
Mother With The Hots Part 3


Chapter 5

When Sally returned, both Marilyn and Donny were dressed.
As had been his habit during the hotter days, Donny wore his shorts. Marilyn liked that, because there was always the possibility the head ofhis cock would sneak into view. She had selected a wrap-around skirt andcotton blouse. She felt deliciously naked under it, having deliberatelyleft her panties and bra off. The flap of her skirt opened as shewalked, revealing her smooth, long thighs.
Sally had not changed from her skin-tight swimsuit, and it seemed toalways be pulled into the crack of her sweet-looking ass.
Donny's eyes were hot as he looked at the lovely little blonde, andMarilyn knew how much he wanted to fuck the girl. She felt his desirebecause she too was drawn toward the succulent sweetness. She felt nojealousy because Donny stared almost embarrassingly at Sally, in factshe was amused by his infatuation. Being somewhat wiser than her son,she knew that since Sally had shown her body to him it only required abit more time before Sally would be fucking her son and quite wildly.
Despite her fresh, beautiful, innocent looks, Sally had eyes thatsmoldered with eager readiness to fuck. Her eyes flirted not only withDonny, but with Marilyn too. But that came as no surprise to Marilyn,not from what she had heard about Sally and Donny. A girl that age, withher juices boiling, was ready to enjoy either boy or girl.
"Why don't you come with us, Marilyn?" Sally said.

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The use of her first name did not bother Marilyn. She did not look upontheir age difference in that way. The girl was simply a very friendlyperson and, as Marilyn was discovering, bold as hell. Sally's obvioussexuality seemed to glow about her like a heat wave. She could act in noother way.
"If you don't mind an old woman like me, I'd be happy to go, Sally. "Marilyn replied.
"I don't think you're old. " Sally murmured, her hot blue eyes movingover Marilyn's swelling tits. "You're younger than my mother, and you'reso much more beautiful!"
"Why, thank you, darling. " Marilyn was pleased with the compliment. "You're very beautiful yourself. "
"I know. " Sally sighed, not at all concerned. "Everyone tells me that.

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  Sometimes I get so mad I could spit!"
"But you should be proud, Sally. " Marilyn said.
"Oh, I guess I am proud of my looks, but it sure can cause problems attimes. "
"Oh? What kind of problems?" Marilyn wanted to know.
"Boys. " Sally said simply.
"How are they a problem?"
"They think I'm fragile. " Sally replied. "I heard one tell another boythat I was too pretty to touch. "
"Oh, I see. " Marilyn murmured.
Boys and some men are absolute idiots, Marilyn knew. They thoughtbecause a girl or woman was unusually lovely, they were untouchable,when in reality they were quite eager to be approached. They placed theutmost virtue upon a beautiful girl and set them on a pedestal--to lookat and yearn for, yet afraid the girl would shatter if touched. Theyfelt if a girl of such stunning beauty were ever penetrated by a hardcock it would soil her forever.

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"But Donny isn't one of those boys, is he?" Marilyn asked.
"Gosh, no!" Sally giggled. "Donny is different. He knows me. "
"He does, does he?" Marilyn smiled, amused.
With clear eyes, Sally gazed at Marilyn.
"Yes. " she said in a simple sound.
"Hmmm. " Marilyn murmured. "Well, if we're going riding, let's go. "
As they rode slowly about the trails in the pines, Marilyn watched thatsmall ass move on the seat just ahead of her. The long, golden hairflowed about Sally's pretty face. The suit was working deeper into thecrack of Sally's succulent ass cheeks, showing more and more white assflesh. Donny too, was watching this as he rode slightly behind Sally.

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  Marilyn's wrap-around skirt parted as she pedaled, showing her longthighs to her hip. Her tits jiggled in a tight way, her nipplesprotruding against the thin cotton blouse.
Half an hour later, they paused to take in the scenery. Leaning thebikes against a tree, Marilyn watched Sally boldly take Donny's hand andstand close as they looked out over a small valley. The cheeks ofSally's ass were fully exposed now, the flesh teasingly white againstthe tan of her long legs. Marilyn licked her lips as she stared hotly atSally's small, sweetly revealed ass.
She moved behind the young couple and shoved a finger under the girl'sswimsuit, pulling it from the crack of Sally's ass. The contact of herfinger upon that sugary flesh sent a rippling heat through her. She didthe same to the other side of Sally's swimsuit, and Sally turned herhead over her shoulder and smiled up at Marilyn.
"Thank you. " she said, her young voice so low Marilyn almost didn't hearher.
But what she did hear was a small mewl from Sally, and the girl subtlywiggled her ass before Marilyn withdrew her hand. Marilyn knew themovement had been deliberate, and she smiled as she stood behind her sonand this unusual girl.
She saw they were holding hands tightly, but Sally was pressing the backof Donny's hand against her bare hip. After a few moments, they turned,faced each other and sat on the soft, green grass.

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   Sally spread her legsout wide and leaned back on her hands, while Marilyn and Donny crossedtheir legs before them. Marilyn glanced between Sally's thighs and sawthe slight bulge of her cunt. Donny peeked too.
Marilyn turned her eyes to her son's crotch and saw he was getting ahard-on. For a moment, she debated whether or not she should simplyreach out and stroke his cock and let Sally see what was between them. But she changed her mind. She had to be absolutely certain of Sallyfirst. The impression she had of Sally was very strong, but she had tobe sure.
Sally sprawled onto her back, her legs still spread wide. She crossedher hands over her small stomach, gazing into the sky. The small titsseemed to protrude deliciously against the tightness of her swimsuit. Both Marilyn and her son could see Sally's crotch now. The swimsuitmolded and outlined the slightly puffy cunt, the lips clear. Glancing ather son, Marilyn saw his cock was straining hard inside his shorts.
With a sigh, Sally sat up again.


   Marilyn saw those blue eyes move toDonny's crotch and a tiny smile came over the girl's lips. She had seenthe bulging of Donny's prick, and Marilyn was amused at the little girl. She was teasing deliberately, without shame or guilt, not seeming tocare that Marilyn knew it.
"Well, we better start back. " Marilyn said, getting to her feet. Shebrushed at the back of her wrap-around skirt. The flap parted and a longthigh was exposed. She saw Sally looking at it, and she brushed a bitharder. Dark cunt hair was briefly exposed and Marilyn saw the hot glintin Sally's eyes.
Marilyn walked to her bicycle, then glanced over her shoulder. Sally wasquickly kissing Donny, and Marilyn noticed a small, eager hand brushover the hardness of his shorts. With a giggle, Sally retrieved herbicycle and climbed on.
When they arrived at the house, Sally waved good bye and, her cute assin motion, rode off.
"Well, she's really something, isn't she, Donny?"
"I wanna fuck her, Mom. " he said, his cock still hard in his shorts.

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   "Igotta fuck her! She's gonna make me come in my fucking pants one ofthese days!"
"Oh, she'll fuck, honey. " Marilyn said. "She most definitely will fuck. "
"How do you know?"
"I know girls. " Marilyn said. "And I think I know Sally better thanothers. Don't worry Donny . . . you'll have your hard cock up her tight,little cunt. And son, I think. " She pulled the flat of the wrap-aroundskirt aside, showing her son her cunt. "In the meantime . . .

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Donny shoved his cock from the leg of his shorts, the head quiteswollen, dripping from his piss hole. Marilyn took her son's cock in herfist and began to pump it. Donny moved a hand between his mother'sthighs, feeling her hairy cunt, finding it very wet. Marilyn pulled ather blouse, not caring that buttons pulled off. Her tits, swelling outwith hard nipples, were quickly grasped by her son's free hand andsucking mouth. His cock throbbed in her fist as she stroked it andMarilyn shoved her cunt forward, rubbing the dripping head into hersoft, thick, pussy curls.
"Mmmm, you're so hard, Donny!" Marilyn murmured thickly. "Sallyshouldn't tease you so much . . . not unless she's going to do somethingabout it. "
She pulled her son's cock between her hot thighs, pressing it againstthe twitching lips of her pussy. She pumped her hips back and forth,fucking with her thighs as he sucked hungrily on her tits, going fromone nipple to the other.
"And she's going to do something about it soon, darling. Trust mother, Iknow.

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They were in the living room, the sliding glass doors open. The sun,high over head, streamed into the room. Marilyn moved her skirt wide andsat on the heavy coffee table, spreading her legs, inching her cunt tothe edge.
"What you see is what you get, darling. " she whispered throatily. "Comehere and fuck mother. We've got to take care of that lovely hard-on,don't we?"
Eagerly, Donny shoved his shorts down to his knees, then he was on thembetween his mother's thighs. She sighed as the round head of her son'scock parted her sensitive, glistening cunt lips. She closed her hotthighs against him as he moved his cock deeper, going slow and holdinghis breath, his gaze down between their bodies. The thick curls of hismother's cunt almost surrounded his cock, but he could see the pink lipsclasping his prick. Holding his mother's thighs, he held his prick deepinside the wet heat of her pussy, his cock throbbing with pleasure.
"Oooo, if feels so good, Donny. " she bubbled hotly, scissoring herthighs about his hips. "I can feel your balls against my ass . .

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  . feelyour cock throbbing against my cunt lips. But don't hold still, baby. Fuck me!"
Breathing heavily, Donny started thrusting his cock back and forth. Marilyn threw her head back, eyes closed, her lips parted. She wassmiling with ecstasy as Donny plunged his cock in and out. Her cunt wasgripping his prick with flexing tightness, sucking on it as he fuckedher.
With hot, almost glazed eyes, Donny watched his cock penetrating hismother's fantastically hot, wet cunt. He was forever amazed by thefeeling. His mother's cunt had to be the tightest, the hottest, thewettest, the hairiest pussy in the whole world!
"You're really hot, Mother," he gurgled, digging into her revolvinghips. "Your cunt is wet and hot!"
"Always. " she sobbed with pleasure. "My cunt is always wet and hot,darling! Oooo, fuck it for me! I love the way your hard cock fills mypussy, Donny!"
Donny's cock went in and out of his mother's gripping cunt and hecouldn't take his eyes from it. Marilyn's hips began to jerk up and downand he held himself still. He yelped with delight as she fucked him, herhips jerking quickly now as her cunt rode back and forth on histhrobbing cock.


   The hot tightness moved back and forth and the squeezingsensations sent his mind reeling.
Marilyn grunted as she banged her cunt back and forth, fucking her son'scock in a frenzy. She opened her eyes and stared at his face. She couldsee he was intensely excited by watching her cunt on his cock, and soshe increased her movements. Each bang onto his cock sent a liquid soundof erotic ecstasy about the room. The slaps of her cunt against the baseof his prick increased the pleasure for them both.
Marilyn was leaning back on the coffee table, her head hanging over theother side. Her hair dragged along the carpet as she whipped her crotchup and down her son's cock. She grunted and moaned with mindlesspleasure. She knew her son was excited to watch her cunt fucking him,and did not call out for him to fuck her back. She plunged her cunt upand down, the muscles of her stomach rippling. She grunted softly witheach upward lunge.
"Uh . . .

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   uh . . . uh!"
Soft waves of orgasm were flowing through her, growing with power. Asthe excruciating ecstasy climbed, Marilyn fucked her son faster andharder, her ass almost flying up and down, the lips of her cunt suckingpowerfully. She was not longer grunting as she slammed her cunt onto hiscock, but squealing with ecstasy. It seemed as if her son's cock wentdeeper than ever, and his prick seemed thicker, stretching her sensitivecunt lips wider and more sweetly.
As her orgasms grew hotter, exploding with greater strength, she stillfelt her son's cock jerking about inside her steamy cunt. She was surethe head of his prick had become the size of a baseball just before hecame.
The spurting splashes of his precious come juices flooded her cunt,sending Marilyn into a shattering, final orgasm. The lips of her pussyclutched Donny's cock hard, relaxed, then grabbed hard again. Herclitoris had become almost painfully knotted. A scream started deep inher throat and then it broke out loud. She gyrated her hot ass infurious pleasure as her son discharged his thick come juice into hergreedy pussy.
For a while she couldn't move.

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   She had no strength to lift up. She laythere on the coffee table, her head dangling on one side, her legs theother. She felt her son moving his hands about the creamy, innersurfaces of her thighs and she trembled with lingering ecstasy.
She finally felt the strength to lift her head, but then she let it fallback as her son began to lick along her hot, sensitive thighs. Shemewled with pleasure as his wet tongue moved up and down, going from onethigh to the other. She squirmed her crotch as his tongue snaked alongher thigh, then she felt it dip down and lick at the crease of her asscheeks where they met her legs. She whimpered when he dragged his tonguealong the teasing crack of her ass and over the still twitching lips ofher cunt.
She anticipated more of his tongue, found herself wanting it lapping ather clitoris. But Donny drew away, slapping his mother playfully on herhip.
"Let's use the hot tub, Mom. " he said, stepping out of his shorts.
She lifted her head and watched his naked ass bunch as he walked out thesliding glass doors. She smiled, thinking he was learning a great dealvery quickly.
With her legs still a bit weak from the power of her many orgasms, shestepped out onto the redwood patio. Donny was already in the hot tub,his arms and head resting on the decking, eyes closed.

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He opened them when he heard his mother and watched as she removed herblouse, then her wrap-around skirt. Marilyn stepped into the tub next tohim. In an almost automatic gesture she moved her hand to his cock andballs; taking them both into her hand and caressing them, squeezinggently as they soaked up the soothing hot water.
"I wish Sally would come back. " Donny said.
Marilyn leaned over and kissed his cheek, then ran the tip of her tongueinto his ear, "But you just had a good fuck, darling," she teased. "Doyou think you can handle another pussy right now?"
"I sure could, Mom. " he grinned lazily.
Sure enough, his cock was starting to become hard in her hand. Shestroked it with her fist, bringing her other hand down to caress hisprecious balls. She was delighted that he became hard so quickly.
"You can always fuck me, you know. " she whispered.
"I know that, Mom. " he replied.

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   "But I sure would like to see what it'slike to fuck Sally. "
"Don't be so anxious, honey. " she murmured, pumping on his cock. "Youwill. It won't be much longer and you'll have this in her cunt, Ipromise you. "
"I sure hope so. "
"But in the meantime," she squeezed his cock, "mother will take care ofit. Here, sit up on the deck. "
"What are you gonna do?" he asked, lifting up.
"You'll see. " she smiled as he sat on the deck.
She moved his knees apart, turning and getting on her knees to face him. She gazed at his crotch, seeing those precious balls dangling and theupthrust of his beautiful, young cock. Donny leaned back, enjoying hismother's hands on his cock and balls.
Shoving her head between his thighs, Marilyn nuzzled into her son'sballs, one hand stroking up and down his cock.

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   She snaked her tongue outand lapped almost delicately at his hairless balls, enjoying the waythey felt on her tongue. She ran her tongue about them, licking them allover. Finally she pulled one into her mouth, sucking on it gently. Allthe time she kept up a smooth, slow pumping on his cock. Her eyesburned, watching her son's cock as she sucked on his balls, going fromone to the other. His cock was so strong and young and she loved it.
Releasing his balls, she lapped the flat surface of her tongue up them,licking along the throbbing underside of his prick. At the smooth head,she swirled her tongue about it, tasting the heat there. She tapped hertongue against his piss hole, then lapped up the seeping juices,swallowing with throaty whimpers of ecstasy.
Marilyn swirled her wet tongue about her son's cock, enjoying the smoothheat of it. She kissed and nibbled on it, mewling with softness. Shecupped his balls in one hand and squeezed the base of his cock with theother.
Finally she opened her lips with a soft whimper, sliding them over theswollen head of his prick. For a while she teased herself by holding thecockhead this way; her lips, hot, wet and tight; her tongue movingslowly around the smoothness.
"Oh, Mom!" Donny grunted.


   "Your moth is as hot as your cunt! I like itwhen you take my cock in your mouth this way! Oooo, suck me, Mom! Suckmy cock!" 
"Mmmm!" she mewled.
Gulping more of his cock into her mouth, she tugged and twisted hisprecious balls. Marilyn began to suck up and down on his prick, takingonly half inside her hungry mouth. She sucked up and down with short,jerky motions, her tongue in fiery motion. Then with a sob of ecstasy,she drove her mouth down until the swollen head of his cock probed ather throat. Her eyes rolled as she licked and sucked deeply.
She relished the fullness of her son's cock inside her mouth. It madeher ecstatic to feel his prick throbbing between her stretched lips andagainst her tongue.
With low growls of pleasure, Marilyn began to suck up and down Donny'scock with wet, slurping sounds. She bobbed her face swiftly, thenslowed, only to race her lips up and down his prick again. She devouredhis cock like a woman starved, which she was.
Taking his cock in and out of her lips, sucking up with sunken cheeks,her tongue scraping it, she went down with swift strokes. But as shesucked up, she moved slowly, using her tongue against his prick. Sheheld the cockhead tightly with her lips, licked at his dripping pisshole, then drove down quickly once more. Sucking her son this way gaveboth the most pleasure possible.

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Donny began to twist and writhe his hips, unable to prevent his ass fromthrusting up and down. Marilyn didn't mind in the least, he could fuckher mouth anytime he wanted.
Now and then she would stop sucking his cock so she could lick at hiswrithing balls. But she made sure her lips were wrapped about his prickmost of the time. She slipped her hands past his hips and clutched thetight cheeks of his ass, pulling him up as her mouth went down.
"Mom, I'm gonna come!" Donny shouted, arching his hips up to drive hiscock deep.
"Mmmm!" Marilyn whimpered in reply, her mouth racing on his prick now,her tongue licking frantically. She fucked his cock with her hot, wetmouth furiously, anxious to have his sweet come juice spurting over hertongue.
Donny gave a loud grunt and raised his hips high. Marilyn sucked hard. . . and he came.
The hot come juice boiled from his piss hole and coated her tongue. Thethick sweetness filled her mouth and sent Marilyn in shuddering orgasm,her cunt squeezing as she wiggled her ass about under the hot water.

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   Shegulped and swallowed, her eyes rolling around with ecstasy. She dug herfingers into his ass, feeling the crinkle of his tightening assholeagainst one fingertip.
Marilyn was reluctant to let him go. She clung to his cock long after hefinished coming, her tongue lapping gently and lovingly about the head. She turned her mouth about his prick like a slow corkscrew, sobbing withdelight.
Donny was panting harshly, his body very still and relaxed. Marilynreluctantly released his cock, but she ran her wicked tongue about hisprecious balls for a moment or so longer, then pulled her face from hiscrotch.
"That should hold you for a while, darling. " she whispered.

Chapter 6

It did satisfy Donny but only for a while. At two that afternoon he tookhis bicycle and rode off down the road. He had not said where he wasgoing, but Marilyn knew.
Donny was going to find Sally.
As she relaxed on the patio, a glass of iced tea on the redwood tablenext to her lounge chair, she wondered how Donny could keep up thispace. He seemed to have more stamina and virility than most men twicehis age.

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But she wasn't complaining.
She smiled as the hot sun burned down on her. Her body--her tits and assand cunt--felt very good.
There was a pleasant tingle in her tits and cunt, and she writhed gentlyunder the hot sun. She must have dozed.
The soft sound brought her eyes open, and she looked up to see Sallystanding there. The girl still wore that same swimsuit and it was pulledup into the crack of her pretty ass.
"Why, Sally. " Marilyn murmured, taking her tea and finding the ice hadmelted. "I didn't hear you come in. "
Sally was standing about four feet away from her and her eyes were bigand hot. For the first time, Marilyn realized she was still naked. Sheglanced about for something to cover herself with, but there was onlyher skirt and blouse all the way across the patio. It was too lateanyway.
"You go around naked a lot, don't you?" Sally asked, her voice low.

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Marilyn decided there was no sense in pretending modesty. She wasn't inany event. Besides, the way Sally was looking at her, she knew the girlenjoyed what she was seeing.
Marilyn nodded. "Have you seen my son?"
Sally shook her head, the golden curls waving and shimmering. Her eyesmoved about Marilyn's naked, thrusting tits and down to the triangle ofthick cunt hair.
"He went looking for you, I think. "
One of Marilyn's legs was over the lounge, the other straight out. Sheknew Sally was gazing between her thighs, seeing her cunt. But shedidn't care. It was damn well time to find out if Sally was as erotic asshe seemed.
"I haven't been home since we went riding. " Sally said, her voice verylow, a quiver in it now. "I probably missed him somewhere. "
Marilyn regarded the girl with warm eyes.


   It was obvious that Sally wasexcited. Her small body trembled, but it was with desire notembarrassment. Deliberately, Marilyn gazed with open delight at thesmall mounds of Sally's tits, seeing the succulent nipples molded there. She licked her lips as she let her gaze drift down, stopping at theslightly bulging crotch of Sally's bathing suit. She licked at her lipsin a deliberate gesture and when she glanced at Sally's face, she sawintense interest there.
Marilyn slowly opened her legs wider, arching her cunt up with a wiggleof her ass. She continued to gaze at Sally with speculating, smolderingeyes.
"You're more beautiful without clothes on. " Sally said, her voice husky.
"Do you think so, honey?" Marilyn cooed, arching her cunt up once more,shaking her hips with inviting lewdness.
Sally nodded.
"I bet I know what you're thinking, darling. " Marilyn said softly.
"You'd like to touch me. " Marilyn's voice was throaty as she gazedboldly at the small girl.

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   "You'd like to touch my body. "
A small tremor seemed to go through Sally, and she barely nodded herhead.
"You can, you know. " Marilyn said. "You can touch me if you'd like,Sally. I wouldn't mind if you did. I'd enjoy it. "
She crooked a finger at Sally, motioning her to come closer. Sally came,her eyes burning between Marilyn's thighs. When she stood next to theredwood lounge, Marilyn placed her palm on Sally's hip. She moved herpalm down onto the naked flesh of the slender thigh, feeling the heatradiating from that succulent body. Sliding her hand around, she closedher fingers upon one small, very tight ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.
Sally whimpered and her body shuddered. She moved a small hand out andplaced it upon one of Marilyn's swelling tits. She ran her finger aboutthe smooth tit, fingering the nipple into a harder peak.

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Marilyn could not resist sliding her hand back in front of the standinggirl. She traced her fingers along the tight crotch of Sally's bathingsuit, the contact seeming to sear her fingers. Sliding her hand betweenSally's thighs, she cupped the girl's succulent cunt and pressed upward.
Sally whimpered with pleasure, and began to squeeze Marilyn's tits withboth hands.
Marilyn rubbed her palm back and forth against Sally's cunt, watchingthose slim hips writhe and move with her. Using her other hand, shepulled at Sally's wrist, bringing the small hand down to her own bushycunt. Placing Sally's hand there, she closed her thighs about it,pumping her hips up and down.
Sally was squeezing one of Marilyn's tits and feeling the hairy, wetcunt with the other hand. She made a tentative thrust with one fingerand Marilyn mewled as it entered her slippery cunt.
Neither woman said a word. They breathed hotly and swiftly, panting asthe excitement grew within their bodies. Their eyes moved about witheach other, seeking and finding pleasure. Sally slipped her finger inand out of Marilyn's cunt, and that told the older woman this succulentgirl was no stranger to finger-fucking. Sally knew exactly what to do,and it was confirmed when a small finger rubbed about Marilyn's steamingclitoris.
Not only had she found out Sally had a very erotic mind but now Marilynknew the girl had been doing things with her own body too.

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   This pleasedMarilyn tremendously. Going a bit further, she pulled Sally's finger outof her cunt and lifted it to her own mouth. With her eyes blazing upinto Sally's hot blue ones, Marilyn licked the finger, tasting thejuices of her own cunt. Taking the small finger into her mouth, shesucked on it, delighted to hear Sally purr with eager anticipation.
Shoving Sally's finger back into her cunt, she worked it in and out byholding the small wrist. Once again she withdrew her finger, and thistime offered it to Sally. Without hesitation, Sally licked at the wetlyglistening finger then sucked it into her own small mouth.
Marilyn worked her finger under the tight crotch of Sally's bathing suitand rubbed along the hot lips of the girl's steaming cunt. Sally mewledand arched her hips forward, her eyes glassy.
It was time, Marilyn knew.
Sitting up, she reached for the straps of Sally's bathing suit. Pullingthem from the golden shoulders, she pulled the tight garment to Sally'swaist. The small tits were as sugary as she had expected. The nippleswere pink--fiery pink--standing up beautifully. For a moment, Marilynfondled those succulent tits, then leaned forward and sucked on eachnipple in turn.

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   Sally cooed with delight and hugged the older woman'sface tightly into her tits.
Finally she began to roll the swimsuit down. Her eyes were as bright asa child's on a birthday, opening gifts. As the bathing suit rolled downthose slim thighs, Marilyn found herself gazing upon the cutest cunt shehad ever seen--not that she had seen too many cunts.
But Sally had a fine, sweet pussy slit, sculptured delicately. The lipswere swollen with desire, and the very tip of that sweet clitoris peekedfrom the almost hairless cunt. Sally had hair on her pussy, but it wasso blonde it was almost white.
Sally stepped from her swimsuit, not at all embarrassed to be nakedbefore this beautiful woman. Knowing she was exquisitely beautiful,Sally was not vain about it. On the contrary, what she had told Marilynearlier in the day had been true. There were times when she wished shedidn't have such beauty, then maybe boys would not be so afraid of her.
Still without saying anything, Marilyn laid back on the redwood loungechair again. She swung her legs over each side of it, her bushy cuntfully revealed to Sally's hot eyes. But Marilyn was very anxious.
She took Sally's hand and pulled her closer, positioning the littlegirl.

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   It seemed as if Sally knew what Marilyn wanted and withoutinstructions, she found herself squatting above Marilyn's face.
Marilyn gazed up into that sweet, honeyed cunt. She could see thedelicate lips and the throbbing clitoris. The cheeks of Sally's ass,parted in her squatting position, were very white compared to the tan ofher body.
Sally was looking down between her spreading knees into Marilyn's face. Marilyn moved her hands along the slim thighs and about the partedcheeks of Sally's ass. The flesh was hot and smooth against her palms,exciting to touch. From under the spreading ass cheeks, Marilyn movedher fingers until she traced the swollen cunt lips. Then she lifted herhead and pressed her mouth into Sally's cunt.
Sally made a sharp hiss and her small ass twisted slightly. Marilynkissed Sally's cunt, then opened her lips only to close them tightlyabout the girl's whole pussy slit and clitoris. Her eyes closed as shemoved her tongue up and down Sally's cunt, tasting it, finding it sweetand hot and wt.
Sally's small, naked body was shaking with ecstasy and she gripped thehead of the redwood lounge to brace herself. She began to twist her cuntinto Marilyn's face, sliding it back and forth on her lips. Marilyngurgled with delight and ran her tongue into the hot tightness ofSally's cunt.


   She found it very, very wet and so hot it almost scaldedher tongue. She thrust her tongue in as deep as possible, then began tofuck it in and out rapidly.
Sally began to squeal loudly, wiggling her crotch down hard againstMarilyn's mouth and tongue. Marilyn cupped those small, tight asscheeks, but not to prevent Sally from moving, only to assist in holdingher up. She fucked her tongue in and out, then scraped it over the tinyclitoris.
As Marilyn sucked in moaning ecstasy on this sugary cunt, she began totwist and writhe her naked ass upon the cushions of the chair. Her cuntwas boiling as much as Sally's but there wasn't anything to be doneabout it right now.
Sally was squealing with ecstasy, her small ass shaking and slidingalong Marilyn's open mouth and tongue. Marilyn licked and sucked ashard, and with as much enjoyment as she did on her son's cock. She foundSally's pussy soft and hot, a delight to lick.
Shoving her tongue into the tight cunt lips, she held her mouth wideopen. Sally, seeming to understand, began to bounce her shapely littleass up and down. She was in effect, fucking Marilyn's tongue as if itwere a small cock. Marilyn loved it as the hot, slippery juices flowedfrom the sugary cunt over her tongue and into her mouth. Her lips andcheeks and chin became slippery with the fluids and even that thrilledher.

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But because of her excitement, Sally couldn't last much longer. Shebegan to squeal loudly as she banged up and down on Marilyn's mouth. Marilyn felt those sweet cunt lips throbbing and quivering, then theygrew very tight around her tongue. The convulsions, when Sally's orgasmstruck, caused her cunt to close about Marilyn's tongue like a hot viseof satiny flesh. Sally gurgled loudly, her body shaking violently as shesat on Marilyn's face, squirming her spasming cunt in a frenzy.
After her wild orgasm, Sally sat on Marilyn's face for a while, gaspinguntil she stilled somewhat. Then still without saying anything, shescooted her body down on top of Marilyn's. Marilyn was puzzled untilSally whispered, her lips close to a burning nipple, "I fuck my pillowthis way. " She began to rub and twist her little cunt against Marilyn'shairy one.
Marilyn ran her hands down Sally's back to that swelling, cute ass. Sheheld both ass cheeks in her hands as Sally twisted and banged. WhenSally sucked in one nipple, Marilyn sighed in ecstasy. She squeezed andmassaged the twisting ass cheeks and felt Sally trying to shove one ofher hands under her ass. Lifting her hips, she let the girl clamp ontoone of her ass cheeks and then they started rubbing cunts with heatedgasps of pleasure. Sally continued to suck at her nipple, her hot littletongue swirling hungrily.

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Marilyn felt the orgasm growing inside her, and it was going to be atremendous come. She arched her hairy cunt hard into the almost hairlessone of Sally's, grinding her hips as she pulled down on the sweet ass. Sally was panting with searing breath on her tit, and it was obviousthat the little girl was about to come again.
"Ooo, Sally. " Marilyn spoke for the first time in a while. "You're sosweet! You're such a hot little girl. You're going to make me come now,darling. "
"I want to, Marilyn. " Sally hissed. "I want to make you come the way youdid me. "
Sally banged her cunt into Marilyn's, her hips working as if she werefucking a hard cock. Marilyn lifted her hips and spread her thighs aboutthe bouncing hips of the girl, closing them around until she locked herankles over the back of Sally's thighs. Now she could feel that delicatecunt rubbing with a more intense, sensitive manner. Her clitoris wasbeing scraped by the blonde-haired pussy, and with a sudden upwardlunge, Marilyn came.
Almost at the same time, Sally squealed with ecstasy.

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   Her small bodyshuddered on top of Marilyn's and they held each other tightly, theircunts smashed against each other as the convulsions gripped them.
Finally Marilyn cupped Sally's face in her hands, holding the lovelyface up and staring into those blue eyes. The heat in them had not beendampened in the least. Sally's eyes still burned with erotic desire. Bringing Sally's face down, she kissed those sweet lips. Marilyn was notin the least surprised to find the moist tongue licking at her mouth,then darting into it. She sucked at the tongue as it snaked back andforth.
"Come on, sweet thing," she murmured, "let's get into the hot tub for awhile. "
Sally got up and Marilyn gazed at the sweetness of that slender, nakedbody just as it slipped into the tub. She climbed in beside Sally, herthigh close to that of the little girl.
The sun was still high, quite hot on them. But the heat of it and thewater was soothing to their flesh. Marilyn placed her arm over Sally'sshoulder and Sally rested her head against Marilyn. Marilyn cupped andfondled a sweet little tit and was pleased when a small hand moved upher stomach to curl about one of her swelling, much larger tits. Theyheld each other this way, kissing now and then.

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"I wish we could have done this earlier. " Sally murmured with a lazyvoice.
"Why, honey?"
"Because then I wouldn't have to fuck my pillow all the time. " Sallygiggled, twisting Marilyn's nipple. "My pillow is all right and I cancome that way, but I'd rather have you suck my cunt. Golly, I came sohard!"
Marilyn chuckled with a deep sound, "You're not as innocent as you lookare you, Sally?" 
"Innocent!" Sally pulled her head from Marilyn's shoulder and looked ather. "Marilyn, I don't know the meaning of the word! I want to fuck andfuck and fuck! It's these dumb-assed boys! All but Donny. I think helikes me. " She placed her head back on Marilyn's shoulder and began tofondle a tit once more.
"Donny does like you. " Marilyn agreed.
"He's . . . he's seen me naked.


  " Sally confessed.
"I know. " Marilyn replied.
"I let him look at me without my clothes on and I saw him too. Golly, hehas a beautiful cock!"
Sally then told her the same thing her son had, about being naked withhim and the only difference in the story was Sally thought Donny hadbeen too nervous to touch her.
Marilyn laughed.
"That's what he said about you. " she murmured.
Again Sally lifted her head and looked at Marilyn. "He did?" Then sheburst into melodious giggles.
"You think it's amusing, Sally?"
"I sure do!" Sally laughed. "There we were, as naked as we could be. Mypussy was so hot . . .

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   and his cock stood a mile high! I wanted to fuckand so did he and both of us thinking the other was too nervous! That'scrazy. "
"No, it's youth. " Marilyn replied, tweaking a pink nipple.
"But I don't want to be young. " Sally said. "I want to fuck!"
"You can be young and fuck, too. " Marilyn chuckled. "Age has nothing todo with fucking. "
Sally became quiet for a moment, then she said, "You and Donny werenaked in the tub this morning. " It came out as a statement, not aquestion.
"How did you know that, Sally?"
"Look at this water," she said, shoving a hand around under the surface,"it's as clear as it can be. I saw your tits clearly. But all I saw wasa shadow of Donny's cock. "
Marilyn started to reply, but the sound of the front door came to her asit slammed shut.
"Mom, I can't find Sally," came her son's voice.

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He stepped out the glass doors, then stopped as he saw Sally in the tubwith his mother. .



