
nans foot fetish


Topic: foot rub for nanthis story if fictional and isnt true hello my name is james and i hav a huge foot fetish i watch all sort of fetish porn but i love foot fetish the best, so when i see feet i get a huge erection even if some one is just wereing pumps, so when one day in school a girl was sitting at her table she kicked off her slippons and immediately had a hard on she was wearing tight so it made her feet look even better, she started to streach out her toes and i nealry shot my load their and then. so when i got home i went onto the internet and found some foot fetish porn and jacked off i nearly ripped my cock off. i new i had to get hold of some feet any wud do so the next day i when to my nans like i do every week and their she was in her chair reading her book with her feet up on a puff i had nerver realy noticed her feet before but i was desperaste so after she had got up made her self a cup of tea and a bit of toast she sat bak in her chair and let out a sigh i said to her "do u want a foot rub nan" she looked at me paused then said "ye go on then" i kneeled down and picked up both feet i was starting to go hard so i lifted her feet so she didnt feel it after a couple of minutes of rubbing her feet she started to nod off i put her feet down and ran too the loo to jack off i was stroking my cock when i herd my nan shout my name i pulled up my pants and when into the front room my nan was sat their she said "that foot rub was so nice why did u stop" "i just needed the toilet" i replied "well can u carry on please it felt so nice" i got bak down onto my knees and started to rub her feet she let out a little moan so i slowly lifted up her left foot to my mouth and put my tongue on her big toe she didnt open her eyes so i put her hole toe into my mouth and started to suck it i kissed her other toes and the licked the sole of her foot i then did the same to her other foot after a while i needed to jack off so i pulled out my dick and placed it inbetween her feet and began to fuck her feet she opened her eys and looked at me i just stared into her eyes and carried on until i was about to cum i then shot my load onto her feet i put both of her feet onto the puff and said "you might want to clean that up" and then grabbed my jacket and went home later that night the phone rang it was nan i listened in but i coulded hear to well my mom put the phone down and shouted up "nan would like you to got back round hers tomorro ok" i just smiled and whent back to my room.



