Topic: Chapter 2 Page 1Rose Marie drew in deep lungfuls of stagnant air. Her body was still twitching spasmodically. She sat back on the toilet seat and started rummaging in her bag. One foot was still propped up on the handicap railing, her black lace thong hanging loosely around her ankle. Her pussy was spread wide open and its glistening lips throbbed a bright red. A small trickle of blood worked its way out of her asshole.
Finally, she found the pack of cigarettes she was looking for. Careful not to dump them on the grimy floor, she pulled out one of the slender black death sticks and lit it up with her skull embossed Zippo. The sweet aroma of cloves filled the air, repelling the pissy reek of the girl’s room. “Holy shit, that was good,” she commented to herself. She’d come in here as soon as lunch had started and gotten to work on her pulsating pussy. She’d been insanely horny. First she’d started off thinking of the dark stranger from her dreams, but had found him suddenly unsatisfying.
Next, she’d thought of the things she wanted to do to Lisa after school. That had gotten her all worked up. She could still imagine the feel of the blonde’s tender soft breasts cupped in her palms, and the sweet taste of her pussy.
But then Alex had leaped into her thoughts. As soon as his face had become clear in her mind she’d gotten off hard. Still, she hadn’t been satisfied. Usually she couldn’t keep going right away. Her clit got really ticklish right after an orgasm. This time she’d ignored it and kept rubbing herself. She’d been so wet that she’d slipped a finger right inside her ass and started pounding that hard too. It had taken two more orgasms to leave her somewhat satiated. The first had come with an image of Alex’s beautiful face buried in her cunt. The second had come when his hard cock had started pounding into her.
Rose Marie lowered her free hand to her swollen labia. Her legs were covered in her juices. Her fingers gradually descended to play with her asshole. A stinging pain forced her to pull her hand away. She noticed the traces of blood on one finger and sighed.
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Perhaps she’d gone at her ass too hard. That could cause some discomfort for a while. It had already been damaged a bit from her quick pullout this morning. She probably shouldn’t have messed around with it anymore today, but she had needed to feel something inside her too bad to worry about such things.
She continued staring at the hand for a moment, contemplating licking the juices off her fingers. She brought the hand up to her mouth and paused. She could smell the strong scent of her pussy and the aroma of her ass as well. She almost gagged and quickly pulled her hand away. The thought of licking up her own pussy juices and even the secretions form her ass was a real turn on for Rose Marie. Unfortunately, no matter how worked up she got thinking about it, as soon as she had an orgasm such thoughts became immediately repulsive. She’d licked her fingers clean this morning with no problem, so she assumed it must be something to do with the chemicals her body released when she climaxed. She’d have to look into that sometime.
After taking one last drag, she dropped the cigarette between her legs to splash into the toilet water. She climbed unsteadily to her feet after pulling her panties off completely. Pausing to listen for a moment at the door to make sure she was still alone, she stepped out into the main part of the restroom.
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Grabbing a couple paper towels and wetting them down, she cleaned up her legs and genitals the best she could. Finally she pulled her panties back on and headed for the door.
The bustle of the cafeteria hit her like a wall of sound as soon as she exited the girl’s room. She turned in that direction and passed through the double doors leading to the seating area. Her normal table was empty. No one dared sit there, even in her absence. Lisa wasn’t there either though, which was unusual. She scanned the room in search of her friend. Finally she spotted the younger girl near the line of people waiting the get some of the school’s always nasty lunch food. Rose Marie’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw that Lisa was engaged in conversation with a young blonde boy by the name of Alex.
The two of them were chatting like old friends. Lisa seemed totally at ease, which was highly unusual. She was normally very shy, especially around boys, who seemed to scare her for some reason. Alex seemed to have an opposite effect on her though. Rose Marie watched the two of them talking for another moment before huffing and heading toward her table.
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Was it a hint of jealousy she was feeling?
A few moments later, Lisa evidently noticed Rose Marie sitting at their table, and broke off her conversation with Alex to join her. The young man shot a brief smile in Rose Marie’s direction before disappearing through the double doors she’d just entered through. A flush of excitement swept through her again at the attention.
“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. I didn’t realize you were already here,” Lisa said, taking a seat. As usual neither of the two girls were bothering to eat lunch. Rose Marie hated the food here and Lisa simply couldn’t afford it.
“No problem. I just got here myself. ” Trying not to sound too eager, Rose Marie started fishing for information. “So, you know the new guy, huh?”Lisa smiled happily. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I meant to tell you this morning, but we were running so late I thought I’d better wait ‘til later to tell you the news. ”
The older girl tensed as though expecting a punch in the face. “The news? You get yourself a boyfriend?”
Lisa seemed confused for a moment, but quickly recovered.
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“No, nothing like that. Don’t you remember me telling you about my older brother that’s been in England attending a boarding school for the past few years?”Come to think of it, she did recall something about an older brother off attending school in some other country. Realization suddenly dawned on Rose Marie, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “He’s your brother!?”“That’s right,” Lisa exclaimed happily. “He just got home last night, but dad wanted him to start attending school here right away, so here he is. I didn’t even know he was coming home until he showed up on the doorstep. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him I almost didn’t recognize him. ”
Rose Marie was speechless. Comparing the two in her mind, she could now see some similarities in appearance. They both had their father’s bleached blonde hair and catty facial structure. But, while Lisa was pretty in the same was her father was kind of handsome, Alex was gorgeous in the same way their mother was a stunning beauty. True, their mother had jet-black hair, at least in the photos Rose Marie had seen of the woman, but the fine facial structure was the same. Had she ever actually met the woman in person the resemblance may have clued her in on who Alex was when she first saw him. If she hadn’t been late for class she would have caught his full name during his introduction and it would have been obvious.
“That’s amazing,” Rose Marie mumbled.
“What’s so amazing,” Lisa questioned.
Rose Marie suddenly realized she’d been staring at the younger girl.
“Oh, just the resemblance between you two. Now that I know who he is, it’s obvious. I met him in my homeroom this morning, but I missed his last name since I was late,” she explained.
Lisa sat back and smiled. “I see. He’s really cute too isn’t he? He’s grown into a handsome young man. ”
“He sure is. ” Rose Marie blushed in embarrassment as soon as she’d spoken. Quickly she changed the subject a bit. “So why is he suddenly home from England?”
The younger girl’s smile suddenly vanished. “Financial issues. My parent’s can’t afford to send him overseas to a fancy boarding school anymore. Tuition there is high, and the money from mom’s last book is drying up quick.
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She hasn’t written much in the past year or so. ”
“I’m sorry to he. . . ”
“Piss off, fuck-face!!”
Rose Marie broke off in mid-sentence at the noisy interruption. Craning her neck, she looked back over her shoulder to see who was causing a scene this time.
A tall young man with multiple piercing and a wildly spiked mohawk of orange and red hair was just butting his way into the food line. Those around him didn’t comment on his rude behavior. They were too afraid of him.
“Looks like Noz is back from suspension,” Rose Marie commented.
“Not for long,” Lisa noted as he stepped out of the lunch line.
That’s when the older girl realized the punk was wearing only the jacket of his school uniform. He’d decided to wear the skirt from a girl’s uniform and a pair of knee-high Doc Martin’s instead of the normal slacks and dress shoes. Spiked leather cuffs peaked out from his too-short sleeves, and a tattoo could be seen crawling down one leg on the bare skin between boot top and skirt hem.
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“Yeah, one that’ll make sure he gets another week of vacation,” Lisa agreed.
Rose Marie thought on that for a moment before deciding Lisa was absolutely right. She’d best take care of business while she had the chance. “Be right back,” she said, standing up.
Lisa quirked an eyebrow. “Okay,” she said with a bit of confusion.
Rose Marie sauntered over to the table Noz had just uprooted some junior classmen from and took a seat across from him. His head jerked up with a sneer painted across his face, but his expression when slack when he saw who it was sitting across from him.
“Oh, hey. What’s up, baby doll?” His voice held a slight edge of uneasiness. Rose Marie was known to have one hell of a temper if you pissed her off. Noz had found that out the hard way the first time he’d met her. He’d tried to put the moves on her and still had a scar on his cheek where one of her crimson nails had gouged him.
“Hey, Noz,” she said in a honey sweet voice. That made him sweat a little more.
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“How’s your inventory?”
“My wha…” His eyes lit up with sudden understanding. “Oh yeah! My inventory,” he said, winking conspiratorially.
Rose Marie almost laughed aloud at his idiotic behavior but managed to restrain herself. You couldn’t really expect intelligent conversation from a guy like Noz. All that really mattered was that he’d relaxed a bit when he realized she was here on business and not some personal vendetta.
“Whatcha lookin’ fer, girly?” His grin made it apparent he hadn’t seen a dentist in quite some time.
Rose Marie nearly gagged, but distracted herself trying to pick out a single real word from his last sentence.
Between his gutter slang and fake British accent it was hard to tell what he was saying most of the time.
“Nothing spectacular. Maybe something I can make a salad out of,” she smiled, playing the game like a pro.
“You know I hate the food here. ”
He chuckled smugly. Noz was an idiot for the most part but you could talk about drugs with just about any slang and he’d figure it out in no time.
“No prob, girly. You already got the leafy greens for your salad right?”
Rose Marie flashed three twenties just above the edge of the table.
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“Right then,” he said, rummaging in his tattered rucksack.
After a moment he pulled out an ancient looking red and white book with the words ‘Betty Crocker’ stamped on the front cover.
“This should do the trick, yeah?”
Rose Marie couldn’t help grinning a bit as he slid the book over to her. She’d have cracked up laughing if she hadn’t seen the thing a couple times before. She grabbed the book and pulled it toward her, letting the cover slip open to drop a tightly wrapped plastic bag into her lap from a hollow compartment between the pages. She pretended to look the book over before slipping the twenties into the now vacant space.
“That’s not really what I had in mind,” She said, sliding it back toward Noz.
“I don’t like to cook. ”Noz picked up the book and dropped it back into his rucksack. “That’s too bad. I guess I can’t help ya. I gots all kinds ‘a junk food in ‘ere. ” He pulled out a fistful of candy and dropped it on the table. “No fresh veggies I’m afraid. ”
A couple of teachers were watching the exchange intently by this point.
Virtually the whole school new Noz sold all kinds of stuff out of that bag, most of which the school didn’t allow. Since they’d taken the snack machines out last year to encourage healthier eating, he’d been making a killing off junk food.
It was just a cover for his narcotics business, but the faculty hadn’t wised up to that yet. He could have been a bit more subtle, but this was how he preferred to do business, and if it got Rose Marie what she wanted then she’d play along.
Rose Marie slipped the bag into her sleeve just as Coach Weaver walked up to the table.
“Norman, what did I tell you about selling junk food?”
Noz sneered at the use of his given name.
“Oh, come off it, Copper! You’s just mad you ain’t haulin’ in the take on it!
It’s ya own bleedin’ fault the kiddies ain’t gots no snackies. ”Weaver seemed at a loss. He probably had no idea what Noz had just said to him. “Right, well just cut it out okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. ” Noz just waved his hands dismissively as he leaned back and threw his dirty boots up on the table.
“By the way, Principle Wicklenick wants a word with you about that outfit,” the coach continued.
“Oh, bleedin’ ‘ell. E’s always wantin’ a word wimme about sumpin’. ” Noz stood up and grabbed his rucksack.
“Be seein’ ya, girly,” he said before heading for the office.
Rose Marie shot him a sweet little smile and wiggled her fingers in mockery of a feminine wave.
“You shouldn’t be consorting with trash like that, Rosemary,” Coach Weaver commented. “I’ll be seeing you in detention as it is. There’s no reason to get into any further trouble. ”
Rose Marie was annoyed by the name as usual, but ignored it again. The rest of what Weaver had said lifted her spirits a bit. He’d be the one running detention today. It looked like she’d have an easy way out of her punishment after all.
“Yeah, I know,” she sad to the coach, batting her eyes playfully. He immediately blushed a deep crimson. “I just wish the food around here wasn’t so bad,” she sulked.
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Well, you should just tell me these things. I might be able to arrange for you to leave for lunch to go get your fresh salad if that’s what you want.
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It’s too late today, of course. ” He was wringing his hands nervously by this point.
Rose Marie was nearly gawking in disbelief. The idiot actually thought she was sweet on him! She’d have to use that to her advantage one day soon. She quickly stood up and started back to her table, pausing only to say,
“Thanks coach. You’re sooo sweet. See ya’ this afternoon. ”
“Yes, ma’am,” He said with a little nod. Even the other teachers were staring at him like he was an idiot now.
Rose Marie plopped back into her seat at her original table. Lisa was gaping like a fish.
“What was that all about,” she asked.
“Oh, just doing a little business with Noz,” the older girl commented, grabbing her bag from beneath the table.
Lisa was about to ask what kind of business, but she didn’t bother once she caught sight of the plastic bag Rose Marie was slipping out of her sleeve and into her satchel. “I see.
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“So, you want to hang out after school with me, don’t you?” Rose Marie didn’t do drugs very often. Pot was the only thing she bothered with.
Lisa was hesitant to even do that much. “I hate to smoke alone, you know. ”
There was already defeat in Lisa’s eyes. The younger girl had been about to say no, but as usual a few words from Rose Marie had changed that.
“Yeah, sure,” she said in a tired voice.
“But what about detention?”
A note of hope had crept back into Lisa’s voice. Evidently, she really didn’t want to smoke a joint. That was just too bad, though. Rose Marie hated to burst her bubble but,
“It’s not a problem. What do you think I was talking to Weaver about? He’s running the show today. We’ll be out in no time. ”
Lisa deflated again. “Okay, that’s cool,” she lied.
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Rose Marie knew she wasn’t the type to dwell on the inevitable. As expected, it didn’t take long for her to shake off her reservations and regain her usual peppiness. “So where do you want to go,” the older girl asked her.
Lisa took a moment to ponder. “How about the old apartments?”Rose Marie had already known what Lisa would say. It was always the same place. There was an old abandoned apartment complex in the woods on the edge of town. They’d been hanging out there for years. She honestly wasn’t very fond of the place. There was something creepy about it. Lisa liked it there though, so she wouldn’t complain. Besides, they had stashed a couple sleeping bags and their small collection of drug paraphernalia there in a big rubber rucksack. It was a good place for everything Rose Marie had in mind for this evening.
“Sure, sounds good to me,” she said, grinning wickedly. Lisa smiled back, totally unaware of what the older girl was thinking.
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A bell suddenly sounded, signaling the end of the lunch period. “See you at the detention hall,” Rose Marie said, climbing to her feet. “Yeah, see ya. ” Lisa made her way through the crowd while Rose Marie stood back and waited for the majority of the people to pass. Wicked little thoughts were dancing in her head and she couldn’t wait until school was over.
Topic: Chapter 2 Page 2The sun was already riding low in the sky by the time the two girls managed to get away from the detention hall. Rose Marie already regretted encouraging Coach Weaver’s shy, but totally misguided advances. He’d been very attentive to her for the first part of detention today; so attentive that he wouldn’t leave right away like he usually did. She’d had to thoroughly ignore him and pretend she was sleeping before he’d finally packed up and went home, leaving the delinquents to their own devices. “Sorry we didn’t get out of there as early as I’d planned,” She said hesitantly to Lisa, who was strolling happily beside her. “You still want to go to the apartments, right?” “Yeah, that’s fine. ” Lisa continued on her merry way. She already knew Rose Marie would be disappointed if she backed out now, so she didn’t even try. When the older girl didn’t get her way, she got sulky and bitchy; not something Lisa wanted to deal with today. Rose Marie sighed in relief.
She’d been afraid that Lisa would see the delay as another chance to get out of their little adventure. Thankfully, Lisa was attentive enough of her needs to go along anyway, despite her wishes to do otherwise. Now all she had to worry about was making it home at a decent time to avoid Wanda and Ed’s insane bitching. Whenever she came in after sundown they had a fit. Lisa was lucky that her parents trusted her to take care of herself and didn’t have to worry about when she made it home. “Let’s take a shortcut across the Warehouse District. ” Rose Marie grabbed Lisa’s hand and started dragging her toward a row of dilapidated old building on their left. She’d do what she could to get them to the apartments in a hurry so she could get home quicker, but if things went as she planned, it would inevitably be after dark before she made it. She didn’t really care about that though. This would be a new and amazing experience for her, and she’d be damned if she was going to rush through it to please Wanda and Ed. “Rose, you know I hate going through there,” Lisa complained. She kept pace with the older girl anyway. The Warehouse District had always scared Lisa for some reason. Rose Marie had a feeling it had something to do with an incident that had taken place in her early childhood. She’d only heard bits and pieces of the story, so it wasn’t really all that clear to her.
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It was the one thing she’d had no luck getting Lisa to open up about. All she new was that it had something to do with a group of older boys chasing her through the Warehouse District and beating her up when she was about six years old. She had her suspicions that the boys may have tried to rape the little girl as well, but evidently her father had shown up and made short work of the whole group of them. She’d heard tell that he’d almost killed one of them. Of course it was all gossip so she didn’t know how much of it to believe. Maybe she could get Alex to tell her the story sometime since Lisa refused to. Lisa’s father really didn’t seem like a violent person at all though, so she had her doubts about most of the story. “I know. I’m sorry. We’ll take Stogdale St. around to the north. It’ll save us a little time, but we won’t have to go too far into the old buildings. ” She did her best to reassure the younger girl. Lisa still didn’t look thrilled with the prospect though. “We’ll only be two blocks away from the Strip.
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No one will mess with us there. ”Lisa’s shoulders slumped, but she gave in and picked up the pace a bit. The Strip was a row of mom and pop stores on the seedy side of town. It was made up primarily of liquor stores and little restaurants, with a smattering of strip joints and a few clubs/bars for variety. There were always hordes of people on the streets there. Granted, most of them were kind of scary, but having that many people around, no matter who they were, made things a bit safer for them. Thankfully, they didn’t actually have to traverse the Strip itself. If she hadn’t been able to score some pot from Noz earlier, she’d have had to find a dealer on the Strip to get it from. A few minutes later they hung a left onto Stogdale. This area was just as deserted as the rest of the now defunct Warehouse District, but you could still hear the sounds and see the lights from the Strip. That made it just a little easier to believe you weren’t all alone in this dark and creepy place. Fifteen minutes later, they had passed all the way to the other side of the Warehouse District without incident. They slipped through a gap in a tall chain link fence that separated the block of abandoned buildings from a pot-holed and little used highway. After checking for traffic they ran across the road and entered a foreboding section of forest on the other side. “I feel a little better now.
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These woods always relax me,” Lisa commented. “That’s good. I know you hate going through the Warehouse District. I’m real sorry about that. ” Rose Marie was also sorry to be in these woods. Her skin was already prickling. She was use to it by now though. It was the same sensation she got every time they came here. A few minutes later they stepped out of the brush, and onto the remnants of a narrow asphalt road. This road use to provide the only access to a relatively new block of apartments buildings. Not more than a year after the place was built, a fire of unknown origin had sent the whole complex up in flames, killing a couple hundred tenants in the process. No one had even bother trying to rebuild it. All that was left was a gutted shell with this neglected road leading up to it. It was the kind of place you threatened children with when they wouldn’t go to bed. It as also off limits to everyone, by police order.
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The place was fairly dangerous. Another hundred yards down the road and the skeletal buildings started to come into view. Rose Marie shivered despite her efforts to remain calm. Every time she got a first look at the place she was hit with Déjà vu, like she’d seen it before the flames had taken it. “You okay, Rose?” Lisa’s whispered voice almost had Rose Marie jumping out of her shoes. Quickly, she calmed herself. “Yeah, I’m fine. After dragging you through the Warehouse District, I don’t have any right to complain about the ghosts in this place. ” She smiled reassurance at Lisa. “Besides I’ll be fine once we’re inside. I always am, right?”Lisa didn’t return the smile. She just nodded vaguely and turned back to the road ahead of them, taking the lead as she normally did here. Calm down, Rose Marie thought to herself. You have to get a hold of yourself. This is childish.
How are you suppose to work your charms if you jump at every shadow? She knew she was being paranoid though. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told Lisa she’d be fine once they got inside. For some reason this creepy feeling always left her when she entered the section of buildings they’d made into their little hideout. She actually felt quite at home there. They circled around to the back side of the complex, and located the rusty fire escape they used to access the set of rooms they’d cleaned up. The thing squeaked and groaned under their weight as they climbed to the landing at its top. Lisa drew out a shiny key and twisted it in the big brass padlock they’d put on the re-enforced steel door a few months ago. The shackle popped open and she pulled the heavy door open wide. “Got a light,” she asked, turning to Rose Marie. The older girl was already fishing for her Zippo. Quickly she struck a flame and lit the small gas lantern Lisa had retrieved from just inside the doorway. They hustled inside, pulling the door shut behind them. Lisa set the padlock into place on a set of rings inside the door and snapped its shackle closed. Two young girls out here all alone couldn’t be too careful, after all. As predicted, Rose Marie was already feeling more at ease.
The two girls made their way down a hall papered in a light, smoke-stained paisley print.
All the doors were boarded over with the exception of one at the very end. The faded imprint of numbers could still be made out on the door. They were very crooked, but looked like they may once have marked this as room ‘969’. The other doors had been charred too badly to make out their numbers so there was nothing to reference this door to. When the girls had first found this place they’d sorted through each hazardous building until coming across this one, the least damaged of them all. The bottom three floors had taken the brunt of the fire damage, but had somehow remained structurally safe. The top floor, which they were on now, had survived with a minimum of damage. Most of the other rooms, while intact had suffered damage to the floors which made them too unsafe to bother with. Room ‘969’, tucked away at the end of the hall, had escaped nearly all damage. Its floor was sound, as was the hallway leading to it. Only some minor smoke damage had blackened the walls a bit. Of course the windows were gone as well, since the local children were all a bunch of hoodlums. Lisa twisted the partly melted knob and pushed the door in. It swung open with only a brief screech of protest.
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The girls had used several cans of oil on it a few weeks ago. After stepping inside, they shut the door behind them and set about building a fire in the big metal kettle they’d stolen from some old lady’s yard, at Rose Marie’s suggestion. Soon enough, they had a merry little blaze going, and Rose Marie finally felt completely relaxed. She sat by the fire gazing around at their little haven while Lisa busied herself sweeping up the dust that had collected in their absence with a ratty old broom they’d found in her parents’ basement. The walls in here were the same as those in the hallway. The paisley wallpaper must have been standard issue for the whole building. The floors were some kind of cheap laminate, except for the kitchen and bath, which were done in a low-grade vinyl that had peeled up due to the heat. All the trim was a grimy off-white. They’d cleaned in here as much as they could, but you could only do so much with smoke damage. There was no furniture to speak of either. Most of it had been missing when they found the place. The rest had been damaged or rotted beyond saving, so they’d thrown it out. Rose Marie climbed to her feet and went into the kitchen. She rummaged around in one of the beaten up old cabinets for a moment, and extracted a large rubberized rucksack. After dragging it into the main room, she set about unpacking its contents.
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First, she pulled out a box of dry foods they’d stashed here for their little outings and set it over by the fire. Next, she drew out another smaller bag and set it aside for the time being. Lastly, she removed one of two sleeping bags from the rucksack, and spread it out by the fire. The other one, she left in the bag for now and tossed into a nearby corner. Lisa took a seat on the sleeping bag, and handed Rose Marie a bottle of water she’d pulled out of her satchel. The older girl accepted it and took a seat beside her. “It feels good to be relaxing here,” Rose Marie commented. “Yup. It’s been a couple weeks since the last time,” Lisa replied. She rummaged in the box of food, and pulled out a bag of barbecued potato chips. The girls snacked in silence for a few moments, passing the water back and forth. Eventually, Rose Marie picked up the smaller bag and started to unpack it. Lisa started to fidget a little, but scooted closer to the older girl, pressing right up against her side. The older girl felt a wave of warmth wash through her as Lisa’s perfume filled her nose once again. She carefully pulled out a beautifully carved pipe and a set of long stemmed matches.
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There was also a small mirror and a razor in the bag, but she left that inside. They’d only used it once, and would probably never use it again. The experience wasn’t one they wanted to remember. Lisa laid her head over on the older girl’s shoulder, and started rubbing her back as Rose Marie pulled the bundle of pot out of her satchel and unwrapped it. She carefully packed the pipe full of the sticky green leaves. “You ready for this?” Rose Marie turned to face Lisa, and pulled back in surprise. The blonde had her head tilted back looking straight into Rose Marie’s eyes. Their lips were only an inch apart, and she could smell a hint of alcohol on Lisa’s warm breath. “Yeah let’s do it,” she replied, passing a small bottle to the surprised other girl. There was a glimmer of something playful in her eyes. Rose Marie shook off the sudden nervousness that had grabbed a hold of her and accepted the bottle. “Thanks,” she said, taking a swallow of the burning liquid. “Hey, this is cognac! Where did you get this?”Lisa giggled, already a bit drunk by the look of it. “I stole it from Mrs. Fidel’s desk when we got back from lunch today.
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I was the first one in the classroom. ”“Shit, Lisa! I can’t believe you didn’t get caught!” Rose Marie was amazed. Lisa had never been so bold before. “So old Mrs. Fidel has a drinking problem, huh?”“Yeah, I caught her after class one day taking a swig. She didn’t notice me though, but I saw where she keeps it. ” Lisa passed the long stemmed matches to Rose Marie, and snuggled closer to her. “So, you gonna light it or not?”Rose Marie’s pussy started to tingle. The way Lisa was acting, she wasn’t sure she needed to get her high to relax her. The alcohol was working wonders. She’d have to get her drunk more often. Putting such thoughts aside for the moment, she focused on getting the weed to smolder. It only took a few moments, and the two were puffing away at the aromatic leaves. “Wow, the pot and liquor are making me a little dizzy,” Lisa noted. “I’ve never done both at the same time.
”“Me neither,” Rose Marie lied. She’d done it several times by herself when Wanda and Ed went out of town on one of his business trips. It had been awesome every time. “I feel really good. ”“Me too. ” Lisa wrapped the older girl in a clumsy hug. Rose Marie lost her balance and they tumbled over giggling. The pipe slid off to the side and went out, but they didn’t care. They’d finished most of the first bowlful anyway. “I’m cold,” Lisa complained. “Me too,” Rose Marie replied. It was autumn and the nights got pretty chilly in this area. She looked toward one of the broken windows only to discover that night had indeed already fallen. It must have taken them longer to get here than she had thought. “Fuck it,” she murmured.
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“Huh?”“Oh, nothing,” Rose Marie said, turning back to face Lisa. “Let’s get in the sleeping bag. It’ll be warmer. ”“Okay. ”The two kicked off their shoes and crawled into the warmth of the down-filled sleeping bag. Lisa snuggled right up against the older girl, nuzzling against her neck. Rose Marie felt like she would go crazy with lust if the little tease kept it up. She could already feel the sticky dampness of her thong clinging to her skin. She knew Lisa didn’t have any idea how she was making her feel though, so she decided to take things slow. Rose Marie pulled Lisa tighter against her, lacing their legs together. She began to gently stroke the fine blonde hair tickling her nose, gradually moving down Lisa’s back. When she reached the edge of her shirt, she slipped her hand up under the hem and massaged the bare flesh of the younger girl’s lower back. Lisa still had her bottle and took another sloppy swig before passing it again. Rose Marie likewise took a drink before setting the bottle aside. She continued her work on Lisa’s back.
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Lisa snuggled closer still, and began rubbing Rose Marie’s back as well. She also slipped her hand below the fabric to kneed the older girl’s tense muscled. She unexpectedly threw her leg across Rose Marie, rolling part way on top of her. Rose Marie couldn’t believe this was going so smoothly. She felt like she was the one being seduced. Without thinking, she ran her hand up Lisa’s leg, all the way under her skirt. Her fingers slipped beneath the lacy frill of the younger girl’s panties, and she felt her fingertips graze across the tender pucker of her asshole. She froze, thinking she had moved too quickly, but Lisa only moaned a little and nuzzled her neck faster. The blonde had actually started to grind her hips slightly. Rose Marie began moving her fingers again, lightly caressing the warm tender asshole. She stroked up and down Lisa’s leg a few times, and then slid her fingers under the panties again, this time further between her legs. She gasped in surprise. Lisa’s tender pussy was so completely soaked that her panties were saturated, and her juices had started to trickle down her leg. Lisa looked up at her then, her eyes happy and full of longing. “I love you, Rose,” She slurred.
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Rose Marie couldn’t take it any longer. She lowered her head and sent her tongue probing deep into Lisa’s mouth. Their tongues intertwined with the taste of pot and cognac. She quickly moved her hand to pop open the buttons securing Lisa’s uniform. The skirt fell away quickly. Then she wrestled the drunken girl out of her jacket and shirt. It only took a moment for her to pop the catch on her bra, and peel off her sopping wet panties. By that time, Lisa had already managed to undo the buttons on Rose Marie’s top as well. After removing Lisa’s socks, Rose Marie helped the fumbling girl by removing her own uniform. She quickly peeled out of her lingerie as well before pressing herself fiercely against the younger girl. Lisa found inspiration in her alcohol-induced delirium. Her fingers probed around Rose Marie’s dripping pussy, flicking teasingly at her clit. Rose kissed and licked her way down Lisa’s neck and took the ripening bud of a nipple into her mouth. She sucked at it with passion as she lubed a finger up in Lisa’s dripping gash and sank it into the younger girl’s ass. The finger slid in without resistance, causing Lisa to moan in ecstasy.
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Rose Marie wasn’t satisfied with that though. She continued to lick and kiss her way even lower, until finally she buried her face in the steaming hot pink of Lisa’s pussy. Her tongue started dancing wildly across the blonde’s clit, causing her to grind and buck her hips in pleasure. She turned completely around and threw her leg over Lisa’s head, lowering her shaved snatch to the younger girl’s eager mouth. Lisa buried her face in Rose Marie’s pulsating pussy, rubbing her tongue in rapid circles around the girl’s clit. She even struggled to reach further forward, flicking her tongue lightly across the tight pucker of her asshole, which immediately relaxed at the attention. Rose Marie was in bliss. She could already feel an orgasm approaching. It felt so amazing to be doing this with another person. She gasped in delight when she felt Lisa’s tongue skim across her asshole. She was determined to repay anything Lisa did for her with three times the attention. Grabbing the blonde by the ankles, she pulled her legs back, tilting her ass up for easier access. With a lick and a kiss she plunged her tongue as deeply into Lisa’s asshole as she could. It was too tight to get in far, but it was enough. Lisa bucked wildly beneath her, and Rose Marie knew she had just gotten off fast and hard.
Lisa continued to squirm, begging for more with her thrashing body. She ran her hands lightly but rapidly up and down Rose Marie’s back. Straining just a bit she leaned forward as far as she could and likewise stabbed her tongue into the older girl’s asshole. Rose Marie nearly choked on the pain. Lisa must have torn her already damaged tissues open again. She gritted her teeth but decided to bear it. The soft flesh of Lisa’s tongue was soothing the pain anyway, building a new sensation out of the agony. Once more she lowered her face to Lisa’s throbbing cunt and started lapping up her juices. Lisa tasted blood in her mouth but she didn’t care. She’d gobble up any part of Rose Marie she could get a hold of. Abandoning the other girl’s ass, she laid back a bit and went to work on her dripping pussy instead. It wasn’t long before Rose Marie was writhing madly. Lisa lowered her hands to tug teasingly at the other girl’s hardened pink nipples while she continued to grind her face into her cunt. Rose Marie rocked backwards, setting upright on Lisa’s face. She was careful not to put too much weight on the girl, but rubbed her pussy all over her face instead.
The sensations flooding her were amazing. Again, she lowered her head and began to flick her tongue rapidly across Lisa’s clit. She was going crazy. There was no other way to describe it. Lisa’s back arched in ecstasy. She felt a wave of vertigo grip her, and knew she was about to cum again. Rose Marie likewise arched above her, grinding so hard against her face that it hurt a bit. The two girls started panting and moaning in unison. It was like they could feel themselves coming together as one. They were inside each other, all around each other. The sensations were wild and exquisite. They were in such supreme bliss that physical sensation had passed into something more than tangible. Suddenly, like two planets colliding in the heavens, they exploded over each other. All was blazing white serenity. All was fading into blackness.
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Rose Marie woke a few moments later, still draped across Lisa’s prone form. The younger girl was passed out cold, but still gasping for breath after all the exertion. Rose Marie rolled off of her and turned her on her side. She lay down again and held her lover in a close embrace, pulling the covers up around them. Lisa murmured something faintly. Rose Marie leaned in closer to hear. She spoke again, faintly. “I love you, si…” Then she went still, sound asleep. Rose Marie smiled faintly and snuggled up close. It had been an amazing night. She’d treasure this memory always. She soon drifted gently off to sleep, hoping desperately that she’d wake up before it got too late. She’d catch hell for sure if she didn’t come home at all tonight. .