"Sit up straight," Haruko ordered as Steven began to stick his forkinto a piece of chicken. " 'Don't hunch over your plate like you'regoing to shovel it in," she added. . "Now relax and focus on beinggraceful with your movements. Hold your knife and fork gently. Chewslowly. Don't gulp it down. " Haruko suggested. "Watch my mom and Rieand try to imitate them," Haruko continued. "I'm not used to usingmy muscles this way. I'm not as flexible as you, Mistress. " "Well,think about what you're doing as just inviting the food into yourmouth, not trying to overpower or dominate it. "
They finished the meal. "So how did he do, mom?" "He needs lots ofpractice," she giggled. "Here stand up, Stephanie. Stand as straightup as you can, your shoulders back like you're trying to show yourtits.
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When you walk, you will be completely erect. Keep your backstraight," Haruko commanded. "God Haruko, it's so hard to describewhat to do because I've been doing it since I was a little girl andI don't really think about it," Rie noted. "I know what you mean,Rie. I hope I don't drive Stephanie too crazy. ," Harukorejoindered. "So okay Stephanie, you're homework is to walkstanding up straight and your shoulders back plus learning to eatlike one of us. When we go back to my room, bring a chair with youand we can practice sitting up straight. " "Yes Mistress. " "Her voiceis so cute, though, Haruko," Maki praised. "I think so, too. That isall the more reason for her to eat more gracefully," Harukoinsisted.
"Mom, can you teach him how to sit Japanese style, please?" "Oh,okay Haruko," she agreed, giggling. ""Put your knees together andsweep your skirt over them and then kneel on the floor. Sit upstraight! Stay there like that and hold it as long as you can.
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HereShiho, show him. " Shiho kneeled on the floor and folded her hands inher lap, her shoulders back. "See how straight Shiho's back is? Seehow cute she looks?" "Haruko, borrow one of your father's canes andgive Stephanie a little tap when she starts to hunch over," Makirecommended. "Good idea, mom!" A couple of minutes later, Harukoreturned with a long bamboo cane. "Try to relax your back muscleswhile still sitting erect, Stephanie," Haruko directed. "Mistress,my back is beginning to hurt. " "Okay Stephanie. Sit in the chair. There is a back, so you will have more support. Sit up straight,hands folded in your lap. Now let's see how long you can hold it. "
"Now listen Stephanie, when you are at school tomorrow or atMistress Lori's, it is important that you sit up straight at yourdesk because we need to reform the way you use your back muscles oryou will keep experiencing pain when you sit up straight. Keepstretching your back if you need to before you sit, but you must sitstraight. " "Yes Mistress. I'll give it my best shot.
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" "SorryStephanie, but that isn't good enough. You will either do it or Iwill begin punishing you. One month from now, you must be able tosit up absolutely straight for 30 minutes in both a chair and on thefloor or I will employ this cane" "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress. "
"Mistress, my back is beginning to hurt again. " "Okay Stephanie,stand up. " "Yes Mistress. " "Now keep your body straight and bendonly at the waist while trying to touch the floor. You're hunching. Try it again. Try to turn your body into a jackknife, everythingstraight up with a fold at the waist. Now, lay on your back on thefloor with your head looking straight up at the ceiling and yourarms trying to extend toward the wall behind your head. Do you feellike you're getting some relief?" "Yes Mistress. Definitely. "Okay,so tomorrow, before we leave for school, we'll warm your backmuscles up and as much as possible you will walk to school with yourhead held high and your body absolutely vertical.
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" "Yes Mistress. "Good girl, Stephanie. The back is a tricky thing and we can'toverdo it. So if you are experiencing pain, you will report itimmediately. I will still punish you if you don't have any enduranceat the end of a month, but that is mainly to help you focus on thetask at hand. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. "
"Now you learned to sound like a girl. For that, you deserve to beallowed to cum. Remove your clothes and take your makeup off. "YesMistress. Thank you Mistress. " Haruko removed her clothes. "You willhave sex in your male voice, do you understand?" 'Yes Mistress. "After he had gone to the bathroom to wipe his makeup off, Haruko goton all fours at the edge of the bed.
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"Mistress doesn't want anyforeplay?" "No. I just want to be fucked and fucked hard. You may berough with me tonight Steven. " "Yes Mistress, Thank you Mistress. "He lined his cockhead up and rammed it into her. He grabbed her hipsand began to ream the living shit out of her from the outset, almostlike he was raping her. SLAP! His hand impacting her right buttcheek forcefully. "Fuck yeah Haruko. You're such a hot piece ofass. " SLAP! She yelped as she felt another impact on her ass, makingher pant a bit. "So you wanted some cock tonight, huh? Well, you'regetting it now, so you better enjoy it!" SLAP! She was moaning andalready beginning to pant and that increased as time passed by, hislong, fat cock creating the friction that was driving her nuts. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Each of the shots on her posterior adding to theatmospheric intensity. SLAP! SLAP! "God Haruko, your cunt feels sogood. You're loving my dick aren't you? You want me to keep givingit to you, don't you?" "Oh God Steven, yes, fuck me, God, fuck theshit out of me baby!" she pleaded. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!" Her butt wassore and hot now as he punished her pussy and he could feel his cockgetting ready to erupt.
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OH FUCK STEVEN! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" she screamedas a volcanic orgasm surged through her and made her convulse likeshe had just put her finger in a light socket. "OH FUCK!" he growledloudly as he shot his steaming cream into her wanton twat. "
He violently forced her on to her back and then jumped on top ofher, still breathing hard as he stared intently into her eyes andthen kissed her hard and passionately, forcing the back of her headtoward his, grinding his lips against hers. He wrapped his armsaround her and held her as tight as he could, stopping just short ofhurting her and pushing his lips back into hers, his tongue notexploring her mouth so much as penetrating and invading it. "Fuck,Haruko, I love you so much. Give me that mouth!" he snarled and shegave every bit back that she took. He was in a frenzy and was soonhard again, jamming it back into her semen polluted slit andpistoning it in and out of her, her vaginal muscles clamped aroundit. "Tell me you're my slut!" he demanded. "I'm your slut!" sherepeated and he kissed her as hard as he could while he pumped hismeat tube in and out of her over and over. She was being attackedrather than made love to, his feral intensity sympatheticallyramping her own desire upward, her legs pressing on his back urginghim to keep hammering his fuck stick into her, her breath hot anderratic, which became rasping and then panting and then a warningthat she was hitting maximum overload.
"God damn it you bastard,fuck me!" she shrieked as she felt the rushing, swarming pin pricksof her orgasm blooming into a body shaking sensual earthquake, herhaving no choice but to keep accepting his penis until he wasthrough with her, his superior strength subjugating her and takingher for his own pleasure. Five minutes later, she was at theprecipice of insanity again, her nails leaving scratches in his backas he grunted with every thrust, those grunts colored by the gaspingof his oncoming exhaustion, gasping she matched as another orgasmslammed into her like a freight train colliding with a semi truck. He could feel the boiling in his balls and he firehosed theircontents into her, filling her to overflowing. He collapsed on topof her, sated and drained.
They laid there out of breath, his body hot and sapped of all itsenergy as his spunk steadily dripped out of her birth canal.
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"Oh myGod Steven, I think you just replicated one of my rape fantasies!"she whispered into his ear. He looked into her eyes, smiled, andcracked, "my name is Steven, I'll be your rapist this evening. " Thatmade her laugh. "You literally drive me wild, babe. " "I noticed,"she giggled.
He rolled off of her and took her in his arms. "So did I give youwhat you wanted Mistress?" "Shit, Steven, that and more baby. Imight be a little sore tomorrow. " "Come on Mistress, let's take anice, hot shower and then we can have a nice cuddle afterward. ""Okay. "
Haruko went to sleep after her and Steven finished showering. Steven, though, still wasn't tired enough to sleep and his mindbegan to wander as he held Haruko's slumbering form. For somereason, he began thinking about the final battle scene in theoriginal Star Wars movie that resulted in the blowing up of thedeath star. "Holy Shit!" he muttered to himself as an idea flashedacross his brain. He carefully extricated himself from Haruko andgrabbed his book bag and went out to the dining room table and beganconceptualizing and drawing.
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He was so intent on developing andfleshing out the idea that he didn't notice the passage of timeuntil Maki greeted him when she went to make breakfast. "Is that forschool?" she asked. "Mrs. Eklund, it's a science project, but it'sdefinitely not for school. What time is it?" "It's just before sixhoney. " He got up and went back into his and Haruko's bedroom andretrieved his cellphone and speed dialed his parents. "Hi Mom. Sorryto wake you up, but I need to talk to dad right now!" "Hello?" hisfather drawled groggily. "Hi dad. Look, I have a major idea and I'mcoming over in a few minutes. " "Okay, son, Let me get a couple cupsof coffee in me. " "Will do, dad. "
He went back into the bedroom, got dressed, kissed Haruko lightly onthe forehead, picked up his laptop and went out the door. He met hisdad in the living room and they went into his dad's office and beganto hash things out. "Holy shit, son, that's a ballsy idea.
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If we canget it to work you'll be a billionaire before you're 21!" Stevencalled Haruko just after she got up at seven. "Hi Haruko. I'm notgoing to school today because I just got an epic idea and now I'mworking on it with my dad. I don't know when I'll be home. But I'msorry to be away from you. I'll be back as soon as I can. " "Can Icome over after school Steven?" "Of course Haruko. I would love tosee you. But this is an idea that could be huge for us. So I need tobe all over it. " "That's great sweety. You're serving me byassuring our futures, so I order you to not eat and keep at thisuntil I've come over, do you understand?" "Yes Haruko. Thank yousweety. I love you. " "I love you, too, Steven, Good luck with youridea.
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" "Thank you babe. Bye bye. "
"Hey Haruko, where's Steven?" Jeff asked. "He and his dad areworking on some idea he had last night. So he isn't coming toschool. " Hearing this, Arlene Stevenson asked her master forpermission to call her father. "Hi princess, what's up?" "Hi daddy. I just wanted to tell you that Steven is over at his dad's right nowworking on something. Haruko, though, didn't know what it was. ""Thank you my darling. I'll talk to Steven about it and see what'sgoing on. " "Okay. Bye daddy! I love you!" "Bye sweetheart. "
Mr. Stevenson then rang Steven's cellphone.
"Hi Mr. Stevenson, whatcan I do for you?" "I understand you have a new project you'reworking on?" "Yes I do, Mr. Stevenson, but I'm not going to discussit until after I've filed the patents. Sorry. " "Well listen Steven,you're going to give me first shot at developing it, right?""Definitely Mr. Stevenson. By the way, I need a top secret securityclearance. My dad already has one. Can you get the paperwork rollingon that for me?" "Yeah, I'll get the boys and girls in legal to putthe paperwork together and I'll have it couriered over to you. ""Thanks Mr. Stevenson. I hope you have some extra room in your bankaccount because you're going to need it. " "I love the sound of that,Steven. " "You and me both. Well, I gotta get back to work here.
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Talkto you soon. " "Looking forward to it, son. Bye. "
When the computer stores opened, Steven and his father went to them,bought the most powerful pc they could find and the software theywould need and went home, hooked it up and started to lay out thetechnical requirements and hardware for the device they wereformulating. Time went by in a flash for Steven, such was hisconcentration, and, before he knew it, Haruko was by his side. Sheleaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry Haruko, but you'regoing to need a security clearance to see this. " "Ooh, howexciting!" "Have you eaten yet Steven?" "Not yet, Neither has mydad. " "I'll make you guys something. " "Just some sandwiches would begreat, Haruko. Thank you honey bunny. "
Haruko went to the store and bought fresh avocados and sprouts sinceshe knew Steven loved them on his sandwiches. When she got back, sheand Steven's mom piled on meat and vegetables and Haruko took thesandwiches as well as some cokes into the office. "Thanks, babe. "'Are you going to be home tonight Steven?" "Yeah, but probably notuntil around 18 Leave the door unlocked if you decide to go tosleep so I can get in.
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" "Okay baby. " She kissed him and left.
The idea was fully crystallized and they knew what form it wouldtake, but the main points of contention were the design of thecontrol surfaces for the device and trying to bring the business endof what turned out to be a laser plasma cannon's weight. It wouldmake missiles mostly obsolete for aerial combat. By the end of thefollowing week, they had the problems worked out and submitted thenecessary papers with the U. S. Patent Office. Now they would have towait several months for it to be approved before they would be ableto begin even thinking about production.
Steven called Mr. Stevensonand arranged a meeting for the Monday after.
It was now the first week of May as Steven and his father sat in Mr. Stevenson's office after having set up the equipment for a powerpoint presentation. They addressed all the issues surrounding thenew weapons system. "Jesus fucking Christ! That's amazing and we'regoing to clean up with that thing!" Mr. Stevenson anticipated.
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"Mr. Stevenson, I don't think this company is really set up tomanufacture something like this on a day to day basis. Yeah, we canbuild a prototype, but I think our money play here is to build justthe control surfaces and then leave the rest of the hardware tosomebody else like Lockheed. Of course, we would license thetechnology to them for a hefty fee. " "I think your analysis is onthe money there, Steven. Just on the licensing we could make majorbank. "
"Now look boys, you would have to go a long way to get the financingfor this and sell it to the right people at the Pentagon. So let'ssplit the rights for this down the middle at 50-50 and we're openfor business. " "Sorry Mr. Stevenson, but I could turn around andsell this to Hughes or somebody like them right now for $100 millionand spend the rest of my life living with Haruko on the Riviera. SoI am willing to give you a 35% stake. " "Tell you what boys, I'mwilling to go down to 45%. I mean, I'm paying for the lobbying andmarketing here and I think that is more than fair. " "Mr. Stevenson,40% is our final offer.
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" "Alright guys, 40% it is. We'll have Mr. Soramino fabricate the prototype and our factory will get to work onthe control modules and then initiate testing. Fuck, Arlene reallybrought me a good one. " "Mr. Stevenson, the patents are stillpending, so we'll have to wait six months or more until they aregranted before we can do any of that, which gives us time toorganize the workforce for production, lobbying and marketing. We'llhave our attorney contact you with the legal niceties and then we'llbe ready to go," Steven said. "God, wait 'til General Foley gets aload of this. He'll cream his pants!"
"Hi, can I speak to a principal Ellsworth?" The secretary looked upfrom her desk to see two men in black suits and sunglasses standingbefore her. "Do you have an appointment?" "I'm Detective Dan Lernerand I'm from the FBI. This is my fellow Detective Dave Lugo. " "Can Isee some ID for that guys?" the secretary asked. The two officerspulled out their wallets and flashed their credentials. "Wait just asecond. " "Mr.
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Ellsworth, there are two FBI men out here for you. " "The FBI? What do they want with me?" "I have no idea. " He got upfrom his desk and went out into the front of the office. "Goodmorning gentlemen. What can I do for you?" 'Mr. Ellsworth, we wantto talk to you about a student of yours named Steven Charles Morris. He's seeking a top secret security clearance and we are doing abackground check on him. " "One of our students is seeking a securityclearance? Are you for real?" "We're deadly serious Mr. Ellsworth. One of our area defense contractors submitted it on his behalf. Sowe'll need to see his records and talk to his teachers. Also, if youcould tell us who his friends are so that we can interview them wewould be much obliged. "
Steven had warned everyone in the community that the FBI might comearound to talk to them and so they were ready when, after obtainingcopies of Steven's school records, they began to make the rounds. They got to Haruko's class and one of the officers walked in. "Mr.
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Nelson?" the officer said in a whisper. "Yes?" the instructorresponded. The officer showed him his ID and asked him to stepoutside and then peppered him with questions about Steven and hisgirlfriend Haruko. After they were finished with Mr. Nelson, theteacher said, "Haruko, these men would like to talk to you. " "Uhhh,okay,," Haruko said, feigning surprise. "Good morning Ms. Eklund. We would appreciate your cooperation in answering a few questionsabout yourself and a Mr. Steven Morris. "Steven's my fiance," shevolunteered. "Yes, we know, it's in the papers he filed with thegovernment. Now does he have any habits, desires or interests thatmay compromise him to a foreign government?" "No Sir, not that Iknow of and he lives with me, too. "Is he gay or bisexual?" "NoSir. I would think I would notice.
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" "Have you ever witnessed himengaging in any political activity that may show favor toward aparticular foreign country, communist ideology or advocate ofoverthrowing the government of the United States?" "No Sir. Steven's pretty passive. " "Have you ever witnessed him engaging incriminal activity or does he have associates that have done so?" "NoSir. " "How about yourself Ms. Eklund? Are you a member of anypolitical groups or have you participated in any of the previouslymentioned activities?" "No Sir. I love this country, Sir. " "Do youhave any criminal record?" "No Sir. " "How about your parents,relatives and their associates?" Sir, my parents are retired aftermy dad sold his publishing company. The rest of my relatives areeither in Japan or Minnesota or Pennsylvania and I haven't seen anyof them in years, so I don't know what they're up to. " "So is one ofyour parents a foreign national?" "Yes Sir. My mother is fromJapan. " "Has she participated in any of the previously mentionedactivities?" "No Sir. My mom is a naturalized citizen of the U. S. ,""Is there anything in your background that would compromise you,your siblings or your parents to a foreign government?" "That wouldbe a hell no, Sir.
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" "No need to get excited here ma'am, we're justdoing what we're hired to do. " "Yes Sir. Sorry Sir. " "Thank you foryour cooperation Ms. Eklund. The agency sends along its best wishesfor your marriage. " "Thank you Sir. "
"What did they want with you, Haruko?" A student inquired. "Theywere asking about Steven. " "What would they want with him?" "I knowwhat it's about, but I can't tell you. Sorry. " "Weird. What, did hehack into the defense department or something?" "No. Don't startany dumb rumors Bryce. "And so it went, as the FBI men visited theclassrooms of Steven's teachers, both past and present, and talkedto his friends.
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Of course, that fact was spread all over the schoolbeing that schools are huge rumor factories.
In his gym class, a fellow student came up to him. "Hey Morris, whatthe hell would you need a top secret security clearance for?" "Wheredid you hear that, dude?" "My girlfriend works in the office as as astudent assistant. She said two FBI guys came around asking aboutyou because you had applied for a top secret security clearance. ""Dude, if I told you I would have to kill you. " "Come on Morris,that line stopped being funny before I was even born. " "Sorry dude,but I can't tell you. " "Are you working for the government?" "Thatwould be a no. " "Man, Morris, you're really weird, you now that?""So I've been told. "
When everyone assembled after school to begin the walk home, Stevenasked how many of them had been interviewed by the FBI so far. Pretty much all of them had. "Man, they're really thorough," hethought to himself. They had also talked to Mrs. Westfield and someof the other wives. Steven apologized for putting everybody throughit.
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"Don't worry Steven. It's not like you're going to be the onlyone in the neighborhood to work in that industry somewhere down theline," Scott Delasso reassured him.
Haruko liked that at just 18, Steven had a direction to his life. She also dressed him up again, this time in a red cheongsam withblack thigh high stockings and red heels. She had him kneel on thefloor to practice sitting like a lady, reminding him to sit upstraight. He was slowly doing better, especially as he had beenpracticing while sitting at his desk at school. His back muscleswere becoming used to it.
When his back began getting sore, she had him sit in a chair. "God,Stephanie, you look so cute, Haruko bubbled. "Thank you Mistress, hesaid in his female voice. After about 20 minutes, though, his backbegan to bother him again. "Stephanie, you still can't sit for halfan hour and it has nearly been a month. So Saturday, as punishment,we're going to the San Diego zoo and you will be wearing a dresswhile we're there. " Steven's eyes got real big and the thought madehim break out in a cold sweat. " Dejectedly, he answered, "yesMistress.
Thank you Mistress. " "This is just a first step,Stephanie. When you're ready, I will be taking you out with meshopping, to restaurants and elsewhere. So this practice isimportant for your development as a woman. " "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress. "