"Well, I think you should go," said an exasperated Sharon, "you've hardly left this house in two years, Glenn, and that isn't healthy, and you know it!!!" What Sharon was griping about, was a chance for Glenn to take a drive from her home in Detroit to her 40th high school reunion in New Orleans. As Glenn cleaned up the dishes, she promised Sharon that she would think about going, but that she wasn't going to commit to anything just yet. As she was opening the back door to leave, Sharon looked back over her shoulder and in a serious voice said, "It's time you got over losing Donny, hon, it's been two years now, you've gotta move on!!!" Before she could answer, the door slammed shut and she could see Sharon ambling across the back yard and into her own house next door. Standing over the sink and looking out the window Glenn all of a sudden made a decision, she would go to the reunion after all!!! It had been almost ten years since she had visited the "Crescent City", and it would be good to get away for a few days! So it was settled, she was going home again!!!It was six in the evening when Glenn backed out of her driveway to begin trip to New Orleans. As it was the middle of the summer, and they were in the middle of a brutal heat wave, she had decided to drive during the cool of the evening and stay a motels during the day when the sun was shining. At about ten thirty she pulled into a rest stop in southern Indiana to use the rest room and to get something to drink. There were quite a few cars parked in the well lit lot, but not very many people were in sight. Glenn walked down a long path to the brick structure that housed the "johns", and was just about to go inside when she heard the unmistakable sound of voices coming from the outside rear of the building. Knowing better than to wander off into the dark, she still let her curiosity get the better of her and silently she slipped around to the back and walked about another twenty yards or so into the trees and bushes. What she saw was stunning!!! There in the dark shadows were maybe fifteen or twenty men with their trousers and shorts down around their ankles, and every one of them standing there with a raging hardon!!! She couldn't believe it!!! In front of about half of the men were both men and woman on their knees fellating the exposed penises, while the men who weren't being sucked proudly jerked their cocks in the cool night air! Almost in a trance like state, Glenn was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt a hand on her arm. She nearly had a heart attack, but was relieved to see that the hand belonged to another middle aged woman who said, "It's really something isn't it, all that fresh meat ready to be sucked, are you going to have some!?!" Glenn quickly shook her head from side to side and replied, "Of course not, are you crazy, anything could happen to you out there!!!" The other woman, who introduced herself as Dolly retorted, "Naw, nothing's gonna happen to you, it's okay, everyone here looks out for everyone else, no one will do anything you don't want to do!" I've been coming here every week for the past two years and have had no problems at all!" Glenn, still looking doubtful, watched in amazement as Dolly walked over in to a well hung young man, dropped to her knees, and then took him gently into her mouth! She watching in utter fascination as Dolly emptied the nut sack of the young man into her waiting mouth! She could tell from his loud groans that he was spurting down her throat, flooding her mouth with a huge load of young spunk! After swallowing all of it, Dolly stood up, lifted her dress, and exposed her bare vagina to the night air. Spreading her legs apart, the thick plump lips of her pussy were clearly visible in the pale moonlight! A young woman of about twenty or so came over to Dolly, said something that Glenn couldn't hear, then dropped to her knees and began tonguing the older woman like there was no tomorrow! Dolly's head rolled from side to side, obviously in a state of high sexual excitement, but as she caught Glenn's eye, she winked, while motioning her to join her in the "ring"!!!By now several other women had emerged from the trees and were exposing theirown vaginas, while waiting anxiously for someone to come along and orally relieve them.
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