
Goodnight Kiss


"I wanna fuck you, so bad", I told her. "I know and you want to suck on my nipples like a baby, eat my pussy till I drench your face, and I quote Pound my sweet tight ass", she repeated some off the dirty things I had told her I wanted to do to her. "Why don't you stop teasing me and start doing me", she smiled warmly at me. "You know I can't", I told her as I stroked her long blond hair. She sighed real big but her smile was back in a second. She wiggled under her blanket and then she pulled a out a pair of canary yellow panties and handed them to me. Her hand was back under her blanket as soon as I took her panties. I watched the shape of her hand travel down to where her pussy was. I followed her lead. I was on my knees next to her bed so she couldn't see my dick as I draped her panties on it. They were still warm from her body heat.

Her moans filled my ears and fueled my lust. I didn't take long for me to fill her panties with my hot cum.

When she was sure I finished she held her hand out. It was wet with her juices. She let me lick her fingers and taste her.

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   It was sweet and fresh just like the girl it came from. She giggled as sucked her finger tips, "Its fresher from the tap". "I bet", I said as I handed her panties back. I watched her as she licked and sucked my seed from the cloth crotch of her panties. After she was done I zipped my self back up. "Can I have my good night kiss now, daddy?", she asked me. "Sure, baby", I kissed her on the lips, tasting the coconut lip gloss she always wore and my salty cum. I kissed her again, this time on the forehead and then turned her light out, "Goodnight honey", I left the door open a crack so she would able to hear her mother and me. .





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