The girls nodded their heads. "Good, let's get upstairs. "I led the way up the stairs to the living room. Mom and dad were waiting there for us. "Are you girls hungry?" mom asked. "If they are I have something right here to feed them," dad said as he patted his crotch. His eyes moved up and down our bodies as a lump grew in his pants. "No mom. We're fine," I said as I sat down across from them on the couch. The girls sat down beside me, sitting as I had instructed them with their legs spread and their hands on their knees. "I see you remembered the rules," mom smiled. She gave a more than casual look at the crotches of my daughter's. Mom liked young pussy nearly as much as dad. "I remember what happens when if we forget the rules," I replied. "So dad," I said as I turned my attention to him. "You have the barn all fixed up?""Oh yes," he said as he tore his eyes away from Karen.
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Or more accurately her virgin pussy. "You will hardly recognize it. I have everything we need to make some very nasty movies," he smiled. "Well," mom interrupted. "I suppose you'd like some of the details about our plans for all of you?" I nodded my head silently. "Okay. First off, sleeping arrangements. We have put each of you in your own room. They are in the basement, but I'm sure you'll like them. There isn't much closet space in the rooms, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. Your wardrobes will be somewhat limited," mom added with a smile. "Each of you will have chores to do each day as well," dad began. "Cindy, you are going to be responsible for the laundry each morning. Karen will feed the dogs and cats, June will do the dishes and Marge, you are going to be in charge of yours and the girls' social calendars. This is all in addition to what ever else comes up and needs attention," he smiled as he patted his crotch again.
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"Social calendar?" I asked. "Yes. " Dad locked his eyes on mine as a small smile broke on his face. My daughters were going to be pimped out, but it was me that was going to do it!"Well, let's show you to your rooms!" mom said as she stood up. She led the way back down the basement. She stopped in front of a plain door as we gathered around her. "This is Slut Alley!" mom announced as she opened the door revealing a hallway that stretched out under the house. There were two doors on either side of the hall. Mom led the way down the hall to the far end. She stopped in front of the door on the left. "This is Cindy's room," mom said as she pointed to sign on the door. It was a picture of Cindy when she was ten. Her mouth was open revealing several fresh loads of cum that filled her mouth. Mom opened the door and ushered us in. There was very little in the room other than a bed, complete with ropes and shackles at the four corners, and a small dresser with a mirror over it.
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Over the bed was another sign. LET CINDY HANDLE YOUR LOAD it read and featured another picture of Cindy. This picture was of Cindy when she was 6 in a launderette. She was tucked into a dryer with her head sticking out and her mouth drooling cum. I remembered the occasion well. Cindy had lost a spelling contest, and when dad found out he called me and said that since Cindy's mouth couldn't spell, she should learn to do something worthwhile with it. He called a bunch of his friends and told me to take Cindy to the launderette where she was to service them with her mouth. He seemed to take great pleasure in the fact that the launderette that he picked was across the street from where my husband worked! I never could figure out how my ex didn't find out about it. "This room is June's," mom said as she led us across the hall. On June's door was a picture of her on Christmas morning. She was seven at the time. It was the first Christmas after the divorce and she was showing of the gifts that my parents had sent her. These consisted of a huge floor mounted dildo that was a good twenty inches long. She had a look of deep concentration on her face as she straddled the fake cock and tried to work her pussy down on it. Inside June's room was of course a bed and dresser.
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As her daily duty was dishes, the sign over her bed read, JUNE DOES HER DISHES BY HAND. SHE'LL DO YOU BY HAND TOO! The picture below the sign showed her surrounded by a stack of dishes with a cock in each of her hands, and streams of cum running down her flat chest. In one corner of the room stood the very dildo that was in the picture on the door. I verified it by looking at the mark I had made on the shaft, indicating how much of it she had taken up her little pussy. "This is Marge's room," mom said as she pointed to the picture on the door. It was a before and after picture. On one half was one of me before my first date with someone that was my own age and not picked out by my parents. I was dressed in a short skirt that was popular in the 70's. I was fourteen at the time. The picture showed mom kneeling beside me at the door. She held my skirt up with one hand as her other was buried deep in my pussy. We were both smiling happily. On the other was a more current picture. It showed me beside a tent and surrounded by a Boy Scout troop. I was naked and quite drenched with cum as I smiled for the camera.
My mom set up this event. I was a little depressed after the divorce became final. At her suggestion I went for a little camping trip mom found out where I was camping and sent the troop up to meet me. It was no coincidence that the troop leader was non other than the best man at our wedding. I later found out that he sent a copy of the picture to my ex. If not for my horny father's intervention, I could have lost custody of the kids!Inside my room was a large bed a dresser and a desk with a phone on it.
In keeping with my parents theme, there was a sign over the desk. LET MARGE FIND SOMEONE FOR YOUR COCK TO REACH OUT AND TOUCH, it read. The accompanying picture was of me when I was about eight or nine. It was a Christmas picture this time again. I was seated by a toy switchboard wearing a pair of panties and nothing else. You couldn't see it in the picture, but the panties had a slit crotch and had DADDY'S GANBANG SLUT embroidered above the crotch. Above the dresser, in a glass enclosed frame were the panties I wore in the picture. "I wondered where those went," I said as I walked up to take a closer look. The once white panties were now yellowed with the dried cum from my first double digit gang bang.
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"One more to go," mom said as she led us across the hall. "And this room will be Karen's," dad said as he picked up my youngest. He cupped my baby's pussy as he pointed to the door. On this door was the picture that ended my marriage. It was at Karen's third birthday party. Karen was looking up at the camera as she sat with her birthday cake in front of her. A normal picture other than the fact that the three candles were in the shape of cocks and the art on the cake was of a little girl getting fucked by a large cocked man. For her part Karen was naked except for the part hat that had the words FUTURE GANGBANG SLUT proudly emblazoned across the front of it. The sign above the picture simply said KAREN'S ZOO. Dad opened the door and let us enter. The room was very different. Rather than the sparse rooms the rest of us had, Karen's room was fully decorated. Upon a closer look I could see dad's touch though. The small bed was covered with a special bedspread that showed every perversion that I knew of, and a few I didn't. Scattered on the bed were a menagerie of stuffed animals.
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Each toy sported a very usable cock, perfectly sized for a little girl like Karen. Over the bed the sign read, WHEN IT'S FEEDING TIME, COME SEE KAREN. The picture below was of Karen as a baby. She was on her back with her legs spread. Karen wore the night shirt mom had made for her. It had an arrow pointing down at Karen's tiny pussy. The words above the arrow read PLEASE FEED THE KITTY. "It will be great fun filling these walls with memories," mom said with a smile. More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtREAL INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER.