This is NOT one of my Stories I take NO credit for it. I found it on a web stie that was shut down.
Lord of the Rings "Dragon Piss"Hail This might be fresher since the movie came One "Dragon Piss" The raucous shouts of hundreds of orcs echoed through therough-hewn cavern as the guards hauled Celebrain across thefloor towards the throne. At the foot of the dais she tripped onshreds of green cloth that were the remnants of her dress. Cursing, one of the uruks grabbed a handful of her silvertresses, dragged her up the steps, and dropped her painfully tothe ground.
"Well, what have we here," growled a voice above her.
Celebrian tried to muster up the strength to speak, but beforeshe could do so one of the guards spoke up.
"We snared this elf-bitch traveling through our pass, o trulytremendous one," he replied. "There were ten others with her,but we did for 'em, the filth. "
"Hmmmmm. . . good work, Bagdush. So, slut, what do you have tosay for yourself? Speak up!" The guard twisted Celebrian's armbehind her and used the leverage to force her up onto her knees. Her vision filled with the sight of a large, muscular orcstaring down at her from the throne, a jagged iron crown on hishead. "I am Celebrian, wife of Elrond of Rivendell," she replied,trying to sound imperious and confident, "and he will dealharshly with you if I am harmed.
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"Har! Har! Harharhar!" The goblin king raised his gruff voicefor the hearing of his assembled court. "You hear that, boys?Aren't we scared? Aren't we quakin' in our boots?" The orcsroared with laughter. "Well, since we don't want to get introuble with. . Lord Elrond," he said with mock reverence, "Isuppose we'd better be nice to his dear lady. " He glanced overat one of the guards and nodded meaningfully; the guard scurriedoff. "Yep, we'd better treat her real affectionate-like. " Thegoblin king reached around his waist and loosened the furswrapped around him. Then he fished out his erection. Celebrian'seyes widened in terror and disgust as she viewed the thing; iteasily measured a foot long, thick as a spear, itsbrownish-green skin dotted here and there with hairy warts. Theking hefted it proudly, leering down at his captive. "I'll betyer husband aint' got one this big. Bet you're dyin' for a tasteof it. " It took Celebrian a moment to realize what he wasreferring to. She shook her head, trying to back away.
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"No, please, not that!" She had never dabbled in what wascommonly called "the Elvish Art," and the prospect of taking anorc's penis into her mouth horrified her.
The goblin king laughed again. "Eh? Too bad, I've heard lotso' stories 'bout how talented you elf girls are. " The guard whohad left a minute or so ago returned, bearing a flask gingerly. He handed it to the king, who rolled it idly in his free hand. Letting go of his penis he unstoppered it and gestured to theguards. "Bring her forward!"
Celebrian struggled as the guards pushed her into a kneelingposition at the very foot of the throne. He nodded, and one ofthe guards pried her mouth open. Then she felt the flask forcedpast her teeth, and a burning, sour liquid poured into hermouth. The flask was removed, and the guards pinched her noseand held her mouth shut to force her to swallow. When she didthey dropped her to the floor again. She felt a sensation likefire coursing through her limbs. Her mouth was dry, but she feltdampness growing between her legs. Trembling, she pushed herselfup with her hands. "What have you done to me?" she gasped,looking up at the orc.
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"The shamans call it 'dragon piss', 'cause it puts bitchesinto heat," replied the king, grinning. "Makes 'em real fun tobe with, makes 'em do all sorts of things they wouldn't dobefore. " Against her will Celebrian's eyes were drawn to theorc's erection, and she stifled an urge to lick her lips.
"No, please, make it stop!" she pleaded. "Don't make me. . don't. . "
The orc guffawed. "Hey, I'm not doin' anything. You can dowhatever you want to. " Fighting herself and losing, she movedher head towards the orc's lap, saliva drooling out of her openmouth. Tears ran hot down her cheeks as she thought of Elrondand how she was about to pleasure an orc in a way that she hadnever done for her husband. She tried to close her eyes, butthey remained stubbornly open as her tongue flicked out to lickthe tip of the orc's penis. The rank orc smell filled hernostrils as she pressed her lips against his glans and began towork the huge, scabby thing into her mouth.
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Above her the goblin-king groaned, obviously enjoying herattentions. Celebrian felt his claws dig into her scalp as hegrabbed her head and started to force it downwards.
The glansdrove into her mouth, and the orc pressed her head down further,burying her nose in his smelly pubic hair and ramming his cockdown her throat. She reached down between his legs and cradledhis balls in her delicate hand while inside her mouth her tonguewashed all around the shaft of his penis. She began to bob herhead, her lips pressed tightly around the orc shaft slidingbetween them. Her sucking grew more insistent as the penis movedin and out of her mouth. The orc's fingers tangled in her hair;from the ragged sounds of his breath Celebrian realized that hewas nearing climax; the tears streamed from her eyes as sheconsidered the loathsome prospect of the brutish goblinejaculating into her mouth. She tried even harder to pull away,but to no avail. She continued sucking, sucking, sucking. . .
The goblin-king threw back his head and growled, and his penisjerked in her mouth as his seed squirted out. It was thickand warm, with a bitter, salty taste; Celebrian felt it washover her tongue and fill her mouth before she swallowed, gulpingdown the vile stuff. More orc-semen flooded in. She tried tospit it out, but instead she drank it down like it was miruvor.
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Suddenly, she felt her head pushed back from the still-spasmingcock. It hovered in front of her for just a moment, staring likea one-eyed serpent. Then it jerked again and cum splatteredagainst her face, striking her in the chin. More semen, whitewith tinges of yellow and green, sprayed her cheek and lips. Slowly the flow abated, until it was just a lazy dribble ofsperm trickling onto the stone tiles. Still unable to controlherself, she extended her tongue to catch the falling drops. Shetook the softening penis her mouth and cleaned off the last ofthe semen, meanwhile fearing that she would never be rid of thetaste of the stuff. She leaned over and spat out some of it.
Realizing that somehow she now had control of herself she spatagain and again, wiping the slimy cum from her face with theback of her hand.
The king laughed again, and his assembled followers didlikewise. "Can't quite make up her mind, can she?"
Celebrian looked up at him, trembling and sobbing. "What areyou going to do to me?"
"I'll let you find out for yourself," he answered. The goblin-king turned towards one of the more fearsome orcs near histhrone. "Uzgash! Bring the wargs!"
Part Two "The Wargs"A sharp pang of fear shot through Celebrian at the mention ofthe evil wargs, wolves of great size, intelligence, and malice.
No doubt the orcs intended to watch her torn apart by the savagebeasts.
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But a small part of her felt relief that it would soonbe over; after what she had just been through, death seemed analmost pleasant prospect. She did not resist when the guardspulled her towards the center of the cave. She felt the coldmetal of a shackle clamped around her ankle. She moved her leg;looking down, she saw that she was chained to an iron spikedriven into the rock. Then the guards withdrew, look fearfullyat something behind her. She turned, slowly, following theirgaze.
There were at least four dozen wargs, each the size of a pony,stalking towards her out of the mouth of one of the tunnels. Thebeasts walked with a slow, easy grace, glancing from time totime at the orcs, but mostly eying her hungrily. At the head ofthe pack, leading them, walked one larger than the rest, a grey-furred wolf with an aura of majestic evil. Celebrian heard thesound of something being set down behind her, but kept her eyeson the advancing wargs. The wolf-chieftain stopped just in frontof her, examining her with glinting amber eyes. He licked hischops, and it seemed almost that he was grinning. Then his bodytensed as he prepared to spring. She breathed a whispered prayerto Elbereth that he would be quick.
The wolf leapt up soundlessly; Celbrian gave way before it andtripped on something, falling backwards before the beast.
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Butinstead of hitting the stone floor she landed on wooden boards. The wolf's forepaws pressed down on her shoulders while its hind-paws rested on the ground between her feet; the snout was inchesfrom her face, the white razor-sharp teeth gleaming as it lookeddown at her. Was it toying with her? And why had the orcs placedwhat felt like a table behind her? For the wolves' "feast"? Thewolf turned his head to one side and barked and snarled to one ofhis underlings in what almost sounded like language; he repeatedhis orders to several other wolves. Celebrian felt them tuggingat her dress, tearing the cloth off from several directions. Sheglanced to her left and saw one wolf shredding the sleeve off ofher arm; on her right another was doing the same. Down betweenher legs she saw. . .
Her gaze locked on the huge red penis protruding from thewarg-chief's grey-furred sheath. Suddenly realizing what wasabout to happen, she struggled to get up, but the wolf bore hisweight down on her and bared his fangs, snarling viciously lessthan an inch from her face. She did not dare move as he grabbedthe front of her dress in his jaws and tore it away, exposingher firm breasts. Tauntingly he licked and nuzzled at them, hiswet pink tongue lapping at her nipples and cleavage. Shesquirmed, feeling the wolf's hot breath on her neck before helapped at her chin, then began licking her face. She started tomove her head aside but stopped when the wolf snarled again. Itmoved back down to her breasts, slurping loudly as he washed histongue all over her nipples.
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Celebrian squirmed again, in fear,and in shame, because despite her terror and disgust she couldfeel her nipples stiffening from the wolf's savage foreplay.
She felt the last of her dress torn away from her lower body,and also the wolf fur brushing against the inside of her thighs. She felt the tip of the wolf's penis pressed against theentrance to her sex, and she knew there was nothing she could doto stop him.
The wolf looked down at her, staring straight intoher eyes as he drove his enormous cock into her with a singlepowerful thrust. Celebrian gasped in spite of herself. So big!
It felt so. . . so. . . "No!" she told herself. "It's horrible! I'mbeing raped by an animal, a wolf. . .
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evil! I must fight it,must. . . " She gasped again as the wolf began pumping his cock inand out of her, and she struggled not to acknowledge thepleasure it was giving her. She tried to ignore the exquisitepain of the wolf's penis stretching her with each thrust, thetickling of the fur rubbing the inside of her legs, the stickywetness spreading around her sex, the rough wet tongue lickingat her rigid nipples. She could feel her climax building insideher, and each time the wolf's cock slid in and out of hersopping pussy it pushed her closer. Her mind recoiled from theidea of being brought to orgasm by an animal -- worse, a servantof darkness -- but her body did not care. She tried to block itout by thinking of her husband -- surely he must be on his wayto rescue her! But then all she could think of was what wouldElrond think when he saw her lying there being taken by a wolf.
And the fact that the wolf had a larger penis. She squinted hereyes and moaned as the enormous lupine cock plunged into heragain, intensely aware of every inch. Yes, at least twice asbig. She could no longer deny the pleasure it was giving her;with each stroke her sex burned like fire. But it was not justthe sheer size of the penis that aroused Celebrian, nor thesteady, powerful, unrelenting thrusts with which thewarg-chieftain rammed its organ into her. The feelings of fearand helplessness had merged into a weird sensual thrill, and shegasped passionately as the grey-furred beast ravaged her likesexual prey, the wolf using her body to satisfy its lust withthe same ferocity that it might devour a deer to satisfy it’shunger. But still, she fought against showing it.
She struggledto remain still and silent while the tension of her body woundtighter and tighter. She would not give her orcish captors thebenefit of seeing a lady of the Noldor beg an animal to fuck herharder. She would not provide them the sight of the wife ofElrond Halfelven screaming in orgasmic bliss, impaled on awolf's cock. Cock! So big. . . so deep. . . so. . . good. . .
no,mustn't!. . . must stop! so good! must fight it!. . . so. . . . big. . . so. .
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. "Ohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" Celebrian wrapped her legs around thewolf's hindquarters as she threw back her head and screamed withpleasure. "Ohh!Oh!Oh!Yes!Oh!Yes!" She ground her crotch againstthe warg's, trying to drive the beast's penis deeper into herspasming sex. Softmurmurings continued to escape her throat as her climax wounddown and she lay there, rolling with the force of the wolf'sthrusts. As she savored those thrusts she became aware that theywere quickening in pace. She also heard a low growl rising inthe wolf's throat. The growling grew louder, and the louder itgot the faster and harder the penis drove in and out ofCelebrian's drenched sex, each time eliciting an appreciativegasp, until the growl became a fangs-bared snarl, the thrustsbecame rapid, savage hammer-blows, and Celebrian's voice rose ina delirious lust-crazed wail punctuated by the shriller cries ofher climaxes. Finally Celebrian felt the cock slide all the wayinto her and hold there. A second later she felt it pulse,followed by the sensation of hot warmth filling her, wolf-semenstreaming against the walls of her womb in forceful spurts.
Celebrian's scream announced her orgasm as she arched her bodyagainst her grey-furred captor. Above her the warg raised itshead and howled. The whole pack took up their chief's call as hereveled in his conquest, asserting his dominance over her with aflood of semen.
The wolf slipped his cock out quickly and slid off of her. Mustering some of her returning strength, Celebrian sat up andwatched as the warg-chief walked through his pack. The otherwolves crowded around him, pushing aside the others with snarlsand barks.
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Whenever the chief glanced towards one or the otherit fawned on him, as if seeking a favor of some kind. Celebrianwatched, curious. Suddenly the wolf-chief stopped and looked atone of the larger members of the pack, then uttered a sharphalf-bark, half-growl. The other wolf rubbed appreciativelyagainst the chief and howled, then turned. The rest of the packmade way as the recipient of the leader's favor trotted, headand tail held high, towards Celebrian. Her eyes went wide whenshe saw the erect penis dangling beneath him and grasped theimplications.
"Elbereth, be merciful," she whispered. "There are almost*fifty* of them!" She slid down off of the wooden platform wherethe warg-chief had raped her; his semen trickled out of herpussy and dripped down her legs. Watching the approach of hernew bestial paramour, she sank submissively to a hands and kneesposture. She pushed her ass into the air in invitation, waitinganxiously. She felt the wolf climb up top mount her. She tensed,legs spread slightly, eagerly awaiting the first brutal thrust.
The wolf did not disappoint her. Soon Celebrian's body rockedunder the savagely-fucking beast, her breasts quivering withevery stroke. As her orgasm began to erupt within her, shethought of her expected rescuers, and she whispered anotherprayer to Elbereth: "Please, don't let them find me too soon!"
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