
Mrs Martin and Mrs Haysom


Hello my name is Sam this is a story about when i had sex with my teachers.
My teacher Mrs martin asked me to stay behind after school so i could catch up with my coursework so i happily accepted.  I turned up to classroom after school and in there with Mrs Martin was my form tutor Mrs Haysom. Mrs Haysom is middle aged and divorced with still quite perky breasts for her age. Mrs Martin was about thirty with quite small breasts but her arse was beutiful.
Well i walked in and said hello to Mrs Martin and Mrs Haysom. Mrs Haysom asked me to sit down on the chair directly in front of them both, i accepted. Mrs Martin then asked me how i thought i was going to do in my GSCEs. I replied badly and i wish there was a way foro me to pas them but there isnt it is too late now.
Mrs martin replied ". well there is one way but you must promise not to tell anyone. " I look at Mrs haysom and Mrs Martin very puzzled.
"yeh i promise i said, now what is it?"
Mrs Haysom said "Sam me and Mrs martin here want you to seduce us. " I was shocked at that point but i thought i mite aswell as long i pass my GCSEs.
so i said "ok"
At this point i was only 18 so i sill hadn't lost my virginity.

Mrs Haysom started undoing her blouse while Mrs Martin unzipped my trousers.

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   My cock was incrediably hard by this time. Mrs haysom and no undrwear or bra on so she was now complete naked and she sat on top of my cock and i felt it touch the inside of her clit and she let out a gasp. she was bouncing up and down on me now and her boobs were hitting me in the face and i was getting close to and orgasm already. i felt my cock explode in her pussy and she look very disapointted in me and i apologised. She said to mrs martin that i should be taught a lesson. They said me lay down and do not move atall or your punishment will get worse. So i layed down on the desk and Mrs Haysom squated over my face and said "right i will sit on your face until you make me orgasm and Mrs Martin is gonna fuck your brains out. while you are doing this until she orgasm you got that.
"ok Mrs" i said and teh she sat and i instantly tasted her clit and it wa sthe msot amazing thing i have ever tasted.



