In Search of the Final Freedom:
An Erotic Socio-Political Novel
By Pat Tomason
Pat_Tomason@hotmail. com
Chapter 14
By Wednesday the rain had gone and it was clear and hot, Trisha arrived at 10:30, followed shortly by Brandy, and Sherry. Bonnie busied herself with the duties of hostess. Bringing out towels, ice, lemonade and such; she was not at all surprised to find upon returning from the kitchen that her all her friends had removed their tops and bikini bottoms as they spread sunscreen on. She had to tell Brandy that her new boobs did look nice.
For the tenth time she told them about her trip to the doctor in St. Barts and how he did the implants using silicon, not saline, through her navel. This time she offered “Here feel’m they feel so real, just like before I had DJ”
Bonnie had no compunction about touching another woman’s breasts. She cupped them and squeezed. “Nice, your right, not hard at all”
Jo Ann, Beth Ann and several others arrived over the next hour. Marcy was last because she worked in the mornings. Like Misty’s friends the only ones to wear their bottoms were those who declared they were on their period.
The conversation quickly turned to the web pictures which led to Bonnie bringing out Misty’s lap top and the beach picture disk, which led to the cruise picture disk, which led to a whole afternoon of church women telling of past lovers and sexual indiscretions. About half of the stories took place years before, but some were much more recent. No one was surprised at Jo Ann and Beth Ann telling about lovers both past and present. Though Jo Ann had been living with her man for several years she blushingly told the group she had not been monogamous all that time.
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The most shocking was Marcy. Even Bonnie was taken aback when Marcy told then group she and her husband had shared the German student-teacher who had lived in their guest bedroom while spending the past school year teaching at Jeff Davis High(where Marcy taught drama part-time).
“We simply had never come into contact with anyone with such a bohemian views. We had always considered ourselves very liberal and we had agreed before Gerta arrived that one of the main reasons to have her stay in or home was to open ourselves and Sarah, who is now a freshman at Jeff Davis, to new ideas. We had been thinking politics and culture”
Marcy told the group. “The second evening we suggested we all relax on the deck in the hot tub. Sarah took Gerta to the hot tub while Mike and I cleaned up dinner. When we finished I could tell something was up by the way Sarah was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I noticed Gerta had no straps showing above the water, but I just assumed she was wearing at strapless top. It wasn’t until the bubbles stopped did I realize that she was completely naked. I know, I had read somewhere that Europeans didn’t wear swim suits in saunas and such, but simply didn’t think to tell her we wore swim suites in the hot tub. She sat next to me for a good 18 minutes before I realized she was naked. ”
Sherry asked “So did you take of f your suit?”
“Not then, once I realized what she was naked I decided it was time for Mike and I to go back inside before she got out of the tub, I wasn’t’ surehow Mike would react. A couple of weeks later though, when Sarah wasn’t home Mike and I joined her a’ natural, but I’m getting ahead in the story” Marcy said “A few nights later we were home watching a movie on Friday night, I was wearing a some old sweats and a tee shirt. She was still dressed for work and she very casually asked if we mined if we were formal at home, or could she changed into her night shirt.
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Again we should have asked more, because when she walked into the TV room and plopped down next to Sarah in nothing but a tee-shirt and the tiniest sheer thong panty imaginable. Virtually nothing was hidden her as she sat in full view of Mike and I. It was so sheer I could see she was clean shaven down there. We didn’t want to act like some Bible thumper Baptists, so we said nothing. The next morning was sunny Saturday. I had made a full breakfast and we were eating on our deck. I knocked on her door and said breakfast was ready. She followed me wearing the same shirt, but sitting down at the table I could not help notice that she now wore no panties at all. ”
Then with a grin she added “But, I couldn’t complain because as soon as we finished breakfast, Mike practically dragged me to the bedroom and did me good. The fact is that Mike and I had been in a rut, and Gerta’s presence had jump started us pretty good. ”
“By October she sometimes didn’t even bothering to wrap herself in a towel going to the hot tub, she would just toss it over her shoulder as she walked through the house. But, it was the week after Halloween when things got real weird. I remember it distinctly; She had been standing in the kitchen for the longest time, wearing a tank top and one of her many thongs, talking to her boyfriend in Germany on her cell. By this time that was not unusual for her. It had gotten late, and Mike and I had gone upstairs.
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We had just began making love and she just opened our door and walked in on us. Gerta said she was lonely and wanted to know if she could join us. Without waiting for an answer she pulled that tank shirt and kicked off the thong before sliding in next to me. Well, I’d been curious to know what it would be like to make be with a woman for several years, and after several comments from Gerta over the past months I’d began to wonder if she was bisexual. That night Mike and I found out she goes both ways. ”
Marcy paused then said “and I guess I can too. ” Though they had been talking about sex for nearly two hours, this revelation was stunning to the church women. Their rather quiet school teacher friend just told the group she was bisexual and had been sharing their exchange student with her husband in bed. How has such news avoided the gossip chain?
“At first we felt bad about it, but by winter she was sleeping with us two or three nights a week. Our sex life had never been better, not even when we were newlyweds. I mean Mike and I made love five and six nights a week, And on the nights she was with us it rarely lasted less than an hour. ” Marcy then added in a low voice, “See, with three of us in the bed Mike could rest while Gerta and I kept going. And the best thing was that nearly every time Mike could get it back up before Gerta and I finished and the second time he could go on for the longest time”
She grinned wide at her incredulous friends “I didn’t think it could get better but at Christmas time her boyfriend from Germany flew-in. By that time there was no question he would stay in her room. I, having convinced myself that Sarah knew nothing of our sexual activities with Gerta, sat Sarah down to explain why we would let Gerta’s boyfriend stay in the same room with her.
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I pointed out, that Europeans simply had different cultural norms and this was part of our education about Europeans. Up until this point we were simply couldn’t imagine that our little 18 year old girl Sarah would even understand to what was happening. Parents can convince themselves of the most ridiculous things. It was clear Sarah enjoyed having a big sister and she obviously looked up to Gerta and admired her free spirit. ”
“I didn’t mention it before, but when Mike wasn’t home Sarah had started joining Gerta in going hot tubing in the buff. One Saturday in late September, when Mike was out golfing, I couldn’t help but notice that my little shy Sarah was sitting around talking to Gerta in a tee-shirt with no panties underneath, and she had, like Gerta, removed all her pubic hair. With this going on we thought letting this woman, who was only four years older than Sarah, have her boyfriend openly sleep in her bed didn’t seem a big deal. ”
She made a dramatic pause “and ladies, he was the most sexy hunk of man I have ever seen in my life. Blond hair, blue eyes, square jaw and he gave a new definition to the word buff. That first night we listened to them make love through the wall for three solid hours. I never realized how our central air system brought sounds from the other rooms. The next day they hardly came out of their room, the third night, it was two days before Christmas; Gerta again walked into our room, with in tow Rolf. And asked if he could join the three of us “
“Until that night I hadn’t had any penis in me but Mike’s since before I got married. I wasn’t sure how Mike would react. I’ve never told anyone, but before I met Mike, I was not exactly a virgin.
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Mike had known that for years and in the past few years, as kinda of a foreplay, he has been asking me to tell him details of my sexual activity before I met him. It always turns him on. But even in the months of us doing Gerta we had not talked about me doing it with a man. I wasn’t sure how he’d react. ”
“So what did he do” Jo Ann asked.
“He just flipped back the covers and invited them in. It was the most amazing night in years and years. I simply can not tell you how he made me feel, it is just indescribable. The next morning I was so tired I could hardly move; and I got a second performance the afternoon before he went back to Hamburg, but that time Mike wasn’t there; just Gerta, Rolf and me. ”
Trisha asked “Has Sarah ever gotten suspicious?”
Marcy grunted as bit of laughter “More than suspicious! I told you how she had started going nude to the hot tub when Mike wasn’t’ home. It was the days after Christmas, I had convinced Mike to go sale shopping with me. When we got back, I went out on the deck to find Sarah, Gerta and Rolf were all naked in the hot tub. I was shocked, mortified, embarrassed. I wanted to scream for her to get out, but how could I? They invited Mike and I to join them but I made up an excuse, there was no way I was going to sit naked next to my fifteen year old daughter and my two lovers. It was later that week I drove Rolf and Gerta to the airport in Atlanta.
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On the way back, in the back seat, Sarah was talking to Gerta and, as calm as could be, said that she would miss Rolf, but at least their fucking wouldn’t keep her up every night. Well I was shocked she would know about such things and I asked her to explain what she meant”
Beth Ann interrupted “Bad Idea”
Marcy agreed “You telling me. I guess till that moment I was really in my own world. Sarah had begun talking to Gerta about things she had never come to me about. So with out blushing my little girl tells me ‘When they have sex it’s hard to sleep, especially when he gets aggressive. ’ this from my little girl. ”
Bonnie agreed “Yea, it’s hard when they grow into women”
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad Gerta came, it pushed us way out of our comfort zone; at least for Mike and me. I think it happened at the perfect time for Sarah. ” Marcy said “So Gerta was there to act as a role model for sexuality for a modern woman. So I’m driving down the hi-way and it occurs to me that if she had been so in tuned to what Gerta and Rolf were doing, how could she not know what Mike and I were doing? Doing with Gerta and Rolf. ”
“Since Gerta was from Germany, she thought it was plenty warm enough to lay out in the sun in April. And you can guess what she wore laying out on our back deck”
Several voices said “Nothing”
“Exactly, and by the time it really did warmed up this month she has been spending most of the weekends out side in the buff. Unless I turned the air-conditioning way down, she sometimes just stayed that way indoors and out. And now you can also guess who followed suit.
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Several voices said “Sarah” in unison.
“A year before she refused to wear a bikini, embarrassed by her new boobs, now she’s asking me if we can go to the nude beach like the Campbell’s did. ”
Bonnie said “Oh, I’m sorry”
Marcy waved it off “No, it’s not you who brought this on. It’s not really even Gerta, It’s Mike and I. We wanted to give our daughter a taste of a more the more liberal culture than we have here in Georgia. We could have stopped Sarah’s progression as she adopted Gerta’s ways, but we didn’t, so it’s our doing. ”
“She just wasn’t ready to come to me, but she was ready to grow up. I thought just knowing about the birds and the bees was enough, well in today’s world it isn’t. Not only did they talk at length about the basics they even talked about things like giving good head. ”
Beth Ann asked “How’d you find that out”
“Last Tuesday, Gerta left. That, coupled with the scandal you caused with the nude pictures, has gotten Sara and I talking about things we never did before. The day Gerta left, she told me she knew about Gerta and Mike and I. Like I said, our house offers little in the way of audio privacy. Sara told me has been listing to Mike and I make love for as long as she can remember. She said she knew the first time Gerta joined us.
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The very next day she had asked Gerta directly if she had slept with us, Gerta didn’t hesitate to confirm. Gerta had told her not to tell anyone knowing how dimly our school district would look on such a thing if anyone found out. I guess she also knew the nights Gerta and Rolf slept in our room as well, but she knew I would have been embarrassed if she said it directly. I’m sure there is more to the story, but that is as far as we got. ”
She paused but no one said a thing.
“Sunday afternoon she asked me if I wanted to lay out with her while Mike watched the NASCAR race. Though she and Gerta had been doing it for a month, it was my first time to join her sunbathing in my birthday suit. If I hadn’t known we would all be doing this today, I’m not sure I would have gotten up the nerve. I must say on one hand I was very uncomfortable, but after an hour or so I began to see why Gerta likes it so much. ”
Bonnie offered “You can bring Sarah over her anytime you want. It’s not a beach, but I think this year it will pretty much be like a nudist area. ”
Jo Ann “Yea, and I for one love it”
Sherry agreed “Doing this again after so long, my only regret is I was that afraid to start back on my own. ”
Jo Ann asked “So you guys looking for a new live in?”
Marcy answered “We don’t know what we want. I think we agree that we don’t want to go back to the way we were. We are talking about options and listening to you all today will give me more to think about.
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Bonnie took this as a lead in to say “This is what Cooper keeps saying. Most people are doing all sorts of stuff that is considered taboo, so no one tells which only reinforces the silly rules that few people actually abide by. Here in two hours we have shared more of our real lives than we had in the past ten years. Aren’t we pretty typical, if so why are we all scared to admit we do the same things everyone else does. ”
She was getting some blank stares. Trisha looked like she wanted to say something but just couldn’t. Jo Ann said “So what does that mean?”
“It means that we act just like Margo LeCroix ; publicly putting on one face while living a totally different life. Cooper and I have simply decided that we aren’t going to live that way. ”
“But that’s just the way life is. You pretend to be things your not and to believe things that you don’t” Brandy said.
Bonnie was getting a little worked up. Trisha began to say “I guess this is a good time to te. . . ” Bonnie cut her off “But it doesn’t have to be.
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If we as a culture reject the false Puritanism then it looses its power over all of us. ”
She could tell she was loosing them. “How about this, we talked last year about inviting the husbands and boyfriends. Let’s do it, and make it into a discussion group after lunch. ”
“You mean we will invite the men AND go naked?” Brandy asked.
“If you guys want to” Bonnie answered.
“Good, that’s what I hoped you meant. ” Brandy said
“I’m game” Trisha said, “Even though I don’t have a man”
“I’ll bring Herb” Sherry said “A month ago I wouldn’t have considered it, but in the past few weeks I’ve seen a side of him I didn’t know existed. I hope his heart can take it. ”
“I’m sure Cal won’t mind being surrounded by beautiful naked women” Beth Ann said
Marcy laughed “That’s us, beautiful naked women. ”
”But I’m due for my period” Jo Ann bemoaned.
“And of course we are including the men without asking” Bonnie said
“What man doesn’t want to see naked women?” Marcy mused
Bonnie corrected “But not all men are comfortable going naked. So let’s just say it will be topless and bottomless for those who feel so inclined”
There were no dissenting voices, though one asked “What about kids?”
Bonnie said “Let’s see if they can go to Grandma’s or something that day. I think it will be less stressful on everyone if the kids are gone. ”
With that decided, Bonnie slipped into the water while Marcy and Sherry went in for more ice.
When they didn’t return after a few minutes Beth Ann went in looking for them.
“Trish” Bonnie said “I’m sorry, I cut you off a bit back. What were you going to say”
“No, no it’s OK”
“No, I want to hear” Bonnie said, truly feeling bad for cutting her off.
Just then Beth Ann came back out and called for her sister “You’ve got to see this”
That peeked other’s interest and when Bonnie finished her four laps in the pool she realized she was alone.
“Where did everyone go?” she asked aloud. She climbed the ladder and grabbed a towel and headed around to the door to the family room. Opening the door she saw her friends, all with eyes glued to the big TV to her right. Stepping in she turned to see what was on.
It was a wide angel shot of their swimming pool area, in one corner, on a chase lounge was her image; her image on her hands and knees being penetrated by a young man behind while sucking the penis of an another man in front. It was a video from last week.
“But how” she asked herself. The answer was obvious “Cooper” Sherry looked over to her “OK, you want to tell us about this?” “It was on when we came in” Marcy said
Bonnie tried her best to be calm. “I’m not sure how it got turned on, but this is near the end. If you want to see it all, let me start it over. ” She said as she walked to the DVD player.
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In her heart she was vowing to kill Cooper, but her mouth said “Cooper must have made this last week after I told him my naughty plan. ”
As she cued up the player she briefly told the girls what had happened with the roofers in the days leading up to the day the video was shot, then pressed “play”.
By the time the Euro Club convened Thursday evening they had over 250 emails, this for a rising class of under 300. It was good that they had plenty of mail space. It had turned Cloudy and cold, so there was no sunning and they worked in the family room.
As they began to work through the emails they were surprised at how many people wrote to say they will not be able to attend, but not to forget them if there are latter get together this summer. The reasons for not coming were usually family commitments for the week after school ended. There were a fair number of obscene emails from Hotmail or Yahoo accounts. Usually telling one or several members how much they want to do them, often with faceless pics of their erect penises. The girls burst out laughing when Rebecca said “That’s Samuel” when they opened an attachment of a well built guy with a blurred out head gripping an obscenely large and stiff tool. “Really, that’s him, I’d recognize his dick anywhere”. The email said “Only Rebecca is woman enough for this” Misty looked hard “Yep, that’s Samuel. That’s not a lay that a girl easily forgets. ”
The other girls heads swiveled to Rebecca and she, with pride, said “Yea, he’s such a stud I’ve had to get Misty to lend a hand on a couple of occasions. ”
Misty added jokingly, “I lent more than a hand, and ended up with a sore pussy for a week both times”.
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Other emails were questions, such as “Does it cost anything?” to which they referred them to the web page that said “There is no fee, but a $5. 00 donation would help offset our costs”
Or “What kinds of swim suites?” to which they replied “Take a look at our bikini’s on the web site, we’d love to see some guys in something hotter than trunks”
And quite a few “What is the prize for the guy’s swimsuit contest” to which they coyly replied “it’s a Euro Club secret special prize”
It took two hours but they came up with a total of 123 people (including dates) who said they were coming.
That was nearly three times as many as last year. So they would have to go back to their parents for money for more cups, drinks, pizza, and paper plates. Bonnie said she would contact the church to borrow a few tables for food. Fortunately the Campbell’s deck and yard were more than big enough for that many people. Bonnie also would notify the neighbors to head off any complaints about the noise.
At school, the party was the talk of the class. Several guys were pestering Club members for the prize and the judging rules. To which they referred them again to the web page. Others, who had heard what the Euro Club was really about asked if they were going topless, to which they consistently said no, but qualified it by saying things like “But I don’t have to take it off to show it” which only built the excitement.
The new painting by Amy had a place of honor just inside the entryway. Bonnie bought a pair of hanging plants to go on each end and a picture light to light the canvas. She also bought four small plants to go in a planter underneath the painting to carry the tropical theme. As Cooper had found, anyone in the entryway was too close to see the painting for what it was; however by moving across the room and looking back, it magically transformed from a nature scene to an explicit scene of she and Cooper making love.
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Trisha Simms and her son Byron lived right in town in the only modern apartment complex in the county. When her husband, Victor, had surprised her by moving out one fall day almost three years ago she had been devastated. For months she hardly left they house they had shared for ten years. She could not understand why. He repeatedly denied there was another woman and for over six months she believed him. Even when she began hearing rumors she refused to believe. It wasn’t until her mother drove her to Victor’s new place before church one Sunday morning she was willing to believe. Next to Victor’s Saab was a white Mercedes that she knew full well belonged to Collette, her husband’s newly law partner.
After that she agreed to let her mother hire an investigator which led to a huge cash settlement and substantial alimony and child support payments. She had planned to keep the four thousand square foot house, but she could not separate her dream home from her ex-husband. During the previous winter the home had sold for far more than she had initially expected allowing her to have a new, smaller, dream home built on a thirty acre tract of land. Cooper had designed the home as a gift, and the contractor promised it would be ready by the end of summer.
During the past year she had been working on finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology using an on-line program. In the fall she would start classes on her Master’s Program. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with the degree, but with money as a non-issue, going to school was a good use of her time until she felt more sure of her future.
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Trisha and Byron had always had a good relationship, but it wasn’t until after the divorce when his dad married Collette and her three children moved in, that she had become much closer to her son. Byron had always been thin and shy and somewhat bookish. The split made him much more so. For both she and Byron their church involvement was the saving grace in this difficult time.
Last year when Bonnie shocked everyone by suggesting they tan topless, it hit Trisha as just the right moment. If she hadn’t seconded it, the idea might have died; though it turned out that several had thought of it before but were unwilling to admit so until Trisha did.
In the past year and a half since her divorce, she had lost 30 pounds. This had not been a plan to get sexy, but rather the effects of depression. Her friends noticed how good she looked now. Early last summer, she had only come to tan once with the girls (before they went topless), because the second week of June she took a long vacation. She had rented a beach front house at Hilton Head for a full month. Her mother and Byron stayed the whole time, and her sister and her two kids stayed the first week. At a local shop she bought the first true bikini (not just a high rise two piece) she had worn in years. Compared to what Bonnie and Misty wore that summer at South Beach, it was very modest, but for a long depressed divorcée, it was very racy. In the dressing room she thought she looked pretty good in it.
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The thirty pounds off made a world of difference, but her hour long power walks she used to fight the depression had begun to toned her new leaner body. Even looking at herself in the house bedroom mirror she thought she looked sexy, but it took until her sister left and Byron and Grandma were out at a movie before she put it on and strolled up the beach.
The beach, by nature of the high cost of rentals was skewed away from young people to adults of means and their children. She walked on the board walk that led directly to the back door of the house, over the dune and onto the sand. It was near high tide so there was little room between the wet sand and the people sunning. As she walked she was very self conscious and imagined being watched. Even still it was quite a shock to see the first men’s eyes that fixed on the large amount of décolletage that the suit presented.
The first time she wanted to hide from the dirty old man, but by the time she had passed two dozen men and everyone stared, she began to think that she was indeed might be attractive. She went much further down the beach than she’d intended. By the time she made it back to the house she was feeling rather good about herself, but not so good as to leave it one for her mother to see. The next morning she went out and bought two more bikini’s. Again they were far larger than Bonnie’s Rio’s but these did show just a little ass cheek and lots of boob. Back at the house she grabbed a beach towel and a bottle of sunscreen and headed out to the sand. Day by day she felt the old self loathing disappear and a new confidence take hold. The fourth afternoon, when she came in for lunch, and began to change out of the sandy swim suit, she looked at her now tanned body with the distinct tan lines.
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She became so aroused that she locked her bedroom door and masturbated as she looked in the mirror. This was the first time she had masturbated during the day since she was in college. It was that day when she went to lay back out she noticed a man who she had seen several times over the past few days.
He was clearly middle aged, but very attractive in a distinguished way. His hair was solid white and blew in the wind as he walked by her, smiling as he went. She began to smile back as he went to and fro. She began to look forward to seeing and waving several times each day. She tried to covertly watch to see if he went into a nearby house, but could not tell if he crossed the dune on a public walk, or on a private boardwalk. Inside her, long dead feelings awoke: feelings of raw sexual desire. At night her fantasies became more and more explicit and her masturbation sessions longer and longer.
It took him almost a week to stop and chat. By then she could feel her nipples harden each time she saw him. The tide was coming in. Byron was boogie boarding in the surf. She watching him walking toward her, not past her but directly toward her.
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She sat up as he approached.
“It’s been a beautiful week” he said as he approached.
”Yes, it has been” Trisha said her heart pounding.
“I couldn’t help but noticing you here all week” He said. His accent was clearly Charleston. “
“I noticed you too” she replied.
He extended his hand “My name is Richard Ravenell, I’m from just up the beach in North Charleston. ”
She stood up and shook his hand. “I’m Trisha Simms from Sparta Georgia. ”
He held her hand longer than necessary. She found it hard to breathe.
He broke eye contact and looked out to where Byron was just being crashed to the sand by a wave “You and your son here alone?”
“No, my mother is staying with us” She said.
He looked like he was pondering something then said “Good, so if I asked you over to my place for dinner it would be a possibility. ” Her throat constricted. He was asking her on a date.
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A man was asking her out for a date. She’d been twenty the last time she’d been asked out. She was at once thrilled, flattered and also terrified. How could she go on a date? She knew their must be a hundred reasons why to say no, but she couldn’t grab one quickly enough. His eyes searched for an answer.
“Where is your place?” she said with out saying yes.
“From here you would take the first boardwalk over the dune. It is the green house across the street and on the left. How does seven sound?”
And so with out actually saying yes, she was dressing for a date. She told her mom she wanted to go out shopping to avoid questions as such she could not dress up to much. Searching through her stuff she realized that since she bought new clothes after loosing her weight, she had not one pretty bra or panty. She told her self that that didn’t matter, he would never see them.
She remembered back, nearly twenty years, to before meeting her eventual husband, Vincent. She had sex on more first dates than not in college, and quite a few times in high school as well. That was a long, long time ago.
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This would not be like that. After trying on almost everything she had she opted for the royal blue silk sarong she had bought at the bikini shop. Solving the ugly bra problem, she just didn’t wear one. She followed the attached directions to make it into a halter dress, twisting the two ends and tying them in a knot at back of her neck. It was thin and her taught nipples lifted the fabric. She moved in front of the mirror, her large breasts swayed with each move. “That will get his attention” she said aloud.
She had originally put on panties, but they clearly showed, showed they were “granny” panties, so they fell to the floor.
Worn as a halter dress the sarong was fairly short, she would have to keep her legs together or she would show everything. She slipped out while Byron was on the play station and her mother took a bath.
To keep up her deception she drove the six houses down and pulled into the sandy drive of the green house. A guest of wind caught her dress and hiked it up past her navel. Her hands shook uncontrollably as she knocked on the door.
She waited. The door opened.
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He wore a silk powder blue robe. His cologne wafted to her senses.
With out hesitating he said “I see you dressed light”
“I didn’t know what was in the offing tonight, so I dressed simply” She immediately berated herself for revealing her inner desires.
Closing the door behind her, he stood close. He kissed her lightly on the lips. He drew her closer with one arm and kissed her a second time with a little more meaning.
She initiated the third passionate kiss, wrapping both arms around his shoulders, opening her mouth and offering her tongue. He responded in kind pulling her tightly against himself. She was overwhelmed. She had long ago decided no man would ever want to hold her this way again. The firmness that pressed on her stomach through the two thin layers of silk told he that he wanted her as much as she wanted him to want her. In turn she wanted him for wanting her.
Without further words, his deft hand picked the knot on the back of her neck loose. Shifting his body as he kissed deeply, he allowed the royal blue silk to flutter to the ground around her feet. Their mouths contused to devour one another’s soul as his hands explored her body.
Somewhere in her semi conscious mind, a voice told her that this stranger was touching her in the most intimate places. The voice didn’t exactly say to make him stop, but it did ask “Don’t you care he is touching your breasts, your ass, your pussy?” The only time she even bothered to tell her self “no I don’t care” is when the voice said “Trisha, don’t you care his fingers are in you?” And she didn’t care, a much louder vice kept saying “More, MORE, MORE!”
The only fear she had was that this middle aged man would not be able to satisfy this all consuming sexual fever that gripped her. She found herself leaning back against what she assumed to be a coat closet, just feet inside the front door.
She was so grateful when his kisses moved from her breasts downward to where the flesh screamed for stimulation she actually said “Thank you. Please do that. ” out loud. The first words she had spoken since waking into the house. She couldn’t imagine she could be more aroused without passing out, but she did. He lifted one leg up and over his shoulder. His tongue and lips danced on the and around the sensitive pink folds of moist flesh. She braced herself with both hands on the door frame to keep from falling. When after stimulating every other conceivable part of her genitals, he finally began to flutter his tongue on her clit the first climax began nearly immediately, followed by three others in such rapid succession it was almost like one endless stream. Eventually it was simply more than she could take and she reached down and pushed his face away from her.
He stood and she untied his robe. It fell open, and as expected nothing covered his full erection.
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She squatted down in front of him and was determined to give as much pleasure as she received. His penis was clearly smaller than Vincent’s, but as she began to work on him she found there are distinct advantages of giving head to a smaller man. The most useful was that she could with out undue effort take him all in her mouth, nestling her lips in his thick hair. In her present mood that was exactly what she wanted, to swallow him whole. She gripped his ass cheeks tightly as she worked him with her cheeks and tongue. Then using this firmly leverage began to movie in and out of her tightly pursed lips. She sucked hard as she took him from base to head over and over again. She surprised her self when she agreed with the inner voice that now said “Make him cum. Taste him, Taste his cum now”.
In college she had blown dozens of guys, but never, never would she keep It up till they came, she always finished with her hand. Gradually all other things faded from mind but pulling the semen out of this man; faster and harder she worked as she pulled on his ass with every building pressure. She pressured the underside of the shaft with her tongue as her sucked-in cheeks formed an artificial vaginia as she mouth fucked his stony tool.
A groan from above told her she would soon have what she craved. She took it all in and held tight as he ejaculated in hr mouth three solid spurts and several smaller ones. It was thick and salty with a hint of garlic.
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She kept sucking until she had swallowed everything he had to give, then kept on.
He had to stop her with “Woe, woman. There isn’t anymore” and lifted her to her feet and surprised her with another deep kiss when she knew full well she would taste of his semen. Letting go of the kiss he reached down and picked up her sarong. Handing it to her he said “That was a fine appetizer, after dinner we can start on the main course. ”
She followed while putting her sarong back on. In the living room, on a coffee table was a large bowel of boiled shrimp on ice, a bottle of Sauvignon, glasses and looking out of place, a bowl of hushpuppies.
“I hope you are not offended I ordered out rather than cooking. ” He said “But these are from The Green Turtle. I don’t think you will find better anywhere. ”
“No. No, this looks great” Trisha said still trying to catch her breath. Switching gears so fast, this was new to her. She couldn’t decide it that was a result of her fifteen years out of commission, or of the fact that adults date different that college students. Either way it was strange and appealing at the same time.
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The conversation through dinner was surprisingly routine. Short bios, jobs, children, hobbies, all normal things; yet this came after she had swallowed his semen. After dinner came more conversation and drinks then a walk on the beach as the sun set. When the main course sex came it was everything she had hoped it would be. Though his smaller size limited the dept of penetration, she gained full satisfaction all the same. His stamina was surprising. She found herself wondering if he used Viagra or one of the similar medicines, but thought it would be rude to ask.
All too soon the alarm on her phone went off and she had to go, but not before she made a promise to return as soon as possible. The next morning her morning power walk only made it as far as the green house, but she returned home just as sweaty and breathless as she did when she walked four miles. For the next three days she found a myriad of excuses why to leave Byron with her mother and whether she had ten minutes or two hours she left the green house with a smile on her face and spring in her step.
On the last Tuesday of her trip she had again stopped at the green house on her morning “walk” to have the fourth morning of sex before breakfast and once again she Richard Ravenel made love like their was no tomorrow. This morning it was first in the bed, then cunilngus on the breakfast table and a final furious fuck on the living room floor.
All this just made her look forward to stopping by for a quickie at lunch time even more. Each morning about ten Trisha and Byron went out to the beach. He would boogie board and she would sun and when possible do some flirting.
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Her multiple trips each day to the green house only made her feel more sexy and empowered as men would look at her in her new bikinis. After about two hours they would come in to escape the noon sun. Bryon would watch TV or play video games. She would read or go shopping. The last four days she got a second lay for the day at this time.
She put on a sun dress and a one of the thong panties she had bought yesterday, and headed out the door. She could see the car was gone even before she got to the house and was not surprised no one answered. She was disappointed, but could not be upset. She had been by eleven other times and he had always been there. He must have to go out some time.
She checked back every hour that day and the car never returned. He heart began to sink by night fall and the next day when a family unloaded at the green house she knew her affair was over. Her mother asked several times over the next few days why she was so down. Trisha never even hinted what it really was. Like a wildfire it had consumed her for five days and left a changed landscape in its path.
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In less than five full days she had gone to Richards place eleven times and had almost twenty separate sexual episodes. That was more than she and Vincent had done in their last year of marriage and she was sure she’d had more orgasms during sex with Richard than Vincent had given her in their entire fifteen years together. She had long forgotten (or suppressed), that prior to meeting her husband she had several lovers who could regularly give her orgasms through intercourse and quite a few did so through cunnilngus. Vincent rarely made her cum and thought going down on a woman was effeminate and had never once done it to her.
She was different now, in a fundamental way. It wasn’t the sex itself, it was the freedom to be herself without apology. Even after divorcing Vincent, she had not reclaim that most basic right. Now, with this man’s help she had done so.
Trisha had never told anyone this story. It seemed silly to keep it from Bonnie now that she had made love to her husband twice and even had allowed Bonnie to go down on her last Saturday.
Last summer was a long time ago, it was the activities last Saturday that now preoccupied her. Since the boy’s joke about her wanting more sausage, Byron hadn’t acknowledged what he had seen. She called Bonnie Friday night concerned she had given her son some inappropriate ideas.
“I don’t think so Trish” Bonnie said “You know how hard it is for men to talk, imagine how hard it is for a fifteen year old boy. ”
“I guess so.
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I’m just so worried I’m doing something wrong. ”
“Like what?”
“Like lowering boundaries that don’t need to be lowered. ”
“Do you think he might get ideas, like about you?”
“Well, yea” Trisha said with resignation.
“I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. He made it clear he preferred the teen girls. Right?”
“Yea, he did”
“So unless you say something that would lead him to think something like that, you’re fine. ” Bonnie assured her. “But if your that concerned, at home just stick to your old habit of always being fully dressed around him. That should head of any untoward thoughts. ”
“But Wednesday night I was sitting in the living room watching TV. I could hear the shower running. When I heard the bathroom door open I turned that way and out came Byron stark naked”
“What did he do?” Bonnie asked
“Well nothing, he just went to his room. But he was naked!”
Bonnie laughed.
“It’s not funny, he did it again tonight, just a few minutes ago. ” Bonnie continued laughing.
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“What’s so funny?” Trisha demanded
“It’s Lamar, he’s put Byron up to this. ”
“I don’t understand, what does Lamar have to do with this?” Trisha said confused.
“He put Byron up to it. I’m sure of it” she answered as she continued to laugh. “Sunday morning I come out of my room to find Lamar eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen, naked. It just happened that I was already dressed for church. ” she began to laugh again “If had been in the kitchen an hour earlier he would found both his parents naked, doing it right over the counter as we waited for the coffee to make. ”
Trisha broke in “You guys are bad”
“We try, but, I don’t ever remember Lamar naked in the kitchen before. I just got another cup of coffee and didn’t comment, what I could say. ” She went on “Last week when I went in to make sure he was getting ready for school; I found he is now skipping pj’s or underwear in bed, just like his dad. The other day Misty told me he had stopped dressing when going from the shower to his room. And I guess all this is his way of saying he’s all grown up. He must have convinced Bryon to go along. ”
“Yea, I guess so” Trisha agreed.
“They’re just being boys, don’t worry” Bonny tried to assure her “I think he’s also doing it to show he’s as grown up as his sister, especially after finding Misty in bed with Rebecca and Samuel on Monday afternoon.
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“You didn’t tell me about that. ”
“It wasn’t that big a deal since it’s no secret that Misty is sexually active. But I had gone shopping with Cooper’s mother on Monday and we didn’t get back until about six. I had stopped by Taco Bell and brought supper home. Lamar was watching TV in the family room told me I should take Misty’s up to her. I was suspicious of his motives, but I wasn’t trying to be sneaky when I went up to Misty’s room, the door was half open so I walked in Taco Bell bag in hand. ”
”What did you see?”
“Nothing really, I guess they had finished some time before and were just lying on the bed talking. ”
“Were they naked?”
”Oh, yea, completely. ” “What did you do?”
“I just tried to be calm and act like it was nothing unusual. I and made a point to tell Rebecca and Samuel hello and handed Misty the bag of tacos. ”
“What did they do?”
“Well Rebecca and Misty did nothing, but I think Samuel has a little thing for me so he strikes up a conversation by making a comment about being he and I being even now that I had seen him and stretches out to show off his dick”
“Typical man, thinks his dick will drive you wild”
“Well, Trisha, I gotta say, in his case he’s got something to be proud of”
“Yea, I didn’t give him the trill of me staring but even so, he is far bigger soft than Cooper is hard. But I just left and told them to have fun. I guess they did because it was another hour before they came down stairs. When they got down I acted as relaxed as I could and offered them all some iced tea and you’ll love what I said” “What”
“I said ‘now that you’ve spent several hours on biology, do you have any other homework?”
Trish said “I don’t know if I could be that cool”
“I don’t mean to freak you out, but you know that Misty and her friends learned about sex by doing it with each other a year before they did it with guys. ”
“What are you saying?”
“Are you so naive.
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Your so worried about Byron wanting to do his mom you are missing his much more probable next step. ”
“And what’s that?”
“Its just a matter of time before they move from jacking of in front of each other to jacking each other off. ”
There was a pause, “Really? You think they would do that? You don’t think they are gay”
“Yes, I’m sure they will and no that wouldn’t make them gay. That would make them normal boys who don’t have girls throwing themselves at them. It didn’t say that to freak you out, just know if you don’t want to catch them doing something like that don’t barge in if Lamar spends the night. But enough about the kids, I am starting to worry about you. It’s been almost two weeks since you and Cooper first did it. You have skirted the issue when it has come up. You are too embarrassed to tell our friends what you did, but you send them to me for all the gory details. I had begun to think you had second thoughts about it, then last Saturday you practically raped him right in front of me, then once again tell everyone to ask me what happened. The final straw was on Wednesday you first begin to tell a story then won’t. What is going on!?”
There was silence for some time then a timid voice said “The Cooper isn’t the first man I’ve had sex with since Victor left me. ”
Trisha couldn’t see Bonnie’s broad smile “Oh, so now we hear the big secret”
Trisha seemed not to breathe for the first ten minutes as she told her narrative. She would have got it out much faster if once she moved into the sex part had Bonnie not peppered her with explicit questions.
“How big was he?” “Was it straight or curved?” “Describe how he
ate you?” and such questions.
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“. and when you suggested we take our tops off I was all for it. I wanted to tell you all right then and there what a great time I had at the beach, but I just couldn’t do it. After a while the secret took on it’s own life and I just couldn’t tell anyone, and then when I began to focus on Cooper when I felt I had to hide it all even further. I had really decided I was a depraved woman. Then in a few short weeks you and then my other friends shatter the delusions I had that everyone else was monogamous. ”
“You’re not the only one who thought that nearly everyone was monogamous. When I did it with Adam I knew I was a fallen woman, never to be worthy of my church friends again. ”
Trisha agreed “Yea, like that”
“Now I’m wondering if everyone at church is not sleeping around. ”
“You and me both girl. ” Trisha changed subjects and asked “How about how about we take the day to go summer cloths, sexy summer clothes, shopping tomorrow”
Trisha countered “Let’s do it,”
“How about I pick you up at 10:00?”
And so the next day Bonnie drove to Trisha’s apartments. They decided her new VW Bug convertible was more fun for a girl trip than Bonnie’s car. So Trisha drove them to the big mall in Atlanta, over two hours drive, to go shopping. Sexy clothes shopping. Though both Trisha and Bonnie had each undergone a midlife sexual awakening over the past year or so, neither had a wardrobe to match.
Though they both were now over forty, they had each found they could turn men’s head at the beach, now they went shopping to turn heads at home.
It was a similar to the shopping trip she had taken with Misty and Keli except she this mall was much larger and she was buying for herself as well. At The Gap they bought tie front halter tops. At Xpress they bought very thin, almost sheer, pastel tank tops and mini-skirts. At Abercrombie and Fitch they bought very short, low rise shorts in denim and bright colors. At The Body Shop the found cute sundresses, with high hem lines and low neck lines and very lowrise stretch jeans. At Victoria Secret they bought a dozen new thongs; some sheer and some in summer pastels. With the thongs came bras; sheer, push-up and half-cups that left their nipples exposed.
With all their shopping thay found that no one shop carried thong swimsuits, but they were told of ashop not far from the mall that did. That was just as well because they couldn’t carry any more. So a short drive later they came to Chantilies. It was primarily a lingerie store, but had three racks of bikini’s, mostly tongs, but some Rio cut bottoms as well. The clerk showed them a line of one and two piece suits that appeared modest, but the clerk said when they became wet, they went almost completely sheer. They both could see the use of those and picked one each from that set. After Trisha had picked out no less than four sets and Bonnie two, they looked at cover-ups, mostly fishnet or semisheer.
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Before they left the clerk offered to show them the “back room” which was where the dildos, vibrators, and other toys were kept. Giggling like school girls they looked over the inventory. “Where have I been” Trisha said grabbing a ‘life like’ dildo from it’s hanger.
Bonnie picked out a double headed dildo. “We can freak Cooper out with this” she said.
Trisha ended up spending over three hundred dollars at Chandtillies, but she was thrilled. After spending so much money in the store they had not problem asking to use the dressing room to change into some of the clothes they had bought at the mall. Bonnie changed into a denim mini skirt over a lace thong and a light blue tank top that in the sun showed the dark circles of her nipples. Trisha went with shorts and a halter top and one the half cup bras. The bra pushed her up and in so much that she showed an enormous amount of cleavage, and when she bent to pick up her purse, her nipples were fully visible as soon as the top gapped even a little.
“Wow, that combination puts you on display all right” Bonnie quipped.
“I thought that was the idea?”
“Yea, but I didn’t know you were going that far the first time. ”
“Does it look bad?”
“No, no it looks hot. I just hope you don’t take all the stares. ” Bonnie said as she slid behind the wheel.
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The trip to Sticky Fingers, a new bar-be-queer joint just a few minutes. It was busy so they had to wait for a table. It didn’t take long for both Bonnie and Trisha to realize they were getting looks from men. Bonne found her self a little annoyed as the eyes consistently settled on Trisha’s chest. But she knew it was natural, Trisha was making the most of her assets and she did look hot.
The hostess gave them a choice of seats, Bonnie strategically asked to be seated near the window. Trisha realized immediately why her friend chose that seat, the direct sun cut right through the thin cotton. Though it was still mostly opaque, the tank nicely showed off her smaller but youthful and perky assets. She was not surprised when the young waiter’s eyes lingered on Bonnie’s chest.
“He’s so cute” Bonnie whispered as their waiter left with their drink orders.
“He couldn’t keep his eyes off your tits” Trisha whispered back “My, tits. He was doing his best to look down your shirt the whole time. ”
“OK, maybe he checked us both out”
He was back notably quickly and took his time to talk through the menu.
Bonnie almost laughed when Trisha leaned forward, knowing full well she was giving him a clear view of her entire left breast. When he finally left Bonnie with a grin said “Why didn’t you just take the shirt off, you showed him everything anyway”
“If I thought I wouldn’t get arrested, I would”
For the next forty minutes they teased the often present waiter, and exchanged ideas of how to molest him when he was gone.
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They each dared the other to ask when he was going on break, but neither mustered the courage.
Walking back the car Bonnie asked “Let me drive home, with the top down. I’ve never driven a convertible. ”
“Sure, it will wreck our hair, but we’re not going anywhere else. ” “And I’m sure we can get some looks from guys” Bonnie added. Trisha handed Bonnie the keys and showed her how to put down the top.
Once they were on the road Trish burst out “That was so fun. Did you see the way he looked at us? He could be our kid but he was about to blow right in his pants, over us!”
”Why didn’t you ask when he went on break?”
“Why didn’t you?”
Bonnie swerved around a slow car before answering “I don’t know. Afraid he would say no I guess. ”
“Would you really have let him fuck you if I’d asked? Or were you just playing?”
Bonnie, rather sheepishly said “I guess I’ve just become a real slut, because I wouldn’t have hesitated to let him do me. ” as she brought the car to halt at a stop light.
Trisha looked over and said “Glad I’m not the only one. ”
A nice looking man in a pickup pulled up beside them. He looked down and grinned. “Oh, he’s a hottie” Bonnie said in a low voice.
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Both women smiled and waved just as the light changed.
”I feel like a college girl again. ” Trisha bubbled.
Just past the light was the ramp to the interstate. As they accelerated to highway speed the wind whistled and their hair began to fly.
Trisha reclined her seat slightly. She then looked down at her halter top. It was tied just under her bust and with the low rise shorts there was a large space of tanned skin showing in the middle. “I guess I’m lucky. No stretch marks from when I was heavier. ” She leaned her seat back slightly to stretch out “Not bad for an old woman”
“Your not old, your younger than me”
“Yea, but you’re a freak of nature, looking like that at your age” They both laughed. Trisha went on with her musings “I think I should get a belly ring. ”
“Misty wants one, but when she found out she couldn’t go swimming for six weeks, we decided to wait until fall. ”
“How about we all three get one?”
“I had been thinking about it, but fall’s a long way off”
Trisha pulled at the halter’s tie and fell loose. “I really like the way this bra feels, I should have gotten more than two”
“But they only had two styles”
“Yea, but maybe I should go looking on line, I’m sure I can find more.
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” She pulled the halter apart and looked at her breasts. The bra’s cup ran from the upper corner, under her nipples in an arc ending just at the bottom inner corner of her breasts. Though they had always looked large to Bonnie, cradled like this, they appeared much bigger indeed. “Are my nipples to ugly, they’re so big and not even round, they’re oval. ”
It was true that the areola of her nipples was oblong and large enough that the bottom was covered by the lacey ending on the bra’s cup. Bonnie answered truthfully “I think they are lovely, I’d love to have boobs that big, and big nipples tend to go with big boobs. ”
A loud “honk, honk”, jarred them.
Jerking their head to the right a red big rig was easing past on the right, in the window a man flashed a thumbs up looking at Trisha.
Her hand instantly grabbed the two sides of the halter, but did not pull them together. Her hand’s gripped the fabric tight and even shook a little, but she did not cover her breasts. Instead she looked up and waved at the trucker whose head swiveled rapidly from the road to Trisha and back again.
The truck had moved on.
“Oooh, Trish the highway flasher!” Bonnie exclaimed
“That was an accident”
“I didn’t see you cover yourself up, it looked more like an invite”
“Well, I was just being polite”
“Yea, right. ”
A few minutes latter she found a second trucker, to whom she chose to be “polite”
Bonnie didn’t have the heart to pull off the interstate while her friend was having so much fun. She passed the normal exit and opted for the route that kept them on the interstate until they were only about ten minutes from home (even though it would take them 18 minutes longer).
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Once out of the city, the interstate reduced to two lanes. With out Trisha asking Bonnie began creeping up on a truck in the left lane. Trisha’s looked over and grinned at Bonnie. She loosened the halter’s tie and reached behind to unhook her bra. Slipping it off under the shirt she tossed it in the back. Once she could see the man driving in his big side mirror, she untied the fabric between her breast and let the two sides of the top fall, fully exposing her breasts. It took a moment for the driver to see in his rearview what was behind him. He slowed a bit so the car was below his door. Trisha waved up at him before Bonnie sped up and left him behind. They laughed loudly as Trisha recovered her breasts. They had made the day of a half dozen truckers before they pulled off the interstate. Trisha was having the time of her life. It was almost five when Bonnie pulled into Trisha’s the apartment complex. “I think me and Mr. Life Like are about to have a nice time.
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” Trisha said gathering her bags.
Inside Trisha found her son, Byron, firmly ensconced in front of the TV playing a video game. Laying down her packages, she said “Well couch potato, have you been playing that game all day?” “No” came a defensive reply “I watched TV too”
“Well get yourself together, we’re going for dinner in about an hour”
“OK, let me get to a good save point” he said as she went back to her room
She made a conscious decision to put her new dildo on the end table rather than in her drawer. She took off the tags and put the other things away leaving only out two swim suits and a cover-up. She went back into the living room to find Byron putting away the game controller. He had not even looked at her when she had first come in. Now seeing her in her new outfit he said “Wow mom, that’s new”
“Is that bad?”
“No. It looks really good. But you probably don’t need to wear it to my school. ”
“OK, I won’t wear it to your school. ”
Then holding up a hanger with her new Rio cut swim suit she asked “Which should I wear tomorrow at the Campbell’s? This one?” Then holding the hanger with one of the new thongs “This one? Or this one?” finally holding up a hanger with nothing at all on it.
“Which ever one you want” he replied
“You won’t be embarrassed if your mom wear this one in in front of a bunch of people?” she said holding up the empty hanger.
“It’s not like you’re an old hag, and I’m guessing for most of them it would be something new. Come on I saw you giving . .
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” Byron abruptly ended.
Trisha thought she knew what he was going to say but thought this would be the time to get it out in the open “Saw me doing what?” she said in a quiet tone.
He looked down and said in a tentative voice “Saw you giving Mr. C a blow job. ” His voice gaining confidence he continued “In the pool, Lamar and I watched for a while before you saw us. He says you and his dad do it, all the way, together. ”
Trisha sat down in the easy chair. “Is that a question?”
“I don’t know”
“And would an answer, either way, make any difference to you?”
“Not really”
“So do you want to know if I had sex with Cooper and Bonnie?”
“I don’t know, well yea kina. I don’t like being treated like a child, hiding adult stuff from me”
“OK, fair enough. Yes, I did have sex with them. Any other questions?”
“No. ” She got up to leave then he said “Yes. If you wear the last swim suit when I’m there, and Lamar and his family do too, do you mind if I do it too?”
“If you want to” Trisha said as she went to try out Mr. Realistic before they went to dinner.
Copy-write retained by the author.
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