Yalnızca bu Uygulamalar (WhatsApp, Telegram vb.)
two way relationships always came hard to me but with her it was pretty easy and comforting price is little spicey but i wanted extras recommend it good experience
It was hell of a night cute and charming girl she was chatty she is not actually my type but beauty woman her s English pretty good other womans i met cant speak English that good
I moved to this country last month and the first thing i did search for a girl then i found her some men dont like girls with attitude but i love it
110kg bir patates istiyen arayabilir kapıdan yollasanızda zorla taksi parası alıyor, münakaşaya girmemek için veriyorsunuz. Tam bir hayal kırıklığı bilginiz olsun.
İngiliz diline çevir
Yorumlar (4)
i dont have much words but sweet experience
She was a fluent in English one step ahead from the other ones
She was cute but her attitude was on top like it
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