
The Interview pt. 1 revised


The Inter View

Ch. 1



“I don’t know what I’m doing here. This Crag, Mr. Leon Crag wants to ‘give…’ me an interview. Shit. I’m so nervous I’m shaking; I’ll bet I’m white as a sheet, I can’t even open the door. Three hundred dollars a day; it has to be illegal. I can still here Mom’s words screaming from her bed room, “He’s either going to rape and murder you or sale you to the black marketers, you’ll be gone and I’ll never see you again. I remember shouting back as I ran out the door; “He called ‘me’ in for the interview I’ll be safe I’ll make the cabby watch me go in. I ‘need!’ work!” Hell, I still hear the echoes of the slamming door after mom and I fought.

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   My mom is sick; my little brother isn’t old enough to work, and they need somewhere to live, and mom’s disability isn’t enough to starve on much less pay the rent. I ‘want…’ them to have more than that. I want my Mom to have her medicine, a good doctor, and my brother Jeff to have his computer, games, and a college education. Mostly I want away from the dead end café jobs, and three hundred dollars is a start. Well here goes. ”


           “Come on in darlin’, have a seat please,” Leon Crag said smoothly, “What can I do for you?”


“Well, Mr. Crag, I saw your ad in the paper; you remember we did talk about it over the phone last week, and you called me yesterday for an interview. I was just wondering if the position is still the same?” Rachel asked.


“You mean the ad in the Underground Times, or The Times, and or the internet personals?” he asked casually adding, “Please excuse me I talk to a lot of people about a lot of jobs every day. ” 


“Yes, the one in the Times want ads” She replied softly, hesitantly, “Is the job still available? You did call me, saying something about an interview, and the appointment was for two-thirty and it is two-thirty now. I hope being punctual counts. ” Rachel added earnestly.


“That job and several others, are always available,” Leon replied dryly, “I run that same ad everyday of the year! Yes, I called you in for an interview, for this afternoon. I thought you might back out quietly, or if you did come it would be of your own free will. ”


“Really?” Rachel questioned and then pried further, “You mean you have that high of a turn-over for jobs that pay three hundred dollars a day?”


“Honey, this is the big city. ” He said gently, “There ‘is…’ a high turn-over for three-thousand dollars a-day jobs, there are no free lunches. There is always some one quitting; or some one undercutting, or just waiting to take someone’s place, do not ever forget it! If you decide to stay; go through with the interview and then take the job, you’ll earn every penny!”


“Then how, what do I have to do?” Rachel stammered, “I guess I don’t understand. ”


“Listen. I am sure, where you are from jobs like this do not exist. ” he pointed out and asked, “Where are…you from? Remind me please. ”


“Iowa, I’m from Platteville Iowa, it is a very small town and there are still a lot of different jobs,” she responded quickly sounding secure.


“And how old are you?” Mr. Crag questioned.


“I just turned eighteen two months ago. ” she replied proudly, “Why, does it matter?”


“Oh yeah, I remember now,” he replied softly, and scoldingly added, “You bet your sweet little bottom it matters. ” Then his face softened, as did his voice, “Do yourself a big favor get back on the bus, and go home, like you say there are a lot of jobs there you’ll find one. ”


“I can’t. Your ad said females eighteen to twenty-four make $300 or more per day. ” She whined, and stared stubbornly, “I’m eighteen. I’m female and need to earn a lot of money in a short time. ”


“Do you have any idea what we do here?” Leon asked pointedly.


“I-it’s not illegal is it Mr. Crag?” Rachel asked warily, “I promised my mom I’d never break the law on purpose. ”


“Not at all,” he shot back quickly and chuckled.


Rachel stared stubbornly her arms crossed, and demanded, “Now! Mr. Crag, it isn’t fair not to consider me for this job or any other job you may have. I’m a high school graduate, and I really need a job! I have references from two of my former employers. ”


Leon leaned back in his chair hands inner laced behind his head. With a whimsical smile on his face, he looked at Rachel, the wall, back at her, and the door.

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   He closed his eyes, wiped his face and hair; opened his eyes and drummed the desk with his fingers, fumbled through some papers and looked at Rachel for a few seconds more then Leon asked, “Tell me your name again. ”


“Rachel, Rachel McAndrews. ” she responded a little puzzled.


“Well Rachel… Rachel McAndrews let me start out easy. What kind of job are you looking for?” Leon asked frankly as he peered over the top of one of the papers.


“Full time employment. I’ll work any hours, over time no problem. I have problems in my family we owe a lot of money, and $300 a day would clear them up in a couple of years. ” Rachel excited exclaimed.

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“Sorry to hear that, but you still haven’t told me what ‘kind…’ of work you are looking for?” Leon asked impatiently as he organized a pile of papers as if he were putting them in numeric order.


Rachel in a quavering voice answered, “I’m willing to do any thing. I know how to type, file, and take dictation. I’ve done some cooking, and…”


“Whoa…! ‘What!’ wait a minute, back up a bit! You are talking minimum wage work here, unskilled labor. ” Leon interrupted impatiently, and continued, “You can’t earn $300 in a day at those kinds of jobs much less get paid $300. 00 for the interview!”


“W-what are you talking about?” Rachel stammered.


Leon said, “I’m interested in giving you the $300 interview, I told you about on the phone, but you got to be thinking that there must be strings attached to this money. Right?”


Hesitantly Rachel nodded casting glances allover the room, and stammeringly asked, “What is the $300 interview? I strip and have sex with you?”


“No…” Leon replied calmly, walking to the filing cabinet pulling a key from his pants pocket. He looked at Rachel and continued, “You do ‘have…’ to have your clothes… taken off, but not by me, and no, no sex today. I don’t have sex with possible clients, does that help ease your fear some? You have something I need; I have something you need. ” Leon pulled the money from a box in the top drawer, held it in his hand, and looked at Rachel smiling warmly added, “You still have to earn it and money like that isn’t easy to earn. ”


“What kind of ‘interview’ am I here for?” Rachel hesitantly popped emphasizing the word interview.


“Well do you or don’t you want the interview?” Leon asked waving the money, adding, “You have a lot of personal questions to answer, and a written questionnaire with some very personal questions to fill out at your leisure. Rachel to put it simply, I sell flesh. ” Leon paused to let the bomb land, took a short look at her and continued, “You won’t have any more monetary value to me, or earning potential than you have right now ‘because…’ of your youthful ‘innocence’. ”


“Yes I do. ” Rachel paused and her face flashed red as the last of Leon’s statement sank in. “My innocence?” Rachel queried, “I’ve been with a man. ”


“Honey I think he was just a boyfriend and maybe only a time or two. Anyway, around here your as innocent as a new born babe. ” Leon brayed and chuckled quietly, “I’ve been with a man. ”


“I can’t be a prostitute!” Rachel chopped out her face bent in disgust.


“No, not a hooker, or call girl taking multiple Johns ‘no, no, no…!’” Leon snapped out sounding a little impatient paused for a moment then continued, “nothing so common place. I don’t think you would make a good one any way. Let me explain. I run a very special and very expensive service. I take care of my clients, and ‘My…’ girls and boys. I take ‘good…!’ care of them. I did a check-up on you, just to see if you were worth the time of a full interview. I have a private investigator on retainer, and he is thorough. He said I quote no suspicious behavior. No drugs no boy friends, just works hard and keeps the house clean. ”


“I’m confused. I am sure the job is about sex but not being a hooker or call girl. What is it?” Rachel interjected nervously and then her eyes grew wide and she barked out, “You investigated me?!”


“Easy… settle down… I know a few things about you now, so I called you back, now let me finish. ” He paused as he waited for her to settle down then started, “I run a special business; I got the idea for it, from when I was using and running hookers and call girls. I used to surf the online personals for fun. After receiving, a raft of complaints from my people, girls and clients I did some research. I went from polygamy, to sex slaves, from concubines to surrogates, to sex toys. To put it simply I rent live-in sex toys and or maids or to put it even simpler Rent-a-mate. ’ Full time live-ins or if you prefer wives…‘domestics/lovers living sex toys. ’” Leon smiled smugly and added, “They do it all, from the floor to giving birth. They go from cooking, washing clothes and dishes, to washing pussies and penises, to house keeping. Much like old-world Japan.

I was surprised at how fast it took off, and at how successful I became, so much so I’ve become a multi-level incorporation.

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   I’ve branched into banking, insurance, and real-estate. ” With a prying eye Leon stared at Rachel and assertively added, “You work good for me and my clients I can be your one stop shopping mall for your family and all their needs. ”


“I still don’t understand I feel so confused. ” Rachel admitted in a puzzled tone.


“As I said, I did a check on you. ” Leon said firmly, stopped shuffling through the papers, and put them down. “I’m satisfied your hard working, and honest. Young lady; you have a drive to thrive, and making efforts to better your self, and the people close to you. Your Mom is sick the rent is over due, and your brother’s tuition isn’t late yet but will be soon. I can help with all of that. Rachel… you have a very nice face, a good body, with all the right proportions.

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   My clients will find you very attractive; actually, you are exactly what many of them are looking for. With a little coaching, I can get you headed in the right direction. I will… look out for you; and you can be ready to retire in five to six years, maybe sooner if you play your cards right. ” Leon assured with loose smile, and continued, “Well we’re almost done. First question, will you do as you are told?”


“Y-Yes?” She hesitated, fidgeted, and glanced at the door as if she were going to run.


“You don’t sound to sure. ” Leon pointed out and then asked, “Will you finish your assignment as long as you are treated O. K. ?”


“I’m sure ‘Yes.

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   Yes…!’, and yes. . . ! If  ‘you!’ set me up, I will do my part. ” Rachel firmly claimed and with a trailing voice added, “I’m just afraid; this sounds like one of those things, where a person either wishes they died, or disappears never to be seen again. ” Rachel’s face had a fearful expression.


“That is a reasonable fear, ‘but…’ I said I watch out for my people and you would be one of ‘my…’ people. That is how I have survived. The threehundred dollar interview is over, here’s the money. ” Leon informed coolly and laid the money on the table in front of Rachel.


“Over! I don’t understand.

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   Did I fail or what?” Rachel asked exasperatedly and stared at the money.


“Oh no, it’s time for the next level. Put that money in your pocket it’s you’res. ” Leon said with a smile. “The thousand dollar interview is next. ” Leon said as a wet smile beamed from his face.


“Oh sure. Is this where I strip and have sex with you?” Rachel said with disgust and stopped from putting the money in her purse.


“No! I told you I don’t have sex with my clients, or the people that work for me; but ‘you…’ will have your clothing removed, as I said earlier.

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   You ‘will’ have sex with my girlfriend, but not right away, and yes people ‘will…!’ be watching, a lot of people will be watching. ” Leon said sternly as he watched Rachel’s reaction to this new information and relaxed as he watched her put the money away.


“I what…I can’t! I don’t. I…I haven’t done ‘that!’ since high school, and then just ‘once!’ and ‘no…!’ one was watching. ” her face blushing a very bright red and with resignation in her voice she added, “a lot of people gawking at me… God. ” She cast glances all around the room as if being spooked then asked, “Where will everyone be?”


“At their homes and offices don’t worry it is all done by camera. ” Leon warmly said then asking, “Did you like it? Tell me about it, please it will help with the bios my clients will want to read. But first read this aloud, and sign it. Then I want you to read this,” Leo handed Rachel a booklet and a single sheet of paper.


“I give one Mr. Leon Crag the right to post my pictures on the web site ‘Rent-a-mate. com’, and E-mail my bio-stats to interested clients. Here you go post away,” Rachel quickly scribbled her signature and started talking hurriedly about her tryst, “It really wasn’t much more than a dare, like I will if you will. I said go first she kissed me on the mouth and took my cloths off. Oh this is kind of embarrassing, but she kissed my pussy and made it feel good so I did it second. I guess what we did is called sixty-nine, I didn’t have an orgasm and neither did she, yet still, we both liked it we just wanted our boy friends more. It was the only time. Any way what’s the bios and pictures about?”


“Well… advertising; it gives me a chance to get you started earning money for me and you a little closer to earning your money, by showing the interested members what you have to offer. Oh by the way this is a ‘members only’ affair. That was a nice story; it tells me you have a bit of an adventuresome spirit, and still innocent. They will come in handy. ”


“How does this work? And what is this booklet about? I thought you had to know a lot about sex to make money at it?” Rachel inquired skeptically.


“I’ll say this; coupled with the way you look, your ‘lack’ of experience, and the ‘I dare you to’ attitude gives you value. ” Leon said assuringly and then added, “I’ll tell you in a bit, about both how all this works and the booklet. You hungry?”


“Yes. I could eat,” puzzlement and curiosity filled her voice and face.


“How about oriental? Spicy oriental?” Leon teased.


“Sure I like Chinese,” She said smiling.


“Well let me give Starr a call. I want her to help us, with the rest of your ‘interview. ’ Stand up I want to get some pictures,” Leon directed, “that’s it, turn to the right, and now face the door, now face the wall, okay you can sit back down. ” Rachel’s heart jumped with every click of the camera.


“What no nudies?” Rachel pertly quipped.


“No. Not yet,” Leon said in a mater-of-fact tone and added, “You do realize that you are going to have your clothes taken off, that you are going to handle a pussy and a dick. Get very explicit both verbally and physically in front of web-cams with my members looking, listening, and asking questions?”


“ Yes but Mr. Crag I just can’t shake off being afraid,” her voice trailing off as she looked at the door again.


“Oh I understand Rachel. If you didn’t have at least some apprehension you wouldn’t be here,” Leon warmly assured adding “Starr will help you, from now on just call me Leon. ”


Rachel sat down feeling dizzy and somewhat stunned, musing over the information while Leon was on the phone, “My how this ‘job interview’ changed before my eyes; from work to entering the flesh market. That was never more than a passing fantasy, now that I think about it I realize how dumb or naive I have been, thinking this would be a snap. I had to be crazy thinking I could earn that much money, without having to give something of value in return. ” After taking, a deep breath she thought, “this will be a good way to take care the family. Pay for Mom’s medical bills; get Jeff in college and his fancy computer, get them both a place to stay, and food to eat. Only they can’t find out about it.

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   My… God! It would kill Mom!” Rachel jumped up, and started to bolt for the door then stopped. She stood there panting loudly her face beet red and nervously blurted out, “I want…! I want to go through with this, ‘all of it’; but I ‘don’t…!’ want anyone, my family, or my friends to find out what I am doing!”


“Just a second Starr, I have to talk to Rachel hold on. ” Leon looked at Rachel and said calmly “Don’t worry. The first three rules of my business are privacy, privacy, and privacy. ‘Ok…?’ Starr you got the order… good, and you’ll be right here…? Great see you soon. ”


“I’m sorry I just got scared. ” Rachel still blushing excused her self then confessed, “You are right my mother is sick and needs to see a doctor. Jeff and Mom need a better place to stay and yes, the rent is past due. ”


“Don’t worry about a thing.


  â€ Leon warmly consoled adding, “we will get you set up with automatic bill paying and insurance for the two of them. My service is safe; I won’t put you with first time clients that could be risky, and you will be looked in on. ” He explained and looked at Rachel warmly and assuringly added, “You won’t be drugged, tossed into a dungeon, and tortured. With the exception of some recreational drugs, you will be working in a drug free environment. I will set you up with an advance against what I think will be an exceptional and profitable term of service. We were in luck Starr was at the café all ready. I’ve posted you picture and profile on the members only board, and sent out e-mails to the prospective couples, that your profile matches their wants, wishes, and needs. ”


“What have I just agreed to get into?” Rachel asked in a woeful and apprehensive tone her face stressed with concern.


“The sex business; to have sex with a strange couple at their whim and wish, and to let me help you take care of your family. You have agreed to be a long-term live-in mate and housekeeper, an extra wife to the husband, a playmate and helper to the wife. The sexier and more agreeable you are, the better.

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   The second three rules are make’em happy, make’em happy, and make’em happy. That is what Starr is going to help you with. So read that booklet, it will raise some questions and answer some too. ”


 “Just what is ‘sweet’ Starr going to do to me?” she whined wrinkling her nose trying to feign unwillingness.


“She isn’t going to abase you, Starr is just going to settle you down some give you a few pointers and psyche you up for the interview. You’ll read that you are not allowed to say no; you ‘must…!’ dutifully obey both of your owners. You ‘must…’ to the very best of your ability deliver service with a smile. They are not allowed to physically hurt you or emotionally abase you unless it is part of the contract. You cannot be imprisoned unless it is introduced in your contract. ” Leon paused to let the information settle and then added, “They can reprimand you for mistakes and ‘order’ you to perform better after telling you what you did wrong. You have to agree to everything in the contract before signing.

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“They can’t hit or lock me away in a dungeon. ” Rachel nervously asked.


“I have clients that are prone to that but in your case we are not catering to them. ” He waited for her to calm down and continued, “The men are paying for it so some times they are going to ‘take. . . ’ a quickie, and sometimes they might use you for hours. It’s the same with the wives you ‘will’ be spending most of your time with them. There could be weeks when all you do is pleasure your owners, and not one second will they spend pleasuring you, maybe become even more demanding to see how you will act. ”


“I can’t imagine what I would have to do to keep a woman sexually happy.

” Rachel remarked, as she looked at the floor her hand between her legs obviously warming to the situation and becoming aroused.


“I want to point out specifically the highlighted part on page six. ” Leon started out saying with a pure business attitude, “upon selection of bidder and signing of the contract the signer ‘you’ agree to stay sequestered on the premises, while waiting for you contract to begin. You can leaving only with an escort, and you are not allowed to participate in any sexual activity. ”


“Sounds like I’m going to be a slave; a sex slave aren’t I? A lesbian sex slave, and a domestic servant. ” Rachel chimed disappointedly as a shiver raced across her body.


“Yes. Again, don’t worry, read the booklet.

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  â€ Leon asserted and comfortingly added, “I will help you with your choices for your first time. Sex and submissiveness ‘are’ the biggest parts of what I sell and what you will be doing and it can be easy. ” He paused smiled a beaming smile adding, “You just have to learn to give in to their wishes freely. Remember you must be ‘fun…!’ Starr will coach you, and tell you a few of her experiences to help you get a better understanding of the requirements. You will be working harder than you ever have, I promise. Keep reading. I have a nice quiet room for you to stay in should we need one. There will be a one to three week wait while schedules mesh and the paperwork wraps up you will have the run of the place but must be escorted by one of my staff. ”


Rachel read in silence quickly scanning the pages, looking up puzzled and starting to ask questions, stopping and reading further sighing when some of them were answered. She looked up again puzzled and asked, “Why don’t you use hookers or call girls?”


“For obvious reasons, in your case they are not able to satisfy my clients needs, plus they are not trustworthy. ” Leon noted.

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She read a little farther and burst, “Wait a minute I ‘do not…!’ want to be a wet-nurse baby factory. ” Rachel declared loudly.


“You didn’t do a good job of reading. ” Leon rebuffed informing, “That falls under the bonuses program; your supposed to get pregnant if you want the bonuses, but you must abort within eight weeks. Starr will explain all that to you. ”


“OK. The money happen with bids being placed for…” Rachel paused her face flared red when she said, “my services…”


“Bidding, yes like at any auction the participants will look you over ask you questions, and place their bids based on your answers, appearance, and performance.

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  â€ Leon explained somewhat amazed at how fast she was catching on.


“Like a car or art or an estate auction like the black woman chained to a pole and sold?” she quizzed farther.


“Oh! We’ve got a lot of responses coming in already, and there’s sweet Starr at the door. Well yes, ‘exactly’ it is people bidding against each other to own ‘you…’ mind and body. You will become the winner’s property just like a long time ago, the only difference no whips or chains. I will give you a list of the top five bidder’s profiles and you will make the final choice. You will…belong to them in every way for the term of the contract. If you don’t want to owe me money then you will make it good for at least six months. I’d say read the rules and regs through again while we eat. ”


“And if I owe you money?” Rachel asked her question with a suspicious tone in her voice.


“No I won’t kill you or break a leg. ” Leon responded with a sarcastic tone of voice and then calmly informed her, “We will set up a payment program and yes, if you default, I will turn it over to a collection agency. I am not a gangster. ”


The door swung open, in walked a big-busted, full-bodied, auburn haired, dark tanned woman her arms loaded with take-out food boxes. She set the boxes on the table, took off her coat hung it on the rack, and looked at Rachel. She smiled her pouty red lips opening as she beamed.


“Starr. I’m Rachel.

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   How are you doing today?” Rachel acquainted her self with her future mentor.


“I’m fine. Leon was telling me a little about you earlier today. He is right you do look like the girl we all wanted in school. ” Starr sang smiling, as she pulled at her hair to straighten out the wind curls. Starr’s tight hair accented her tanned, plump round face then gazed at Rachel sizing her up head to toe and with a smile warmly added, “Yes you even look like the girlfriend I wanted in school. ” Starr found Rachel’s thick bushy eyebrows and full head of long shiny black hair stopping at her shoulders attractive and enticing, as she knew that Rachel would have a very thick matting of shiny black hair covering her genitalia. Her body still had baby fat making her roundish but firm looking certainly not fat looking. At five seven, and one thirty-five Rachel was very pleasing to anyone’s eyes. Atop her pert thirty-four D breast making mounds in her thick blouse were large buds caused by her gumdrop-sized nipples. Starr finished fluffing her clothes and with a smile and warm gaze moved toward Rachel.


Blushing from Starr’s lingering gaze Rachel announced, “Leon says you are going to help me learn a little something of the sex business. I have decided to go for it… all the way, and I can… use what ever helpful information you are willing to give. ”


“Ol’ Leon asked me to give some special tutoring. ” Starr humorously replied and warmly assured, “I’ll be happy to answer any and ‘all’ question you can ask and some that you will not think to ask. After sizing you up, I see Leon has as usual under stated how attractive you are. You do have that full-bodied look, yet pert, with that down to earth natural beauty, that most of his; ‘special…’ clients look for. Hell I find you enticing. ” Starr warmly admitted as she looked on with a seductive smile.


“I hate to interrupt but I’m hungry, so let her read, while we all eat up. ” Leon interjected and then added, “I will confirm that an auction will happen in two hours. ” He paused and looked quizzically at Rachel and asked, “Or should I e-mail a cancellation… Rachel?”


“No! Yes! No!” Rachel excitedly exclaimed as she stuttered, “I mean I am going to go for it! All the way! You ‘have…’ an auction!” Rachel quickly and enthusiastically confirmed.


“That’s the spirit. ” Leon chimed and shoveled some food into his mouth.


“You have to act like ‘a-more-than-willing’ participant. ” Starr pointed out, and asked, “Leon have you actually pointed out that Rachel will be catering more towards the wives and how the time schedules work? What she is expected to do? And most of all how we will be looking out for her?”


“Yes, yes, and yes. I thought you could explain the different ‘bonus’ programs. ” Leon mumbled around a mouth full of food.


Rachel gulped her bite down and asked, “Yea. One, five, six, and six months the manual said but I am not sure if I got it right. ”


With a swallow and slurp from her drink Starr replied, “If you only go one month or less you won’t be called back, you failed, and you may owe Leon money. I’m going to make sure your headed in the right direction so you can avoid that. ” Starr pointed out then filled her mouth with rice again.


“One, five, six, and six months. That is eighteen months with no problems nets an automatic $1,800. 00 bonus. The very least you’ll earn is $162,000. 00 with no other bonuses and no deductions.

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   With no rent, utilities, or food to pay for. You’ll be covered by your owners medical insurance, and your family will be covered by your insurance. ” Garbled Leon and with a chuckle added, “That is good beginner’s pay. ”


“That is more than a life time pay compared to what I’ve been earning. ” Rachel observed with an uneasy grin. Then hungrily took a mouth full of pork followed it with rice and exaggeratedly chewed.


Leon reminded her between gobbles. “You must realize that you are selling, at the very least, six months of your life into ‘servitude…’ becoming a slave with what could be a very demanding pair of masters. ”


“You are only allowed one day off every two weeks.

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  â€ Starr pointed out, garbling around a mouth full. She swallowed and went on, “You get a full two days pay extra, for every day-off not taken as an extra bonus at the end of the full contract. So by going the full eighteen months that will be seventy-two days of extra pay. Hey Leon help me out with the math. ”


Leon looked up from the food; a wet smile beamed from his face, and while tweaking his nipple looked right at Rachel saying, “No days off says you ‘want’ to be there. Depending on the bids, it could net you at least $21,600. 00 less my pittance. I pay an extra $1800. 00 bonus out of the interest I earn for not having problems with the contract. So, say for arguments’ sake you get $300. 00 a-day. To keep the math simple for now I take my fees fifty a-day. That leaves $250.

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  00 a-day or $7500. 00 a-month or $90,000. 00, a-year or $135,000. 00 for eighteen months no bonuses no interest and no deductions. I say from experience that that is the very least you will get. ”


“That is a lot of money. ” Rachel remarked with puzzlement in her voice and skeptically asked, “The interest you earn?”


“Of course I make money off your work and more the better you work out. ” Leon cynically remarked.


Starr interjected explaining, “Oh yes; the clients pay six months in advance at the beginning of each term.

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   Depending on the reason the contract is terminated early, Leon either refunds the full amount and you get stuck with a bill, or he pays you off, giving you the contract option to continue or stop. The full contract is eighteen months, in six-month increments, with an exit clause at the end of each of the six-month terms. ”


“What is the most I will pay Leon?” Rachel inquired in a skeptical tone.


“If you get $300. 00 a-day I take $50. 00 a-day. If you get $400. 00 a-day then I take $75. 00 a-day. ” Leon assured in a business like tone adding, “No less than fifty, and no more than one-fifty a-day so it would behoove you to work for the higher bids. ”


“Except for what you’ll be sending your family you will be leaving the money in the bank because you won’t need it. ” Starr explained her voice sounding like a business woman and with a laugh added, “Hell by the time you satisfy the first contract you’ll have Ol’ Leon paid off and taking care of your family with your own money. ”


Rachel cut Starr short asking, “What is this pregnancy bonus about?”


“Leon?” Starr looked at him.


“No. That’s your department. ” Leon said as he fumbled through the empty boxes of food grunting, “Shit I’m still hungry. ”


“I call them conception abortion bonuses. To get them you have to announce, to your owners, that you are pregnant and ask them to terminate it. The safe time is six to eight weeks, and you have to terminate or you will violate the contract. You get $3000. 00 upon confirmation, and it goes straight into your account. I conceived six times in eighteen months, that comes to $18,000. 00. ” Starr stated proudly and added, “It starts earning interest right away too. ”


“Didn’t it hurt you?” Rachel queried in a distressed tone, “Didn’t you get sick?”


“Not at all. I put on weight twice, but as you can see, I took most of it off. ” Starr assured and then added, “In six months, I go back on the auction block.

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   This time I will be a surrogate mother. The minimum bids will open at three hundred per day and double for the last four weeks,.



