
Big Boy, Big Dick Chapter 3

Sex Stories

"So what do you chicks want?" "We want you!" Darlene O'Hearnblurted. "Yeah, we've been hearing so much about your dick that wewanted to ride that roller coaster for ourselves," Bridget Greenadded. "So you guys are all friends?" "No," they giggled. "I guesswe all had the same thought at the same time. I'd be mortified if myfriends found out I was slutting myself out like this," LeticiaValdes revealed. "Hmmm,"  Mike thought to himself. "I wonder howmuch bullshit these sluts will put up with. " He pointed at Leticia. "You, I'll do you first. You other two wait here until I'm done withher. " "Can't we come in and wait?" Bridget wondered. "Why, you wantto watch? You guys perverts or something?" he cracked. "No," Darlenedenied. "We just don't want to be stuck out here in the cold. ""Alright, but you have to do my friends before you get to do me. ""Are you serious?" "Yeah.

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  " "Who are your friends?" ""Jeff Michaelsand Keith Drake. " "I don't know who they are," Darlene reacted. "Ido," Leticia said. "They're okay. They're not cute, but they're notugly, either, just kinda average. " "Yeah, riiight. I don't think so. Maybesome other time," Darlene retorted and got up and left.

"So do you guys like girls?" Mike asked the remaining two. "No,"Leticia blushed. "I do," Bridget claimed. "Okay, here is what we'lldo, then: I'll fuck her (points to Leticia) and then you can eat mycum out of her while I screw you. " "Okay," Bridget consented. "Cool!" They went inside and everybody disrobed. He finally askedtheir names and looked their naked forms over.

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   Leticia was 5'3" andmaybe about 115 pounds with D cups. Bridget was tiny, about 5'1"with A cups and a very slim body,  maybe 90 pounds, if that. He really liked Leticia's compact body that had a nice big ass on it.

Leticia was a beautiful Latina and he had never done a Mexican chickbefore. He  had her lay on the couch with her legs spread. She watchedas he aimed his big, thick cock at the gate of her pink fortress andcleaved her vaginal walls with it. "Oh God! (pant pant pant) oh myGod,!" she exclaimed as she felt his dick burrowing into her. She couldfeel the extreme pressure on the muscles around her opening as her pussywas forced open and how progressively stuffed he was making her feel ashe steadily dispatched his missile deeper and deeper into her. He wasdelighted that he was able to get it in to the hilt. She had beensopping wet since he selected her to go first. There was something aboutputting herself at his disposal that she found hot. He withdrew hiscock most of the way and pushed it back in and did this God only knowshow many dozens of times from there on in. "Oh my God! Shit, that feelsgood," Leticia whimpered and the blissful smile on her gorgeous faceratcheted up his horniness as he penetrated the furthest reaches of hersex with impunity. Leticia's passion was rising and she was beginning tolet go, which only accelerated the accumulation of sexual heat withinher. "Oh God oh God, oh God, ohhhhhhhhh" she repeated, the pitch of hervoice subtly rising the closer she got to climax.

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Bridget watched this transfixed. Her own horniness driven to its limit,she instinctively began flogging her clit with her index finger,spinning circles on it as she observed the pretty Latina getting drilledby his gigantic tool. Bridget was rubbing her left nipple, too, whileMichael continued to explore Leticia's inner space and listened to themusic of her moans. "God Mike, oh Jesus, pant pant pant" she said in analmost aching kind of way that made Mike's prong twitch. Her eyes closedtightly, Leticia panted rapidly and then let out a choked scream. "OhhhGoooddd! I'm cumming!" as he pounded the living shit out of her pussy. He was on the verge and looking over and seeing Bridget convulsing inmasturbatory orgasmic ecstasy was the last straw, as he dispersed hispent up sperm into Leticia's passion pit, her black pubic fur dottedwith a combination of her wetness and drops of his cum.

Mike's cock receded from Leticia's reception hall and he had Bridgetlick his cock clean before ushering her between Leticia's thighs. Bridget saw a big glob of cum pooling at the bottom of Leticia's openingand slurped it up, Leticia's lube somewhat diluting the saltiness andthickness of Mike's semen. Then Bridget mauled Leticia's clit, her ownwetness drenching her cunt further as the opportunity to lick this cuteLatina raised her ardor. Mike was also groping Bridget's tiny white assand admiring the fineness of her light brown pubic hair as his eyeshungrily absorbed the sight of Bridget's attention to Leticia'swomanhood. Leticia was a Catholic and so the idea of lesbianism to herwas generally definitely not on, but if it was what she had to do to getanother taste of Mike's cock then she would put up with it. Bridgetdrank in the scent of Leticia's freshly fucked twat as she lapped at it. Leticia couldn't deny that what Bridget was doing felt really good. Noguy had ever eaten her like that and her body was overcoming herostensible moral objections, as she could feel her face and chestbecoming more flushed.

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Mike was getting off on the power he had over these girls that made themput this show on for him. He was hard again, too and he bent at theknees somewhat to line his meat stick up with Bridget's slot and thrustdownward into it. Bridget screamed in pain because her tight, narrowslit had never been subjected to that kind of girth before and shescreamed again when he rebounded his cockhead off of her cervix. Herpussy felt like a snake that had just swallowed a horse. Keeping herconcentration on Leticia's clit was very difficult as her mind attemptedto cope with the scope of the sensations she was feeling from hergroin. Mike felt an intense squeezing of his schlong as he drove hislittle monster into her pink parking space and they all became one bigmass of moans and curses. Bridget was finally able to pull Leticia'strigger as the heat within her escalated. When she herself went over theedge, her pubic muscles contracted so hard around Mike's cock that itmade him explode inside of her. Most of his cum spilled out of her warm,soft vessel and on to the rug below when he pulled out. .

Everybody just sat there for a few minutes recovering. Leticia andBridget wiped the fluids that had leaked out of them off and went home. For Leticia, this was a safe day since she used the rhythm method. Ofcourse, when you have sex, there are no real safe days. But fortunatelyfor her, she didn't get pregnant.

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   Bridget, though, wasn't so lucky andwent to a free clinic to have the problem taken care of. Such is theprice of having parents who won't accept reality that teenagers aresexually active.

Mike went to his room and reclined on his bed. He thought about thesituation with Miss Fenton. He contemplated bringing his friends in andgangbanging her, but that would only make this harder to keep a secretand he didn't feel like being all over the tv as a "sexual abuse victim"even though the implications for her would be many orders of magnitudeworse.

The next day, he fucked Miss Fenton again. He also got another case ofbeer out of her, which he stashed behind some bushes until after dinner,when he and his buddies could consume it. However, just doing her forbeer and a C grade for the class wasn't doing it for him. He and hisfriends also did speed on occasion, especially before and during punkshows so that they could go all night in the pit. Therefore, Wednesday,he visited her during her conference period in her office and demandedthat she give him 50 bucks instead of the beer. Miss Fenton wonderedwhat else he was going to want. She gave him the money, but first onlyafter being allowed to suck his cock. Then she frigged herself thatnight thinking about how his dick felt in her mouth while also mentallynoting how sore her pussy was from the battering it had taken Monday andTuesday.

Thursday, he went after Serena Kim. Serena was a thin 5'4" Koreanbookworm that he nonetheless found kinda hot.

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   He went up to her beforeclass that day. "So have you heard about me?" "Uh nooo," she respondedirritably. "I have a ten inch dick. " "What are you telling me that for?You're not only a liar, but a pervert! Leave me alone!" The only thingwas that Serena told her friend Audrey Lee about what Mike said to her. Audrey was a tall, skinny fellow Korean-American with long black hair, Bcups, long legs and a wild streak. During lunch, she tracked Mike downand they went to a secluded corner of the campus and she had him whip itout. "Woah, it really is ten inches!" she burbled. Audrey had alsoobtained a fake ID that she used to get on birth control and get intobars with.

She walked to his apartment from school with him. She thought he was hotbecause he had the whole bad boy thing going on and that he was hunglike a horse only made it better. He looked her 5'8" frame up and downand they began kissing. Her pussy was hot and steamy after a few minutesof that. She really dug the sensation of his hard body on hers as heheld her. He ran his hands up her sweater and unhooked her bra, brieflyplaying with her tits. She fondled him through his pants as they lipwrestled.

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   He broke the kiss and told her to take her clothes off. He wasat full extension and tossed his own attire aside and grabbed a chairfrom the kitchen table. He brought it into the living room and sat on itbefore directing her to spike herself on his flesh nail. She straddledhim and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was able to slide all theway down his column and pumped it in and out of her marshy, black pubichair fronted cunt. "Oh fuck, God, oh shit, I've never felt anything likethis," she rhapsodized as she used him for her own pleasure. "Oh fuckoh fuck, oh my God, Jesus, you have such an amazing cock," she cried asher legs and hips flexed and rocked to try to extract more sensationsout of his meat hammer. She laid her head on his shoulder while he heldher hips and felt her wanton love channel flowing up and down the lengthof his dipstick. Her breath was hot on his ears as she gasped andmoaned. Then she machine gun panted and let out a sound like,"unnnnhhhhhh" before the dam burst inside of her, inundating her nervoussystem with soul scalding signals of euphoria. "Ohhhh Gooodddd," shesighed as she sat quietly in his lap with him still inside of her. Hepicked her up, swung her around and sat her in the chair, slung herskinny legs over his shoulders and ravaged her comfort hole, propellingher to another orgasm before he slimed her insides with his cum.

She stood up, his cum streaking her legs as she walked to the bathroom,where she wiped his spunk off of her. "You can fuck me anytime youwant," she told him. "Cool!" he said.

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   She kissed him hard and then wenthome, her panties greased with the remnants of the sperm he had injectedinto her.

The next day, she told Serena about the experience. "Audrey, you got tostop doing stuff like that! People will start calling you a slut andthen my parents won't let me hang around with you any longer. " "Serena,you only live once. Stop being so boring or you'll regret it later. "



