
Seduction On A School Bus


He got behind me every morning and did this every day. I tried not to pay attention to him but one day he put his hands on my hips and pumping my ass very slow. I was not about to say anything because it kind of excited me. One morning he even reached around and grabbed my cock and i cum all over myself. As soon as i got off the bus i had to run to the bathroom to clean up. As i was in the stall the black guy came in and standing outside the door and said he wanted to jack me off. When he left i came out and went to class. I was looking forward to the bus ride tomorrow. I have had several girls but this felt different. He got on the bus ahead of me but i moved around until i got in front of him. My dick was already hard and as we  rode i felt his cock getting hard against my ass. I reached back and it rubbed it and it was huge. I had never done this before but as soon as we got off the bus i ask him if i could suck his dick.

We went behind the gym and he pulled his dick out and it looked like a ballbat. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock as hard and fast as i could as not to get caught. I was taking it all the way to the back of my throat and there was still six inches i couldnt get in my mouth.

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   I could feel his dick getting harder and then he exploded in my mouth and i couldnt swallow it all. Dam it tasted so good i cant wait for tomorrow. I even started thinking about how i could get that cum filled dick in my ass. I had to go to the bathroom and jack off three times that day just thinking about his cock. Part two will tell the rest.




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