We were both beyond the point of no return but I sure as hell didn't want eighter of us to get introuble. I asked her to go and see how much longer dinner would be. I also needed time to let my cock rest. before I put him to work. . She was soon back and i asked her to close the door because she said dinner would be about another hour. I was in my glory but knew deep inside I shouldn't be feeling this way about my daughter. I told Heather to stand in front of me . My hands went right up the back of her skirt and she helped by holding the front up . I just had to smell her sweet nector and as I inched close to her pussy she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to her pussy. I just licked and kissed her sweet little pussy through her panties. I could smell and taste her sweat from practice earlier. It smelled a little salty and tasted that way also.
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