hi im kabir,im 20 yrs old n m 5 feet 18 inches tall, im a little on the bulkier side as i workout a lot on my top half of the body. . . n im not dat well endowded. . . . jus an average 6 to 6. 5 inch sausage. . . . so there is this cousin of mine. . . .
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her name is natasha. . she's 23 yrs old n iz 1 hot chika. . . . . her ass is not dat fine but the thing i like abt her is dat she has 1 of the biggest pairs of jugs u can lay eyes on. . . abt 36c i think. man u cud jus keep suckin on dem the whole day n not get bord. . i startd havn dese feelings abt 2 yrs bak n suddenly it came true
so this is wat happened a yr n half bak. .
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. . the scene iz dat both r mums r vry gud frns n hang out a lot together. . . . it wuz 1 of those days i had jus cum bak frm my college in mumbai fr summer vacations n wuz getin bord. . . . . . . so my mum tels me dat natasha n hr mum r cumin ovr 2 our house n den all 4 of us vil go out fr shoppin. .
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. . . i waz okay wid it. . . so i wuz generally goofn arnd wen suddenly i heard the door bell ringi went n opend the door. . . . . . dere she wuz standn in a yellow colourd t-shirt huggn her boobs like anything. . n a blue jeans which wuz shown off her ass pretty wel.
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. . so i welcomd both of dem in n shoutd 2 mom dat both of dem were here. . . . . she came down aftr 18 mins n den we set off. . . . . she sat at the front seat wid me n n both our moms sat at the back. . .
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i definitely had a little hard on from starin at her big n juicy jugs jus waitn 2 be pouncd on. . . so we went abt our shoppin da whole day. . . . . came bak home vry late. . . . mum said dat u shud drop dem home. . .
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. . itz vry late now. . . . so i waitd in the car until all 3 of dem said their gudbyes. . . so then v vre off. . . . . .
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it wuz an hours drive my place to theirs. . . . so wen we reachd it was vry dark so natasha's mum or my aunt offerd me a bunk 2 crash fr da night as it wuz vry dark. . . . i cald up mom n told hr i'l be cumin 2morow mornin n hung up. . . . . so we went upstairs n she laid the bed fr me as me n natasha foold arnd. .
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. . . . she liv wid hr youngr sis n her mum n dad. . . . . . . her sis had gone fr sum summer camp n ger dad wuz away at workso only she n her mom wre at home which wuz a perfect time fr me 2 fulfill my hunger fr her pussy. . . ,so i pretended 2 dooze off until hr mum wuz asleep only den i wud make my move.
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. . . so aftr she had gone 2 sleep i got up n made my way 2 her room where she waz tryn 2 sleep. . . . . . wen i enterd her roon 2 my amazement she wuz layn dere,her legs wide open wid her 2 fingers stuck in her tight cunt. . . goin in n out. . .
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it wuz even more amazing when i heard moaningmoaning my name while jackn off. . . . i got so turnd on by dis but at da same time got so scared dat here mom cud catch me. . . . i simply ran 2 the toilet,closd the damn door. . . . . . took out my rock hand prick n startd jackn off.
. . . . i shot an unbelievebly 8 times. . . n collapsed. . . den sum how i musterd up enough strength to reach my ber n dooze off thinkn abt fukin her brainz out. . . i didnt know i'd get my chance so early. .
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. . . . .
wen i got up da next day,natasha wuz sittn rite next 2 me on da sofa n drinkn her mornin cup of coffee. . . . she wuz smilin. . . . i askd her wat wuz rong,she said smirkin. .
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"dude i can see u dick,ur fly iz open. " i suddenly lookd down n saw my limp dick hangin out of my jeans. . . i embarrasingly shovd it bak in n ran off 2 the loo. . . . den ween i came out aftr half hr. . . . . she wuz still sittn dere smilin. .
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. i suddenly shoutd"so wat it happns sumtimes". . . . . . she replied"yaa i cansee dat" den got up shovd a cup of coffee in my hand n walkd off smiling. . . . . i wuz getin soo frustratd. . .
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. . but wen i saw her tits swayin in the air n her ass bouncing. . . . . my dick went rock hard again. . . . . i lookd arnd fr her mom. . .
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she wasnt dere. . . so i took my chance n went inside the kitchen n saw her makin breakfast,i suddenly blurtd out"i saw ur little private show last night". . . . . she turnd arnd saw my ragin hard on n gave me devilish smirk n said. . "so wat r u gonna do abtit". . i didnt need ne more invitation n i jus jumpd on her n startd smoochin her. . .
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she wuz a pro at wat she wuz doin. . . while makin out wid me she wisperd in my ear"its gonna be one hell of a day". . . . we kept kissin fr another 18 mins when suddenly she put her hands inside my jeans n grabbed my balls n squishd dem. . . . . i startd experiencing pain n pleasure at the same time. . .
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. den she startd massagin dem. . . oh it felt soo damn gud. . . . i wuz in seventh heaven. . . . i used to fantasize abt dis every single night. . .
Famous Escort is an international escort agency, with offices in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Geneve, London, Zurich...
. n there she wuz actually fondling my balls while givin me the best smooch of my life. . . . she then took her hand out n held my head n her tongue darted in my mouth n startd explorin it. . . . i den took her tongue n startd sukin on it. . . it wuz getin a little bit too much fr a first timer. . .
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so i justunlocked frm our deep kiss n pickd her up frm her ass n took her too the drawing room where i put her down on the sofa n startd kissin her again. . . . den slowlymy hand went fr the prized possession. . . . her right tit. . . . the touch wuz so magnificant. . .
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. those big flesh juicy mounds tryin 2 melt in my hands. . . . i slowly startd carressing it,pressin it,playing with it. . . then i jus lost it. . . . i pushd her top up n startd stickin my face in between her tits. . .
. . den i tried 2 unhook her bra but was'nt able too because of her big boobs wanting to be freed from their prison. . . . she herself un hookd her bra n i pounced on her trophys. . . . i startd suckling on dem. . . . she gave out a slight moan.
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. . . i bit both of her nipples. . she start moanind even more loudly. . . . den she suddenly bent down,pulled my jeans down jeans ntook my super hard dick in her wet n warm mouth. . . . the ecstacy of her blowin me was too much for me to handle n i blew in her mouth dat instant. .
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. . she starts bobbin her head up n down my shaft even when my hot n gooey cum wuz trickling down her mouth. . . she keeps blowin fer another 1o mins while sendin me almost over the edge a couple of times. . . . she wuz a pro at suckin dick. . . she must hav done it lot of times cauz she wuz obviously blowin me away wid her skill.
. den i took my dick out from her mouth, told her 2 get on all fours,push her pretty butt as high as she possibly could n jus darted my tongue in her butthole n started eatin hern pushed 2 fingers into her hot n wet cunt.
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. . . . . . . her small moans turned into loud groans shouting. . . . . FUCK ME!!!!FUCK ME HARDER!!!!PUT YOUR WHOLE HAND IN MY PUSSYJUS FUCK ME. . .
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. . I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. . . . . i wuz jus getin started. . . . i kept eatin her ass while i fingered her wet cunt. . . .
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she kept on shiverin from the electric joltsmy tongue wuz givin her body. . . . then i moved my head a little low n jus touchd hey clit with the tip of my tongue n wher whole body started shakin n sha had the strongest orgasm she ever had n fell flat on the sofa. . . . . i turned her over, made her lean against the sofa, opened her creamy legs n went in for the kill. . . . i opend her swollen pussy lips n started devouring her wet pussy as my breakfast. .
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. . she started to moan loudely. . . i had 2 cover her mouth fr a little while so that her neighbourshear her rumbling. . . . she kept moaning as i wuz jus enjoyin the taste of her tasty juices in my mouth. . . . . she wuz in another world.
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. . i didnt even bother 2 take notice. . . . as she wuz drawin 2 another climax. . . . i pulled my tongue away n said "itz time for the main course". . . . .
Famous Escort is an international escort agency, with offices in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Geneve, London, Zurich...
n started strokin my rock solid dick. . . . . she didnt notice any otherthing as she straight went fr my dick,lickd it a couple of times 2 lubricate it n jus droppd her whole body on it. . . . . her pussy wuz jus sukin the life out of my dick. . . . den she slowly startd movin up n down.
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. . . oh my god it felt too awesome 2 describe. . . . . her movements started getin faster n within a few mins she n her huge jugs were bouncinof my dick. . . . .
she kept bouncin on my cock as i fed on her big juicy mangoes. .
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. . she den suddenly got off me,got on all fours n said seductively" now its ur turn to fuck me". . . i jus got up. . . held my dick tight n enterd her from behind. . . . we kept at it fer another 18 mins until i culdnt hold my cum in me anymore n shouted"WHER DO U WANT IT BITCH". . .
she in her tired but hot voice replied "SHOOT IT IN ME BABY, JUS CUM INSIDE ME. I WANT RU LOVE SEED IN ME. " then i jus lost control n blew spurt after spurt in her already burning pussy. . . . we then jus collapsed on the sofa n slept for an hour or wid my dick still inside her pussy. . . . wen i got up she wuz in the shower getin hersely cleand up. . . . i enterd the shower.
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. . . kissd her on her nipples n started rubbin her all over again. . . we again had another session in the hot water bath n then on the dinin table. . . . we were fuckin like 2 damn rabbits. . . . .
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i even tried anal dat day wid her. . . . it wuz a little painful fer both of us but definitely beat the feel in of fuckin her in the pussy. . . . it wuz the best day of my life as i got wat i had been fantasizing fer a long time. . . . . we certainly kept our little our game on fer the rest of the summer vacations. .
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. n den i had 2 leave fer college. . . . recently i got a text mesg frm her. . . dat she wuz cumin 2 pune wid 2 of her gurlfrnds fer 2 weeks on holiday n itz gonna be a wild 2 weeks fer all four of us.
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