
In the Pink


IMike Selbin was fixing himself a rum and coke when the doorbellrang. Shit, he thought, he'd just got rid of the rest of the familyfor a few hours and he was looking forward to a nice relaxingafternoon alone, just him. . . the game on TV. . . and a 26oz bottle ofrum. Carrying his glass down the hall, Mike took a long, satisfyinggulp before cursing under his breath and opening the door.     "Hi, Mr. Selbin!", Suzy smiled as she saw Mike peek inquisitivelyaround the door. "Is Timmy home?"    It was Suzy Wilson, from down the street. . . one of his son's"regulars".   Sixteen-year-old Timmy had so many young girls chasinghim right now, that Mike could hardly keep track of them all.

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   But heremembered Suzy alright, she was only thirteen, but she was one hellof a sexy-looking little kid. The other night he had overheard hisson talking about her to one of his friends on the phone. And, if theidle chatter of two sixteen-year-old boys talking about girls couldbe believed, this gorgeous, innocent-looking little girl wasreally. . . (and Mike remembered his son's exact words vividly). . . "ahot cock-hungry little nympho" who was "dynamite in the sack" and"constantly horny". Looking at Suzy's sweet, dimpled young face andlong slender legs, Mike's cock twitched with sudden involuntaryarousal as he wondered if it was true.     "Ahh, No honey! Not right now!" replied Mike, looking the pretty,young brunette up and down with more than a passing interest.     She was wearing a translucent cotton blouse, that ended severalinches above an extremely tight, black miniskirt, and the wholeoutfit displayed her hot little figure to full advantage. Mike foundit hard to believe that the girl was only thirteen years old!  Hismouth actually began to water as his eyes roamed freely over herfirm, round tits and nicely curved little buttocks.     Thinking fast, Mike opened the door wider. "Timmy won't be long,honey," he lied, knowing full well that his son would be away withhis mother and sister for the rest of the afternoon.

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   "You want tocome on in and wait for him?"    Suzy didn't even hesitate.     "Okay, Mr. Selbin!", she said, stepping inside.     Mike looked quickly up and down the street before closing andlocking the door behind her. "Where's he gone?", asked Suzyinnocently, as she ambled into the living-room.   Mike felt his cockstir stiffly in his pants as he followed her, watching the girl'sfirm, round little butt, bobbing seductively under the tight mini.     "Um. . . He. . Ah. . . .

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   He had to go nextdoor to the Howell's with amessage. ", Mike lied, "He won't be long, Suzy, I promise! Can I getyou a drink?"    "Yeah, thanks! Got any coke, Mr. Selbin?", asked the girl,flopping casually down on the sofa.     Mike licked his lips again, as Suzy's impossibly short skirt rodeup over her firm, creamy young thighs. When she noticed him staringat her legs, Suzy smiled and slowly opened her thighs, giving Mike agood, long look at her panty-encased mound. She liked it when boyslooked at her cunt, it gave her a feeling of power, but this wasdifferent, Mr. Selbin was a grown man, and it made her hot, littlepussy crawl to think she could turn him on just like she did theyounger boys.     By now, Mike was staring at the girl's shamelessly exposed crotchlike a child eyeing off a tasty lollypop. He could even see thepouting groove of her moist little pussy-slit, clearly visiblethrough the tight material of her panties. 'Christ! What a cutelittle snatch!", he thought, licking his lips involuntarily.     "Nice view, huh Mr. Selbin?", giggled Suzy boldly.     She let her slim young thighs fall open even further. Mikereddened when he realized that the young kid had caught him staringat her crotch.     "I.

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  . . Um. . . W. . . what did you say you wanted to drink, Suzy?",stammered Mike.     "Coke, Mr. Selbin, remember?", she answered, a sly smile playingdevilishly over her pretty young features.     "Uh. . Yeah! Sure, honey! One ice-cold coke coming up!" Mike couldhardly control himself, as he poured her drink. No wonder his son wasfucking her, she was absolutely gorgeous! And from what he hadoverheard Timmy telling his friend on the phone, it wasn't hard topersuade the sexy young thing to put out, either.

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   Mike made up hismind, nobody would be home for hours, so he had the place to himself. Just him and gorgeous little Suzy, and if her sexy smile was anyindication, he'd have his cock in her tight little cunt before youcould say, 'Nymphomaniac!' Her age didn't matter to him, quite theopposite, it turned him on!  The gorgeous young kid simply oozed sex,and he didn't care if she was one of his son's girlfriends or thatshe was only thirteen. . . he simply HAD to have her!    Mike looked at the half finished bottle of rum and had an ideathat was sure to get things happening, real quick. Making sure shedidn't see him, he quickly topped up her glass with a generousmeasure of the potent liquid and went back to join her on the couch,purposely sitting as close as he could.     "Here you go, honey! Get that into you. ", said, Mike handing herthe glass.     Suzy's shapely, budding, breasts moved seductively beneath hertop, as she took the glass from his hand. He could see her hard,little nipples sliding around under the thin fabric of her blouse,almost drilling holes in the translucent material. 'Christ, tits likethat, and she isn't even wearing a bra!', thought Mike, watching thefirm, pointed cones rub against the front of her blouse. Suzy took abig, long swig, smacking her tiny, pink lips in appreciation.     "Mmmmmm! You put rum in this, didn't you Mr Selbin?" Mike lookedat her blankly, trying to figure out a plausible explanation. Beforehe could answer, Suzy surprised him by saying, "I like rum, Mr. Selbin.

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   Can you put some more in it, please? Daddy won't let me haveany at home. You don't mind. do you?"    With a feeling of relief, Mike took her glass and stood up.     "No, honey! I don't mind. I like few stiff drinks occasionally, itmakes me relax. ", he laughed nervously, "How about you?"    Suzy turned and looked at him over her shoulder.     "It always makes my Daddy horny!", she said, matter-of-factly.     Mike almost dropped the bottle of rum he was holding, and staredat her incredulously.     "W. . What?", he stammered, filling both their glasses to the brimwith rum. "I said, it always gets my Daddy horny, Mr. Selbin. ",winked Suzy, "You know,. .

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  . . turns him on. . . gets him in the mood!"    Returning to the couch, Mike sat down next to her and handed Suzyher drink.   Immediately, the young girl surprised him again byfinishing off half of it, in just two large gulps!    "Yes, honey, I know what it means, but how do you know it makesyour father horny?" asked Mike, intrigued by her utter frankness.     "Well. . . ", said Suzy, taking another long swig, ". . . every time myDaddy has a few rums, he takes my Mom into their bedroom and fucksthe shit out of her. "    Mike, who was just about to swallow a mouthful of rum and coke,almost choked on it!    "You don't pull any punches, do you Suzy?", laughed Mike, puttinghis arm around her shoulders, "I like a girl like that!"    She turned toward him, and Mike caught a flash of pink, pointedboobs, as the top of her blouse parted briefly.

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    Suzy's eyes flashedimpishly.     "I hope so, Mr. Selbin! I like you a lot too!"    Her warm young thigh pressed tantalisingly against his leg, andthe growing bulge in his shorts was getting a little uncomfortable. Mike looked down at her. She was only a little girl, yet she had himcompletely off guard. He didn't know how to react!  With a grownwoman, it was easy! You knew the score. But this was a whole new ballgame for him, and for the first time in his life, he was completelylost!    "Do you play any sports, Suzy?", he asked lamely, eyeing off theexposed flesh of her thighs.     "Yeah! I play netball at school, Mr. Selbin. ", she replied. looking up at him with deep, brown, little-girl eyes.     Suzy wondered why he didn't do something. Timmy would have hadher legs in the air by now, fucking her little brains out! ButTimmy's father was different, he was taking his time, letting theexcitement last, treating her like a real woman, and Suzy realizedshe liked the attention. Especially from Timmy's hunky father. He wasso tall and muscular and handsome.

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  . . and the way he looked at hermade her moist little pussy itch with a familiar desire.     "You do have nice, long legs, honey!", breathed Mike, as hereached out and put his hand on her knee, "No wonder you playnetball. "    The man's long, slim fingers felt cool on her exposed flesh, andSuzy snuggled closer, delighted at the intimate contact.     Mike felt himself melt as little Suzy squirmed closer to him onthe couch, rubbing her right boob firmly against his shoulder. Hisbreathing was heavy, and he was acutely aware of the heat generatedby her closeness. Mike moved his fingers higher, rubbing them gentlybut firmly up along the youngster's damp, inner thigh, up under herdress, until his fingertips brushed against the elastic of her tinysilk panties. Her little legs seemed to fall apart automatically athis touch, inviting him to explore her further.     "Mmmmmm! Ohhhhhhhh, Mr. Selbin!", she moaned, spreading hertrembling legs even further apart. By the time Mike's fingers reachedher prominent little mound, Suzy's ass was squirming around on thecouch, in ever-decreasing circles.     "You like that, don't you, Suzy?  You like me touching yourlittle pussy?", panted Mike.     "Yes! Oh, God yes, Mr. Selbin! I love it!", whimpered the younggirl, hunching her hips up against his probing fingers.

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   She liftedher mouth to his, and Mike kissed her full on the lips, excited bytheir soft and pliant fullness. He slipped his tongue into her tinymouth, and Suzy's was right there to meet it. The cute littlethirteen-year-old was getting hornier by the minute as she eagerlyreturned the pressure of his Mike's, moaning loudly. "Mmmmmmmm!Ummmmmmmmmm! Ohhhhmmmmmmm!"    Mike's hand was wedged firmly between her wide-spread thighs,rubbing and stroking the soft, puckered lips of her adolescent littlepussy, through the thin silk of her panties. There was moisturethere, and plenty of it. Her age didn't stop her from responding tohis busy fingers. She reacted instinctively, just like any otherfemale in heat. He wondered if any of the boys she had played aroundwith, had made her cunt feel this good.     "Christ, Suzy, honey! Your little pussy is so fuckin' hot!",groaned Mike, cupping her tiny, quivering mound completely in thepalm of his hand. It seemed so small, that Mike began to doubt if hisfully erect cock would ever fit inside. Suzy on the other hand hadno doubts at all!    "Ohhhh, Jesus, Mr. Selbin! I'm so wet! Take my panties off. I wantyou to touch me. I want to feel your fingers in my cunt!"    Mike moaned as he dropped to his knees between her legs, almostripping the flimsy garment to shreads in his haste. Suzy tried tohelp him as much as possible by lifting her round, little butt up offthe couch as Mike tugged at the waistband.


   Finally Mike managed topeel Suzy's stubborn panties over her hips and then down thighs andoff over her knees. Impatiently, she kicked off the tiny bundle ofcloth from around her ankles and spread her thighs wide apart. Mikegasped as Suzy's pre-pubescent little cunt flowered open before hiseyes. It was beautiful, as only a pubescent young girl's pussy canbe. A light, peach fuzz covered her tiny pubic mound, failingcompletely to hide the puffy, pink lips of her compact little twat. With no hair to hide it, her narrow pussy-slit stood out like a long,livid gash, glistening with moisture.     Suzy smiled and reached down between her thighs, parting thetight, elastic lips of her cunt with both hands. As dave watched inawe, the dainty pink, innermost folds of her pussy were revealed tohis lustful gaze. Her prominent little clitoris peeked out cheekily,just begging to be sucked.     "Do you like my pussy, Mr. Selbin?", she whispered, staring downat him.     "It's fantastic, baby! I've never seen such a beautiful, sight inall my life!", he muttered, with a glazed look in his eyes.     Mike reached out to touch her, dipping his fingers eagerly intothe hot, juicy, wetness of the little girl's gaping cunt.   Suzymoaned deep in her throat as his fingers stroked her highly arousedcuntflesh, but she wanted more!    "Oohhhhhh, that feels nice, Mr Selbin! So fuckin' nice! Ummmmmmm!Put your finger in me! Please put a finger in my cunt, Mr Selbin!Ooooh! I can't stand it!"    Emboldened by her lust, Mike inserted a finger between the girl'smoist pussy-lips and pushed tentatively. Suzy's young cunt seemed tosuck his finger into it, clasping his stiff digit in a warm, wet,vice-like grip.

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   She hunched and groaned with pleasure as it enteredher, holding on to Mike's wrist with both hands, guiding his fingerinto her juicy cunt with practiced ease.     "Jesus, baby! You're as tight as a vice! I'm never gonna get mycock up inside you in a million years!"    Suzy was still moaning loudly from the delightful sensationscaused by his finger as she replied.     "Unnnghh! Oh, God! Mmmmmm, yes! D. . . don't. . . Uunnh!  Don't worry!It. . Ummm! It opens up a lot m. . . more as you play with it! Ummmmm,put another finger in there, Mr. Selbin!", she begged.

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      Suzy humped her little crotch up against his hand, gasping forbreath, wanting even more penetration. Mike was turned on by herbrazen adolescent lust.     "Hot little bitch, aren't you!", he muttered with satisfaction,"You want more?  I'll give you more"    Mike roughly inserted a second finger into Suzy's tight littletwat, and found to his surprise that she was right! The longer hefucked his fingers in and out of her elastic slit, and the morefingers he used, the more relaxed it got. Finally, he was plungingall of three stiff fingers deep into her tiny, thirteen year-oldcunt, with hardly any effort at all! Suzy's almost hairless pubes,looked like a baby's mouth sucking at his fingers as her pussy-lipspuckered and pouted and slobbered around his plunging digits. By now,Suzy's lithe young body was jerking and quivering with mindless,little-girl lust.     "Ohhh, fuck me, Mr. Selbin! Fuck me with your fingers! Make mecome! Oh, God, please make me come!"    "Okay, honey! I'll bring you off, But then you gotta do somethingfor me, ok?"    "Unnhhh! Anything! Ohhhhh! I'll do anything you want! Just don'tstop! Uhmmmmm!"    Suzy's hips were bucking wildly up off the couch as Mike'sfingers stabbed into her. His thumb felt for her clit, rubbing thehooded little bud with varying pressure. Little Suzy went wild!    "Ooooooohh! Jeeeesussss! Yessss! Rub my clit! Rub it hard!Unnnghhh! I. . I'm cumming!  Oh, God!  Oooh Fuck!! I'mcummmmiiiinnnnngg!"    Suzy came alright. She came hard, very hard, her little cuntspasming and twitching around Mike's stabbing fingers until hethought she was never going to stop. He reached up under the girl'sloose white, blouse and began to fondle her tiny, firm young titswith his free hand.     "Mmmmmmmmm! That was a good one!", she murmured, throwing herlittle arms around his neck, "You sure made me come, Mr. Selbin!"Suzy pulled his open mouth against hers and kissed him hungrily,ramming her soft, agile young tongue repeatedly down his throat.

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      Mike returned her passionate kiss for as long as he could, finallypulling his feverish lips from her hot, clinging little mouth. Shekissed like a sex-starved vacuum cleaner, and he was breathless! Whenhe opened his eyes, Suzy was staring shamelessly, at the huge bulgein his shorts.     "Oooooh! You're very hard!", she gasped, reaching for him. Hersmall fingers undid the buttons of his shorts and pulled them off,taking his underpants with them. Suzy gasped for breath as Mike'smighty prick sprang into view. "God! It's huge!", she squealed,staring excitedly at the thick, blue- veined pole sticking up frombetween his thighs. Mike peeled off his shirt and sat back nakedbeside her.     "Can I suck it, Mr. Selbin?. . . Please, can I suck it?. . . Please.

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  . . . ?", she begged.     "You bet, honey! Go for it, it's all yours!", he chuckled, excitedby her childish enthusiasm.     Mike was more than happy for her to suck his cock. There wasplenty of time to do whatever he wanted with this sexy young Lolita,and he wanted to do plenty. But right now, her hot little mouth onhis prick would do just fine! His fingers were still inside her cunt,and as Mike looked down at her juicy, little slit sucking gently onhis fingertips, he had a better idea! As her mouth went for his cock,he held her back, looking into the depthless, pools of her dark,sparkling eyes.     "Honey, do you know what a sixty-nine is?", he asked, unbuttoningSuzy's blouse. They both looked down as her hard, little tittiessprang into view.     "Er. . No, Mr. Selbin! What is it? Is it better than fucking?", sheasked innocently, reaching for his cock. Her tiny fingers didn'tquite meet around his throbbing shaft, it was too thick and long.

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      "Sometimes, baby! I depends on how good you are at it. Wannatry?", he asked, removing her top completely.     "Okay! Mr Selbin, I'm game. What do I do?"    Mike smiled and ran his fingers over Suzy's small, conicalbreasts, rubbing the hard nipples until the horny young girl began toshiver and moan softly.     "First of all, let's forget about the 'Mr. Selbin' crap. Okay? Ithink we know each other well enough by now, to use first names,don't you? Just call me Mike, honey. "    Suzy nodded. . . eager to please him.     "Okay, Mike! I'm Suzy. How do you do?", she giggled, shaking hisprick up and down with her hand.     Mike laughed and stood up, pulling her with him. Although Suzywas tall for her age, the top of her head still only managed to reachhis chin.

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   She stood on tiptoes, pressing her naked body against his,enjoying the feel of his big, stiff cock throbbing powerfully betweenthem. Her nipples were drilling urgently into his hard, muscularchest as Mike ran his palms down over the curve of her back, cuppingher firm round, little ass-cheeks in both hands. They were small andincredibly firm, and just filled his big, massaging hands.     "Now, the second thing we gotta do, baby", said Mike, rubbing hisrock-hard cock against her belly, "is move to the bedroom. So we cansuck and screw in total comfort. "    "Ohh, yeah! Wow! You make me so fuckin' horny, Mike! I want to doeverything with you!", she said, grinding herself deliciously againsthis stiff hardness.     "Honey," Mike whispered into her ear, "I'm gonna fuck and suckyour tight, juicy little cunt until you faint! You'll be so full ofcum, you won't be able to piss for a week!"    Suzy's knees almost buckled. Nobody had ever said anything likethat to her in all her young life. It absolutely made her littlepussy crawl! He was holding her so gently right now, but somehowSuzy knew that this big, strong man, wasn't kidding either!  Shecouldn't wait! Standing on tiptoes, she kissed him hotly on the lips.     "Take me to bed, Mike!", she breathed, "Carry me in your arms andpretend I'm your little baby girl!"    With a low moan, Mike picked up the precocious youngthirteen-year-old, and cradled her loving in his arms. She was assoft and light as a feather, and snuggled warmly against his chest ashe carried her off down the hallway. Once inside the bedroom, Mikedeposited Suzy on the big double bed and lay down beside her.     "Okay, baby! Time for sex lesson number sixty-nine!", said Mike,pulling her slim, young body above him, "You're gonna love this, kid. I promise!"    He showed her how to straddle his face with her crotch, spreadingher legs apart to that her little pink pussy-lips gaped open, onlyinches above his face.     "Now honey, I'm gonna lick your pussy, while you suck my cock atthe same time.

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   Got it?"    "Cool! Oooooh! This is gonna be great! I've never tried itbefore!"    "Well, sweetheart! Drop your tasty, little cunt on top of my face,grab a mouth full of cock and hang on! 'Cause you're about to get thesuck of your life!"    Suzy reached out and grabbed his huge, jutting prick, positioningthe bloated tip between her small pink lips. She loved the taste ofcock, and Mike's was the best she'd ever tasted. It was tangy andmasculine, completely different to the fresh, salty taste of theyoung boy-cock she was used to. It made her pussy cream, and sheopened her mouth wider, wrapping her tiny lips tightly around thehead of Mike's massive penis. She began to move her warm, wet tongueup and down the throbbing shaft as it slid slowly between her lips,sucking all of him into her mouth, until her throat was filled withthick, throbbing cock-meat.     As Mike felt the warmth of Suzy's mouth envelop his stiff cock,he grabbed the cheeks of her firm little ass with both hands andpulled her hovering cunt down onto his waiting mouth. A muffled moanescaped her lips as Mike's eager tongue contacted her gaping slit. Hedragged it slowly across her swollen cunt-lips, up one side of hercunt, and down the other, savouring the heady flavour of her youngjuices.   He sucked her greedily, flicking his tongue back and forthbetween the hot, wet lips of her little pussy like a man possessed. The room became filled with loud, wet slurping sounds as Suzy suckednoisily on his glistening cock. Mike returned the favour by lickingSuzy's hot, seething cunt-juices into his hungry mouth.     Even though she was only thirteen, Suzy was an expert at suckingcock. From an early age, she'd learned about sex quickly, and knewexactly what boys wanted from her. Her blossoming figure andprecocious manner had attracted them like flies, not only boys butolder men too, and if she liked them even a little, it always endedup the same way, with her hot, wet lips wrapped tightly around theirhard pricks. Mike was no exception, but Suzy felt differentlytowards him, maybe because he didn't treat her like the young boysdid.

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   He wanted to please her, not just use her, and Suzy loved himfor it. So, as she sucked on Mike's man-sized prick, Suzy tried hervery best to please him, just as he was delighting her with his mouthand tongue.     Mike ran his tongue repeatedly back and forth between Suzy'sparted cunt-lips, getting the youngster so excited she dropped hercunt onto his mouth, wiggled her juicy, little slit all over hisface. His hands cupped her tiny buttocks, pulling her cunt hardagainst his open mouth as he thrust his rapidly-working tongue deepinside her weeping slit. He heard her gasp and felt her mouthincrease it's wonderful suction on his jerking cock. Suzy's littlecunt contracted, opening and closing around his tongue as he used itexpertly, ramming it like a small, stiff prick, deep within hertight, squirming fuck-hole.     Mike moved his hands lower, pulling her little cunt apart like aripe peach, licking and sucking her juicy, pink cunt-flesh until shethought she would actually explode with pleasure. Finally, his tonguefound her hard, quivering clit. The tiny bud was stiff as a littlecock, and throbbed and pulsed between his lips as he sucked it gentlyin and out of his mouth, just like Suzy's active young lips weredoing to his cock. Mike could feel every ridge and valley of hermouth as his cock slid ever deeper between the little girl's lips.     Suzy's cunt flowered open even wider as Mike sucked hungrily onher tightly stretched, little twat. Her tasty young juices ranfreely, flowing out of her cunt to cover not only his tongue, but hismouth and chin as well. Mike felt her thigh muscles contract againsthis cheeks just like his wife's always did when she was about tocome. She was close! He could feel it, her soft thighs clenchedaround his head. Her muscles stood out all along her body, and shepulled savagely on his cock, threatening to suck his aching ballsright out through the head of his prick.

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      Then suddenly, Suzy stiffened and cried out as an abrupt andsoul-searing climax flooded her tiny, naked body with sensations ofpleasure so strong, that the thirteen-year-old nearly fainted withthe intensity of her orgasm.     "Ohhh! Unnnngghhhmmm, yesss! Oh, Mike! I'm cummminggg! Arghhhh!Suck me hard! Suck my clit, Mike! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooooooh, Goddddd!"    Mike moaned and buried his nose and lips in Suzy's wet, quiveringyoung snatch, sucking hungrily on her hard little clit and stabbinghis stiff tongue deep into her spasming cunt-hole. Suzy was buckinglike a young horse as she strained her crotch against his mouth,grinding her pussy down onto his juice-smeared face until the wavesof lust racing through her loins gradually subsided.     Only then did she return her lips to Mike's temporarily neglectedcock, swallowing his huge throbbing organ to the very base. Hertightly stretched lips worked vigourously up and down the slick pole,covering every inch of it's hard length with her warm, slipperysaliva. Mike had made the hot little blonde come like she'd nevercome before, and Suzy was determined to return the favour by makinghim come in her lovely mouth.     Her lips were unbelievably tight around his prick, and Mikecouldn't fight the urge to jerk his hips up off the bed, fucking hismassive cock deep into her juicy warm mouth. Suzy was an expertlittle cock-sucker, and she knew exactly how to use her mouth on themale organ for maximum pleasure. On the up-stroke, she sucked for awhile on his fat, purple knob, sticking the tip of her tongue intothe tiny slit in the head of his cock. Before too long, Mike felt hisballs begin to expand urgently.     "Ohhh, Suzy, baby! Christ! Here it comes! Suck it hard! I'm gonnafill your gorgeous little mouth full of cum! Unnnghhhhh! Arrrggghhh!"    Suzy sucked greedily as Mike's hot, jism began to spurt from thejerking tip of his cock. The thick, salty fluid filled her mouth andSuzy had to swallow frantically to prevent herself choking on thesticky torrent.     "Ohhhhhh! God! Fuckin' Christ! Ahhhhhgggh, suck it, you gorgeouslittle fuck! Take it, baby! Eat it all!"    Hot, creamy cum was oozing from the corners of her mouth by thetime Mike's ejaculation began to subside. Suzy lifted her lips fromhis cock for a second and licked her lips. 'She had swallowed itall!', she thought proudly, 'She had swallowed a real man's cum, andit felt wonderful!'    Suzy licked the shaft dry, and then continued sucking gently onhis cock, keeping it hard.

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   She didn't want him to go soft on her yet,her pussy was itching like mad. His mouth had satisfied hertemporarily, but Suzy wanted more. His cock had felt so good in hermouth, so big and long and hard, and she couldn't wait to feel itslicing into her juicy slit. She turned around and lay on top of him,rubbing her little tits and cunt over his sweaty body.     "Jesus! You're a real hot number, aren't you, baby?", said Mike,letting his hands slide down over her back. He filled his hands withher tiny ass-cheeks, rubbing and kneading the firm round globes asshe squirmed deliciously against him.     "I'm hot alright!" replied Suzy, rubbing her juicy young cuntagainst his belly, "I'm hot for your big cock, Mike! Will you fuck menow? It's hard again. I can feel it throbbing against my pussy!Please put it in and fuck me, Mike!"    She mashed her lips to his and kissed him passionately, suckinghis tongue into her mouth. `Fuck! What a horny little cunt!', hethought, eagerly returning her hot, open-mouthed kiss. Theyoungster's slim hips moved in tiny humping circles, rubbing her wet,gaping cunt-lips up and down his cock, leaving a thin, shiny film.    "Okay, Suzy! I'll fuck you! Lie down on your back and spread yourlegs for me, honey. "    Suzy rolled off his chest and lay panting expectantly beside him. Her long, slim legs were drawn up and bent at the knees, almost flatagainst the bed on either side of her hips. Her hairless cunt waspresented to him like a plate full of fine food. Few grown womencould have held the position comfortably, but Suzy's supplelittle-girl limbs made it easy and natural for her.


   Mike groaned likea starving animal at the unbelievably sexy sight. Her pussy-lipsgaped sweetly open, revealing the moist, pink interior of her juicyyoung cunt. The dark hole just below her prominent little clit heldhis gaze. He was hypnotized by the absolute beauty of her arousedlittle adolescent cunt. Suzy looked up at him with pleading eyes.     "Ohhhh, Jesus! Quick, fuck me, Mike! Fuck me. . . . Please!!". Suzywas desperate now, and her tiny hips humped seductively up at him, asshe begged him to fuck her.     "Yesss! God, yesss! I'll take care of you, baby!", hissed Mikescrambling rapidly between the girl's wide-spread thighs.     His cock was raging, fully hard, sticking out from his hairy groinlike a baseball bat. Suzy gasped at it in awe, a frightening thrillof lustful fascination swept through her highly aroused young body. The bulbous purple head protruding from its heavy foreskin and theveins pulsing along the massive shaft, fascinated her.

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   It was themost beautiful sight she had ever seen.     As Mike moved between her legs he could smell her aroused littlecunt, and it struck him that Suzy was one of those girls who meltedinto a puddle of hot cunt-juice as soon as a man touched her. Hecouldn't resist the horny little slut! She was sex personified, andhe was going to enjoy her nubile young charms to the fullest. `Thisis one fuck you won't forget in a hurry, kid!', thought Mike,lowering his huge muscular frame over her tiny quivering body. Suzy's sparkling blue eyes were fixed on Mike's huge cock as itadvanced up between her slender, open thighs. She instinctivelypulled back her knees, offering her hot, little slit to the biggestprick she'd ever seen.     Suzy whimpered softly as his hard, fat cockhead pressed urgentlybetween the moist lips of her pussy. Mike resisted the strong impulseto plunge the full-length of his mammoth shaft deep into her tight,juicy gash. It would probably split her tiny little cunt in two, andhe certainly didn't want to hurt the girl. Her wanted her to enjoytheir first fuck totally. Enjoy it so much in fact, that she'd beback regularly for more of the same. Suzy closed her eyes, and bither bottom lip in wild anticipation of the wonderful penetration sheknew was about to happen.   Holding her breath, the horny littleyoungster held onto his ass-cheeks with both hands as Mike pantedabove her, probing her hot little cunt with just the tip of his hugecock.     "Ooooooh Jesus, Mike! For Christ's sake put it in and fuck me!Ohhhhh!", screamed Suzy, squirming her hot little crotch franticallyup onto his teasing cock.     "You really want it bad, don't you kid?", grinned Mike, runningthe tip of his cock slowly up and down inside the tight, wet lips ofSuzy's drooling little snatch.

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   It turned him on incredibly to seethe excited young girl beg so shamelessly for his cock.     "Yes! Yes! God, yes! I want it so fuckin' bad, Mike! Come on!Shove it in! Fuck me, pleeeeease!"    Suzy was almost beside herself with frustration. The hardpressure of Mike's cockhead rubbing slowly against her inflamed clitwas excruciating, and it wasn't long before the horny little thirteenyear-old was whimpering and writhing beneath him, urging him on,begging him to do obscene, delicious things to her overheated littlebody.     "Jesus, kid! You really need it bad, don't you?" muttered Mike,licking his lips.   "Well so do I, baby! Open your little legs waswide as you can for me!"    Suzy did as she was told, spreading her thighs until her hairlesslittle pussy opened like a succulent pink flower before his swollenprick. Mike pushed forward a little, stretching Suzy's quiveringcuntlips until the tip of his cock lodged suddenly into the entranceof her tight, juicy little fuckhole. As the thick, round knobpenetrated her tiny cunt, Suzy let out an excited little yelp,frantically humping her slim young hips up at him, trying to get moreof Mike's long, hard meat inside her hot, eager little snatch. Mikewas careful that only the large, flared head of his cock shouldpenetrate her cuntlips her for the moment, and he resisted theimpulse to plunge right in. Little Suzy's obvious state of sexualarousal excited him immensely, her shameless desire heightening theexquisite pleasure he felt as her tiny, elastic cuntlips closedtightly around his knob like a hot, velvet vice.     Mike looked down at her. Her gorgeous young face was a mask ofpure lust as she squirmed beneath him, intent now on only onething. . . the huge cock throbbing at the entrance of her horny littlecunt.     Suzy looked down between her legs as Mike's huge cock-headpressed further into her tiny pussy and gasped, her little brown eyeswide with excitement.

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      "Oooooooooh, it's so big!", she said in a tiny voice.     "Sure is honey!", he boasted. "and in a coupla seconds you'regonna get all ten inches of it stuffed right up that hot, tight,juicy little cunt of yours!"    "Ohhhhhhh, yes, pleeeeeease!", begged Suzy, shamelessly spreadingthe lips of her pretty pink pussy with both hands.     Suzy moaned and gripped Mike's huge, bloated shaft with one hand,guiding his prick into her tiny, thirteen-year-old twat with aneagerness that belied her young age. Mike looked down and watched herlubricate his cock-tip by rubbing it expertly up and down through herjuicy pink cuntslit, amazed at the brazen eagerness and obvious joysuch a young girl was displaying.     The big flared head of Mike's man-sized prick looked huge comparedto the size of Suzy's tiny puckered little fuckhole, but the hornyyoung girl seemed not to be concerned at all, in fact, quite thecontrary. She began rubbing the tip of Mike's cock between the pink,hairless lips of her slippery little slit like a bitch in heat. Atthat moment, Mike knew that what he had overheard Timmy saying to hisfriend about Suzy was one hundred percent correct. . . the hornylittle slut didn't care who fucked her, as long as she got her dailyquota of hard cock. . . the gorgeous young kid was totally hooked onsex!   "You like big cocks, don't you, sweetheart?", Mike grinned.     "Uhhhhhhh, yes, yes! I love them", she moaned, openlymasturbating her erect little clit with the tip of Mike's prick.

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      "Mmmmm, I thought as much," Mike said, pressing his hips forwards. "Christ kid, you were born to fuck!"    Mike's prick slid into her tight, slippery little slot a loteasier than he expected. They both looked down and watched as herpink, hairless cuntlips stretched and parted, and Mike's long, thickman-cock sank slowly but surely into the kid's tight,thirteen-year-old twat. Suzy moaned loudly at the suddenpenetration, and Mike stopped momentarily, afraid that the sheer sizeof his prick stretching her tender little cunt was causing the girlpain.     "Am I hurting you, honey?", he asked, pulling his cock out a bituntil it was buried only a few inches in the tight, wet heat of theyoung girl's pussyslit.     "N. . no!", Suzy squealed with delight. "You're not hurting me atall! Ooooh, please don't stop! Put it all the way in, Mike! I'm nottoo small, I can take it all! Uhhhhh, shove it into me, Mike, shoveit in as deep as you can!. . . Ooooooooh, hurry pleeeease!"    "Yeah, baby!" he grinned watching her squirm, "I love it when youbeg for it, honey. Let me hear how much you want it!"    Suzy hunched her hips up at his cock, a look of pure frustrationon her pretty little face.     "Uuuuuuuhhhhh, put it in and fuck me!", she squealed. "Ohhhh,please put your big cock back in my cunt and fuck me, pleeeeeeease!"Her wanton request was all the incentive Mike needed.

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      "Don't worry, babydoll, I'm gonna fuck your brains out!", Mikegrunted. "You're gonna love this! I'm gonna give it to you all theway, hon! I'm gonna stretch your hot little cunt wide and fuck youlike you've never been fucked before!" (I know. . . I know! Get on withit, right?)    Throwing caution to the wind, Mike grabbed her by the waist andhunched forward, burying his raging prick the rest of the way intothe girl's incredibly tight young pussy with a single, solid thrustof his hips. Suzy gasped loudly and lifted her little ass. . her legsspread wide. . her eyes unfocused. . her moist lips parted.     "UUUUUUuuuuuuunnnnghhhh!", she moaned, as Mike's big prick slicedbetween her hairless pussy-lips and drove deep into her tight littlebelly.     He pushed hard, stopping only when the head of his cock hit thebottom of her hot little fuck-chute and mashed against her cervix. Suzy's breathing became increasingly laboured, and to Mike's utterdelight, she started wiggling her little ass up off the bed in adesperate attempt to skewer more of his prick inside her hot,squirming young sex.

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   She was absolutely fuckin' insatiable! Mikepulled out of the kid's tightly gripping hole almost completely, andthen threw his hips down hard, ramming his big cock to the ballsinside her eager, upthrust cuntslit.     "Yeah, you like that!", he gasped. "You like my big fat prick wayup there, don't you baby?"   "Unnngghh! Ohh, yeahhhhhhhhhh!", she moaned, almost incoherently. Mike lunged forwards again and again, fucking the cock-hungry littlethirteen-year-old with swift, furious strokes that shook her tinybody.     Suzy's eyes were glazed with passion as she grunted and writhedbeneath her adult lover. Her pubescent cunt was filled with ten longinches of hard, throbbing man-cock and the horny little kid wasenjoying every fuckin' moment of it!    Mike could feel her tight inner membranes adjusting quickly to thesize of his prick, spreading and stretching as he fucked her solidly. In no time at all, Suzy's snug little snatch had dilated far enoughto give Mike's huge cock enough room to move freely. Even so, hisprick was still getting a really tight squeeze. Her little insideswere clamped so tightly around him, Mike felt like a goddamnboa-constrictor had hold of his cock and was slowly strangling thefucking life out of it.     "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Goddddd!", he moaned. "I can't believe it!. . . Jesus, you're tight, baby!. .

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  . . Oooooh yeah, so very, very tight!"    Suzy made whimpering little animal noises as Mike stabbed hisprick repeatedly into her tiny cunt and swirled it about vigorously,pressing the bloated tip into every nook and cranny of the kid'swell-lubricated little crevice. Her shameless grunts and moans ofpleasure combined with the wet slap of her thighs on his own, excitedMike immensely. So much so, that his cock began to swell and throbwithin her, growing ever bigger as he plunged deeper and deeper intothe girl's tight, heaving belly.     "Ummmmm! Fuck me, Mike!", she breathed hotly. "Ohhhh, it feels sogood! Ummmm, I love fucking! Your cock feels so big and deep insideme. . . . I don't know if I can stand it!"    "You will, honey," he said, twisting her little pink nipples. "You'll stand it and want more. . . .

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   as much of my big, thick cock asyou can get!"    "Uuuuhhh, I know!", she moaned. "I already want more!"    "Okay, baby! Hang on!"    Mike grabbed Suzy's tight little ass and lifted it up off thebed, watching as his big prick sliced deeply into her soft, clingingcunt. The way her hairless, pink cuntlips sucked at his cock made himmoan and shudder with delight, as did the way her ripe little pussythrobbed and oozed around the thickness of his invading shaft. Suzybucked upwards, sliding her young pussy-slit onto his cock each timeMike lunged deeply into her. Her beautiful young features werecontorted into a mask of intense pubescent lust as she watched Mike'shuge prick slide into her pussy. It was an expression which becameher, making her look strangely mature, and all the more desirable. Her wide, brown eyes blazed as she watched his cock fucking herlittle cunt, her bright red cheeks burning with hot desire.     Suzy's sweet little ass churned and twisted, humping up to meetevery downward thrust of Mike's prick as the loud, wet sounds, anddelicious smells of hot fucking filled the room.     "Unnhhhhhgggghh! Unghh! Uhhh! Uhhh! Fuck me! Oooh, Fuck meeeee!"    Suzy raised her skinny legs high and wrapped them around Mike'swaist as she worked her hot little cunt into a frenzy around hisstabbing prick. She bucked like a young filly getting a taste of cockfor the first time, fucking hard, meeting his savage thrusts strokefor stroke. Mike grabbed her hot little asscheeks tightly with bothhands and literally rammed her hairless little cunt onto his ragingcock like a fuck-crazed bull.     "Ahhhhhhhh, baby, you're the best!", Mike groaned, feeling thegirl's bubbling insides grip his cock like a vice.     "Mmmmmmm, yes! Uuuhhh, fuck me hard!", she grunted, suddenlysnapping her hips upward, engulfing his prick with a quick, dartingmovement that caused her hotly aroused little pussy to nip and grabeven more at Mike's throbbing, jabbing fuck-pole. Suzy grabbed atMike's hunching body with her thighs, and locked her tiny heelstogether behind the cheeks of his ass, which she was grasping withpassion-strengthened fingers. Her young fingers dug deep into hisflesh as she pulled him further into her, still trying desperately tocram more cock into her creaming cunt.

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      "You've got it all, baby. . . every fuckin' inch!", grunted Mike,feeling his pubic bone mash against her hairless little mound. "Now,let's really fuck!"    He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under Suzy's squirming ass. Then, keeping his cock buried inside her cunt, Mike gripped herankles, lifted her skinny legs high and wide, and began fucking thelittle girl with long, deep, powerful strokes that soon had hersquealing loudly. He looked down at my pussy-encased prick. It was agorgeous sight. Suzy's juvenile genitals were gripping his turgid,pumping length like a vice. Her tiny, hairless cuntmound bulged withthe sheer size of his prick. Each time Mike pulled his cock out ofher, Suzy's little pink cuntlips stretched and clung wetly to thereceding shaft, only to be suddenly compressed and forced in again bythe penetrating thickness of his prick as he slammed it back into herreceptive little slot. Despite the incredible tightness, Suzy'syoung fuck-slit was very wet and slippery, enabling Mike's oversizedorgan to slide back and forth inside her eager little fuckhole withno difficulty whatsoever.     With each thrust, hot pussy-juice bubbled out from around the baseof Mike's cock and dribbled down between Suzy's wide-spread thighs,coating her smooth young ass with a slick film of shiny moisture. Mike had never fucked anything so tight and wet and hot in his wholelife. 'Jesus, this is what fucking was meant to feel like!', hethought as he jammed the youngster's willing cunt full of hot cock.

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  Even with her legs in the air and her ass nailed to the bed by Mike'spummeling cock, little Suzy was still squirming and jerking herskinny young hips around like her life depended on it.     "Oh, yeahhhhh, you gorgeous little bitch!", he growled. "Shakethose hips, honey! Come on, that's it! Yeahhhh, fuck that hot littlecunt up at me!"    At that stage, Suzy really didn't need to be told, but it excitedMike to treat her like the little whore she was. In his mind, she washis private little sex-slave, existing only for his total sexualpleasure. And at that moment. . . she was!    Mike began to fuck the kid hard, filling her slippery young snatchwith every inch of cock he had to offer. She writhed and whimperedbeneath him, squirming like a snake, her little eyes wide open. . . round and bright with lust as she watched his huge prick pumprhythmically in and out of her tender tingling little twat. The sightobviously excited Suzy because she couldn't take her eyes off theirtightly coupled genitals.     "Ooooooh, harder, Mike!", she pleaded. "Do it harder! It feels sogoooooood!"    "It sure does, baby! It sure fuckin' doesssss!", hissed Mike,fucking into Suzy's slippery little pussy like a sex-crazed animal.


    He jammed his huge, throbbing prick hard into her quiveringmound, giving the girl exactly what she wanted. . . more pressure onher vibrating little clit. It seemed to send spasms of pleasure upSuzy's spine each time Mike thrust into her. . . and with every deeplydelicious thrust she twisted up to meet him, trying to drive his cockever deeper into her tightly-stretched, thirteen-year-old twat.     She was a natural. Her pussy snapped at Mike's cock like atoothless mouth, giving the shaft a good squeeze with her little cuntmuscles each time she lifted her pelvis. A steady moaning soundissued from her softly parted lips and filled the room as Mike fuckedthe little girl hard, pounding her hot little ass into the bed with aseries of deep, powerful cock-thrusts. In addition to the slap of hisbelly against hers, Mike's fat prick made loud squelching noises inher cunt as he slammed in and out of her frothy little fuck-hole withall the strength and vigour of a rutting bull. Suzy began to buckher tiny hips up at him in wanton abandon.     "Ahhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh! Fuck, baby!", Mike panted. "That's what Iwant, honey.

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   Fuck me back! Unnnghh yes, sweetheart, fuck my cock,baby, fuck it!"    In no time at all, Suzy's hot little ass and the couch beneath itwere saturated with her warm seeping juices. She began to twist herhips and shimmy her ass, keeping perfect time with his deep, poundingthrusts. By now, the feeling was so good, Mike wanted to scream. Hefelt Suzy's hot little twat grip him like a fist, and when he pulledout of her, she followed with her hips, keeping the tip of his cocktightly gripped within the tender, sucking mouth of her little-girlcunt.     "Mmmmmmm! Oh, yes, just like that! Ooooooh yes, yessss! You'refucking me so gooooood!," moaned Suzy, as Mike stepped up the speedof his thrusts. In turn the wanton little kid pumped her hips up athim like a machine, fucking him right back.     Mike was thrilled and aroused beyond anything he had everexperienced before in his whole life. He wanted to stab his cockbrutally into the child's small, soft lipped, leaking little pussyand fuck her till he dropped. However at the moment, his cock feltlike it was going to explode inside her belly at any second. Her tinylittle cunt was hot as a furnace and super-tight, and the way sheflung herself up at his cock, made Mike's balls quiver and swell withimpending release.     But he didn't care, because the way Suzy was reacting to hisdeep, grinding thrusts, Mike knew she wasn't too far away fromcumming either. Only a few more long, hard jabs and they'd both bethere, fucking and cumming like rabbits!    Mike hunched low over Suzy's squirming young body and pumpedhard, feeling her hard little nipples skidding deliciously across hischest. Sure enough, within a few seconds her whole body stiffened,and Mike felt her tight little cunt-muscles contract around his cockas she came, shuddering in the throes of what was obviously a verypowerful orgasm. Her eyes flew open and so did her pretty littlemouth, inside which he could see her pink, glistening tongue coiledlike a snake. She tried to scream out her pleasure, but Mike leaneddown and covered her sensually parted lips with his own, tonguing hermouth furiously as her jerking young body took care of the fuckingfor both of them.

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   Mike had never experienced anything remotelyapproaching the ardour and abandon of little Suzy's climax. It waswonderful.     "OWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOH!", she howled. "OWWWWWOOOOOOOOO!" And then, ina wild rhythm to match her body's wanton but regular jerks andtwists. " OHHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHHHHHHH!OHHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCK! FUCK! OH, FUUUUUUUUUUCK!"    Suzy's dark brown eyes were unfocused and glazed over withpassion as she stared up at him. In that moment, she lookeddifferent. . . older. . . more beautiful, even though her pretty,childlike features were twisted into a mask of pure adolescent lust. Her mouth was open and little animal grunts of pleasure escaped heroval-shaped lips as Mike kept on fucking her, driving the very airfrom her lungs.     As Suzy squirmed out her orgasm beneath him, Mike felt his ownclimax approaching rapidly. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn'thold back any longer.

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   Suzy's hot, creamy little cunt was spasmingaround his cock so tightly, Mike couldn't bear the intense pleasureany longer.     With a lusty growl, Mike closed his eyes, grabbed the pantinglittle girl by the shoulders and began to fuck her hard, pounding hiscock so deep into her small pussy, that the tip was hitting the endof her vagina, banging and scraping repeatedly against her cervix. She moaned louder, either in pain or pleasure, he couldn't tell. Notthat it mattered to Mike right at that moment, because come hell orhigh water, he was going to shoot a his wad into Suzy's tight,quivering little-girl cunt. Nothing on earth could stop the massivetide of jism that would burst forth from his swollen, aching balls atany moment.     Another few thrusts and Mike was there, his body archinginvoluntarily, his hips thrusting forwards in mindless abandon,driving his spurting cock to the very depths of Suzy's seethinglittle cunthole.     "AWWWWWWWW! FUCK! AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!BABY, HERE IT COMES! TAKE IT  ALL, HONEY!UUNNGGGHHHHHHH! JESUS, I'M CUUUUUMMMMMMMING!OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", he screamed, bellowing out his wild orgasm like stud bull.     Mike shuddered and gasped, feeling his cock jerk inside Suzy'stight, clasping little cunt as thick wads of scalding jizz explodedfrom the end of his prick. His eyes were still tightly closed as hecrushed Suzy's tender young body beneath him, hammering his boilingload of come deep up inside the kid's belly, filling her eager littlecunt with urgent jerky thrusts. Even though she'd already come once,Suzy fucked Mike back. . . thrust for thrust. Her juice-slick littlepussy felt so deliciously tight around his cock. It was silk-lined,slippery and greedy, the tight satiny walls squeezing and tugging athis fuckmeat like a hot, hungry mouth.

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   In no time at all the hot,horny little thirteen-year-old was coming again, gurgling withdelight as she creamed all over his pistoning prick for the secondtime in less than two minutes. Mike couldn't believe it!    He pulled his long cock from her frothy young pussy with a loudslurp and sat between the girl's outstretched legs. His wife's hairypussy-lips invariably gaped open after a fuck, leaking jism andcunt-juice for a good couple of minutes afterwards, but Mike wasamazed to see Suzy's elastic little folds snap tightly closed rightaway, sealing their mingled juices inside her. She lay back watchinghim with a devilish grin on her flushed young features.     "I'm still hot! Do you wanna fuck me again?", murmured Suzyshamelessly.     "Jesus! You're an insatiable little fuck, aren't you!", smiledMike, running his fingers between the girl's gooey cuntlips.     Suzy arched her back and moaned, spreading her skinny legs wideas Mike dipped his middle finger into her tight, sperm-filled littlecunt. She was hot alright and if only he still had the recoverypowers of the sixteen-year-old boys Suzy was used to fucking, hewould have thrown her skinny little legs over his shoulders andfucked the piss out of her. But his cock needed a short rest, besidesMike had other delight's in mind first. He wanted to savour herdelicious little cunt again, now that it had been fucked and filledwith his cream.     Giving her a steamy look, Mike lowered his head between Suzy'sspread thighs and sniffed at her hairless snatch. It smelleddifferent now that he had fucked her. . . .

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   aromatic, feminine and ripe!He couldn't help himself. . he had to taste his own cum fresh from herjuicy young cunt.     Mike grabbed hold of Suzy's hard, upthrust tits, making theyoungster cry out with pleasure. His mouth was directly over hercunt, and Suzy knew exactly what he was planning. . . the horny littleslut she wanted it to!    "Lick my pussy, Mike!. . . Ooooohhh, fuck my cunt with your tongue!"    "God, Suzy!", moaned Mike, inhaling the sweet, fresh scent of hisniece's succulent little cunt. "You're all my fantasies come true,baby! Ooohhhh, such a sweet, smooth, soft little cunt!" With a moan,Mike spread her cuntlips with his thumbs and buried his face into thelittle girl's pussy, his mouth wide open, sucking at her wetcuntflesh like a starving man.     "Unnnnggghh! Yeahhh! Suck me!. . .

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   Ooohhh, Mike!  Jesus, that'snice!", gasped Suzy, as his tongue darted deeply into her tight, wetlittle slit.     Her smooth, tanned back was arched, pressing her juice-filled cuntfirmly onto his open mouth. Mike sucked Suzy's tender youngcuntflesh into his mouth and licked deep into her juicy hole, causingthe youngster's hips to twist and writhe in time with his delvingtongue. He used his tongue like a cock, fucking it in and out of thekid's clinging cunt, swirling it around her small clit, only to dipdown and lap hungrily at her leaking pussy juices once more.     "Oooh, lick it, lick it all up!. . Mmm, lover, suck my cunt! Suckme off. . suck my cunt off and make me come! I wanna come in yourmouth, Mike!"    Suzy grabbed the back of his head, pulling his face hard into herhairless crotch squeezing her hot young thighs against his cheeks. Mike gasped as his tongue wallowed in her wet, deliciously tightcunt. Their mingled juices tasted like honey on his tongue, and heslurped them up hungrily.     He clutched at the twisting cheeks of Suzy's hot little ass andslithered his tongue as deeply as possible into the youngster'squivering cunthole. The way her eager, adolescent pussy grabbed andsqueezed at his tongue was pure heaven!. At this rate, his cock wouldbe stiff in no time, and Mike couldn't wait to ram his cock back intoher tight, squirming little-girl cunt.     "Ooooooowww, Mike! I want your cock again!", moaned Suzy,pulling at him.

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   "I can't wait! I want you to fuck me now Mike. . . fuckme like you fuck your wife!"    Mike's cock was fully recovered, just aching for another bash ather tight, hot little pussy. Rolling over on his back, Mike hauledher supple young body on top of him. Suzy knelt astride his hips,positioning her drooling young cuntslit directly over his throbbingprick. She leaned forward, reaching down between her open thighs toplace the head of his cock into her tight little hole, rubbing itonce or twice through the juicy, pink flesh of her slit. As she didso, the youngster's conical tits brushed against his bare chest, herhard little nipples burning his flesh like twin firebrands. Mike'senormous prick twitched strongly in her tiny hand as Suzy attemptedto stuff the huge fleshy pole into her over-heated little pussy.     The large, purple cockhead slipped inside the youngster's cuntwith an audible 'plop', as Suzy lowered her pussy down onto Mike'sthrobbing erection.     "Ohhhh, that's fantastic!", whimpered Suzy, "Is my pussy stilltight on your cock Mike?. . . Ummm!. .

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  . I bet it's the hottest, tightestlittle cunt you've ever fucked, right?"    "Oh, yeah!", Mike groaned as he felt the teenager's tight, hotpussylips stretch and slide down over his thick prick.     His hands grasped and spread the cheeks of her firm little ass,pulling her cunt savagely onto his upthrust cock. Once the deliciouspenetration was complete, Suzy began to move her hips up and downwith increasing tempo. Mike was beside himself. "Fuck me, Suzy!Ahhhhh, baby, bounce that sweet little cunt up and down on mybig hairy cock!"    "I AM!", Suzy squealed, "Ohhhh, Jesus! Look at it going into me!My poor little pussy is so small and your cock is so biiiig!. . . Uhhhhhh! Uhhhh! Fuck me!" Suzy begin to fuck herself up and down onMike's hard, glistening cock in earnest.   The sight of his huge manly shaft slicing in and out of thegirl's tiny, hairless pubes, combined with the incredible tightnessof her pubescent cunt around his cock, soon had Mike close to asecond orgasm. He gripped Suzy's thrashing hips and fucked his prickdeeply into her pussy.     "Take it all, you hot sexy little fuck!", he shouted, "I'm cummingin your cunt again, baby!"  "Yes, yes, Mike!. . . It's so hot!.

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  . . I'm. . . ohhhh, fuck me, I'mcoming, Mike!"  Mike felt Suzy's cuntal contractions clasp his cock and archedhis back, gushing another load of cum deep up inside the kid'stightly gripping cunt. . . . Spurt after spurt of hot, thick spermfilled Suzy's bouncing little pussy as the young teenager came too,screaming out her ecstasy. The room was filled with loud satisfiedmoans as the two, illicit fuckers collapsed onto the bed in a tangledheap of naked, sweaty bodies. After they had time to catch theirbreaths, Mike looked over at his underage lover.   "I could get used to this, baby", he panted.   "Mmmmmm, so could I!", replied Suzy, snuggling her tiny nakedbody up against him.   "What about, Timmy and his friends?", asked Mike.

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    "Them? Shit, now that I know what a real man's cock feels like, Idon't need any schoolboy wieners any more. I've got this!", grinnedSuzy, squeezing Mike's semi-hard cock. Her little fingers didn'tmeet around it's circumference even when it was only half hard.   "Were gonna have to be careful, honey," said Mike. "And find away to meet without causing suspicion. "  Suzy's young brow wrinkled as she though about the problem. Thenher eyes lit up.   "I know! I'll tell my Mom that you are gonna pick me and Timmy upfrom school every afternoon. That way you can drop Timmy off and sayyou're taking me home. I know a neat place to park where we can fuckevery afternoon!"  "You've got all this planned out haven't you, you horny littlenympho!", grinned Mike, slipping a finger into Suzy's hot,well-lubricated young cunt.   "Sure! I'm not gonna miss out on getting my daily dose of thisfucker for anything", giggled the girl, jerking her little fist upand down on Mike's sticky cock for emphasis.   "Mmmmmm! Keep that up any you might just get another dose soonerthan you expected little girl!" grinned Mike.   "Ooooooooo, promises, promises!", giggled Suzy, her eyes ablazewith renewed passion.   Mike rolled the girl onto her stomach and pulled her tiny ass upuntil Suzy was on all fours, his huge cock throbbing between herskinny thighs. Fitting the head between the slippery lips of herinsatiable young cunt, he pressed forward, burying his entire lengthinside her, feeling the now familiar tight, wet heat engulf hisrampant prick.


   They fucked for three solid hours that first day,stopping only until Suzy could get his cock hard again, and she wasVERY good at that!    By the time his wife and son were due home, Mike was completelyexhausted. He'd fucked the young girl in every possible position inevery possible orifice, but despite innumerable orgasms, Suzy wasstill as fresh as a daisy! In the end, Mike had to insist she leavebefore his wife returned and caught them at it.     After she'd left, Mike looked down at his poor shriveled prick andbegan to have second thoughts about their planned affair. His son hadbeen right, sweet, innocent-looking little Suzy was a fuckingnymphomaniac! He didn't know how he was going to keep up with her. Then suddenly a picture of his big, fat prick stretching Suzy'ssweet little thirteen-year-old fuckhole popped into his torturedbrain and his loins began to stir. `Yep!' he thought, rubbing hiscock and taking a big swig of rum and coke, `I think I can live withthat'. . .





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