
A Surfing Holiday


With the rain easing Dave drove up the country lane to the house. It was a large open plan house on a one-acre block; he spotted Susan's grey horse Buddy in the paddock adjoining. "David!!" came a shout from the veranda, "Oh my god look at you!" gushed Auntie Karen, "All grown up! Wow you're so tall!" as she kissed him on the cheek. "Brought the sunshine with you too I see," as a beam shot down from the clearing sky. "Hi Auntie Karen, how are you?" he asked as he pulled his bag out of the back seat, "Uncle Brian not home?" "I'm ok I guess, Uncle Brian had to go away on business again last week," she replied with what Dave saw as a disdainful look. "Anyway I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself, Sarah is at work this evening, she has a job waiting tables at the local seafood restaurant. Hopefully we'll have some fish for the Bar-b-q tonight, now lets get you inside and settled". "If you don't mind Auntie Karen I wouldn't mind going for a surf while it's still light enough," he asked, dropping his bag on the lounge room floor. "That's ok," she replied, "On one condition". "What's that?" asked the young man; "You drop the Auntie," she replied, "Makes me feel old," she laughed. "Ok, if you drop the David, only my parents call me that," he chided mockingly. "And what's this 'old' stuff, you certainly don't look old to me". "Ok Mister charming," she replied sarcastically, "Dave it is, now don't be too long I want to hear all about things back home". How good is this? Dave thought to himself as he walked across the beach to the water. He paused briefly to do a couple of warm up stretches before wading into the shallows. With his long dark hair highlighting his golden tan he looked every bit the young man in his prime.

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   Strong, masculine legs gave way to a tight behind, which had already been admired by many women. Even some of his Mum's friends had commented, one of them cheekily pinching him with a hint of lust in her eyes. Water splashed up on his washboard torso, the sun felt good on his wide shoulders, toned by countless hours spent in the water. Perfect 3 - 5 foot waves peeled along a sandbar in the late afternoon sun, no one in sight. Used to surfing in crowded city waves this was paradise for the young man and he was soon out there, his strong arms pulling him through the break to the take off point. A wave approached, he turned and gave three powerful strokes, felt the board gather momentum, and jumped to his feet in one movement. As he surfed he felt an eerie presence, almost like someone was watching, but the beach was deserted. He caught several more of the small but perfectly formed waves before heading in to the beach. He wondered about the feeling he had out in the surf as he walked back up the track in the fading light. Maybe Pete's still surfing out there, he thought to himself, "I hope you are mate," he said out loud as he rounded the corner in the track and the house came into view. Strange, he thought, there were no lights on in the house. Dropping his surfboard on the back veranda he gently opened the sliding door. Muffled sobs came from Karen's room. At first he was inclined to jump in the shower and make a bit of noise so she would realise he was back, then he became curious about what had upset her, though he had a fair idea. He approached her room cautiously.

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   She was sitting at her dresser clutching a photo Dave could see was of the three of them on a trip to the beach. "I still miss him like hell too," he said softly, making her jump slightly. "I'm sorry David just seeing you all grown up and gorgeous I couldn't help myself," she sobbed, "Peter would be like you, a man now, but he never got the chance," her voice trailed off. Tears welled up in Dave's eyes as he looked at the photo. "There was so much we wanted to do together, plans we made, we were gonna surf our way round the world now he's. . . . " the young man felt the tears start, "Some man I am" he cried. "Oh David you can still live your dreams," she said, "Peter will always be there in your heart". She stood up and gave him a hug "Come on now David, oops Dave, must remember that!" she giggled, lightening the mood a little. "Thanks, Auntie Karen," he grinned back, "Oooo you naughty boy!" she mocked and playfully smacked his bottom. "Now off to the shower, I've got to get the Bar-b-q going, Sarah rang while you were surfing to say she'll be home in an hour with a surprise". "I'm home!!" came the call as the front door opened and two giggling 20 year olds burst through it. "I bought Angie home for tea Mum is that ok?" shouted Sarah from the front room.

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   Dave's jaw dropped as the two gorgeous girls entered the kitchen. "Hello Dave how are you? Long time no see," smiled Sarah as she gave him a big hug and a peck on the cheek. "I'm fine thanks Sarah," he replied, "Hi I'm Dave," he said to her friend. "Dave this is my friend Angie," Sarah gushed, "Hi Dave, I've heard a lot about you," Angie replied with a twinkle in her eye. She was a stunning brunette with sultry European looks from her Italian Mother. Wearing a semi see through dress over a bikini, Dave could see she also had a body to die for, all curvy, very womanly, he thought as he perused her large breasts and curvy bottom, and those legs! The young man couldn't keep his eyes off of her, especially her dark, waist length, hair. Things were definitely looking up as he moved his attention to Sarah. Sarah wore a similar dress to Angie, and through it he could see her perky little breasts that sat high on her chest, her long blond hair cascading down over them. "Enjoying yourself?" she quipped, Dave turned beet red at this and went back to peeling potatoes but not before giving Angie a shy smile that was returned with a cheeky wink. "Wanna see your surprise?" Sarah continued. "Sure" he answered, feeling himself hardening. I've got a surprise in my pants for you two, he thought, still blushing. "Have a look in here then," as she placed a large package on the counter. He quickly unwrapped the paper to find four Lobsters and a large Barramundi, "Wow you guys get all the good stuff up here, this would cost an arm and a leg down home!" But he was secretly thinking the real surprise was her gorgeous friend Angie, and Sarah looking sexier than ever. The Bar-b-q was soon cooked and the four enjoyed a fine meal, along with several bottles of wine, Dave entertaining the girls with a few songs on his guitar as they sat around the pool.

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   Karen decided to go for a swim and he couldn't help but be impressed by her svelte 39-year-old body. She wore a one-piece thong style costume that emphasised her long legs and superbly toned thighs. Before diving in she bent over and placed her glass at the pool edge. The view Dave had was spectacular, her sexy behind pointing straight at him, he could make out her pussy lips through the sheer nylon. As he could feel himself hardening. Angie mumbled something that sounded to him like "God she's gorgeous," then went bright red and turned away. He just smiled and kept strumming away while thinking did I hear that correctly? Sarah, getting tipsy by now, launched into a bawdy version of the popular love song he was playing. The three of them then fell about in fits of laughter until Karen walked up, mock stern look on her face, and then burst out laughing herself. She sat down and requested an old love song, and after a bit of persuading Dave launched into it. He looked into her eyes several times and saw her looking back with a strange expression on her face. At a certain point in the song a line about being gorgeous came up; he looked Angie square in the eye while singing it and she returned his gaze, blushing deep red. After he'd finished she got up and excused herself due to an early start the next day. Although disappointed he was glad to hear she was going to the beach the next afternoon, he would certainly be down there surfing now! After Angie said her goodbyes and left, Sarah slurred that she'd had enough to drink and staggered off in the direction of the house. Dave thanked her for the seafood then watched her wiggle her sexy behind as she tottered off. "Well I can see you've been enjoying the view tonight," laughed Karen as Sarah disappeared into the house.

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   "Sorry, is it that obvious?" he asked "No need to apologise, you're a healthy young man and the two girls seem quite taken with you, especially Angie, do you like her?" she asked. Dave looked across at Karen laying back on an extended deck chair. Man she's so sexy, he thought, as he felt his manhood getting harder. Karen really was a beautiful woman; her short, dark hair was still wet and framed her pretty face and big blue eyes. Water droplets glistened on her tanned thighs; her skintight swimming costume accented her tight stomach and ample breasts. A cool breeze was drifting across the pool and he spied her nipples hardening beneath her costume. "I like all of you a lot, I was in heaven tonight being pampered by three sexy women," he said in a low voice. "Awwwww you're such a darling," she smiled, blushing slightly. "But surely you'd prefer a lovely young girl like Angie or Sarah to an old woman like me". Dave stood up, Karen spying the bulge in his board shorts, then turned fully face on and said "Karen I've always considered you beautiful, I mean it. You're a very sexy woman," now he was blushing too. "Thankyou Dave," she smiled back, standing up and giving the young man a lingering hug followed by a quick peck on the cheek. She felt his hardness as she hugged him. "Now come on lets get this mess cleaned up". She walked off in the direction of the house, wiggling her behind in a parody of her daughter, laughing all the way.


   Before she left Dave had noticed her eyeing off the now obvious bulge in his shorts. Steady on, he thought to himself, she's just enjoying the compliments, but his cock only strained harder against his shorts, betraying much lewder intentions. "I'm going for a quick swim," he shouted in the direction of the house. "Ok," she replied, "Don't be too long". Karen smiled to herself as she entered the kitchen. She felt sexier than she had in ages and she knew why. Knowing a gorgeous young man like Dave found her attractive was turning her on enough, but seeing his shorts bulging, knowing she was turning him on was really getting her worked up! She knew her marriage to Brian was over, he'd confirmed this when he told her he wasn't coming back to her after this trip but finding a place in town. And she really didn't care. They say losing a child can either bring you closer together or drive you apart and she knew for them it was the latter. Brian was always the life of the party but with her he had always been more reticent, then after Peter' death he practically ceased communicating altogether. He had never been close to his daughter like most fathers and she knew how much this upset Sarah. She and Sarah had become very close since Peter's death and this was one of many private things her daughter had shared with her. Now her pussy was on fire for her late son's best friend. She'd never thought about Dave in a sexual way until the day he rang to ask if he could come and stay. Hearing his unrecognisably deep, sexy voice over the `phone made her realise he was a young man now, and the thought of having him under the same roof brought her neglected urges to the fore.

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   She had masturbated several times to incredibly intense orgasms while fantasising about him. Seeing him, so young yet so manly, only made the fire burn hotter. Meanwhile in the pool Dave's mind was wandering too. He couldn't get the sight of Karen's gorgeous legs and arse out of his mind! He'd originally dived into the cool water to try and get rid of his growing hard-on but now he found himself reaching down and stroking it. He knew she liked his compliments and he'd caught her looking at his bulge but just what did that mean? If he made the wrong move it could spoil the whole atmosphere. What about Angie? And Sarah? They both definitely responded to him flirting with them. Thoughts of a wicked threesome brought a smile to his face before his mind drifted back to Karen. Just play it cool, let her make any moves, he thought to himself as an idea formed in his mind. He quickly stripped naked then wrapped a towel around his waist, making sure his now fully erect cock was bulging prominently. Karen was putting away the last of the dishes as Dave entered the kitchen and sat on a stool. He made no attempt to hide his erection and even let the towel tent a little when he sat down. She was oblivious with her back to him so he boldly stroked himself while enjoying her sexy legs. As she bent over to put some plates away he let go a wolf whistle and she giggled and moved her bum around sexily. C'mon she wants it said a little voice in his head. Then she bent right over and gave him a full view, whispering an inviting "I saw you looking before, do you like my bum?" He liked what he saw, her sexy arse in front of him, the outline of her pussy lips straining against the thin swimming costume.

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   "Very much so" he stammered, standing up. God I hope I'm right about this, he thought, dropping the towel as she stood up, stroking his engorged penis. "Typical man dropping a wet towel on the bloody floo," she laughed, reaching down and turning to pick up the towel only to be confronted by Dave's hard, throbbing member. "Wow," she said in a hoarse whisper, "Nice". "See the affect you have on me," he half whispered, trembling as he stroked himself. "Ever since you came out to the pool in that costume I've been having wicked thoughts about you and I". Is this really happening? she thought, admiring his throbbing erection. "Ever since I found out you were coming to stay I've been having wicked thoughts about you and I," she paraphrased him. Then her voice lowered, "You know my marriage to Brian is over," it was a statement not a question. "I'm sorry," he began. She stood up, placing a finger on his lips. "It's ok Dave, I'm looking forward to expanding my horizons, but it looks like something else is expanding down here," she joked, looking down at his engorged member. "Come here I want a closer look". He stepped forward as she dropped back to her knees and inspected his throbbing cock. "Oh god it's beautiful," she whispered.

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   Dave's cock was larger than normal and very, very hard with a large purple head that looked ready to burst like a ripe plum, just the sight of it was making Karen's pussy moisten copiously. He gasped as she gripped it lightly, and she gasped as it throbbed in her trembling hand. "Tonight you are my stud, Dave," she hissed, licking the bulging, purple head and looking straight into his intense green eyes, "I want to do everything and more with you". With that she increased her grip on his cock, stood and led him through the house to her bedroom. The chiming of the grandfather clock was the only sound as the two walked through the large house to Karen's room. "10, 11, Midnight," she counted as they entered her room. "A new day, a new start to my love life," she half sang before they both fell on the bed in a passionate embrace. He kissed her gently then moved down to her neck, kissing her chest then back to her neck and finally her invitingly open mouth, intertwining their tongues passionately. "You're a great kisser, you like doing this don't you," she complimented after a few minutes. "Honestly, Karen, I could kiss you all night," he replied before burying his tongue obscenely down her throat. She responded in kind and pushed herself into him, feeling his hardness pushing against her, but he just kept kissing her face and neck, occasionally biting her neck playfully. She stopped and laughed out loud, "What's the matter?" he asked worriedly. "It's ok," she reassured, "I was just thinking how I really want you to fuck my brains out but you're happy to kiss for a while, isn't it normally the other way round?" They both broke up and had a good giggle. "I wanted to take my time, you know, make it last," he finally replied. "Dave, you've got me for the whole night, maybe more, so it's going to last," she said in her most seductive voice.

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   "But right now it's been so long?" her voice grew hoarse and throaty, "Please fuck me Dave, be my stud, squeeze my lemon". "Mmmm keep talking like that and I'll squeeze your lemon till the juice runs down your leg," he countered, paraphrasing the old blues song he'd heard in his father's collection. Karen shot him a wicked grin as he rolled her onto her back, roughly pulling her legs apart. He kissed her passionately as she gripped his hard cock and guided it between her moist pussy lips. They both let out satisfying sighs as he pushed it into her steaming pussy, stopping halfway and pulling it back before ramming it home, causing her to moan deliriously. "Oh Dave, it's been so long. . . " her voice trailed off as he began moving inside of her. "Oh yes, fuck me with that big, hard cock, ohhhhhh yesssss". This was music to the young man's ears, a beautiful, sexy woman and a dirty talker! "So you want me to fuck your brains out, hmmmm," he asked loudly, growing in newfound confidence. She could only nod as he began pumping in and out of her burning pussy, finding his rhythm easily then increasing the tempo. I'll show you fuck your brains out, he thought wickedly as she moved with him. He braced his arms as she wrapped her slender, tanned legs around his back and begun fucking her furiously. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room along with their increasingly loud moans and sighs of pleasure.


   "Fuck me Dave! Like a wild animal! Harder! Ahhh, ahhh yesssssss!" she moaned, driving the young man into an even more frenzied state. My god he's like a bloody machine, she thought to herself, yes, a gorgeous, sexy, fucking machine, answered a little voice in her head. As he continued and even increased his by now violent assault on her neglected pussy, he looked down and saw her fingers rubbing furiously on her clitoris. "That looks so hot!" He gasped, slowing his furious pace, "So fucking hot," as sweat began dripping off his nose and chin onto Karen's deeply tanned breasts. "I've been laying here alone doing that while fantasising about you," she panted, pointing a finger into his chest and scratching lightly down his stomach, "You like watching me play with my clit?" He smiled, "Of course I do, you look so sexy doing that". "Ok then, kneel up, keep up a good pace, and watch the show". She had always been a bit of an exhibitionist, she just hadn't had an outlet lately, now I've got the kind of 'captive audience' I've been dreaming of, she laughed to herself. The full attention of a horny 18 year old was focused on her engorged clitoris, while his steel-like manhood thrust rhythmically in and out of her steaming pussy. Karen spread her legs obscenely as Dave moved back until he was upright. "See how red and swollen I am" she gasped, pulling her lips apart to give him a better view of her most sensitive place. Dave was speechless; he could only look on in awe as this gorgeous woman played with her most private parts in front of him. Then she felt it, the 'build up', she called it, as her chest tightened and her cheeks flushed. Dave felt her clamping down on his cock, so tight he thought he'd pass out from the sheer pleasure. "Make me . .

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  . make me. make me " she whispered hoarsely as he fucked the now trembling woman. Karen was straining so hard she thought she'd burst, furiously rubbing her clit when she became incredibly warm. "Oh yes yes yes!" she moaned loudly. A huge wave of indescribable pleasure washed over her, followed by another then another as her body went completely rigid then relaxed several times before the spasms began diminishing until she was laying before him, breathing deeply, her chest and neck still flushed. "Dave, that was fucking incredible," she panted, as another spasm hit her. "You're telling me," he agreed. Now he was trembling as a familiar feeling started coming over him. He stopped. "Umm Karen can we change positions? I want to fuck you from behind, I've never done it that way," he asked. "Certainly darling, after what you just did for me, you can have me any way you want," she replied, pushing him off and getting on her hands and knees. "C'mon," she giggled playfully, wiggling her sexy arse around lewdly, "Fuck me doggy style, make me your bitch". Geez, she's got a mouth on her, he thought, and don't you fucking love it. "Oh fuck yeah!" she gasped, as he entered her from behind and started working up to his previous pace, "Fuck me hard, fill me with that big cock".

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   The dirty talk was driving him wild as he felt his orgasm building. "I'll fuck you bitch, I'll fuck your brains out" he stammered as he began another violent assault on her now saturated honey pot. "Oh fuck me," she whimpered, gripping the sheets as he fucked her mercilessly. Then he felt the same tightness in the chest that she felt before as his cheeks also flushed, then as his orgasm began he fell forward in a wave of ecstasy, feeling her sexy arse against him. "Fuck your brains o. ungh ohhh . . . ohhh" he grunted as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through his body. His swollen member throbbed as it spurted deep inside her. She gasped as he drove as far as he could into her pussy, shuddering violently as he came down from his peak. She could feel him still spurting inside her as she lay there tingling, while his forious pace slowed then stopped. Dave rolled off her then lay back on the pillow as Karen curled up in his arms, making little noises that indicated one very satisfied woman. A Woman, he thought, they've all been girls up to now but she's a woman. He figured he finally knew the difference.

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   "You're awesome, Karen, that was incredible," he whispered. "Thank-you darling," came her soft reply, "You're pretty awesome too, but I think we're awesome" He pulled her close and showered her in gentle kisses as the two of them relaxed in the afterglow of their frenzied copulation. . .



