WWII left britain in austerity, rationing included clothes,the poor lived by their wits. This was very much in evidence in our main cities that were almost all large sea ports. Kids like me grew up fast,streetwise and crafty. The girls in the docklands knew all about earning money and the boys knew all about what they done to get it. Also it was the hayday of picture houses [Cinemas]
So here we go. . . I'd recently moved here and gained a friend with one of these fly sisters. I quickly realised that as he told me, their family business was the supplying of sex. [I'll mention before continuing that 50p or ten shillings at thistime was about a fifth of a weeks pay]
This sister was a couple of years older than myself and she spent a lot of time mucking about in an old ferry now superseded with a motorised boat. We,quite a few in number would rock the thing from side to side tring to get the river to come over the side and swamp it. She was all part of this and it aroused my interest in sex because as she helped rock, her tits swung and bounced about under her cotton top without any bra on.
I'm sure unbeknown to me this was all part of her schemingly cunning plan. About this time I'd found I could shoot cum for the first time and wanked at every opportunity. Added to this, she,Violet, responded to a real hunk of a bloke that appeared on the ferry platform. [No ferrymen were working in the evening or night]
Not a word was said,she just stepped ashore,walked into the small shed as we carried on taking no notice af them.
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- Amazing, in no more than ten minutes,she reappeared and the hunk just buggered off. I realised I had a freind as she coaxed me off this old boat and getting me aside from the others she opened herhand and there in was a ten shilling note.
I had no idea what she'd done, but that was a lot of filthy luker [money] for ten minutes. So that's the background,now for what followed. Oh just one other point, - because of poverty and clothes rationing, us kids wore short trousers,even into teens. Most of us anyway,unlike the poncy shits up the hill. Now that was a bit of a draw back when we tried to get into the local 'flea pit' [Cinema] if there was an adult rated feature on. So it didn't happen!
We all knew our particular 'flea pit' showed some, risque french films. I didn't know about the more questionable types that frequented there on these occasions. So. . . I'd noticed Violet hadn't been around much,in fact not at all of late. Then quite by chance I bumped into her. "Hey Vi' where the hell have you got to lately?" - "Got a job at our flea pit, - good it is, its got a perk [scam] as well.
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You aught to come on down, you'll have to buy the ticket mind,you'll like it. Lots of titties and stuff" - "Vi' getreal, how can I get in, I look like a kid,younger than Iam, and there's no wayI could use my long trousers in the week and they're shut on sunday's"
"All the better,the shorties. Listen, Ask for the ticket,if Edna looks out at your trousers - SHE WILL! - just say Violet! that's all" - I believe you, but short trousers?" - "Trust me, mind I better tell you,when I get to you as the usher, go exactly where I shine the torch, there's never many in there anyway, but you'll get the rest later if or rather when you got your ticket. Don't tell my brother or he'll pester me for money" - I wanted to ask what money? but had already leaned that you'll get told anything you need to know, so don't be too inquisitive.
"Oh! afternoons is best, the workers aren't around to go a pictures in the afternoons" - So that was it, I begged the money for a ticket and arrived a day later at the ticket office. A bloke in a suit was with Edna,so I guessed it was the manager/owner? so waited till he'd pissed off. In I went and asked for my ticket, - Sure enough Edna looked over her glasses at my lower body. - Violet I stammered. "Oh! one of hers are you? go on then make it quick before the gorgon see's you!" [I found out from Vi' the Gorgon nick name was because he only had one real eye!]
Vi' picked me up at the top of the foyer steps and torched me into the complete darkness. Shining the torch at a seat well along the aisle against the wall at one side, she followed me along and as wesat she whispered, - "In a bit, I'll point a bloke towards this seat, we'll share after when I finish work" - "Share? Share what!" - "The money you dope!" - She ruffled my hairand was gone as some new customers showed thro' the doors.
I was apprehensive as to what Iwas getting into, but the lure of sharing the dosh [Money] had its appeal. another bloke which Violet ledtoo the opposite side then she went outside and almost immediately came in again with another bloke. The torch shot my way like a white arrow. Fuck here goes, what have I let myself in for? I realised now just how green and innocent I really was. What the fuck am I supposed to do? What had she said.
. . Be quiet and say nothing!
Relax, he's sat one seat away - false alarm - The coat he's taken off is now placed between me andhim on my adjacent seat. Phew! What a relief. The lights came up and I realised this was just before the A feature. Adverts then the lights faded and the subtitles appeared and changed far quicker than icould read them. Hey up! Black stockings, suspenders,frilly panties then? Shit it her top, Oh! Oh! out or rather off comes the bra and out pop the supersized pair of nipples that my cockhad ever stiffened too.
I froze, not because of thenipples but because inmy enthrolled excitement, I hadn'trealised the blokehad moved next to me and his coatwas onhis lap. More to the point, his hand was on my leg below the bottom of my short trousers. I watched the titties,but the hand had my full attention as it just smoothed my thigh, admittedly it was raising the material slightly higher up mythigh,but it continued to smooth me. Having never had underpants, I knew my stiffywas not facing down wards but up mybelly, so what else couldhappen I thought.
I found out quite quickly, his hand slid up the inside of my thigh and in no time I could feel him searching for my balls. A finger reached and tried to hook my sac, The touch was like electric, mythighs opened almost as tho' I had no control over my muscles. The finger hooked again and this time he managed to hook a ball, My immediate reaction was to lift slightly tomake sure he didn't pull and give my ball string great pain. that small lifting action was all heneeded, he hadhis hand under my ass cheek as i came down anditindicated for me to slide forward donw the seat a bit.
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My trousers loosened allowedhim now to start playing with my balls and no matter if I didn't want it, my cock went to a throbbing hardness I'd never experienced before. He was obviouly engrossed with excitement now as he turned in towards me and felt for a belt. [No belt only braces] but I said nothing as Violet had told me. - The hand leftmy bollocks and in moments the buttons of my fly were spread open a further click to the clasp and my belly was naked as he pulled my shirt up outof gettingin the way of his hand groping for my hard young cock.
In thedim light I watched my penisbeingpulled between his palm and it happened, he started towank me, slowly and quietly. I glancedat the screen and she was all butshowing her cunt hairs as a bloke on screen was trying to what would now be [Dick dancing] I found my secret friend knew all about wanking as he slowly peeled my rathe tight foresking all the way down the shaft only to equally slowly slid it back completely over the helmet.
How I don't know, buthe must have known how near my cock was to coming, because not only did he speed up the wankingaction, but he pulled my cock straight out and down towards the foor just as suddenly Vi' was there with her torch [flashlight] and low down flashed it onjust as he made me spurt my cum down between my legs onto the floor.
The torch was extinquished as suddenly as it had been lit. This bloke squeezed the residue out of me and sucked what was on his fingers off.
As bold as brass, he done my trousers back up and sat as tho' nothing had happened. My legs was still shaking from my orgasm, but I found having my cock pulled a most pleasant experience. So good in fact thatI put my hand over and under his coat intending to do similar to him. he did let meopen his fly, but the cum inside told me all. -"Too late!" was all he said. Five minuteslater he was gone!
Nothing happened for a while then Violet was there alongside me again.
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- "A bonus if you want it, could you go again? one of my regulars has come in and he likes what you just had,but he's a better trick, you'll have to recipricate on him after you've cum. I'll bring him after the reel starts the new show. . . Good payer and all!" - "My cock'll be wet!" - "Wipe it with your pocket then!" I did and was ready to go. . .
She went well down the hall and brought a customer that was already in up to sit next to me. I got a similar wanking, I didn't take all that much longer either to my new found sexual pleasure. But as he felt me being about to cum he cupped one hand and instead of shooting my cum all to the floor he caught almost all of it in his hand. - "Like that I want,then this!" - He put my cum to his lips and sucked it in like sucking thro' a straw.
He sat back and waited, I felt and found his fly was already undone,but his prick was flacid. I hoped i'd get him hard ok, this after all was my first! I needn't have worried, the moment my young hand gripped his cock he gently started dry fucking it. I was,what shall I say? shocked at how quickly and how hard he got, even more shocked as in seconds later he pulled my other hand over to catch his cum. My hand wasn't small but there was no chamce of holding all that poured out of him, it went over,thro' and down my wrist as pulse after pulse poured out until with a last thrust he just let his cock rest amongst all of his goo.
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I sucked and licked most that I could but it was clear he had some on and inside his trousers. His cock was drooling the stuff that it had lain in,but he pulled two fucking large handkerchiefs. "Here. Use this!" - I wiped his spunk off and pocketed the handkerchief. - Whispered now. - "Hey kid, I ain't cum that much in years. Do you do asshole stuff?" - Totally out my depth, I whispered back - "Speak to her,she does the business stuff!"
Violet was as good as her word. On meeting she passed me a full weeks money for a skilled man's wage. - "Think of it being your skill! - Oh the second punter asked if you do ass work" - "I know what you mean! Do I?" - "We'll find out, then if you do, I'll let him know! Fuck if we go into business on our own,between us we can clean up and you get all the free pussy from me you want" - That was when I had my first fuck, it was with Vi' in the ferry hut, but now its in bed and anywhere else we fancy. - You see,now she's my wife!I joined their trade!
WWII left britain in austerity, rationing included clothes,the poor lived by their wits. This was very much in evidence in our main cities that were almost all large sea ports. Kids like me grew up fast,streetwise and crafty. The girls in the docklands knew all about earning money and the boys knew all about what they done to get it. Also it was the hayday of picture houses [Cinemas]
So here we go. .
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. I'd recently moved here and gained a friend with one of these fly sisters. I quickly realised that as he told me, their family business was the supplying of sex. [I'll mention before continuing that 50p or ten shillings at this time was about a fifth of a weeks pay, in todays terms]
This sister was a couple of years older than myself and she spent a lot of time mucking about in an old ferry now superseded with a motorised boat. We,quite a few in number would rock the thing from side to side trying to get the river to come over the side and swamp it. She was all part of this and it aroused my interest in sex because as she helped rock, her tits swung and bounced about under her cotton top clearly without any bra on.
I'm sure unbeknown to me this was all part of her schemingly cunning plan. About this time I'd found I could shoot cum for the first time and wanked at every opportunity. Added to this, she,Violet, responded to a real hunk of a bloke that appeared on the ferry platform one day. [No ferrymen were working in the evening or night]
Not a word was said,she just stepped ashore,walked into the small shed as we carried on taking no notice af them. - Amazing, in no more than ten minutes,she reappeared and the hunk just buggered off. I realised I had a friend as she coaxed me off this old boat and getting me aside from the others she opened her hand and there in was a ten shilling note.
I had no idea what she'd done, but that was a lot of filthy luker [money] for ten minutes. So that's the background,now for what followed. Oh just one other point, - because of poverty and clothes rationing, us kids wore short trousers,even into teens.
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Most of us anyway,unlike the poncy shits up the hill. Now that was a bit of a draw back when we tried to get into the local 'flea pit' [Cinema] if there was an adult rated feature on. So it didn't happen very often, unless a fire escape door had been left ajar!
We all knew our particular 'flea pit' showed some, risque french films. I didn't know about the more questionable types that frequented there on these occasions. So. . . I'd noticed Violet hadn't been around much,in fact not at all of late. Then quite by chance I bumped into her. "Hey Vi' where the hell have you got to lately?" - "Got a job at our flea pit, - good it is, its got a perk [scam] as well. You aught to come on down, you'll have to buy the ticket mind,you'll like it. Lots of titties and stuff" - "Vi' get real, how can I get in, I look like a kid, even younger than I really am, and there's no way I could use my long trousers in the week and they're [the pit] shut on Sunday's"
"All the better,the shorties. Listen, ask for the ticket,if Edna looks out at your trousers - SHE WILL! - just say Violet! that's all" - I believe you, but short trousers?" - "Trust me, mind I better tell you,when I get to you as the usher, go exactly where I shine the torch, there's never many in there anyway, but you'll get the rest later if or rather when you got your ticket.
Don't tell my brother or he'll pester me for money" - I wanted to ask what money? but had already leaned that you'll get told anything you need to know, so don't be too inquisitive.
"Oh! afternoons is best, the workers aren't around to go to pictures in the afternoons" - So that was it, I begged the money for a ticket and arrived a day later at the ticket office.
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A bloke in a suit was with Edna,so I guessed it was the manager/owner? so waited till he'd pissed off. In I went and asked for my ticket, - Sure enough Edna looked over her glasses at my lower body. - Violet I stammered. "Oh! one of hers are you? go on then make it quick before the gorgon see's you!" [I found out from Vi' the Gorgon nickname was because he only had one real eye!]
Vi' picked me up at the top of the foyer steps and torched me into the complete darkness. Shining the torch at a seat well along the aisle against the wall at one side, she followed me along and as we sat she whispered, - "In a bit, I'll point a bloke towards this seat, we'll share after when I finish work" - "Share? Share what!" - "The money you dope!" - She ruffled my hair and was gone as some new customers showed thro' the doors.
I was apprehensive as to what I was getting into, but the lure of sharing the dosh [Money] had its appeal. Another bloke which Violet ledtoo the opposite side then she went outside and almost immediately came in again with another bloke. The torch shot my way like a white arrow. Fuck here goes, what have I let myself in for? I realised now just how green and innocent I really was. What the fuck am I supposed to do? What had she said. . . Be quiet and say nothing!
Relax, he's sat one seat away - false alarm - The coat he's taken off is now placed between me and him on my adjacent seat. Phew! What a relief. The lights came up and I realised this was just before the 'A' feature.
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Adverts then the lights faded and the subtitles appeared and changed far quicker than I could read them. Hey up! Black stockings, suspenders,frilly panties then? Shit its her top, Oh! Oh! out or rather off comes the bra and out pop this supersized pair of nipples that my cock had ever stiffened too.
I froze, not because of the nipples but because in my enthrolled excitement, I hadn't realised the bloke had moved next to me and his coat was on his lap. More to the point, his hand was on my leg below the bottom of my short trousers. I watched the titties,but the hand had my full attention as it just smoothed my thigh, admittedly it was raising the material slightly higher up my thigh,but it continued to smooth me. Having never had underpants, I knew my stiffy was not facing downwards but up my belly, so what else could happen I thought.
I found out quite quickly, his hand slid up the inside of my thigh and in no time I could feel him searching for my balls. A finger reached and tried to hook my sac, The touch was like electric, my thighs opened almost as tho' I had no control over my muscles. The finger hooked again and this time he managed to hook a ball, My immediate reaction was to lift slightly to make sure he didn't pull and give my ball string great pain. That small lifting action was all he needed, he had his hand under my ass cheek as I came down and it indicated for me to slide forward down the seat a bit.
My trousers loosened allowing him now to start playing with my balls and no matter if I didn't want it, my cock went to a throbbing hardness I'd never experienced before. He was obviouly engrossed with excitement now as he turned in towards me and felt for a belt. [No belt only braces] but I said nothing as Violet had told me. - The hand left my bollocks and in moments the buttons of my fly were spread open a further click to the clasp and my belly was naked as he pulled my shirt up out of getting in the way of his hand groping for my hard young cock.
In the dim light I watched my hard penis being pulled between his fist and then it happened.
He started to wank me, slowly and quietly. I glanced at the screen and she was all but showing her cunt hairs as a bloke on screen was trying to what would now be [Dick dancing] I found my secret friend knew all about wanking as he slowly peeled my rather tight foreskin all the way down the shaft only to equally slowly slid it back completely over the helmet.
How I don't know, but he must have known how near my cock was to coming, because not only did he speed up the wanking action, but he pulled my cock straight out and down towards the floor just as suddenly Vi' was there with her torch [flashlight] and low down flashed it on [highlighting my knob] just as he made me spurt my cum down between my legs onto the floor. The torch was extinquished as suddenly as it had been lit. This bloke squeezed the residue out of me and sucked what was on his fingers off.
As bold as brass, he done my trousers back up and sat as tho' nothing had happened. My legs were still shaking from my orgasm, but I found having my cock pulled a most pleasant experience. So good in fact that I put my hand over and under his coat intending to do a similar thing to him. He did let me open his fly, but the cum inside told me all. -"Too late!" was all he said. Five minutes later he was up and gone!
Nothing happened for a while then Violet was there alongside me again. - "A bonus if you want it, could you go again? one of my regulars has come in and he likes what you just had, but he's a better trick, you'll have to recipricate on him after you've cum. I'll bring him after the reel starts for the new show. . .
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Good payer and all!" - "My cock'll be wet!" - "Wipe it with your pocket then!" I did and was ready to go. . .
She went well down the hall and brought a customer that was already in up to sit next to me. I got a similar wanking, I didn't take all that much longer to cum either to my exciting new found sexual pleasure. But as he felt me being about to cum he cupped one hand and instead of shooting my cum all to the floor he caught almost all of it in his cupped palm. - "Like that, I want,then this!" - He put my cum to his lips and sucked it in like sucking thro' a straw.
He sat back and waited, I felt and found his fly. It was already undone,but his prick was flacid. I hoped I'd get him hard ok, this after all was my first! I needn't have worried, the moment my young hand gripped his cock he gently started dry fucking it. I was,what shall I say? shocked at how quickly and how hard he got, even more shocked as in seconds later he pulled my other hand over to catch his cum. My hand wasn't small but there was no chance of catching all that was pouring out of him, it went over,thro' and down my wrist as pulse after pulse gushed out until with a last thrust he just let his cock rest amongst all of his goo.
I sucked and licked most that I could but it was clear he had some on and inside his trousers. His cock was drooling the stuff that it had lain in,but he pulled two fucking large handkerchiefs. "Here.
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Use this!" - I wiped his spunk off and pocketed the handkerchief. - Whispered now. - "Hey kid, I ain't cum that much in years. Do you do asshole stuff?" - Totally out my depth, I whispered back - "Speak to her,she does the business stuff!"
Violet was as good as her word. On meeting later,she passed me a full weeks money equalling about a skilled man's wage. - "Think of it being your skill! - Oh the second punter asked if you do ass work" - "I know what you mean! Do I?" - "We'll find out, - then if you do, I'll let him know!" - "Fuck if we go into business on our own,between us we can clean up and you get all the free pussy from me you want" - That was when I had my first fuck, it was with Vi' in the ferry hut, but now its in bed and anywhere else we fancy. - You see,now she's my wife!I joined their trade!.