
Big Boy, Big Dick Chapter 4

Sex Stories

Friday, Miss Fenton wanted to start her weekend with some more bigboy dick inside of her. This time, she picked him up in an alleybehind the supermarket that was about two blocks from his apartment. "Hey, I want you to give me $20 so that I can go to a show tonight,"he demanded. She consented and gave it to him after they hadentered her house. She drained his cum out of his balls with hermouth and she stroked him back to life 18 minutes later. She thenhopped on his rod and and romped her plush pussy to two devastatingorgasms that left her breathless and him bereft of another load ofsemen. She subsequently dropped him off not far from the aforementionedsupermarket.

He phoned his buddies Jeff and Keith and had them meet him at sevenbehind the railroad tracks that were on the other side of the wallseparating the track bed and an access road from his apartmentcomplex. He rooted the remaining case of beer out of his closet andthey spent the next hour drinking it. They only got about halfwayinto it and he stashed the remainder back in his closet before theyheaded off to another punk gig at their favorite club a little overa mile away.

When they got there, they bought some speed, took it, and spent thenext several hours slamming their asses off with other hardcorefans, eventually leaving tired, sweaty and bruised. Whileon the way home, they were sussed by a female city cop. "Isn't it alittle late for you kids to be out tonight?" she interrogated. "We're coming home from a club, ma'am," Keith informed her. Mike waslooking her over, noting that she had big tits. She appeared to bein her 30's and had blonde, curly hair.

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   The  thought of doing hercrossed his mind and he got instantly erect. She had all three ofthem assume the position against her patrol car while she rifledthrough their pockets and frisked them. She peered around the frontof his trousers as she ran her hand up and down his leg and noticedthe extra large bulge. "Woah," she subconsciously muttered under herbreath.

"So how much have you been drinking tonight Michael?" she accused. "I haven't officer," he said robotically, indicating his irritationas well as his general disaffection for police. "Then how come Ismell it on your breath?" she further insisted. "I don't know," hesaid, not understanding how four beers could have still remained onhis breath after six hours had passed. "Uh huh," she repliedcynically and handcuffed his hands behind his back and put him inthe rear passenger compartment of the car. She then turned toward the other two and toldthem that they could reclaim the contents of their pockets and theyhad better hotfoot it home or they would spend the rest of the nightat juvenile hall. Jeff and Keith walked off wondering just what itwas she had on Mike to detain him. She didn't mirandize him oranything, so what the hell?

She started the car and departed the scene. However, she was takinghim in the opposite direction from the police station. She told herdispatcher that she was going on break as she pulled into theparking lot of a nearby Catholic elementary school and stopped inthe middle of the darkened grounds. She got  out of the car andopened a rear door and slid in next to him.

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   She unzipped his pants,reached in and pulled his cock out. Mike was blown away by this anddidn't know if he should say anything. "Holy shit, I've never seenone this big on such a young white kid," she remarked. She undid hisbelt and the button on his jeans and she began stroking his engorgeddick with her righthand and tickled his balls with her left Theparking lot was inside the school grounds while buildings frontedthe campus on all sides, thereby concealing them from detection fromthe street.

Her name was officer Sullivan and her panties were damp as shecontemplated how his huge prong would feel inside of her wet, meatypussy. She pulled out her tanfa and tapped his left thigh with it. "You tell anyone about this Michael and I'll make sure you willnever be able to use this cock again," she threatened. "Do youunderstand, hon?" "Yeah," he said, his heart beating a mile aminute. Ms. Sullivan popped the snaps on her uniform top, pulled itout of her waistband and unhooked her bra, tossing both to the floornext to her. Just as he had estimated, her breasts were D cups. Thedetails of them were faint, though, as they were illuminated only bythe moonlight. She kept the dome light off for obvious reasons. Sheunlatched her gun  belt and that joined her top and bra on the floorbefore she disconnected the clasp on her khaki uniform pants andslid them and her panties off, leaving her only in her socks andshoes.

She bowed her head as she arranged her legs around him and graspedhis member and sunk her pussy on it.

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   "Oooohhhhh ffffuuuckkkkk, " shesighed as she felt his weapon slipping ever deeper into her. Shewrapped her arms around his shoulders and pumped her hips verticallyin both directions as her vaginal muscles clamped on the invasivetool, her breasts bouncing loosely in front of him. "You ever fuck acop before Michael?" she inquired. "No," he rejoindered shortly. "Fuck, God, your cock is fucking enormous. Oh my God," she moaned,the sound of her ass rebounding off of his lap resounding in thecar. "God, I want to suck those tits," he thought to himself as thepleasure signals within him mounted. "Oh fuck yes, God, this is thebest fuck I've had in a while," she disclosed,, her toned butvoluptuous body undulating to stir his manhood inside of her. Herpussy felt like Miss Fenton's to him. She began to pant heavily, herass bouncing more rapidly and she got closer to her climax. Her mindfloated off as she focused on harvesting the sensations from thefriction she was experiencing. Her cries of ecstasy now had thatagonized tinge to them and she sucked on his neck as she went to thebrink of madness and then over the line. "Oh fuck!" she whimperedloudly. "I'm cumming!" she notified him, filling the car with thesmell of their mutually leaking juices.

She collapsed on to him for a minute to recover her breath andresumed forcing his pole in and out of her love tunnel.

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   Her heatquickly ramped up on the second go around and five minutes later, shewas profanely declaring her euphoria  to him. Less than a minutelater, he squeezed off several rounds from his sex pistol and hesplattered her cervix with them. She lay her head on his leftshoulder for a couple of minutes. She then straightened up and steppedout of the car naked. After wiping her pussy down and tossing thetissue away, she got dressed and pulled Mike out of the car andunlocked the handcuffs. "You remember my warning, right Michael?""Yeah," he acknowledged. "Now git!" she commanded and he turned togo home.

Officer Sullivan felt relaxed after having fucked herself on hislong dong and split for a nearby convenience store for some munchiesto wolf down during the remainder of her break.

Mike walked home with a smirk on his face laughing about thesituation. He was amazed at what some women would risk just to feela big cock cleaving their cunts. He was frustrated, though, that hecouldn't tell anyone about it. Not that they would believe himanyway.  

Saturday afternoon, he and his buddies gulped down the last of thecase that Miss Fenton had bought for him out behind the railroadtracks. That was about the most thrilling thing they did thatweekend after Mike fucked the female cop.

Monday, though, before his gym class began, a group of giggling girlsapproached him.

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   One of the them was obviously being pushed into thissituation. "Hey Mike, she has a question for you," Sasha Dornan, who hadbeen in one of his classes last semester, insisted. "You guys, don't!"the girl protested. "Jesus, Nina, you're the size queen around here. Goon, ask him!" Sasha pushed. "Okay," she caved. Nina looked up and, herface flushed in embarrassment, wondered, "do you really have a hugedick?" Mike laughed with a smirk on his face. "I guess you could saythat," he understated. "She wants to fuck you," the third girl, CarinaSouza claimed. "Hey, I'm up for it if you are," he said to the sizeaficionado. "If you get pregnant, though, it's not my problem. I don'tuse condoms, either," he informed her. Nina still consented. She livedon his way home from school, too, and her parents wouldn't be home untilafter six. So they could do it at her house.

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   They all giggled endlesslyas they walked away from him since class was starting.

After school, they met at the corner nearest the entrance to the schooland they walked to Nina's house, he with a swagger. Her girlfriends werewith her, too, because they wanted to see it. The anticipation of doingher already had him fully hard by the time they turned into herdriveway and up to the front of her house. He entered it and therewasn't anything particularly special about it. Her bedroom was also likepretty much any other girl's he had seen, too.

"Okay babe, let's see you lose those clothes," he demanded. "Let me seeit first," Nina hesitated. "Sorry babe, but you either get naked or Iwalk. Your choice. " Nina looked at her giggling friends and slowlypulled her tank top off. She slipped her jeans off, leaving her slightlyplump body in just panties and a bra. She unhooked the bra and her Dcups tumbled out and jiggled as they recoiled. "Nice tits, man. " "Nowlet me see your thing," she requested.

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   "Sorry babe, I said you had toget naked first and you still have panties on. " She blushed hotly as shepressed her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and eased themdown her thick legs. She was chunky but cute.

"Okay, your turn," she notified. He took his jacket off and then hist-shirt. "Oh my God, nice chest!" Carina blurted. Mike smirked as heunhooked his belt and popped the button on his jeans. In one motion, heshoved his pants and his boxers down to his knees, revealing his manhoodin all of its glory. The three girls gasped in unison. "Oh my fuckingGod!" Nina exclaimed. She was feeling her cunt working overtime tolubricate itself after getting a gander at his organ. He stood therelike he owned them. Nina couldn't help herself and went right to herknees and started frantically licking all over it. "Okay, girls, you getnaked, too!" he directed as he felt Nina's tongue exploring the warpand woof of his meat stick. Like they had been stunned with a club,Carina and Sasha obeyed, their pussies now drenched beyond belief.

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  "After I get through with her, I'm going to do you guys, too," heexpressed arrogantly.

"Okay babe, lay on the bed and spread your legs," he firmly called. Shedid as she was told, her brown, curly untrimmed pubic hair before him. He moved up to the edge of the bed and just shoved it all in at onceforcefully. " "Oh fuck!" she screamed. He loved the compression that hertight pussy exerted on his meat tube. "God, take it slow with thatthing," she asked. He gradually pushed it in and out of her and sheseemed to be getting used to it. The extent of her moaning was mounting,too, and he said 'fuck it!" to himself and started ramming it into herwith obvious aggression. "Oh fuck oh fuck, oh my God, oh fuck!" sheprotested. Oh God oh my God! *squeal* oh shit (pant pant pant)!" sheblurted. Then she let out a long grunt and came in a sudden rush, hervaginal muscles clamping around his pole like her life was depending onholding on to it. He kept hammering away at her and she went over thefalls again before he splooged her cunt with his cum.

He pulled it out of her, some of his cum glistening on his shaft. "Okay,who's next?" he grinned.

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   Carina, in a little voice, uttered, "me" andsunk to her knees and sucked and sucked and sucked, tasting the cumleftover from her friend's pussy and his new supply of precum. In tenminutes, he was ready to go. Carina was slim with B cups and shaved herpussy. He laid in the bed and directed her to impale herself on hisschvanz. She squatted over him and held it in her hand before sinking itdeep inside of her. Well, eight inches anyway before it clanged off ofher cervix. "Oh Jesus, Nina, how did you get all of this inside you?"she wondered. "God, it's thick, too!" she observed as she gingerlyflopped up and down on it. The friction was very intense for her andwithin ten minutes, she was clawing Mike's chest as the first orgasmrode into her town, making her shudder in ecstasy. "Oh God oh fuck, ohyessss," she kept on gasping and panting while he played with hernipples.   She yelped as she felt another sharp shard of pleasure stabher senses and her rocking and twisting became far more furious, causingher to emit a breathy scream. "Be quiet Carina. We don't want theneighbors to call the cops," Sasha warned. She rode him to two moreorgasms before he was finally able to spray his load up into her.

"Okay babe, get me up and I'll do you, too," he said to Sasha.

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   "Sorry,but I think I'll pass, she said. "That would just hurt too much. I thinkI'll stick with average guys," she proclaimed. "Whatever," he reacted. He put his clothes back on and strutted off.



