
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 13


Yuki woke up the next morning and fingered the collar around herneck. She got up and went into the bathroom to see how it looked onher in the mirror. The symbolism of it had several effects on her. One, she had taken a big step in her growth as a submissive and wasnow permanently bound to another, which caused her to reflect onthat process and how it began; two, she had voluntarily consignedherself to a lifetime of kinky sex and bondage and that thought madeher wet; three, she was comforted by being cherished by another;four, she would wear it out and very few people would know themeaning the collar, which looked like a choker, had for her and herMaster; five, she had dreamed of being part of what happened theprevious night and now it was finally realized; it also only aroseout of the way they communicated and was a product of growing anddeepening intimacy.

She was shaken out of her introspection, though, when Mrs. Johannsonpoked her head into the bedroom to tell her that breakfast was justabout ready. Yuki went to wake up Eddie. "Master, breakfast is goingto be served," she notified him. He rose groggily. "Thank youbreedinghole. " They both brushed their teeth and he got dressed. "Thank you for allowing me to eat with your family Master Ryan,"Yuki expressed to Mr. Johannson. "That collar really looks good onyou, breedinghole. And you looked amazing receiving it last night. ""Thank you Master Ryan.

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  " "So did breedinghole have any inkling aboutthis?" Eddie asked. "Not at all Master. When Master didn't knock onthe door of your breedinghole's house she thought that was strange,as was the blindfold left on the table, but she couldn't really putthe meaning of it all together. Then when she had the blindfoldlifted from her eyes she was just so floored that her brain may havestopped working," Yuki laughed.

"Excellent," Eddie critiqued. "I love the way people in thisneighborhood can keep a secret. " "By the way breedinghole, pleasetell your mother that the food she put into the buffet last nightwas unbelievable. " 'Thank you Master Ryan. Mom loves to pleaseothers, so she will be very happy after hearing your kind words. "

"So I understand your little brother has a girlfriend now?" Ryanposited. "Yes Master Ryan. They're so cute together. He's teachingher to play guitar now, too. Maybe he will raise a household ofmusicians. That would rock," she giggled.

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"What about Aya? How are her and Ethan getting along?" "Oh my GodMaster Ryan, she is so into him. She says she wants to submit to himand asked him to study hard when he begins restraint training sothat she can be taken as soon as possible. " "Wow, Aya really is anatural born subbie, I guess," he chuckled. "Master's breedingholeso loves her youngest sister. She's so genki," Yuki burbled. "Genki?" "Yes Master. It's a Japanese word that means something like'cheerful' or 'active. ' For example, when a man gets hard, we oftensay, 'ochinchin genki desu ne,' or 'you're thing is hard, isn't it?'Of course, your breedinghole thinks all men are cheerful when theyget hard," Yuki concluded with a smirk, cracking everyone at thetable up.

In the wake of Eddie's collaring of Yuki, Prentice Oldfield wentover to Alan Perlis to talk about being allowed to collar Tomikoearly. Like when he met with Eddie, Alan took him into his bedroomto discuss the matter. "Master Alan, because of the nature of ourintended majors, cumface and I are going to attend separatecolleges. We  turn 18 later this year, but I am hoping that I canreceive permission to collar her early so we can enjoy her collaredstatus together for at least a couple of months before we leave theblock. "

Alan smiled wearily, but then said to him, "Master Prentice, we'veall watched your relationship with Tomiko and we're impressed by theway you've handled it. Tomiko is a great girl and I hope you will dowhat you can to keep her happy," he elaborated. "Yes Master Alan.

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  She is the sun and the moon to me. " "Great Prentice. I understandyour plight and I think you guys have earned a break, so I willbring a motion before the board at next week's meeting to bless yourplan. Please keep me abreast of how you want to do it so that itgets organized properly. " "Thank you Master Alan. You have made bothTomiko and me very happy. " "I hope so Master Prentice. "

Just short of two weeks later, like Eddie, Prentice took Tomiko toMs. McMullen's beauty shop to have her nails and hair done. Theylunched at her favorite sushi restaurant. They then went back to hishouse and he had a call out masseuse come over to give her amassage. At the end of that, she was so relaxed and feeling goodabout herself. She was extremely happy with the way she was beingpampered that day and it further impressed upon her how importantshe was to him. They hung out for a couple of hours and then her momcalled to tell her that they were having dinner early that day andshe needed to come home. Prentice said he would walk her over there.

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  She opened the door and saw that the livingroom was blocked off by ared curtain. "Cumface will stand for inspection," he ordered beforeshe could go through it. She stopped in her tracks and stood atattention. "Cumface will strip and fold her clothes neatly and thenleave them next to the door," he commanded. She did as he orderedand now she was naked. She raised her hand to ask about the curtain,but he rebuffed her and told her to remain quiet. He grabbed herrighthand with his left and pulled her through the curtain. In herfamily's livingroom the residents of the block were sitting on thetatami floor. All the furniture, at least what there was of it, hadbeen moved into the garage to make room. Her first impulse was toask what was going on,  but she caught herself. Prentice led her upthe middle of the onlookers and to the head of the space, where AlanPerlis was standing. "Cumface will kneel," he ordered. She knew whatthis was about as soon as she saw Alan and began to cry.

"All will rise," Alan Perlis announced. "Tomiko Isabel Hamamoto, youhave been summoned before the board and general membership of theSouth Marlin Circle Bondage Club this evening not only to mark yourentrance into adulthood, but your lifetime enslavement to yourMaster, Prentice Richard Oldfield.

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   Master Prentice, you will informthe membership of your rationale for honoring Tomiko with yourcollar. "

"President Perlis and ladies and gentlemen of the South MarlinCircle Bondage Club and esteemed guests. My life has been enrichedby the submission of Tomiko to me. Her earnest accommodation of mywhims, her beauty, her loving and modest nature, her cute laugh andher whip smart mind have made her the finest helpmate anyone couldask for. Without Tomiko, my life would be a much grayer affairindeed. Therefore, should the board so indulge me, I bestow untoyou, Tomiko Isabel Hamamoto, this collar as a symbol not only ofyour devotion to me, but of my gratitude for what you bring to mylife. I commit forever to keeping and protecting you. Do you acceptmy collar and submit yourself under my hand for as long as you shalllive?" "Yes Master. Thank you Master," Tomiko agreed, while tryingto maintain her composure. "Master Alan, does the board and themembership approve of my taking forever this slave?"

"All those who approve say yes," Alan pronounced. All assembledconsented to the motion. "Master Prentice, on behalf of all of ourgreat membership, your motion is carried unanimously. Tomiko IsabelHamamoto is now your bonded and collared slave. The board sincerelyhopes that she will carry her duties out with dignity and a gladheart and warns her Master that he will also display the necessarydignity and self control as well as judiciously care for hisproperty lest he lose his right to leadership. Do you understandTomiko" "Yes Master Alan.

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   Thank you Master Alan. " "Master Prentice,do you understand your responsibilities in having this life sogranted to you?" "Yes Master Alan. Thank you Master Alan. Thank youeveryone. "

Aoi was so proud of her big sister and gave her a long hug and toldher she loved her. Tomiko recapitulated her love for Aoi. Danieltold Aoi that her collaring wasn't that far off, which provoked herto smile. The black leather collar, which was of the same designthat Eddie put on Yuki, around her neck made Tomiko a marked woman,telling her that she proudly knows her place and has a place. Alanwent up to Prentice afterward and expressed the hope that he wouldcomeback to the neighborhood to live and raise his and Tomiko'schildren there.

Indeed, the neighborhood was being afflicted by the same demographiccrisis that the rest of the country was. A lot of kids were movingon to college after the current semester and more would next year. Moreover, given how few children people have at present, the alumniassociation was likely to soon start thinning out as its membersage. More companies moving their employees around frequentlyexacerbates that problem. Many of the parents on the block vowed tostay even after their kids move out. For example, Alan Perlis, theHamamotos, the Stevensons and the newly arrived Rosedahls said theywere in it until death, which was going to mean fewer youngfamilies.

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   Moreover, as sexual attitudes evolve and bondage becomesmore fashionable and less stigmatizing, then it becomes lessnecessary for aficionados of that practice to band together formutual security.  

Akihiro, who could very well end up being the last young person onthe block six years hence, was now 12 and Anita would soon reachthat mark. Anita was making slow progress on guitar, as expectedthat early in the learning process for that instrument. Norikothought it was cute how he would lecture his little girlfriend andtell her to play scales he had written out for her. Or they wouldsit there giggling at You Tube videos.

On the other hand, Akihiro had recently discovered masturbation. Orso Noriko thought. She walked in on him one day after he had gottenhome from Mrs. Wesftield's and saw him playing with himself. Akihiro, of course, was embarrassed, but Noriko closed the door andthen explained to him that what he did was okay as long as he keptit private and cleaned up the resulting mess.

Having a girlfriend ensured that Akihiro was jacking off pretty muchevery day now. He had stumbled upon the heavy makeout session assomething fun to do and it would make him hard. He enjoyed theemotions he would feel when he would see Anita as well and thoughtabout her incessantly.

Anita had just started puberty, but she knew a couple of years agothat rubbing her clit felt good. She hadn't let Akihiro rub herthere because she wasn't supposed to, but one new thing that she didrealize was being wet after she made out with Akihiro, not tomention how it felt emotionally.

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   Because she was used to being nakeda lot of the time at home and even in front of other kids at Mrs. Westfield's, she wasn't all that shy about her body. But it wasexplained to her the potential dangers of getting too close withyour boyfriend and that is why she should wait until she's 14, whenshe would be put on birth control. . After that, what she did withher body was her business. This took the forbidden fruit aspect ofsex out of the equation and girls who were products of more rationalsexual attitudes tended to wait longer before losing their virginityand their overall attitude toward it was healthier.

Speaking of masturbation, Aya was over at Ethan's house the dayafter Tomiko was collared. They started making out, which made himpainfully erect. He proposed to Aya that they each play withthemselves. He removed his clothes and sat next to her. She wasalready naked. She looked over at his stiff member and her mouth wasliterally watering, as she got the urge to put it in her mouth. Thatwasn't permitted, though and her fingers began to dance on her clit.

He looked over at Aya's full body, especially her tempting breasts,and ran his hand up and down the length of his shaft. God, he wantedto put it inside of her so badly! He peered down at her slit and thefingers that were already damp with her 18 year old juices.

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   Theywere both moaning and he was secreting precum, which made his handslick as he rubbed his pole. She began to fantasize how his dipstickwould feel inside of her and she closed her eyes as her imaginationtook flight. "God Aya, I want you so bad right now," he rasped. "YesMaster," she responded. "Oops!" she giggled. They both laughed ather Freudian slip as they each got closer and closer to detonatingtheir desire. "Hey Aya, can I cum on your face?" Ethan requested. "Yes Mas. . . er, Ethan," she spluttered. "Thanks babe. You so rule. ""Don't tell anybody, okay honey?" she begged. "Don't worry," hepanted, "I'll make you sound like the most pure Christian in theworld.

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  " "Awesome sweety," she said as her breathing was now out ofcontrol and the heat was permeating her being. "Oh God Master, I'mgoing to cum!" she told him and then she convulsed as her strangledcries let him know that she was in heaven. He was right at the endof his endurance, too, and stood up on the bed and placed his cockin front of her face. She closed her eyes and braced herself. Hewent over the edge and splashed his white hot jizz on her nose, lipsand cheeks. He looked down at her dicksnot smeared countenance andthought to himself how hot that looked. He then jumped off the bedand ran to the bathroom and grabbed some tissues and came back andwiped it off for her, concluding his ministrations with a kiss. Theysmiled and giggled at each other. "How did you feel about thatbabe?" he pondered. "If it pleased you I'm okay with it," sheaverred.

"You called me Master a couple of times. You totally want me to takeyou, don't you Aya?" "Yeah. I'm getting kinda impatient and I'mhaving a harder and harder time suppressing my need for it. " "That'stotally hot," he responded. "Do you want me, Ethan?" "Aya, you're myworld, girl.


   My day doesn't start until I have your hand in mine,"he cooed. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

Even though they were both nude at the moment, Ethan's mom didn'tparticularly have a problem with it as long as he wasn't on top ofher or something. Ethan, in fact, put his pants back on. He wasleery of accidentally impregnating Aya. He laid back against theheadboard of his bed and put a pillow on his stomach and told her touse it. She crawled in between his legs and rested her pretty headagainst the soft cushion and he switched on the tv. . He tousled herhair while they watched. His mom came to check on them and chuckledat the sight of them laying together.

"So how many kids are we going to have, babe?" "I really want a boyand a girl," she revealed. "You'll be the hot mom on the block Aya. You're so beautiful. " She giggled and snared one of his hands andkissed it. "I'll be so obedient to you honey.

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   I love you. " "I knowyou will, Aya. Your gorgeous body will be fun to tie up, too," hereturned. "Oh please Master! Please tie me up! I so love it!" "Yougot it my little slave. " "Ethan?" "Yes?' Can we please stay in thisneighborhood? I feel so safe here. " "I'll try to make that happenfor you Aya. Your happiness is so important to me. " "Thank youMaster," she said and they both giggled.

Meanwhile, at the Johannson residence, Eddie was cooking up anotherscenario with Yuki. "Okay breedinghole, you just recovered fromhaving our first child and now we're going to have sex for the firsttime after you've given birth. " "Yes Master," she smiled. "Sobreedinghole, you will report on your health. " "Yes Master. Thesoreness from the episiotomy and the birth is gone now and thedoctor said it's okay for us to start having sex again. " "Excellentbreedinghole.

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   Your Master appreciates all the handjobs and blowjobsbreedinghole has given him over the last few months, but there is nothrill for him like breeding his slave," he informed her. "Master,our  first child is so beautiful and it would be your breedinghole'shonor to have more of Master's seed implanted within her. "

Yuki was really hot right now. He was humiliating her by talkingabout her as breeding stock, but she loved him doing that as adominant male plus it stimulated her reproductive instincts and gaverise to the psychological resonance they carried with them. "Isbreedinghole wet and fertile for her Master?" "Oh yes Master. Pleaselet your breedinghole have the honor of nurturing another one ofyour children," she pleaded. "Your Master is impressed bybreedinghole's desire to be inseminated and will grant your wish,"he declared and climbed on top of her. She spread her legs and hesteered his cockhead at her opening and pushed it in. "Oh yesMaster," she began as she pulled his head down next to hers. "Floodme and make my belly grow," she encouraged. He began to thrust andeventually worked up to a lusty pace and Yuki was moaning into hisear. "Oh God Master, your cock feels sooooo good. And knowing you'regoing to inseminate me makes it so much hotter," she panted. Shecould feel her body opening, her instincts telling her to want hiscum, as she imagined his sperm uniting with an egg and creating anew life. She was panting hard now and wanted so much to have himdemonstrate his potency as her vaginal muscles sought to make himbereft of his seed.

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   "Oh God yes Master!" she shouted, her voice witha little bit of a guttural edge to it. "Breed your slave Master! Ohfuck oh yessssss," she whimpered and then her vaginal walls spasmedand she came as hard as she had ever done in her life, her mindfloating off into the ozone. .

Her pussy held on gratefully to his cock. "I'm going to cum so muchinside you my breedinghole will have twins!" he predicted. "Oh yesMaster, my belly will be so heavy then. Will Master be gentle withhis pregnant wife?" "Oh yes breedinghole. I will protect my broodwith all my heart," he sighed as he felt his cock beginning to go onhair trigger alert. "Yes Master, breed me! God, your breedinghole isso greedy for Master's seed right now. Please cum a lot, Master!"Seeing her passion, his cock tingled and then twitched, unleashingvolley after volley of his semen into his wanton slave's love pit. She felt the warm fluid pooling inside of her as he pulled out. Hegrabbed her legs and tilted her hips up. "Don't want to spill a dropbreedinghole. I want to drown your womb in my cum," he smiled. Shesquealed and giggled as she felt his manjuice submerge her cervix.

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He kissed up and down her long legs and then smiled so much whilelooking at her his jaw hurt afterward. "So is my wife ready tobecome a mother again?" "Yes Master. Thank you Master. Our littledaughter will love having a brother to play with and protect her. ""Will my beloved wife teach our daughter how to be a goodsubmissive?" "Yes Master, she will. She hopes her daughter will finda good man to rule her like this slave has grown under Master'shand. " "I have such a good wife. " "And my husband is my light. Ilove him so much. " They giggled again and shared passionate kissesbefore making love one more time.

At school the next day, there was an assembly in the gym thatrequired the lights to be out while the program was occurring. EricStevenson sat next to his slave, Kathy Delasso, on the floor. "Socumbunny," he very softly whipered into her ear. "Would you like meto tie you up naked and stand you in the middle of all of thesepeople? He knew this would get her little exhibitionist heartpumping. She whispered back that would be hot.

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   "What if I bent youover while everyone looked on and gave you 20 hard swats with mypaddle?" Kathy imagined the way the sound of the impact of thepaddle on her ass would reverberate in the space, as would her criesof pain. Kathy was dripping wet now. "God Master, that would be sosexy," she posited. "So what if I decided to fuck you in the middleof the basketball court?" Kathy's mind immediately conjured upimages of her on her back, her legs in the air and Eric reaming hercunt, her moans echoing in the gym. "Oh my God Master, you're goingto make me cum just thinking about all that," she rasped stealthilyinto his ear. He kissed her and ran his hands up her sweater andgave her a quick grope. They both knew somebody, and maybe manysomebodies, saw that. That was what made it titillating. When theyexited the gym after the presentation ended, he pulled her skirt up,revealing her pantyless pussy and ass. She yelped, but secretlyenjoyed it and returned to class with her jellyroll feeling slickand warm.

All the subbies give their masters blowjobs from time to time atMrs. Westfield's after school, the product of so many beautifulnubile naked bodies being made available for viewing by the boys. But nobody enjoyed it more than Kathy did. When Eric came in hermouth, instead of merely showing it to him and swallowing, she wouldshow the wad on her tongue to everybody before dispatching it to hertummy. One time, she even ran out of Mrs.

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   Westfield's completelystarkers and into her house across the street. Eric and her thoughtthat was hilarious and kinda hot, but it earned her a good caningfrom Mrs. Westfield and so she never did that again.



