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Every chick has girlfriends of their own that aren't part of the maingroup they hang out with. So when Carla told her friend Marisa about thesize of Mike's cock she then told her friends Michelle and Jennifer,who then told their friends Debbie and Cindy and so on and so forth. Nowthis was long before the internet became a big consumer phenomenon and,of course, there was no Facebook. Yet, word of mouth still made thisinformation spread like wildfire and pretty much everyday Mike had somegirl or another on his dick. Marisa was a 5'3" 110 pound cutie withbobbed blonde hair and C cups and she just flat out went to Mike's houseand asked him to fuck her. Part of her courage to do this was the factthat she was on the pill. Mike wasn't going to turn that offer down andhe told her to suck him off. As commanded, she kneeled on the floorwhile he sat on the sofa at his apartment and lustily eyed the fulllength of his flesh wand and licked it like a lollipop. As she was doingthat, another girl, Kathy Port, knocked on the door. He tucked his cockback in his pants and answered the door to see the 5'8" longhairedbrunette standing there, her long legs in white stockings and her bodyin a white bustier and a matching skirt. "Hi, you don't know me," shebegan. "But I know about you and I was wondering if you want to havesome fun," she begged. "Yeah, sure," he responded curtly, showing herin. "There's one in front of you, but if you want to take those clothesoff and wait around. . .
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. " he trailed off. Kathy sighed while he droppedhis pants again and had Marisa resume her ministrations.
Kathy peeled her outfit off and displayed her D cup tits and a bikiniwaxed cunt. He waved Kathy over next to him on the couch and kissed heras he fondled her gazongas while he continued to feel the pull ofMarisa's suction on his prong. Marisa, mindful of the competition,lightly rolled his balls in her hand as her lips traveled up and downhis shaft, her tongue pushing it up toward the roof of her mouth. Mikemoaned into Kathy's mouth while Marisa kept caressing his schlong withher lips. The feel of Kathy's soft skin against his and the taste of herlip gloss as well as her scent boosted his ardor considerably and heblasted his white hot burden into Marisa's moist mouth. She knew hewanted his girls to swallow, so even though she didn't like the taste,she gulped it down to please him.
Then a wicked idea crossed Mike's mind: "I want you guys to make outwith each other," he ordered. They both objected, but all he had to dowas point toward the door and they were on each other like ants on apicnic, their soft lips entangled, their tongues dancing around oneanother's. Neither of them were into girls, but the kinkiness of thisplus just the different feel of a female body made them wetter than theyhad been before. "Eat Kathy's pussy, Marisa," he directed. She sliddown to the floor again and pulled Kathy's legs toward her so that hersacred hall was relocated to the end of the sofa cushion. She licked upand down the length of Kathy's slit and tasted her juices.
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Her nosepicked up the smell of the soap she had used to shower herself withbefore she came over. Marisa sucked on her competitor's clit and thenrolled and kneaded her clit hood with her tongue and soon Kathy'sbreasts were heaving mightily as her breathing was becoming more andmore uncontrolled. This spectacle made Mike hard as stone again and herose from the couch and positioned himself behind Marisa and slammed hismeat knife home, reaming her like he owned her as she serviced Kathy'spink nubbin and strummed her g spot.
"Fuck yeah, it's great being me right now," he thought as he plunderedMarisa's crawl space for as much pleasure as he could get out of it. Kathy quivered as her orgasm shook her foundations and she expelledjuices into Marisa's face. Kathy was a squirter and this made Mike evenhornier. Marisa was now close herself as the high definition frictionshe was realizing from Mike's cock made her writhe in front of him, hispubic bone colliding hard with her bubble butt.
Then the moment camewhen her eyes rolled up in her head and her breathing halted for just asecond before the technicolor detonation of euphoria crippled herability to keep her mouth on Kathy's vulva. "Oh fuck, oh my fuckingGod!" she screamed. Mike forced her head back into Kathy's crotch whilehis assault on her love pit went on and on. He had the stamina of amarathon runner now and his snake slithered inside of her as it feltlike and she couldn't stop convulsing in paroxysms of pleasure. Mercifully, after he had jackhammered her twat for 40 minutes, heflooded Marisa's pink gulch with his opaque semen and fell back on hisass to enjoy the high he got from the release.
Kathy pushed Marisa away and had her mouth on Mike's dick so fast itbarely registered at first because he was still in an endorphin inducedhaze. Marisa went to clean herself up while Kathy sought to orallyrevive his ardor, sopping up the remnants of the cum that was left on itwhen he withdrew from Carla's receptacle. Marisa dressed and left Kathyand Mike to their own devices.
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Kathy was ultimately successful incharming his cobra out of its respite and she provided him a space toplay hide the salami with. She was able to take his full monty and herbutt bounced up and down on his groin as his cock slipped in and out ofher slippery slit. "Oh fuck, God, I've never felt anything like this, before," the 18 year old senior extolled. Kathy was mature for her ageand that aura was especially attractive to Mike because it made him feelmore mature by extension since she wanted to be fucked by him so bad. She made his oar row inside of her and cuddled it with her vaginalwalls. With ten minutes of this, she was going nuts. 'Oh fuck, oh fuck!I'm going to cum (pant pant pant pant)!" she warned and then let out along grunt when the tidal forces of the orgasm undermined her defensesand swept her out to a sea of pleasure.
This continued for another 45 minutes. They switched positions threetimes and he had her in a scissors position before finishing hisexcavation of her hole by pouring his spunk into it.
As soon as he pulled out, he told her to get dressed and split since hismom was going to be home in a few minutes. This dismissiveness and whatshe had just done made her want more.
After dinner, he went out to a local punk club, Black's Smokehouse. Itwas a former bar/steakhouse that used to book cover bands, but when thatway of doing business began to result in red ink, the owner let anoutside promoter come in and book punk shows there. This night, it was afive band bill and tickets were only $10. Mike tanked up on beer he andhis friends had stolen from a nearby liquor store and then went in tojoin the slam dancing throng.
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He picked up this drunken little punkerchick, who was maybe 5'2" and 90 pounds with hair cut extremely shortand the tips frosted blonde. His buddies surrounded them so nobody couldsee the girl sucking his massive cock off. The size of it turned her onand she wanted to be fucked with it. So they went outside and Mike didher first out in the alley behind the club, picking her up and bracingher against the wall while she secured her legs around his waist as herbondage pants slid to her ankles. Mike pulled her panties aside andpropelled his skin torpedo into her midships, ignoring her cries of painwhen his cockhead repeatedly banged into her cervix. The alcohol hadhim real worked up and it only took about ten minutes for him to blowhis steaming fluid into her. Then his buddies took turns with her andleft when they finished. "Pulling the train---how punk rock was that?"they laughed.
When he went to school Monday, he was in for a surprise. His algebrateacher, Miss Fenton, pulled him aside after class and told him that shewanted to find out if what she had heard about him was true. MissFenton was in her late 30's and nearly a foot shorter than he was, butshe was still slim and had C cup tits and was kinda cute even with theblack horn rimmed glasses, but hard to explain how. She told him to waitfor her in the alley of a convenience store about half a mile away 30minutes after school ended and she would pick him up and take him to herhouse. Miss Fenton, whose first name was Denise, was a divorcee whohadn't seen any bedroom action in over three years. She thought that hercharge was hot, especially after she had heard her female studentstalking about his endowment. He decided to go for it because he thoughthe could use the experience to blackmail her.
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Right on time, she pulled up in the alley and whisked him off to herhouse six miles away.
She drove into her garage and then entered thehouse through a door that led into her kitchen. "Nice house you havehere, Miss Fenton," he commented dryly. "Thanks sweety," she smiled. Shegrabbed his hand and took him into her bedroom. She hugged him and hehugged her back. Then he kissed her heavily rouged lips and he wenttongue diving, exploring her mouth with it. This made her very wet andher heart do flip flops. She reached down and unzipped his pants toverify the rumors. He watched with an insouciant smile on his face asshe grabbed his brick hard johnson and coaxed it through the opening ofhis boxers and then his zipper. "Wow!" she reflexively proclaimed. "You're quite a big boy, aren't you?" she noted coquettishly. "You'regoing to have to blame my dad for that one, whoever he is," hecountered. "Here honey, let's get undressed," she asked. In two minutes,they were both unshod and she admired his long, hard body and his extralarge protuberance.
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She sunk to her knees and licked every side of itrepeatedly and then sucked his precum out of his cockhead.
She encapsulated his meat in her mouth and, to him, she looked like shewas being mentally transported while her lips milked him. She definitelyknew what she was doing and was very turned on, "but she should at thatage he thought to himself" before he had the pleasure so many maleswould love to have, spooging into their teacher's piehole. Sheimmediately swallowed it, which Mike thought was just so hot since hefound that a lot of girls don't like doing that. "Fuck Miss Fenton,you're a dirty little whore, aren't you?" he slurred. "I don't knowabout the whore part of that, dear," she chuckled. "Now come here andeat me," she commanded as she laid on the bed and spread her legs open. He kneeled on the bed between her legs and peered right into her cunt.
Her light brown pubic hair glinted with drops of her wetness as hetentatively slapped his tongue at the slit. "Oh, this isn't so bad," hemuttered under his breath as he went in for the kill, licking andsucking her middle aged clit until, in the throes of orgasmicexaltation, she pulled his head into her crotch. He scooted up over herand jammed his dick into her with some malice behind it. He hit hercervix but, as before, couldn't care less, propping himself up on handsand skewering her like he was stabbing her with his schvanz. It wasstill hot for her because after years of boring sex with her ex-husbandand a couple other men, she was being fucked by a beast she wasn't goingto be able to control. All she could do was submit to him and hope forthe best.
He gave her both pain and pleasure and a vagina full of his semen.
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Herpussy felt different to him than that of the younger girls he had beenwith. It seemed softer and yet was just as wet and pleasurable.
"So when can I see you again?" she asked. "Well, if you buy me a case ofbeer, I'll fuck you tomorrow," he said. "You know I can't do that," sheasserted. "Miss Fenton, you can't do what we just did. So get me thebeer and I'll give you my cock tomorrow. " "Uh, since you put it likethat, okay," she hesitantly agreed. "Cool, we can pick it up on the wayhome. " He returned home with the brewskis hidden in a bag and stashedthem under his bed. Tuesday, he had sex again with Miss Fenton. As shedid the previous day, she dropped him off a couple of blocks from hishouse so nobody he knew would see them together. When he walked down thepath leading to his door, there were three girls waiting for him, allwanting to be fucked. "Shit man, I'm going to have to start sellingtickets. "
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