‘Any minute now, Heidi will exit that elevator,’ she thought to herself. She wasn’t sure which emotion was more prominent, fear or excitement. Either way, her heart was pumping at a fast rate and the butterflies in her stomach seemed to be back flipping. She raised her head off the head rest and glanced down at her watch. 7:04. ‘Maybe she changed her mind and decided not to meet me,’ her excitement sunk with the dread of being stood up. At that moment, Jess heard the ping of the elevator and snapped her head up to watch the large bronze coloured doors slide open. Time seemed to slow, as if everything passed through jelly-like air. Her eyes scanned the elevator’s occupants. A tall man in a business suit, with short, neat brown hair was the first to exit with long legged strides. The next was an elderly lady, thinning, white hair and wrinkly, pale face. She was smiling and gave a polite nod. Jess passed her eyes to where the lady was nodding, and caught her first sight of the girl that she’d be longing for. The thumping of her heart felt like mini-earthquakes. The blood pulsed through her body and seemed to send shockwaves of excitement throughout her body. She was much more beautiful than the pictures showed.
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She was wearing a tight pink t-shirt that clung to her breasts and outlined their perfection, denim jeans that seemed a couple of sizes to small and hugged her slender thighs, before flaring out around her ankles. She wasn’t to tall, only 5’6”, but that was perfect for Jess, who herself was only 5’8”. Jess watched, unmoving as the girl stepped into the middle of the middle of the hall, and scanned around her, searching. She smiled to herself and enjoyed the moment, watching her beautiful girlfriend while remaining anonymous. Then she turned her head and caught sight of Jess. Their eyes locked and both knew exactly who the person was they were looking at. Jess watched Heidi’s face split into a broad smile, and felt her own doing likewise. She hadn’t noticed the dampness of her pussy yet, she was to busy filtering through the emotions running through her, while trying to hide the excitement that grew with every step Heidi took towards her. She brushed down the thighs of her light brown chord pants, the action more of an easy way to break the intimate stare and avoid flushing, than to actually brush off any lint. She rose out of the comfortable chair to greet her girlfriend. “Hi, you’re Jess?” Jess watched her lips sound the words, and ached to kiss them. It was then she realised her mouth was agape, and abruptly shut it. “Uh, yes,” she stammered, “I’m Jess, you’re Heidi?” She felt so stupid and clumsy. ‘Of course she was Heidi, she knew as much the first moment she’d laid eyes upon her, and how else would she know her name?’“Yup, I’m Heidi alright!” She said it with enthusiasm, that was a good start. Jess stood at a loss at what to say next.
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It seemed quickly that the moment began to become awkward. “Umm, you’re ready to go then?” She didn’t want to take Heidi away, in fact, she would much rather have taken her straight back to her room and gotten to know her better over a coffee, or maybe a cocktail. ‘Yes, some alcohol would do wonders to calm my nerves,’ she thought to herself. “Yeah, shall we?” She smiled as she finished. Her lips spreading to expose white teeth beneath. Her cheeks raised and her eyes showed her happiness. They then put on their jackets, Heidi’s with a large furry collar that was more for fashion than comfort, while Jess’s was a thin black, material that hung about her. They were both ready to go out into the cool night. Heidi then held her hand out to Jess, offering it for her to hold. Jess smiled and took Heidi’s smooth hand in her own and they walked out of the large hotel lobby towards the car park. Jess approached the restaurant counter with a smile on her lips. “A reservation for two under the name of Edmond’s. ” She stated. The middle aged man checked the list, then signalled them to follow him to small table against the wall of the room. A round candle placed in a tube of blue water gave off a dim light that made everything appear sensual.
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They sat in comfortable high-back chairs and gave the waiter their orders. “So have you enjoyed your stay on Boston so far?” Jess asked to make conversation while they waited for their food to arrive, but also out of honest curiosity. “Oh yes, my hotel room is just lovely. ” Heidi replied in an unserious tone. It brought a short laugh from both of them which seemed to melt away the remaining tension. Their laughter eased into smiles. Jess continued to stare, mesmerised by the play of the candle light upon Heidi’s face: it seemed only to enhance her pure beauty. She moved her hand out on the table towards her girlfriend, and moved her eyes from Heidi’s face to her hand, and then back to meet Heidi’s eyes. Heidi’s smile only widened as she reached her hand out to meet Jess’s, and cupping it in hers, she began to rub her thumb with a gentle caress over Jess’s smooth skin. Their eyes stayed locked. Jess felt as if she was trapped, lost forever in those beautiful brown eyes. The sound of the waiter at their table broke their intense stare. He placed a wine glass in front of Jess and then one in front of Heidi, and then began to fill them with the bubbling, pale, yellow alcohol. They sipped idly at their glassed and continued to talk until their food arrived. Both ate sparingly, much more interested in the person opposite them.
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Eventually the waiter returned to take away their plates, and to refill their wine glasses. As they began drank more alcohol, they both became much more uninhibited. Their conversation eventually moved from their hobbies, to the first time they’d ever been with a girl. As Heidi told her story, Jess found herself becoming increasingly aroused. As she went into more depth, Jess began to picture Heidi’s beautiful body, and imagine her own on top of it. She felt her own juices beginning to leak from her pussy and coat the thin strip of the thong she wore. Heidi knew exactly what Jess was thinking about. She moved her foot, under the table, to rub against the calf of Jess’s leg and gently stroke against it. Jess blushed, but didn’t pull back from the loving caress. She felt as if she was soaking her thong completely now, and worried that a damp patch might appear on her chord pants. “How about some dessert?” Heidi asked with a wicked grin on her face. As if the waiter’s were mind readers, their’s appeared and asked if they were having dessert. Heidi proceeded to order a banana split, and the waiter went on his way, only to return shortly afterwards. He was holding a long glass bowl in his hands, in it was their banana split, and it appeared delicious. The ice-cream sat atop the long banana, which ends poked out from underneath the ice cream.
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It was coated with a rich chocolate topping and a cherry. The bowl was placed in the middle of the table, after the candle was moved to the side. The waiter then left them alone to enjoy their each others company and their dessert. Jess slide her spoon in, gathering vanilla ice-cream and chocolate topping on it. She glanced up at Heidi as she put the spoon into her mouth, and found herself almost gag. Heidi had taken the cherry and was sucking it as if it were a nipple. Her lips were pouted full around it, and she kept drawing it from her mouth to let the tip of her tongue flick against it, making sure Jess could see what she was doing. Eventually the dessert was finished, after Heidi decided to pretend the top of the banana was Jess’s clit, and proceeded to flick the tip of her tongue against it. With the last of their food eaten, the waiter took their bowl and came back with the bill. They both stood and Jess reached for her purse. Heidi’s hand grabbed hers and stopped her before she could open it. “I’ll pay for it,” Again with the wicked grin. “You can pay me back tonight. ” Jess again found herself blushing while more of her juices seeped from her pussy to soak her thong. After Heidi payed the bill, she quickly went to the toilet and they then headed out to the car park with their jackets draped across their arms.
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Once they found Jess’s car, Jess unlocked and opened the door for Heidi. She was still a bit concerned about letting Heidi pay the bill. ‘I’m supposed to be showing her a fun time in Boston. ’ She thought to herself with annoyance. She turned to Heidi to apologise. “Heidi, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have le-,” was as far as she got through her apology. Heidi pressed her lips roughly against Jess’s, and found no resistance. Jess melted into an embrace as Heidi pushed her up against the side of the car. Their lips parted and their tongues searched and probed, finding each other they began to stroke against one another. Jess felt herself getting increasingly aroused as their kiss continued. Heidi’s arms were wrapped around her, one holding the back of her head, the other with her hand in the small of her back, gently rubbing the soft skin through her top. After their intimate kiss broke, they were both breathing heavily trying to contain their arousal. Without another word, they got into the car and both savoured the moment in silence while Jess drove towards her apartment. Jess could swear she felt the linger of that kiss even once they’d pulled into the car park of her apartment building. She licked her upper lip and still tasted some of the lipstick Heidi was wearing.
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It was sweet like strawberries and yet it was almost an arousing intoxication. They both opened their doors and Jess lead the way to the door of the apartment building. The lobby area was empty and had the quiet of night, remaining dimly lit. Jess pushed the elevator button, and the doors slid open, revealing an empty elevator. They both stepped inside, and Jess glanced over at Heidi to catch another wicked grin on her face. She ignored it and waited patiently for the doors to close, and the elevator to begin its ascent to her floor. Once the elevator began moving, she understood the mischievous grin that had been on Heidi’s face only moments ago. Heidi reached across and quickly spun her, and before Jess could react, their lips were again firmly pressed together. Heidi’s tongue snaked out and into Jess’s mouth to make contact with her own soft tongue. Their tongues stroked playfully at one another, before Jess felt Heidi’s tongue retreat back into her mouth. She then felt Heidi’s lips closing down, down upon her lower lip. She took it between her soft lips and sucking it just slightly into her mouth, to allow her tongue to flick across it. She then let go and looked at Jess’s face. Jess sighed, with pleasure and longing. Never had she felt a kiss so intimate, so raw and sensual.
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Heidi giggled quietly at her reaction then leant in to place a soft kiss on Jess, just barely brushing their lips together. The elevator doors opened and exposed the bare, carpeted hallway lined with doors. Jess lead Heidi passed the first set, and then pushed her key into the next door on the right. The door swung open to Jess’s apartment. In front of them was a mirror, placed on a pale blue wall, beneath it a small table with a pot-plant upon it, it’s leaves coloured a bright green with life. Turning left, it opened into a casual room, with a dinner table at one end, and a couch and television at the other. Off from this was a small kitchen, filled with gleaming white appliances and white tiles with lavender floral patterns across them. A hallway ran from the casual room, deeper into the apartment, leading to a bathroom with one toilet and a shower, and the bedroom. Jess’s bedroom was filled mostly by her king-size bed. On one side of the bed, in the corner sat a wicker chair that was beneath a window that looked out across the street and onto the park. On the other side was a small bed-side table with a lamp and an alarm clock. Across from this was Jess’s wardrobe, built into the wall. As Heidi strolled casually about the apartment, Jess moved to the kitchen. She filled the kettle with water and set it to boil, then busied herself with retrieving mugs from the cupboards. Through her mind, the same thoughts kept running, ‘wasn’t this moving a bit fast?’ She resolved to not have sex with Heidi, not tonight, not yet.
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‘Maybe she won’t try to go there yet anyway,’ she thought to herself hopefully. “Oh, I like this!” Came Heidi’s cheerful remark from somewhere in the apartment. Jess smile to herself and went looking for her. She found her on her bed, bouncing herself up and down. “You always keep everything so neat?” She asked curiously. Jess shrugged and replied offhandedly, “It’s a habit. ” Then, with a smile down at Heidi, she began to turn to leave the room, to go back to the kitchen and make their coffee. She swung back at the sound of Heidi’s voice. “Won’t you come have a seat with me?” Heidi asked as she patted the bed beside her. ‘Well, I don’t see anything wrong with just sitting and talking together,’ Jess thought naively. Jess sat down beside Heidi, glancing a smile over at her. Heidi returned the innocent smile with her wicked grin that foretold that she was about to do something naughty. It was a second, and in that time, Heidi had managed to wrap an arm around Jess’s shoulder to prevent her from getting away, and to press her lips tightly to Jess’s. Jess was pushed flat onto the bed from the force of Heidi practically throwing herself on her. Heidi stayed on top of her, an arm pinned beneath Jess’s shoulders while she continued to kiss her.
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She parted Jess’s lips with no resistance, and then met her seeking tongue. Their tongues rubbed, the soft and slippery surfaces gliding over one another. She felt Heidi’s hand push the bottom of her top up, and then her hand made contact with the bare skin of Jess’s waist. She rubbed gently with her hand across the smooth skin in a light caress that caused Jess to moan softly against Heidi’s mouth. Heidi was unrelenting with her kiss, she continued to rub her tongue over Jess’s, flicking it lightly before diving in to give it a long sensual stroke. The juices drool from Jess’s pussy freely now as she begins to rub her hands up and down her girlfriend’s back. Their tongues part and Heidi pulls her mouth away from Jess’s. She smiles down at her, then moves her hand from her hip, to the waist of her pants. She fumbles with the button of Jess’s chords before eventually undoing it, and sliding the zipper down. She lifts herself of Jess, and pulls her arm out from under her. Jess raises her hips slightly as Heidi slides down her body and hooks her fingers in the side of her pants. She moves off the end of the bed and stands on the floor to pull the pants away from Jess’s feet and dump them, forgotten on the ground. Heidi then grins at Jess’s semi-naked body, before turning around and fumbling around the front of her jeans. Jess watches as Heidi slowly begins to slide her jeans down, revealing first the top of her bright orange g-string, and then the smooth cheeks of her round bottom. Jess smiles to herself as the jeans slide down the rest of her arse, revealing it completely for Jess’s scrutiny as Heidi continues to remain bent, sliding her jeans down her legs.
Jess managed to shut her open mouth, before Heidi sprang back up, her jeans completely removed. She turns and reveals the small front of her bright orange g-string, with hairless smooth skin surrounding the flimsy underwear. Heidi crawls onto the bed, crawling onto Jess like a predator, she covers her body with hers and leans in to place a soft kiss on Jess’s lips. It was a brief kiss, but the touch seemed to linger even after Heidi began to slide down Jess’s body. She felt Heidi’s delicate hands pushing gently against thighs, and willingly spread them. She looked down to see Heidi rapt in the now uncovered region of her body. The strip of her thong ran along her slit, the lips parted around it, allowing her juices to soak into the thin cotton material. Jess felt the first blissful touch of Heidi on her sex. It was a gently flick of her tongue, across her pussy, through the damp material of her thong. Jess felt the pleasure ripple through her body, the ripple multiplying in magnitude as it passed further up her body, and eventually sending a soft sigh from her lips as she felt herself become light-headed.
Heidi let her tongue again draw out across her pussy, this time a longer lasting lick that was slow and deliberate. Her tongue with a brush-like stroke, gliding across the thong that covered the aching lips of Jess’s aroused pussy. Jess couldn’t hold back the low moan that escaped her lips. Heidi took the aroused moan as I sign to go further. She slid her hands from Jess’s thighs up to the waist of the thong and began to draw it down her legs.
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Once she’d pulled it completely off, she brought it to her face and gave herself a quick sniff of them. The sexual odour filled her nostrils and she delighted in the scent, knowing that it was hers to enjoy. Jess watched as Heidi threw her thong to the floor and then moved back between her legs. ‘Oh what have I done, I thought I wasn’t going to do this yet!’ It was the last thought, before all regret was completely forgotten. Heidi’s fingers spread Jess open and revealed her delicate pink vagina for her prying eyes. Heidi, like the predator glimpsing its prey, dove in to enjoy the attack. Her tongue quickly flicking out of her mouth to flick across Jess’s exposed clitoris. The first contact sent a shudder through Jess, and the second caused a muffled moan. Jess was biting her lower lip to keep herself from screaming out in pure lust. Heidi continued to expertly pleasure her clit. She used her tongue to lash it with quick flicks, then sucked it into her mouth. Jess felt the orgasm that had seemingly been building all night begin to approach. She was on the verge, ready to stop off into the realm of a blissful orgasm, and Heidi’s was there to give her a gentle push. She moved her fingertips to Jess’s opening, and met no resistance as two fingers slid deep into the wet hole. Jess’s eyes shut and her teeth dug into her lower lip as her orgasm crashed through her body.
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She panted as she bucked her hips, pushing the fingers forcefully deeper inside herself. Her pussy contracted around them, holding them while it continued in spasmodic rhythm. Her clitoris pulsed, sending waves of pleasure washing over her, while Heidi kept her lips wrapped firmly around it and the tip of her tongue barely flicking it. Cum oozed from around Heidi’s fingers, coating them in the silk liquid. The tremendous orgasm that racked Jess’s body then slowly began to fade. The pulsing of her clitoris slowed to a dull throb. The contractions of her pussy faded, until it relaxed around Heidi’s fingers. Heidi’s lips released the hard nub, and she lifted her head from between Jess’s legs to smile up at her lover. She moved up Jess’s body, their soft skin rubbing, and Jess delighted in the touch. Heidi’s lips then met Jess’s, and Jess let herself be kissed. She could taste her own cum on her girlfriends lips and enjoyed the taste mixing with their passionate kiss. Jess’s body slowly regained strength and she found herself still deep in a state of lust. She felt she had to return the favour, and take Heidi to where she’d just been taken. She also wanted to taste her girlfriends sweet juices. Jess rolled over, and Heidi rolled with her, moving beneath her so Jess could smile down, then trail her body down hers.
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Jess slid between her lovers thighs and the sweet sent of strawberries mixed in with the obvious scent of arousal wafted to her nose. It was a beautiful odour, one she couldn’t wait to taste. Jess grabbed the waist of her girlfriends g-string and quickly pulled it down her legs and off, dropping it to the floor. She kept her eyes glued to the newly revealed sight before her. The soft skin of her mound was completely shaven, and Heidi spread her thighs for Jess’s further scrutiny. Jess saw the pink lips of the girls aroused pussy come into view. Juices coated them, and they were spread slightly, seeking pleasure. Her engorged clit poked out from beneath its sheath, aching to be touched. Both seemed so inviting, so enticing. With her hands holding her lovers spread legs apart, she leant in to get her first taste of the girls exquisite pussy. She swiped the tip of her tongue through the lips of Heidi’s pussy, barely penetrating them while scooping up her juices. The taste was smooth and sweet, blended with the taste of strawberry. Jess raised her head to give Heidi a quizzical look, to which Heidi returned her devilish grin. Jess didn’t understand, but that didn’t stop her from moving in for more. Moving her hands down to Heidi’s inner thighs, she reached down to spread the lips of her pussy wide, opening her hole for Jess’s probing tongue.
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She pushed her tongue as deep as she could into her lovers pussy until her lips clamped down on to the lips of Heidi’s pussy. She used her tongue to scoop at Heidi’s pussy, scooping the delicious strawberry sex juice into her mouth for her to greedily swallow. Heidi was moving her hips with tenuous control, pushing her pussy against Jess’s mouth. She was barely able to focus her thoughts while her lover licked her into pleasure. With an effort, she raised her back off the bed, and reach down to Jess’s side to pull against it. Jess at once understood, and without taking her eyes from her girlfriends pussy, swung her body round and on top of her. With Jess’s legs spread, knees on either side of her head, Heidi’s raised her head up to engage her lovers soaking pussy. Jess couldn’t help but moan as she felt Heidi’s tongue dive between the lips of her pussy to rub against her insides. After a soft moan, she lowered her head to the aroused pussy before her. Pushing her tongue deep inside it, she began to lap at the girls juices. She moved on hand across, the fingertips reaching the erect love button, which she rubbed in gentle strokes. Heidi moaned against her pussy, causing a quiver to shoot through her body. She then felt Heidi’s hands copying hers, her soft fingertips rubbing her sensitive clitoris. Both girls were in a frenzied lust, and quickly approaching their orgasms. Jess again felt herself on the verge, thanks to Heidi’s sensuous tongue which was this time engrossed deep within her vagina.
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She could also tell by the frantic bucking of her hips, that Heidi was there too. She plunged her tongue deep within her lover, holding it there while the muscles surrounding it began to spasm. She pinched Heidi’s clitoris softly and then it happened. Heidi moaned unrestrained into Jess’s pussy, and her tongue flicked wildly inside her slashing briefly across the sensitive g-spot. It was enough to send Jess over the edge to join Heidi. She felt Heidi’s pussy contracting around her tongue, holding it deep within her, then suddenly they relaxed, only to contract with a rhythm while she came. Her cum squirted into Jess’s mouth in blasts, filling it as her orgasm ripped through her body. Jess swallowed automatically while her second orgasm crashed over her. Her own cum seeping out over Heidi’s tongue and lips. Her whole body seemed to tense at once, then relax as she lost control and soared through the blissful state of pleasure. Every nerve in her body pulsed with raw pleasure. Her eyes tightly shut and her head thrown back, her girlfriends pussy forgotten in her own pleasure. She was only barely aware of Heidi’s tongue removing from her, leaving her feeling empty. The last of her orgasm washed away, leaving her tingling in the after-glow. She was exhausted, limp on top of Heidi’s body.
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Forcing herself to turn and slide herself up beside her girlfriend, she draped an arm across her chest and kissed her lightly on the cheek before drifting off to a peaceful sleep. Heidi lay still with Jess’s arm across her and her face nuzzled into her neck. She smiled contently to herself, then licked her lips, tasting the sweet cum Jess had exuded. She was glad Jess had enjoyed the strawberry spray that she’d put on in the toilets before leaving the restaurant and planned to use it more often for her. .