleasure, Steve resumed fucking her cunt as Angie pulled out of her ass. They quickly worked into a steady rhythm and Michelle began to moan non-stop.

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   She cried out and Angie felt her muscles tighten as another orgasm engulfed her, forcing them both to stop until she relaxed again. This happened several times and Angie wondered just how much more stimulation she could take. The little nub on the dildo was rubbing against her clit and as tender as she was, it was bringing her to her own orgasm quickly.
Michelle was barely able to hold herself up, her upper body lying on Steve’s chest as both of them continued to ravage her. Every once in a while she’d moan, but her body was like that of a rag doll. Angie drove into her tight ass and groaned as a powerful orgasm rippled through her own body, causing her to shudder in exquisite satisfaction.
After she came down from her orgasm, she sensed that Michelle had taken about all she could handle and began to withdraw the hard cock from her badly stretched back door. She didn’t move, but let out a long groan as Angie withdrew. She unfastened the dildo and gently lifted Michelle up, peering into her dazed face.
“Michelle, baby? Are you ok?”
Her tongue darted out and her eyes flickered open. She turned to Angie and nodded, a sleepy, dreamy smile on her face. “H…holy fuck!” she gasped in a hoarse whisper.
Angie looked down at Steve, who was watching them. His face was flushed red and beads of perspiration coated his body from the exertion. “What about you, baby? Are you ok?”
He nodded and their eyes met.

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   “It’s time you got some cock too, you little slut!” he said, his eyes wild with lust for her.
Angie grinned and helped Michelle lift herself from his cock, then helped her lie down on the soft grass. She gave her a kiss, then went back to her man. Steve got to his feet while she was helping Michelle and pointed to the fallen tree she’d bent Michelle over earlier. “Over there, bitch!” he growled.
Angie nodded and went over to the tree, placing her hands on the peeling bark. Steve came up behind her and kicked her feet apart, then shoved her head down so that it was almost resting on the log between her hands. His hand went between her legs and his fingers dipped into her dripping pussy. “I think that cunt’s ready for a good fucking, whore,” he said, pulling his fingers out and stepping up so that the tip of his cock slipped along her enflamed and tender labia. Angie moaned and wriggled her ass.
“Oh, yes…please fuck me! I’m such a whore! I need your big, hard cock inside my cunt!”
He grinned. This role playing was a huge turn-on. He grasped her long golden hair and pulled, forcing her to arch her back and lift her head. “Then get ready, slut!” As he said that, he pulled back, then drove all the way into her hot tunnel. She cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her pussy still very tender from that afternoon.

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   It didn’t matter. She was going to fuck him until he unloaded a big load inside her, pain or no pain. Again and again he slammed into her, his hand pulling her hair with each thrust. Angie felt her pussy contract after only four or five pumps and she cried out as she came, her cunt spewing her juices all over his cock and down her inner thighs. Steve continued to pound mercilessly at her tender twat, pulling hard on her hair and giving her ass an occasional slap.
They kept up this furious pace for several minutes, with Angie feeling like she was cumming the whole time. Finally she groaned loudly, every muscle tense as a powerful orgasm rippled through her. Through haze of her pleasure, she heard Steve’s own moans and felt a sudden wet, heated rush in her pussy as he unloaded a huge amount of his hot cum inside her. That only served to push her trembling body over the edge once again and she shrieked as another orgasm pulsed through her already weakened body.
They both fell panting against the log, Steve hovering over her with his hands resting beside hers on the rough bark while she merely lay her forehead against it. Both were panting and gasping for breath and it was several long moments before he finally stood up and pulled his half-hard cock from her swollen and dripping pussy. She moaned softly at the loss, then forced herself to stand and turn to him.
He smiled at her, but his eyes held a look of concern. “Are you ok? That was pretty intense. ”
She blew out a long breath and wiped her brow.

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   “Wow! I can’t believe how turned on that made me!”
“You and me both!” Michelle said from the grass behind them.
They both looked over and saw the pretty brunette sitting on the grass, leaning back on her arms as she watched them. She was still completely naked and grinning up at them. “Where in the fuck did you get this thing?” she asked Angie, holding up the strap-on.
Angie laughed and they both went over, taking a seat next to her. “I bought it online last week. So you really liked it?”
Michelle’s tongue licked her dry lips and she nodded. “Yeah, I mean…it was kinda scary at first, but I trust you. And being fucked by you…wow! What a turn-on!” She grinned and gingerly dropped a hand between her legs, wincing. “I don’t know if I can ride my bike home, but holy fuck!”
Steve studied her closely, looking for any signs that they’d gone too far. But she seemed genuine in her response and he could see no resentment or hurt in her eyes. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
She nodded, taking his hand. “I’m sure,” she replied, meeting his eyes. “But it felt like I was cumming non-stop the whole time! I’m freakin’ exhausted!”
Angie leaned in and kissed her. “Will you do me next time? I can’t wait to try it!”
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“Fuck yeah! And don’t forget the dirty talk!”
Michelle’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god! That was so hot!”
“You didn’t mind that?” Steve asked, a quizzical look on his face. “I mean, I like a little dirty talk, but Ang was really going all out!”
Michelle shook her head vehemently. “Oh, no, I loved it!” She lifted Angie’s hand to her lips and kissed it softly. “I am your slut and whore, baby!” she said with a wicked little wink. She looked up at Steve. “Yours too, lover, so pour it on! I can take it!”
Steve looked at Angie. She gave him a huge grin and nodded. “That goes for you too, babe!”
They sat there for several minutes chatting when Steve suddenly stopped and raised a hand. “Did you guys hear that?”
All three strained their ears until they all heard a faint voice coming from the direction of the clearing. Immediately, they all reached for their clothes and started dressing. It was unlikely whoever it was would come down to this little-known area, but they weren’t taking chances.
They got to their feet, with Michelle a little unsteady, and began the short hike back to the main clearing where they’d left their bikes. They emerged a few minutes later to find Mandi and Ashley spreading out towels on the grass. Both girls wore bikini tops and shorts and looked up as the three teens came into view.

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“Oh, hey,” Ashley said. “We were wondering whose bikes those were. ”
Mandi recognized Steve and Michelle. Like Jake, she was in one of his classes and she knew Michelle slightly. “Hi Steve, Michelle. ” She smiled at Angie. Ashley also turned to them and nodded a greeting. Angie met her eyes briefly before Steve spoke up.
“Hey Mandi, Ashley. ” Michelle also said hi. Steve put an arm around Angie. “This is Angie Delaney. She just moved to town. ”
Mandi smiled. “Hi Angie, nice to meet you.

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   I‘m Mandi Banks. ” Angie greeted her and then looked over at Ashley, who was watching her intently. Once again she made eye contact with the sexy senior, then quickly scanned her tight little body. She looked even sexier close up and her almond shaped eyes reminded her of Lin.
Ashley stepped forward and extended a hand. “I’m Ashley Morrison. Welcome to Mason. ”
Again, their eyes met and Angie gripped her soft hand maybe a second longer than was necessary before releasing it. She was trying to drop hints without it being too obvious, just on the slim chance her instincts about the cute cheerleader were wrong. Ashley gave her a somewhat nervous smile, then pulled her hand away gently, a slight look of confusion in her dark eyes.
“Are you going to Mason High this fall, Angie?” Mandi asked, bringing her back to the rest of the group.
“Huh? Oh, yes. I’m already registered. ”
“Cool. You should try out for cheerleader.

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   You’ve sure got the body for it. ” She turned to Ashley, who was still watching Angie. “Don’t you think, Ash?”
Ashley nodded, seeming to come out of a daze. “Oh…sure, you really should. ”
Angie smiled at them. “I was thinking about doing that. I was on the squad at my old school. ”
“Awesome,” Mandi replied, giving her a bright smile. “Tryout are the Saturday before school starts, at the football field. Eight am. I hope we see you there!”
Angie smiled and took Steve’s hand. “I think you will!” She glanced over at Ashley, whose brow furrowed slightly as she noticed Steve and Angie holding hands. Mandi noticed as well and giggled, her blue eyes sparkling.
“I see you’ve already found a boyfriend!”
Steve felt his face flush and couldn’t stop himself from grinning foolishly. Angie leaned in closer to him.

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   “Yeah, we’ve known one another for years. ”
“Ang, I have to get going,” Michelle said, touching Angie’s shoulder.
Angie turned and could see that the hard double reaming they’d given her was causing her more discomfort. “Oh, ok, Michelle. ”
They picked up their bikes and after a cheery farewell to Mandi and Ashley, began walking them toward the path. Michelle was limping and they went slow enough that she could easily keep pace.
“Did you see the way Ashley looked at you when you took Steve’s hand?” Michelle said when they’d moved far enough away that the other girls couldn’t hear.
Angie nodded, a wide smile on her face. “Uh-huh…I believe Miss Ashley has some naughty ideas about other girls!”
Michelle chuckled. “She couldn’t take her eyes off you! What were you doing, sending out some secret signal?”
Angie laughed. “Maybe I was, I dunno! But there was definitely something there!”
Steve listened to this exchange without interrupting. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Angie considering adding another member to their group. Six was already twice what they’d originally planned for and although Ashley was super hot and sexy, would it be wise to bring her in? Or was he just acting jealous? He sighed to himself. He wasn’t even sure he was capable of jealousy considering the weird and wonderful relationship he shared with her and the others.
They reached the paved road and mounted their bikes.


   Michelle found she could ride as long as she didn’t sit. Angie was much the same way after her long day of sex and stood on her pedals as well. When they arrived at the school, they stopped.
“So, want to get together tomorrow?” Angie asked, knowing Steve had to work. “We could go swimming or shopping or just hang out somewhere. ”
Michelle shook her head. “I can’t. Artie’s coming home tomorrow and I promised I’d wait for him to call. ” She rubbed her crotch. “Although I don’t know if I can handle doing anything!”
Angie grimaced. “Aw, sorry, Michelle. You should’ve said something!”
Michelle grinned, leaning in to kiss them both. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have missed that for anything!” Angie and Steve chuckled at her obvious enthusiasm for double-penetration. “He’ll have to be happy with a bj…well, maybe more than one!” She gave them a wink and peddled off. “See you both Saturday!” she called back as she waved goodbye.

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Angie looked up into Steve’s eyes. “You’ve been awfully quiet. Is everything ok?”
He shrugged. “Sure, you two were talking and I didn’t want to interrupt. ”
She stepped closer. “Steve, I know you better than that. What is it?”
He smiled and shook his head. “Nothing, really. ” He swatted at a mosquito on his arm. “C’mon, let’s go home before they eat us alive!”
He jumped on his bike and began to ride toward home. She stared after him for a second, then jumped on her bike and caught up to him, riding in silence the rest of the way home.



