I kinda thought she was just joking, because she used to say those kinds of comments before in a joking matter. I'm straight, so it never accured to me to be a lesbian or to have a lesbian experience. I just gave her a look and said, ok; for real leave you guys so I can change. Then Nicole said again, we want to help you I said -- Nicole reached over and tore my night gown and caroline did the same, each got a side of my night gown till my boobs were opened for everybody to see, I immediately covered my self, as I was standing there with just my white undies on. At this moment in time, I had mixed feelings. . I first thought they were messing with me or were going to rape me or something. . but I was bigger than them. So, I didn't think that would actually happen, but there was two of them. -- I tried to turn around and go through my dresser draws to find another night gown but then I turned around and caroline and nicole were both in there bras and bell bottoms. I didn't know what to think. Nicole approached me and touched and carressed my arms. She pushed me onto the bed, and caroline grabbed my arms, at this point, I was arroused and wet, and wanted them to do something to me, and me to do something to them. I told caroline to let go of my arms.
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