
Time Enough for Anything

Mind Control

Jason was not an ugly kid growing up, nor was he considered good looking or “cute. ” He was by all measures a complete wallflower. He had a few friends to hang with, but none of them could be considered part of the “in” crowd. The few girlfriends he managed to hook didn’t stay very long and were few and far between. Jason quickly gained the reputation of “horn dog” at school. He did not know much about the fair sex, and it showed. On his first date he managed to keep his hands to himself for approximately 6 minutes before trying to grope his first feel. And oooohhhhhh what a feel it was. Her ass was undoubtedly the best at Mission High, if not in all of Greenville. She wasn’t the cutest girl in school, nor the brightest. But when she would walk down the hall between classes, all the boys and some of the girls couldn’t help but rubberneck and check out how those delicious buns swayed from side to side. And Jason’s hand was now heading for a handful of what they all wanted. They were standing in line at the local theater so Jason figured that she wouldn’t scream or anything. His hand trembled as it crept closer and closer to the object of his desires. When it reached it’s goal, his hand did not subtly brush against it. Nor did it casually caress those beautiful globes of ass flesh.

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   No, Jason did not control his hand with his mind…only with his dick. The electric shock of feeling soared from his hand to the head of his stiffening cock in milliseconds.

Trisha was reading the billboard advertisements for upcoming flicks while trying to figure out why she ever accepted a date with this nobody. She figured that at least she would get to see a free movie and then make an excuse to end the evening early. She was pretty good at feigning a headache or menstrual cramps and such. She never expected this. Not only had her date grabbed her ass in a not so gentle manner, but he was not pulling his hand away. She felt a sudden clamp on her right ass cheek, and could feel Jason’s index finger poking in almost to her asshole. And he was NOT moving. He had simply glued his hand to her ass and stuck his protruding index finger in as far as her white cotton panties would allow. Trisha might have normally yelled at him or slapped him, but the brazenness of his attack along with the crowd of people standing around had caused her to go into shock. She couldn’t move or talk while she stood there under his assault. She didn’t really know this boy, nor did she care for him at all. She had only taken this date out of boredom and a desire to see this movie. For several minutes Trisha stood like a statue trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

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   It wasn’t until Jason began jiggling his hand up and down to bounce her butt cheek and to move his finger in and out like he was finger fucking her ass that she woke up to reality.

Jason was on another plane. He was totally unaware of his surroundings for the moment. His hand was on the best ass in school and his finger was probing almost inside her hot ass along with her panties. He was electrified by the first bit of female flesh he had ever had in his hand. His stiff cock was dancing in his pants. She hadn’t made a move to stop him and his mind was rampant with all of the things he was going to do for the first time in his pathetic life. If she would just stand there and let him feel her up, then he was very sure that he would score the big one tonight! That is probably why he never saw the movement of her arm and didn’t see the palm of her hand until an instant before it struck. It took a second before the pain registered in his mind, and even longer before the jolt brought him back to reality. When his head cleared he was face to face with Trisha and he only then began hearing the harshness of her words. He never quite understood all that she said, but soon realized that he was not getting any tonight.

Jason never really caught on to the fact that girls at least expected to be pampered some and warmed up a little before trying anything rash. In his mind, he figured that girls were people too and they probably want what he wants. Why wouldn’t they? Wasn’t sex supposed to be the most fun and pleasurable thing two people could do? He knew he wanted to be nasty more than anything he could think of, so he then also knew that girls would want that too. Hell, all the guys he knew talked about nothing else but getting into some girls pants.

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   Jason could hardly wait for his first blowjob, first fuck, or first anything for that matter. So he didn’t wait. Ever. When the rare occasion happened that he got a date or even an opportunity to get a girl alone, he was and octopus. His hands rapidly left his side and went immediately to a nice round tit or ass cheek for instant gratification. Of course, each occurance was met with almost the exact same result as the evening with Trisha. “Damn,” Jason thought, “I need to either get lucky or start wearing a hockey mask for protection. ”

I suppose you could say that Jason was a dolt. Not very bright and very slow to catch on to things. School work was no exception. He was slow to catch on to much of anything. He wasn’t really stupid and when he finally grasped some subject he did fairly well from then on. But the one thing he wanted the most…. females…. was the one thing he could never really “get.

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Jason was still 5’ 9” tall and weighed a chunky 187 pounds. Not a lot of muscle to his framework as he never was interested in sports or anything that required physical endurance. His blue eyes were set a little too close together, his sandy brown hair never laid quite right on his head, and his plump nose looked rather like one made from modeling clay and stuck to his face. He was the same size now as he was as a freshmen in High School and other than the ageing process that occurs with 18 more years of pitiful life, he looked the same in all respects. Which brings us back to today.

Jason got out of bed this morning at the crack of noon. Realizing that he was already 2 hours late for work, he made a mad dash for the shower. He didn’t remember moving the foot stool to his only chair in the living room/bedroom/kitchen of his 2 room apartment to be 3 feet from his bed. Remember or not, it was there to trip him up in his haste and landed him flat on his face. The bleeding from his pudgy nose didn’t take too long to subside, but did slow his progress a little. After doctoring his injury, he hopped into the shower and began to get ready for work. He only cut his neck and cheek once each and managed to spray hairspray under his arms before deciding he better slow down if he wanted to live.

Finally out of the house, Jason turned the key to unlock his car door and somehow set off the alarm. After 5 minutes of fumbling and trying to hide his embarrassment from the neighbors, he got the alarm off and started his vintage 1983 Pinto and backed out of the parking space. During the 7 mile drive to work, he began pondering his station in life.

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   He wasn’t really a bad guy and he never did anything to hurt or upset anyone if he could avoid it. He was actually considered a nice guy to the few who knew him. Jason’s problem was sex, or the lack of it. He was well aquainted with all the popular forms of masturbation, and some of the not so popular forms. He could make himself feel good, so he knew if a woman would give him the chance, he could make her feel good too. He knew his fault with the ladies was that of loosing control. He tried his best to slow down and try to get a girl to like him. And some of them did like him in public. He was considerate and pleasant to talk to…until they had the misfortune of being alone with him for more that 6 minutes. That’s all it took for him to begin loosing control of his hands. While pondering this and other facts of his life, and of course missing his turn off on the freeway, Jason felt the tears welling up in his eyes. The frustrations of his life, and of this miserable start to a day, were dropping him rapidly into depression. He had upon occasion considered suicide in order to escape but he lacked the courage to go through with it.

“Finally! The parking garage. ” It was almost a relief to be at work.

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   Now he could concentrate on tasks rather than emotions, which suited him just fine. His custodial duties in the 30 story tower complex would keep his mind occupied for the rest of the day. Jason punched the time clock, deposited his time card, and proceeded to the basement to find his boss and apologize for being late. He learned from a co-worker that the boss had been in a closed door meeting with upper management of the custodial service who owned the contract for cleaning and maintenance of this building. Jason grabbed his tool box and waddled down the hall to begin the repairs on the antiquated boiler generator.

Knee deep in bolts, nuts, fasteners, fittings, armatures, and wiring the generator still showed no signs of burning or scoring and left no clues as to what caused the failure. As most mechanics and technicians will tell you, when you are frustrated and can’t figure something out…. the best avenue is foul language. It doesn’t fix anything but can make you feel a little better for letting off some steam. “Gdamm sonnovvabitchin cocksuckinbastard!” he roared in his gruffest pissed-off voice. “Are you referring to me?” came the voice from behind him. The shock of being startled half out of his wits in a dark cool basement chamber caused Jason to jerk spasmodically and whirl around. In the process of his twirl, the toolbox lid contacted his left knee with a thud. “SHHIITTT!” was the appropriate response that flew from his mouth instantaneously. “Oh, hi boss.

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  â€ Jason grunted.

“Jason, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think I will be alright soon as the pain stops. ”
“Well, gather your stuff together and come to my office NOW!”

With that command, the boss scurried out of the room. “Crap. Wonder how much trouble I am in this time. ” Jason exclaimed as he loaded his tools back into the box and secured the lid. He headed to the office and entered without knocking. Jason’s blood turned cold when he entered the room and saw the four people sitting there waiting for him. “Jason this is Bill Mackey and George Turnsdall, our company attorneys. And, of course you surely know Mrs. Doomblow from the second floor library. ” Jason certainly did remember Mrs. Doomblow. Grabbing her DD’s behind the science fiction section had been the highlight of last week. Oh, he had begged her for forgiveness after she whacked him upside the head with the newest War Stars hard bound edition.

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“Jason, it has come to our attention that Mrs. Doomblow is intending to file a sexual harassment suit against you and against our company. Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“Sir, I wish I could say that I did nothing, but I am not such a good lier. But I promise you I will never let anything like that happen again, sir. ”

“Well, Jason, we have taken steps to insure that nothing like this will happen again. Mrs. Doomblow has graciously agreed to settle out of court, and for a very reasonable amount. We are paying her $800. 00 to forget that this ever happened. She does not want the publicity any more than we do. Now, as I see it, $800. 00 is almost exactly what we owe you in wages for this month. So here is the deal. You forfeit this months earnings to Mrs. Doomblow, and she drops the charges.

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“Under the circumstances, I don’t see any other way out of this mess. Yes, I agree to those terms, Sir. ”
The lawyer to Jason’s right reached into his briefcase and handed Jason the necessary paperwork to be signed. Jason grumbled inside. What was he going to do about the bills? He didn’t have a clue, but he knew that it was much better than jail time. Jason signed at all three lines marked by the x and handed the paperwork back to the lawyer.

“Oh, and just one more condition Jason. ” the boss exclaimed. “YOU’RE FIRED!”

Chapter 2

As Jason wheeled his ailing Pinto out of the parking garage, his mind was running a million miles an hour. What was he going to do now? He knew he could probably find a job within a few weeks but that wouldn’t pay the bills laying on his kitchen table. His thoughts again turned to suicide. “If only I had the guts to pull a trigger, or swallow some pills” Jason thought. The tears were beginning to flow pretty freely down his cheeks now and he couldn’t even think anymore. He just drove and cried. Jason almost wished he believed in a God of some kind at this moment.

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   He needed something to turn to, something to help relieve his troubles other than booze that only numbed them for a short time. Looking up into the sky through his dingy windshield, Jason said “If there is a God or something up there just waiting for the right moment to help someone…. CHOOSE ME!!!”

Jason had never ridden in an ambulance before. Hell, he had never even been to a hospital except to once visit his ailing uncle when he was in High School. He could see the medic looking at him with his mouth moving rapidly in a form that looked like speech, but did not hear a sound. It was like an out-of-body experience. He could see the blood soaked towels, bandages, and such. “Is this me? What happened? Why am I in here? Jason never saw the light turn red. He never even notice a stoplight, and so it follows that he never saw the round barrel of the concrete truck immediately in front of him as he sped into the intersection. As he was looking around trying to figure out what the hell was going on for sure, the lights went out.

Jason woke up for the third time this morning. He had no reason to get out of bed so he rolled over and went back to sleep twice before finally deciding he was just to restless to sleep anymore today. It had been a month since he had been released from the hospital but his doctor had only released him to return to a normal life yesterday. Now he faced the drudgery of finding a new job and of trying to appease his creditors until he could get some cash coming in. Fortunately his landlord was understanding and allowed him some time to recover and get back to work before hounding him for back rent.


   Standing at his small living room window he was gazing out to the street while thinking of where to begin to apply for a job. Jason noticed a child bouncing a basketball as he walked along the sidewalk. “Man, to be that young again and have so little worries and responsibilities,” he sighed. He chuckled to himself as the child bounced the ball against his foot that it rolled out into the street. As youngsters are apt to do, the boy bounded after his favorite ball in hopes that he could catch it before it got too far away. Jason panicked inside as he saw a yellow VW beetle zooming up the street at a speed totally unnecessary for a small neighborhood. There was absolutely no way he would be able to even reach his front door and open it in time to call out a warning to the hapless child. “Oh my god…. STOP!” he cried out.

Standing speechless and in total awe, Jason stood at the window for probably more than 5 minutes just trying to figure out what the hell just happened. The first thing he had noticed was the car standing perfectly still, no more than 18 feet away from the boy. The ball that the kid was chasing was sitting in mid bounce, seemingly floating in air. Then next thing he noticed was the absence of sound. Not that his apartment was noisy or anything, just that all the everyday sounds that he never really noticed were simply not there. No hum from the refrigerator, no tick of the cheap imitation cookoo clock on the wall just to his right, no screeching tires from the car that was about to hit the boy.

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   Jason took all of this in, considered it, weighed it out in his mind, but had no idea what to do. It hit him that the first thing he needed to do was to remove the boy from harms way. Walking out of his door, down the sidewalk, and out to the street Jason touched the kid and asked him if he was alright. The boy stood perfectly still. Jason picked him up carefully, and carried him to the sidewalk. He then retrieved the ball and put it down beside the child. Looking into the car, he noticed a very cute young lady of perhaps 19 or 20 with the most comical look of surprise on her face. He moved closer to the car, being careful not to walk in front of it, trying to determine if all of this was real. The metal of the cars door was warm to the touch as the summer temperatures were quite warm this time of year in Oklahoma. “Well, the damn thing feels real so I don’t think this is a dream. I am pretty sure I did get out of bed and was drinking my coffee when I watched all of this occur. But what the hell actually happened, and why is it still happening? Nothing is moving or making a sound. I see birds in flight just hanging motionless in space, the leaves across the street look almost sculptured into a teepee from the gust of wind that must have been blowing just before everything stopped. But damned if I know how everything stopped!”

Jason had a flash of thought at that moment. Has time itself stopped? Lets remember that Jason is not the sharpest saw at the mill.

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   It takes him a while to catch on, but when he finally does grasp something new, he does fairly well with it. He dashed back into his apartment and came to an abrupt halt not 2 feet away from the cookoo on the wall. That stupid looking little timepiece had been the most accurate time piece he had ever had. It never lost more than one minute per month until now. Now it was completely stopped. Jason stared at the second hand for a while, just to give it a chance to move. He slowly reached for the electrical cord hanging down below the clock and followed it to the plug in the wall, pushing it firmly to make sure it was still plugged in. “Holy shit” he mumbled to himself. Falling back into his favorite (and only) chair, he sat trying to determine how this all came to be. How did time just come to a screeching halt. How will it start again. Will it start again. A million and one questions raced through his bewildered mind with absolutely no answers to be found. Then came the big question. It hit him so hard that he said it out loud.

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   “Damn…. . how am I the only thing moving?” The panic was starting to seep into him. So totally clueless he was as to what was happening, how it was happening, and will it ever change back to normal. “Get a grip, boy. There has got to be a way to figure all this out. Retrace your steps and maybe you can find something that makes sense” Jason said to himself. “Everything was going as normal this morning until I saw the car……Holy bejeezus, that’s it! I yelled at the car to stop. That’s when time froze. Noooo, it can’t be. But what else could it be? Do I have the power to stop time somehow? And if I have the ability to make this happen, do I also have the ability to make it go again?”

Jason felt a little stupid walking outside, knowing that he was going to stand in the yard of the apartment complex and simply say GO. But he had to try it, had to see if the had this power. Reaching the end of the sidewalk he stopped short of the street, stopped, cleared his throat, and said in a rather meek voice “GO. ” Jason waited several seconds as he looked at the car and the kid for any signs of movement. Nothing.

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   The silence remained and the objects that should be in motion were still frozen in time. “GO” he said again, just a little louder this time. Nothing. He could feel himself begin to shake. What if time stood still forever? Would he be in the world alone, having nobody to talk to other than himself? Fear was taking hold in Jason’s mind and making him week in the knees. Not knowing whether to yell or shit, he screamed out “GOOOOO!”

The screeching of the VW’s tires was possibly the loudest noise he had ever heard. Sounds overwhelmed him instantly, having gone from complete dead silence other than his own breathing and movement, to the hustle and bustle of everyday sounds. With the addition of the tire noise from the rapidly halting car, all the noises filled his ears at once causing him to cover them instantly. The boy with the ball was walking merrily on his way as if nothing had happened. The girl in the car however was not as unscathed by what had happened. Had she run over that kid? Was he under the car? She burst instantly into tears covering her face with her hands, afraid to open the door to look. As Jason watched her hysterical sobbing against the steering wheel he was deciding what to do. Half of him felt like walking over to her to see if she was ok, and to tell her the kid got out of the way or something. The other half of him was dying of curiosity about this new ‘gift’ he had been given. If that is what it was.

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   He decided to assist the young lady first and not be so selfish as to think of himself. Moving around the back of the car he walked up to the window. “Are you alright miss?”

Jason told her that she narrowly missed hitting the lad. He was slightly concerned about her, but on the other hand, he was rather pissed at drivers that don’t pay attention to safety when driving through neighborhoods where children play. The girl was pretty shaken up and could not even begin to drive again for several minutes. The longer she sat there, the more pissed Jason became. If he had not had ‘the power’ that poor kid could have been laying there bleeding, or worse. She needed to be taught a lesson or something he thought. His cold stare at the girl would have scared the crap out of the girl if she had been looking. However, she just continued to sit there and weep. Jason watched for a few more minutes and began to figure that she is being punished enough. He was sure this would be a good lesson for her, and one she would likely never forget.

Something caught Jason’s eye at that moment. Something he had not noticed before about the girl. It was normally something he would have noticed almost instantly under less stressful circumstances.

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   It was her tits. Just sitting there in their full glory. The girls position leaning forward with her head on her hands and her hands on the steering wheel had allowed her blouse to sag forward, leaving a most delicious gap. It was a gap that fully exposed the girls breasts to anyone who happened to be standing above her and looking down, which was fortunate for Jason, as that was his position. A braless lass in the heat of the summer was not unheard of, but never had Jason been allowed such a view up close and in person. His mouth was as wide open as his eyes as he looked upon the perfectly shaped globes, with the dark brown aerola and equally dark nipples protruding in front of them. All else forgotten, the Jason we now know and love had just locked onto his object. There was no thinking, no deciding, and no thought of consequences. There was only the desire to have his hand holding one of those lovely breasts so prominently displayed before him. There was also no hesitation, as Jason reached out his left hand and with flawless aim shoved his hand perfectly into the girls blouse. The plumpness of her breast along with the perfect skin made his hand feel like a penis in the throes of orgasm. That feeling began flowing from his hand, traveling up his arm and shooting straight down to his crotch.

“Hey!” the girl shouted, “what the hell!” As the girl grabbed Jason’s wrist and shoved upward to get his hand off of her breast, she used the other hand to put the car into gear. Quickly she began rolling up the window while at the same time pressing the accellerator to get the heck outta dodge. Unfortunately for Jason, his hand was getting caught up in the window and he was forced to begin walking, then running in order to keep his hand as one part of his prized possessions.

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   “Hey, Hey, wait a sec. Let me get my han……AAARRRGGGHHHH. ” Jason could no longer keep up the pace and was now being dragged along the street, his wrist very close to breaking off in the window. “STOP!” he bellowed out of desperation. WHHAAAPP…. . CLUNK…. . followed by the sound of breaking glass was all that could be heard. The car had frozen, along with everything else. Everything except Jason. Inertia is a funny thing sometimes. You would think if everything stopped that inertia would also cease. Well, actually, inertia did cease for everyone and everything else but Jason. When everything froze, Jason was still moving at approximately 8 mph.

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   The sounds of his body slapping against the left front fender were overshadowed by the breaking glass. It was the best luck Jason had experienced today, as the breaking of the glass allowed him to keep the appendage rather than snapping it off.

“Gdammit!” he exclaimed as he laid half on and half off the street and curb. It took a few seconds for Jason to shake the cobwebs. As he laid there rubbing his wrist and inspecting it for damage, Jason began to realize that everything was frozen again. “Holy shit. It’s happened again. I do have the power. Oh my god! Ok. Wait. Ok. Ok, I yelled stop and everything stopped. It has happened twice, so I don’t think it is a fluke. I hollered Go a few minutes ago and everything returned to normal. But when I just spoke the word go, nothing happened.

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   Ok. Ok. Maybe I have to yell stop or go to make it happen. If I just speak the words, nothing. Holy shit. Holy ever loving perverted shit. I can really do it!”

Chapter 3

Jason now knew what he could do. He knew how to make time stop and how to make time go. Now he just sat there and began to think of what this would mean to his life. He could grab women any time he wanted. He could take money from banks. He could fuck women. He could get rich by taking money from stores. He could butt-fuck women. He could take money from rich people.

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   He could face-fuck women. He could prevent some disasters. He could strip women. Jason’s mind was whirring with flashes of sex and greed. They say that power corrupts, or that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Jason was no exception to that rule. He had known for only a few minutes that he had this miraculous power, and als of his thoughts were of how to get rich, and how to get women. Jason had an erection.

“Now, to get down to business. First things first. This bitch almost killed a kid, then almost killed me. Imma gonna make her pay. ” Standing up, Jason stretched his back and legs to make sure nothing was damaged much. Other that a few scratches and his right knee aching, and of course his wrist feeling like it was going to fall off, he knew that he was not seriously injured. He took the 5 steps that put him beside the drivers door of the VW.


   The door handle operated easily and Jason opened the door. The smile on Jason’s lips was the biggest one to ever adorn his face. He easily maneuvered the young girl out of the car and sat her down on the curb. Being new to how things would work when they were frozen, he decided to try a few things. He grasped the girls right hand and raised it over her head. When Jason let go of her hand, it stayed in place. No wiggle, no waiver. “Hmm. I wonder. ” Jason put his arms around the girls waist and pulled her up to a standing position. The girls bent knees were not in the proper position to keep her standing, so when he let go the girl plopped back onto the curb with a thud. “Damn, I bet she’s gonna have a bruise on her ass tomorrow. ” Jason chuckled. This time, he straightened her knees and bent her waist back so she was laying flat. After adjusting her feet to an estimated level, he grabbed her arms and pulled her up again.

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   Success! She was now standing and Jason had his first real good look at this babe.

Standing no more than 5’ 3”, the petite young thing was almost perfect. The jeans she had on accentuated her nicely shaped ass and thighs, while her flowered button up top showed her pert teen tits to perfection. “Oh man, am I gonna love this!” exclaimed Jason. He figured he had all the time he wanted, so it seemed appropriate the begin her punishment before he satisfied his own desire. WHACK! The impact of his hand on her shapely ass left a stinging sensation on his palm. WHACK! Again and again Jason slapped his hand sharply on her ass. His hand began to feel the result of the blows, and he decided that the jeans might be causing too much irritation. Jason moved to the front of his victim and reached for her belt. He unbuckled the black leather and thought it might be best to take the belt off and us it rather than damage his hand any more than it already was. Holding the belt with his burning hand, Jason used his other hand to begin unbuttoning her jeans. Slowly dragging the zipper down, her pastel green panties began to show. “Nice,” he thought. Her jeans were a little difficult to get down past her flared hips, but that was fine with Jason. He was in no hurry.

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   Normally, Jason would not have had the patience to do anything sexual very slowly. But that was before he discovered his power. Now Jason could take his time and enjoy every perverted second of what he was going to do. Finally her jeans slid past her hips and dropped to the ground. Jason leaned her forward slightly to rest on his shoulder and lifted her feet one at a time, and completely removed her jeans. He looked at her thighs, admiring their contour and musculature. He figured she must have been an athlete or a cheerleader at one time because she certainly had a fit body. Turning his attention to her blouse, Jason began the task of unbuttoning each button with a tingle of excitement. As each button was undone, more and more skin appeared to Jason’s eager eyes. He lowered her arms to her sides and allowed the garment to slide freely off of her shoulders and then to the ground. Wearing only her pastel panties with the tiny pink bow at the top, the girl stood motionless. Jason began walking around her inspection every inch of her flesh. He marveled at the smoothness of her skin. He noticed she had a few freckles at her neckline, diminishing as his eyes traveled lower to rest upon her nipples. Jason’s cock was rapidly filling with blood and threatened to burst the brass of his zipper if he didn’t do something about it.

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   He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him. “You stupid shit! Everyone’s frozen. Nobody is gonna see me until I make time go again,” Jason said to himself. He undid his belt buckle, unbuttoned his pants and threw the zipper down. Grabbing the side of his jeans, he pushed them down and stepped out of them, along with his underwear. His aching member popped up like a jack-in-the-box, harder than he could ever recall it being.

Feeling a little embarrassed because of his fear of being seen, Jason had to chuckle a little. He went back to the task at hand. He wanted to punish this little pixie first, then get the first fuck of his life. He wanted her in every way possible. All the porno he had seen and read was now coming back to him. All the variations, positions, and perversions he dreamed about were hitting his imagination in rapid succession. “Kick ass!” he exclaimed out loud. “The best of times. ” Jason reached out a shaking hand and looped three fingers into the waist band of the green panties, pulling them down as far as he could off her right hip.

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   Then went to the left side and did the same. He stopped pulling when he felt the back of the panties jump over her tight round ass and the front dropped down below her neatly trimmed bush. He paused to gaze upon the eighth wonder of the world. Pussy. Real pussy. Not a movie, or a book, or a jpg. A real live warm fuzzy snatch in all its glory just waiting for him to do with as he pleased. Jason had lots of time to play with, but now he felt a growing sense of urgency. He wanted to shove his cock so far up that cunt that her throat would gurgle. His cock was barely big enough to be considered normal size, but right this minute he couldn’t have cared less.

Jason yanked the panties down rapidly and let them fall to her feet. Rather than lean her to remove them completely, he wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up. The panties fell to the ground after slipping off of her toes, and Jason put her back down. Now she was totally naked and Jason could get down to business. Using the belt he had taken from her jeans, he delivered five good shots to her ass, and two whacks to each breast.

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   He was satisfied that she would ache for days after those good solid smacks and was already tired of punishing her. His raging hard on was throbbing more than a properly hit thumb with a ten pound sledge hammer. It was time. All of his unremarkable life he had fantasized about fucking. He was not about to put it off any longer.

With a gentle push, the girl tipped backwards and fell to the ground. Laying on her back, Jason grabbed her knees and spread them as wide apart as they would go. Then taking hold of her ankles he pushed them forward to almost touch the back of her legs. He lowered himself between her splayed legs and targeted the object of his desires. He positioned his raging cock at the entrance of her love tunnel and with no delay he shoved with all his might. “SHIT!” he cried out loud. “That hurt. ” Jason had no experience with fucking, and that coupled with his haste had hidden the fact that a dry pussy could peel the skin off of the mightiest of cocks. In a panic, Jason spun around and looked into the cars open door to spy her purse. Reaching across the seat, he grabbed the purse and emptied the contents into the drivers seat.

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   He quickly found some hand lotion and flipped the lid off. He got a large portion of cream on his hand and massaged it into her waiting crotch. Then, just to be sure, he lathered up his rock hard member so there could be no possibility of failure to plunge deep into her glove-like hole. Jason flung the bottle away and got back into position. With one devilish plunge Jason burried his staff into her hot fuck-meat. Never before had Jason felt such excitement. Her tight slick channel grabbed his red-hot cock and the sensation sent Jason over the edge. He never had a chance to pull back out then slam back in like he had dreamed about. Sensation overload caused him to shoot his baby juice with such force that he imagined seeing cream spurting out of her ears. Squirt after mighty squirt spat out of his cock in rapid succession. Time and time again his balls contracted and forced the raging current of sperm to shoot wildly into her helpless cunt. Copious amounts of his splooge pumped into her cavern, oozing out around his throbbing cock. . “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Fuck! AHHHHHH Yes!” Jason screamed and the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced ripped through his body.

Chapter 4

As his heart rate began slowing down and his breathing started returning to normal, Jason looked at the girl.

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   He noticed the cum running in a small stream down to the crack of her ass and beyond. A huge smile crossed his lips as he realized he had finally done the dirty deed. The first sex of his life with someone other than rosey palm and her five skinny sisters. It was good. It was very good indeed. Even if it had been without her consent it was wonderful. Jason began to realize that this was only the beginning of the escapades he could pull off. He could have any woman he wanted at any time. Picking himself off of the ground and putting his clothing back on, he began to wonder what to do about the girl. He appreciated her beauty, and her charms that he had taken advantage of. However, Jason was still a little miffed at her for almost killing that kid. “I think this will serve her right!” Jason picked her up and sat her back into the VW. He did not bother with clothing her. He picked up her clothes and threw them behind a bush just inside the fenced yard beside him. Noticing a shoe box in the back seat of the car, Jason began fumbling in the glove compartment for a pen.

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   He found a magic marker and smiled at what he was about to do. Jason removed the lid from the shoe box and turned it so that he could write on the inside of the lid. ‘SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!’ was now showing boldly in black magic marker ink on the almond colored lid. He positioned the lid on her lap and using the Elmers glue he found in her book bag from college, Jason attached the lid to her legs. Taking a step back he looked around to make sure what would happen. Everything seemed to be in place. There was no traffic and no pedestrians around for her to hit when she panicked. Jason walked about 20 feet behind the bug and yelled “GO. ” The bug was accelerating away from him and traveled about another 200 feet when Jason heard the brakes squealing. “Hah Hah Hah…I bet she will be sooooo lost. No clothes, lid glued to her legs, and no explanations. Serves her right!”

The short walk back to his apartment gave him time to ponder his next moves. His thought processes were in overdrive with all the things he could do. First, he thought, I am hungry. Jason decided to go out and eat a good breakfast.

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   He loved the blueberry pancakes down at the local Hi-Op restaurant. After taking another shower and putting on some jeans and a t-shirt, he began his short 18 block walk to the eatery. About half way there, a question popped into Jason’s mind. “How am I gonna pay for breakfast?” Crap…in all the excitement he hadn’t planned any way to get some cash. Taking a 2 block detour, he came face to face with Fells Wargo Natural Bank. Grabbing the door handle he threw his head back and yelled “STOP. ” Jason didn’t know if he would ever get used to the loss of sound the instant he stopped time. He took a deep breath and opened the door of the bank and stepped inside. The plush carpet and stained oak counters looked very stately indeed. This bank was known as the richest bank in the county. And since it was one of only 3 banks in the whole county, he figured the rumors were correct. The bank Jason used, BillyBob Bank, would fit into the right wing of the lobby of this one.

Jason walked up to the counter closest to him and peered over the edge. The teller had her cash drawer closed. “Hmmm,” he mumbled, “how do I do this?” He knew that he was about to rob a bank.

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   His heart was thumping in his chest making him feel almost faint. But he realized that there was no way he would get caught as long as he kept his hands off of stuff so no fingerprints would be found. He looked down the row of tellers to see which one might have a drawer open. The third teller to his right was apparently reaching into her drawer when Jason froze time. “BINGO!” Jason exclaimed. He stepped up the two steps which put him behind the teller counter and walked over to the opened cash drawer. Jason wasn’t extremely greedy and had no desire to take all the cash available to him, so he simply grabbed a few hundred dollar bills and some twenty’s and stuffed them into his pocket. It felt good to have some cash again. As Jason turned to walk away, he happened to notice the teller he took the cash from had some pretty good looking legs. He stopped and took a better look at her. She was rather plain at first glance. He supposed the glasses and hairstyle had something to do with that. He reached out and took the glasses off, and then took the scrunchy from her hair and shook it lightly so it would fall down. “Much better sweetie. You look quite lovely today.


  â€ Jason grinned as he looked at her. He couldn’t help but see that her mouth was in mid-word forming a very nice “O” with her lips. She had full pouty lips that would be an oral sex lover’s dream. He didn’t know if he was an oral sex lover since he had never had it. “Today if a friggin great day” Jason exclaimed. He slid between the counter and the woman and hopped up onto the surface planting his rear down and positioning himself in front of her. He grabbed the pull tab of his jeans and slid the zipper down, reached in and took hold of his cock and pulled it out. It was beginning to swell with the anticipation of what was to come. Jason wasted no time in putting his hand behind her head and bending her neck in a slightly downward position. Then he exerted some pressure to the back of her head, forcing it down to his growing member. Her mouth could not have been in a more perfect position for face-fucking. The “O” of her lips were just slightly smaller than his hardening cock. He pressed a little harder and her lips began encircling his rod. It was almost too tight, but since his cock was now pretty firm it forced her lips to spread just a little. Perfect.

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   Not too tight and not too loose. And it felt damn fine in there. Jason kept pushing until he felt the head of his dick pressing into the back of her throat. “No need to stop there” he said in almost a whisper and continued to push. He did not let up until his cock was burried all the way down her gullet. Her nose was pressed hard against the hair surrounding his pubic area. Jason stopped pushing. He simply held her there as he felt the glorious sensation of having his fuck-stick rammed totally down her oral cavity. For several seconds Jason sat there with his hand on the back of her head. His cock was now a raging pole of sensation. He grabbed her hair and began slowly moving her head side to side. That did not last long. The passion of the moment was quickly building within him to overload proportions. He lifted her head about half way up his cock, then quickly burried it to the hilt again. Over and over he rammed her head down on his throbbing cock.

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   Over and over he thrust up his hips in an attempt to bury it even further if it were possible. He had his first real sex about an hour ago, and now he was having his first blowjob. He figured this was probably as good as it gets. How many women could he have begged enough to give him oral sex would be able to take it so far down their throats and not have to breathe? This time, Jason lasted much longer. The edge had been taken off by his fuck a little while ago, and it would take a little more time for him to cum. His arms were starting to get a little bit weary, but he didn’t slow down one little bit. He rammed and rammed her throat over his cock. Faster and faster he pistoned her head as he drew nearer to his climax. “Yeah, take it babe. Take it. Gobble up my load. ” Jason was now on the brink of spurting his cream rapidly down her throat. The woman’s hair was whipping his belly over and over as he jack hammered her head up and down on his pulsing cock. And then it hit. He felt his balls contract deep into his sack and stay there for several seconds until the first spasm hit.

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   Spurt after spurt of his juice was now coating her throat as Jason came hard. He shoved down hard on the back of her head to force the full length of his shaft into her. He held her head still while he continued to spew his load.

Once Jason was done with her, he got off the counter and put his equipment away. He looked at the woman to see what kind of mess he had made, but saw nothing. His come had gone so far down her throat that not a single drop was visible on her lips. “I wonder how she is gonna react when I unfreeze her. I’ll bet she will wonder where that funny taste in her throat came from. HAHAHAHA!” Jason chuckled. Now that he was satisfied and had enough money for breakfast, Jason decided it was time to get something to eat. He walked to the exit and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Turning around and looking through the door to watch the woman’s reaction, Jason yelled out “GO. ” He saw the woman slightly choke for a second then clear her throat and smack her lips with an expression of curiosity on her face. “Man, this is the life” he said to himself.

Jason was shown to his table and took the menu offered by the waitress.

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   He ordered his coffee and began looking at the selections. He had never realized how hungry a little sex can make you, especially so early in the day. Everything looked good. The combo omelet, the ‘Big Ole Breakfast’ with all the trimmings, the blueberry pancakes, the Texas style French toast, all sounded wonderful. The waitress came with his coffee and placed it in front of him. “What’ll it be today?” she asked with pen and pad in hand ready to scribble her abbreviations. “Ma’am, I am extremely hungry today. I think I will have the blueberry pancakes with lots of whipped cream, 3 eggs over easy, an order of hash browns, 4 of your famous smoked sausage patties, some blueberry syrup, and a large glass of milk. ” The waitress scribbled several lines of gibberish and replied “Will that be all?” Jason noticed the name tag that was hap-hazardly pinned to her blouse announcing her as ‘Betsy’. “Yeah, Betsy, I think that will cover it. ” He watched Betsy turn and saunter toward the kitchen with those quick little steps waitresses with lots of customers are known for. He glanced at her legs and was quite surprised to see the bulge of her calf muscles flexing with her strides. “She has either walked a million miles, or was an athlete in her previous life. The years haven’t been very good to her” he thought. As he was observing the extra pounds on her buttocks, he noticed a slight commotion coming from the cashiers desk near the exit.

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   He couldn’t quite hear the words being spoken by the fancy dressed ‘uppity’ looking bitch as she was arguing about her check. About the only thing Jason could tell was that this snooty broad was being totally unreasonable. “Probably all ticked off over 18 cents. Hell, she could probably buy the place but all she wants to do is show everybody how high class she is” Jason thought. An idea crossed his mind. Immediately Jason’s lips formed the smile that stayed on his face for several minutes. As a young man, he had many times laid in bed at night and fantasized about being able to control women or stop time or be invisible. Every time this occurred, he masturbated and shot off like a cannon. The now familiar stirring in his loins caused Jason to reach under the table and adjust his manhood to allow it to expand without discomfort. He took a good sip of his coffee, sat the cup down, swallowed, and yelled out “STOP!” Jason looked around the room to see the everyone was frozen in place. The family in the booth to his right was quite a comical sight. Mom and Dad with the forlorn look on their faced that comes from being annoyed by their juvenile kids. The kids tormenting each other with practiced skill. Another waitress was pouring a coffee refill at the table to his left and the steam was suspended along with the liquid. Jason casually rose from his seat and walked over to the cashiers stand.

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   The bitch in front of him was dressed to the nines as if she had just come from or just going to a major stockholder meeting the she was the speaker of. “What to do. . What to do” Jason mused. He walked behind the cashier stand and looked on the shelf below the register, finding exactly what he was hoping. Grabbing the scissors, he walked back around to the bitch. His first thought was to remove her underwear. He was pretty hungry, so he didn’t want to waste much time. He grabbed the button of her blouse that was even with her bustline and unbuttoned it with surprising ease. Next, Jason took the center of her bra and lifted it out away from her body using the scissors to snip it in two. He moved around behind her and pulled her blouse up out of her skirt and unclasped the bra. Then he reached up under her blouse and pulled hard on the straps that went over the woman’s shoulder, cutting them quickly. Jason removed the remnants of the once pretty brazier and threw them into the trash container behind the counter. He then returned to the woman and lifted up her black wool skirt. Running his hands up both sides of her thighs, he grabbed a handful of material and yanked downward.

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   Down came her panties, and the right side of her slip. A second trip up her thighs revealed her bare skin. Jason’s hand lingered on her ass for a moment, but he thought better of exploring any more so he didn’t have to wash his hands before returning to eat his breakfast. He grabbed the left side if her slip and pulled it down to her ankles with the rest of the silky material that was gathered there. He lifted one foot at a time and completely removed her slip and panties. Jason noticed how plain and simple the undergarments were. “Man, for a hooty-tooty rich bitch, she wears shit for lingerie. ” Jason thought. Not wanting to dally, he set forth the rest of his plan. Jason carefully gathered a little bit of blouse material at the area where her nipple had made little bumps. Folding the material in very small amounts, he used the scissors to snip off just a little bit of fabric. When he let it go, he was pleased to see that most of her nipple was now exposed to any onlooker. He then made the other side match, wondering how long it would take before she realized how exposed she was. “Now for the final touches” he giggled. Jason hadn’t had this much fun, other than the events of today, in his life.

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   He started wandering around the restaurant seeking a few items that would suit his purpose. Jason didn’t have much love for women, other than the sexual pleasure he could derive from them. All his life, he had been slapped around, ignored, made fun of, and generally looked down upon by women. He thrilled at this chance to be just a little bit mean. After a few laps around the dining area, he strode into the kitchen still looking for just the right objects. “YES” he exclaimed. Jason had spotted, hanging to the left of the greasy grill, a 2 foot long smoked sausage. Uncut. Just hanging there by a string waiting to be sliced up and grilled. “The specialty of the house, commin up!” Jason had to laugh out loud at that one. As he walked back up toward the cashier counter, he saw the little drink stand used by the waitresses to get water, ice, soda pop, and tea for the patrons. His eyes centered on the ice machine. “Ice for the Ice Queen” he thought. Jason was not…. yet….

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  a cruel man, only a man who was bitter against women and any persons who thought they were better than everyone else. So Jason took the ice scoop filled with ice, the sausage from the kitchen, and stopped by the last table on his way to the bitch and took a pat of butter from the little dish. He sat the ice scoop down on the counter and took the pat of butter and began massaging the sausage for lubrication. Jason again smiled as he lifted the woman’s skirt from the back and aligned the sausage with the woman’s anus. Ever so slowly he pushed. He pushed inch after inch of the breakfast meat into the woman’s rectum until he felt too much resistance. Only about 5 inches of the sausage remained outside. Thinking quickly, Jason went to the trash can and removed the remnants of the woman’s bra. He used the cashier’s pencil and shoved it through the sausage, leaving a couple of inches on each side of the pencil exposed. He then hooked the straps around the pencil and pulled hard enough to make the straps reach around to the front of her waist. There, he tied the straps together and tested his work. The elasticity of the straps were perfect, keeping constant pressure on the meat and keeping it in her ass. Jason noticed that after her skirt was lowered, it looked like she was taking a crap as the sausage made a big lump in the skirt. “What the heck” Jason thought. He took the scissors and cut a hole just big enough for the sausage to be exposed, stopping short of the pencil, so that all he could see was the end of the sausage sticking out like a backward cock.

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   Jason was running out of patience. He was famished and really wanted his breakfast. So as a last added touch, he took 4 of the ice cubes from the scoop laying on the counter and, one-by-one, pushed them inside the bitch’s pussy. He turned and walked back to his table and sat down. “GO”.
Jason hadn’t counted on the strength of the woman’s scream. Nor did he properly estimate the speed at which she ran out the door and down the street. He was a little disappointed, figuring she would have ran through the restaurant seeking the bathrooms so he could watch her face and see his handiwork.

Chapter 5

Jason’s breakfast was the best meal he could ever remember. He didn’t know if it was really that good or if he was just that hungry, but who the hell cared. He just gobbled it up like it was his last meal and enjoyed thoroughly every bite. Betsy came around often checking on his progress to see if he needed anything. After Jason had finished eating, he leaned back in his chair and sipped his coffee. He admired Betsy as he watched her hop from table to table filling coffee cups and water glasses, serving hot plates of food, and tending to her patrons. Betsy was not a looker by any stretch of the imagination.


   She was overweight slightly and the lines on her face told of her age and of the rough life she probably had lived. Jason was ready to leave the diner and see what new adventures might await him the rest of the day. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wad of bills the he had ‘borrowed’ from the bank. He pulled out a 20 dollar bill, and just for grins and to show his appreciation, he laid another 20 on top of it.

Jason walked out of the door and turned left, not sure where he was headed. He walked a couple of blocks as he let his mind roam trying to decide what to do next. When he got to the stop light and stood waiting for the green light, he happened to notice a store that he had never paid much attention to. It was a very nice clothing store that Jason had never been in. He never wore suits or fancy clothing but decided it was time to treat himself to a new shirt or jeans or something. Entering the store, he began to feel a little uneasy since he was only dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He strode down a few isles looking for something to catch his eye when he saw a pretty cool looking shirt on a display. Looking through the stack below the display proved to be a little frustrating as he couldn’t find his size. Hell, he didn’t even know what size he wore. All the clothing he ever wore were marked Large or Extra Large. These shirts were sized in numbers.

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   He looked around to find some assistance figuring it was about time he learned a few finer things in life since he was going to be a fairly rich man. He saw a sales consultant milling about at the end of the shirt section and walked over to him. Jason was a little miffed that nobody looked his way to assist him and instead he had to go find someone. He took a deep breath and politely asked the clerk for some help. “I don’t really know what size shirt I need, but I saw some over there that I like. Would you assist me please?” The sales consultants face didn’t change expression as he eyed Jason with a look of disdain. Seeing this dumpy guy wearing faded worn-out jeans and a slightly tattered t-shirt made the clerk instantly judge that Jason was not ‘his type’ of customer. Working on commission rather than salary, the salesman figured the this was going to be a waste of his valuable time. “Show me which shirt you had in mind and I will see what I can do” the salesman replied. They walked back to the stack of shirts and Jason pointed out which color he was interested in. “What size do you wear?” he asked. “I told you, I don’t know what size I wear. I buy extra-large mostly but in some shirts a large will do. The salesman grunted under his breath. He knew how to measure for a proper fit but didn’t really want to waste his time on this guy who probably couldn’t even afford a pair of socks from this store.

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   “Sir, I will be glad to measure you for a good fit, however please note that this shirt sells for $98. 00. We have a sale rack over in the corner with some discontinued styles in out-dated fabrics that might fit better into your budget. Would you like to look at some of those?” Jason did not loose his cool. Oh, he wanted to…very much. As a matter of fact if this would have happened a day or two ago he would probably have told the guy off and left the store. But then, two days ago he really couldn’t have afforded to spend that kind of money for a shirt. But today Jason did not need to raise his voice or express his anger in the normal method. Today Jason simply yelled “STOP!”

Jason had never been a violent person. Not that he never got angry, but he was afraid of getting into a fight. Now standing in front of this arrogant butt-hole of a salesman with time at a standstill, Jason had time to think a little bit. He followed his first instinct immediately. He swung his right arm, hand open and palm forward, striking the man across the face. Jason had no skill in fighting so it was probably more of a bitch-slap than a right cross. But the contact of his hand with the mans face still felt extremely satisfying.

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   “You arrogant sonofabitch! What gives you the right to talk down to me like that. Just because I don’t dress exactly like you doesn’t mean that I am a low-life. ” Jason exclaimed in an aggravated tone. “I wish I could think of a way to punish you, to make you pay for your insolence, to get back at you for pissing me off. You know, it would be great if when I started time again that you couldn’t talk. That would be a hoot. Yeah, that’s it. You are a mute and you will loose your job because you cant talk to customers. Hard to sell something if you cant talk about it, isn’t it? Then you couldn’t be such an ass-hole to people that you think are ‘below you’. Yup, that is what I would like. And what the hell, while I’m at it, you should also turn gay. He he…yeah, and any time you see a man that is ‘beneath you’ you have a burning desire to suck his cock. Ha ha ha…this is great. Here we have the high and mighty professional sales consultant in a ritzy store who was a complete ass-hole but now prefers to lick assholes and suck the cocks of those he feels superior to. ” It was like the best therapy Jason could ever hope for.

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   No professional therapist could have ever made him feel better than he did right now. Just the mental picture of this turd dropping to his knees and begging to suck someone’s cock and lick their asshole, having to use hand signals and expressions, caused Jason to bust out laughing.

It took Jason several minutes to collect himself and return somewhat to normal. He looked at the salesman and decided he really wasn’t very mad anymore. He didn’t really feel like doing much to the guy since his imagination had taken over and caused him to laugh out loud. Jason decided to just start time again and show the man that he had money, get the guy to measure him, pay for his shirt, and then get the hell out of there. He didn’t want to find another salesman that might insult him again, or go to another store where the same thing could happen. After all, Jason knew it was true that he didn’t really have much class. “GO” he hollered. “Sir, I have $200. 00 in cash. I want you to measure me and tell me what size I need. I will try it on and if it fits well I will buy it. Just please don’t attempt to insult me any more than you already have. ” The salesman opened his mouth to respond…but nothing came out.

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   Only breath. He tried again, with the same lack of success. He tried clearing his throat but that did not help at all. “Hey, man, you alright?” asked Jason. Again the man attempted to talk but no sound could be heard. They both stood there looking at each other for a few seconds. Jason was looking at this guy wondering what had happened to him. The salesman, however, was thinking something totally different. He was suddenly overcome with an insane desire to suck Jason’s cock and lick his asshole. He had never touched a man in a sexual way, but somehow it just seemed right. It seemed natural and normal to him that anyone that was not up to his standards should be somehow consoled. And the only way he could imagine to make Jason feel better about being low-class would be to lick his asshole and suck his cock for him.

The salesman again tried to speak. He wanted to tell Jason that he was sorry and that he wanted to blow him. After a couple more attempts at speech, the man gave up and opened his mouth to form an ‘O’.

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   then he took the index finger of his left hand and pointed to the ‘O’ of his lips. He could only hope that Jason understood. The look on Jason’s face was one of confusion. He really had no idea what the hell this guy was up to. He was playing like he couldn’t talk and had pursed his lips into an ‘O’ and was pointing at it. But when the salesman curled his hand around an imaginary cock and acted like he was poking it in and out of his mouth, Jason got a clue. “Oh my ever lovin god! It cant be. No. He is acting like he is sucking a cock. Like he wants to suck MY cock. And he cant speak. Holy shit. I told him while he was frozen in time that he should become a mute, and that he would have a burning desire to…. Holy shit!” Jason was thinking 800 miles an hour as he stood there watching the guy suck an air dick. Jason turned and walked out of the store as quickly as his shocked and surprised body would take him.

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   Now he really had to think. “What the hell was that all about? Do I have more ‘power’ now? Can I also control peoples minds? And if I can, how did I do it?” Jason found a bus stop bench on the next block and sat down. His knees were shaking so bad he could hardly walk. He had to try to figure out what the hell was going on in his life. Earlier today he had discovered he had the ability to stop time. That was cool. So very cool that he was happier than he had ever been. He had no more money worries. He had gotten laid. He had a deep throat blow job. And he had hundreds of ideas about what sexual adventures he could get involved in. But now he had been thrown another curve. Now he had caused that salesman to stop speaking and to turn gay and want to lick his ass and blow him.

An hour had passed since Jason had sat down on the bench. His mind ablaze with thought.

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   In his confusion, he didn’t notice the lady that had taken a seat on the other end of the bench. He probably wouldn’t have noticed her even then except that she sneezed and woke him from his deep thoughts. He turned his head in her direction and was instantly in awe. There, on the other end of the bench, in the drab little town of Greenville, in the middle of Oklahoma, sat the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. We are not talking about a pretty woman, or an attractive woman. This woman was breathtakingly beautiful. There has never been a more attractive woman on stage, in magazines, or on television. She had a striking resemblance to the lady that played opposite.



