

@London Escort
  • Oluşturuldu:22-04-2017
  • Değiştirildi:05-07-2023
  • Görüntüleme :26078
  • Bu ay:86

Nikky, Ajans Modeli.

Son görülme: 2023-02-07 13:33:47

Nikky is a curvy breathtaking London courtesan with an astonishing attitude. She enjoys what she does and how beauty. This London escort will regularly leave you breathless and really wanting extra! She is awesome with partners, menage a trois and bachelor trips. She adore to charm! Do not miss your possibility with Nikky, this woman is a true treasure! She has big eyes with a slim and naturally bosomy and best pearly white teeth complimented wonderfully by her silky-smooth, peel and the most dazzling long glossy hair. Most widely known for her fun welcoming and adventurous character, Nikky is a bright and clever young dame with a energetic and diverse attitude. Tactile, affectionate and well mannered with a hint of spice for the people who choose it extra hot. With a fancy lady such as Nikky you can easily relax and enjoy the passionate and thrilling encounter that she actually is able to offer. Definitely fabulous always well prepared, well groomed and the best date for all ocassion.Loves and enjoy partys.



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Eskort Ajansı
Sizin için önemli olabilecek her türlü güncellemeden, Nikky trafından haberdar olun.
  • Cinsiyet:Kadın
  • Cinsel Yönelim:Heteroseksüel
  • Yaş:23
  • Konum:
  • Saç:Kahverengi
  • Göğüsler:C
  • Kasık kılı:Tamamen tıraşlı
  • Sizin Yerinizde:Otel ve Ev Ziyaretleri
  • Dil:İngiliz 
  • Etnik köken:Avrupalı (beyaz)
  • Uyruk:Alman
  • Boy:169 cm / 5'7"
  • Kilo:55 kg (121.25 lb)
  • Dövmeler:Hayır
  • Piercingler:Hayır
  • Fetişim arıyorum:Evet
  • Buluştukları: Erkekler için müsait
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