
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 12


When Yuki got up in the morning, she felt like crap. Yes, herasshole was sore from the pounding it took the previous day, but itwas evident that her period was starting. She woke Eddie and toldhim and quickly dressed and went home. A few minutes later, Eddiecalled her and told her she could wear whatever she felt like forthe day and to let him know if she needs anything. She was also toreport on her health before they walked to school, during lunch andas soon as school ended.

What made things worse for the two men in the Yamanori household wasthat all the girls in the house, including Noriko, began tomenstruate that day. Keiko phoned Dalton to inform him of heraffliction and, like Eddie, he told her to issue reports on herhealth and to wear whatever she would deem comfortable or necessary. Mr. Yamanori called such days when the women of the house hadsynched up their periods, "aka no hi," or "red day. s" It didn'thappen a lot, but it wasn't uncommon, either. Ethan babied Aya allday long and thanked God that Daniel had told him what to do on suchoccasions after big brother had begun dealing with Aoi's flows andDante with Cheryl's.  

After they walked home from school, both Eddie and Dalton dismissedtheir slaves from their duties for the day and said that they wouldbe left to their own devices so that they will be able toconcentrate on themselves and not worry about their masters.

Eddie also saw this as an opportunity to deal with something he hadbeen mulling over. He went to see Alan Perlis to discuss his ideaafter dinner. They retired to his bedroom. "So what's on your mindMaster Eddie?" "Master Alan, as you know, my slave breedinghole willbe turning 18 in November.

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   I won't even be 18 until February. Thething is that I would like to collar breedinghole once she is alegal adult and I may even decide to ask her to marry me. Irecognize, though, that I would need a waiver from the board to dothis. I'm one of the few masters with a slave older than they and Iam hoping that special consideration can be made given thecircumstances. "

"Son, you haven't been going out that long with Yuki and you guysare still in that honeymoon phase of your relationship. But here iswhat I'll do: wait until you turn 18 and then I will bring it upwith the board and see what they say. Is Yuki going away to collegenext fall?" "Thank you for your kind consideration Master Alan. Breedinghole told me she wants to stay close to home because shefeels really comfortable in her community and wants to be near herparents. " "Ah, so there is no real urgency to  this then," Alanobserved. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. " "Master Eddie, comeback to me after your birthday and we will take this matter upagain. Until then, it will be incumbent upon you to show that youshould be permitted to collar Yuki and to demonstrate that yourrelationship has some legs," Alan ruled. "Yes Master Alan. Thank youMaster Alan. I will work hard on my relationship with her and thenlook forward to another discussion of this matter.

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   Sorry tointerrupt your busy schedule. " "Not a problem Master Eddie. Yuki isa sweetheart so take good care of her. " Yes Master Alan. Thank youMaster Alan. "

When Eddie left Alan's house, he didn't necessarily like what hiselder had to say, but also realized where he was coming from. Eddiewould only have to wait three or four months after Yuki's birthdayto perhaps get permission to collar her and that wasn't THAT long atime. It would also give him time to plan her collaring ceremony.

He went over to her house to check on her. Noriko let him in and hewent to Yuki's bedroom, where she was reading. "So how is my wife?"he asked her. "Dear husband, your wife is still cramping and feelsgross," she revealed. "Poor baby. Your husband so hates to see hisbeloved wife suffering. Is there anything I can do for you?""Nothing can be done Master.

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   Your breedinghole will just have to letit take its course. " Eddie took her righthand and kissed it. Then heleaned over her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Yuki, you areexcused from your duties until further notice and you are ordered totake whatever rest you need to be your usual self again. " "Thank youmy darling husband. I love you," she smiled. "I love you, too, mysweet wife. "

Prentice Oldfield was also making his plans for collaring Tomiko. Hehad just turned 18 and was planning on going away to college andwould ask for permission to claim her for eternity a couple  ofmonths early as a result. He and Tomiko had been Master and slavefor a couple of years and were pretty much inseparable. Mostwondered if they would wait until after college before tying theknot, especially since she was sleeping over at his house three tofour nights a week.

Dalton, though, hadn't read Keiko as she thought he should have. Dalton left her alone when she got her period because he believedthat the last thing she needed was the pressure of dealing with himwhen she wasn't feeling well. He heard about it the next morning. Keiko couldn't go off on him because that would be considereddefiance and thus would be subject to immediate punishment.

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   So whenhe had her report on her health, she added this aside: "Master, whenyour wetpoon gets her period, she feels insecure, ugly and moody. Soher Master's presence is very reassuring to her and she takescomfort in his embrace. " Dalton recognized this for what it was. "Sodid I blow it last night Kei-chan?" "Master, your wetpoon realizesthat we are still getting to know each other. She knows what youwere trying to do and is grateful for Master's kindness, but she isalways desiring her Master's love, even when she is visited by AuntFlow every month. " "Wetpoon, you are always living in your Master'sheart and it is my greatest happiness to comfort you in  times whenyou are feeling down," he told her. "Thank you Master," she smiled. He put his arm around her waist and held her closely as he couldwhile they walked to school.

There is a park next to the middle school that Ethan and Aya attendand the fence that separates the two properties has a break in it,so a lot of the students go over there during lunch to hang out eventhough they aren't supposed to. Ethan took Aya there and had her laydown on the cool, dry grass with her head in his lap while he fedher her lunch piece by piece. "How you feelin' babe?" he asked her. "Ugh, don't ask," she shot back. "That sucks A-chan (that was hernickname in her family). Just chill and get better," he advocated. "Thanks baby," she smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

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   "Heybabe, can I come over to your house after school?" he wondered. "Iwould really like that, Ethan," she stated. "I feel crappy, buthaving you there makes me feel supported," she told him. "I'll tryto be mellow for you babe," he offered. "Ethan, I so want to submitto you. You're just the greatest guy," she disclosed. "Really?" Hegrinned, somewhat, though not totally, surprised. "Yeah. I knowyou're not allowed to yet, but please study hard when you beginlearning about restraints so that we can be bound together as soonas we can. " "Holy shit Aya, thanks! I will babe. You're totally thebest," he burbled. He kissed her and then continually hugged her onthe walk home.

After leaving Mrs. Westfield's house, Ethan and Aya went to theYamanoris home and up to her bedroom, where they both stripped,except for her period panties, and laid in bed with him cuddlingher. Noriko brought some tea up for her and Ethan as well as Keikoand Yuki and their masters.


   The boys noted that even at 48, Norikowas still quite fetching and so they were reassured about how theirfuture wives would age. Aya had Ethan promise that when they gotmarried he would buy a house in their current neighborhood becauseher and her family really feel like this is where they belong.

Speaking of which, with Mandy now away at college and thus out ofthe house, Paul and Summer Perlis were updating their interiorgetting it ready to be sold. They would pocket list it to members ofthe alumni association before thinking about putting it on thegeneral market. They were headed to a gated community next to a golfcourse, since Paul was nuts about the sport, about an hour down theroad from South Marlin Circle. It would also be somewhat closer tohis job.

The block board was also making plans for an alumni party thefollowing May. It would be held the first week of that month becauseof the neighborhood's strong ties to Japan. It would be Golden Week,a time when a number of holidays converge in the Land of the RisingSun, which would allow onetime expats from that country that hadlived on the block to take time off of work and visit. Notificationswere sent out to everyone in the association so that they couldarrange their schedules accordingly. Also, Ai Hamamoto had beenadded to the inspection committee along with Mrs. Westfield and herdaughter because of the increasing number of Japanese families onthe block and her familiarity with the cleanup requirements of homesdesigned in that culture's style. However, because Ai was asubmissive, she would not be allowed to carry out any punishmentsfor substandard neatness. Instead, she would notify Mrs. Westfield,who would then employ her cane of correction  on the miscreantparty.

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By the end of September, Yuki, Yumi, Keiko, Eddie, Dalton, Akihiroand Aya were totally comfortable with their new schools. Therenovations on the Paul Perlis home were finished and the word putout among the alumni that there was a house for sale on South MarlinCircle. During the second week of October, a full price offer wasmade by Barry and Gina "cockmilker" Rosedahl and it was accepted,especially since Paul remembered Barry from when he was living onthe block as a kid. After Barry had gone away to college and thensettled down out of state, where he met his wife Gina at a BDSMmunch, and his vanilla sister Rhonda had been married off, Barry'sparents moved their real estate business to Florida. Barrytransfered his family to California just after his son Donny, whowas now 20 and a college sophomore, was born, where they lived in aranch style home in a town north of the one South Marlin Circle waslocated in. Because the Rosedahls thought it would be better to lettheir other three kids finish the current school semester beforefinally moving in, they allowed this branch of the Perlis clan totake their time choosing a new residence in the city of their choiceand at a price they thought was reasonable before they moved out.

The three children still living at the Rosedahl residence wereAlissa, 17, who was 5'7" and 135 pounds with D cups, softly definedhips and proportionate legs, big, expressive green eyes with dark brown hair down to the small of her back and a shaved pussy; Tina,15, was 5'4" and 115 pounds with C cups, a tapered torso, shapelylegs, dark brown hair that she wore in a pixie cut and she wasshaved, too; Anita, 11, was 5'0" and 95 pounds, green eyes thatalmost seemed translucent, brown hair down to her ass and she stillhadn't gone through puberty yet. The two older girls were already onthe pill.

Akihiro was excited when he was told by Jeff that a girl his age wasmoving into the neighborhood. However, he was still two and a halfyears away from even being able to receive restraint training, so hewasn't going to be able to do much with her if they hooked up foranother three years at the soonest. He was becoming more and moreinterested in girls and more popular at Sunny Heights ElementarySchool, but he wasn't interested in vanilla girls because of thenecessity of keeping secrets. Also, because of his youth andimmaturity, he wasn't even sure of how he was going to be able tobroach the subject of BDSM anyway. Hell, he really wasn't even thatsure how to talk to girls for that matter.

When the sale on Alan's new home closed in early November and theycould move in, a going away party was thrown for him and his wife. The Rosedahls began moving their furniture into the South MarlinCircle abode on December 1st but didn't move themselves in untilmid-January just as the fall semester of their daughters' respectiveschools was ending.

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   Once they were now permanently ensconced on theblock, there was a welcoming party thrown for them. At that party,Akihiro met Anita and they went off to a corner of the backyard ofthe Stevenson residence, which is where the party was, and he filledher in on the school she would be going to. He also offered to teachher guitar, an offer which she took him up on. He was transfixed byher eyes and was thus in love with her right from the outset. Anitawas glad to have a friend already in her new school to make thetransition to it easier.

She was enrolled in Sunny Heights Elementary the first day of thespring semester. By the end of that week, her and Akihiro were acouple. Some of the other girls who had designs on him becamejealous and Anita caught some shit for being a kind of interlopersince she snagged him after just transferring in. Fortunately, kidsthat age being what they are, the resentment was soon forgotten. Their school was in front of that  pocket park that was adjacent toEthan and Aya's middle school, so the four of them walked togethereach morning and Anita was taught the ins and outs of her newneighborhood.

But the most liked new addition to the neighborhood, at least interms of sheer lust, was Alissa, who facially resembled a youngerTawny Kitaen. As soon as she walked into the Westfield residence fortheir homework session and stripped, all the boys eyes popped out ather mouth watering tits, which wear teardrop shaped and had largelight brown aureolae, and an equally inviting bare snatch. They allimmediately got hard ons and all the owned female subbies soon foundthemselves being commanded to relieve their masters' sperm heavyballs with their mouths. This went on for weeks and most of thegirls were giving bjs every day of the week as Alissa crossed theirmasters' minds.

They all thought that Yuki was amazing, but there was something justa little more confrontational about Alissa's looks. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   They seemed toDEMAND that you peep her whereas Yuki's aura was more mild. Theconsensus was that if Alissa was a professional domina she wouldclean up. However, she was a subbie, though an unowned one.

The entrance of the Rosedahls had one other effect: during a blockChristmas party the previous December, Yoriko was home for theholidays. She noticed Donny rightaway and thought he looked likeDave Grohl. He was 5'11" and 170 pounds and in his second year ofcollege with a goatee and dark brown hair that extended to hisshoulders. She had someone introduce them and they spent the rest ofthe night talking to each other and doing some making out. Thingsescalated from there and her virginity became past tense before shehad to leave for school again. They kept in touch after that andwere more or less having a long distance relationship. What he likedabout her was that under that cute, prim mask of hers was a girl whoreally liked having it taken to her. She had considered getting offthe pill since she didn't have anyone at school, but was glad shestayed on it when she met Donny so that she didn't have toexperience her first time having sex with a condom on his cock. Hefucked her repeatedly and made her swallow many loads of his cumbefore she had to fly back east. She had given blowjobs before thatand, at the insistence of her father, could deep throat. But shewould never let boys get into her pussy until Donny did.

In February, Anita had her first period and with it entered puberty.

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  Her breasts began to bud and wispy bits of hair appeared on hercrotch. When Anita showed up at Mrs. Westfield's wearing periodpanties after the initial menstruation of her life, all the girlshugged her and said, "welcome to the club!" She was also hugged byall the boys and told she will be as beautiful as her two sisters. Akihiro asked around about how to handle this new development andgot shitloads of advice, including a firm talking to from Mrs. Westfield.

Eddie's 17th birthday was a few days later and he went to AlanPerlis again to seek permission to collar the now 18 year old Yuki. Alan had been collecting information on how Eddie had handled Yukito date and what kind of maturity he was displaying. Yuki herselfsaid that Eddie was super tender with her even as he used her forhis own pleasure and he was doing well in school (but then again,all the neighborhood children did). "While I'm not crazy about doingthis, I'll take it before the board and see how they vote," Alanstated. Eddie thanked him profusely.

The linchpin of Eddie's argument was that Yuki was 18 and thereforelegally capable of making decisions as to who would permanently ownher. Also, he was only a year short of becoming a legal adulthimself. Everyone in the association really liked her and feltprotective of her, but no news had ever arisen indicating that Eddiedidn't deserve her. So after some wrangling, the board approved thecollaring of Yuki by Eddie, but with the proviso that he would bewarned that he would be watched closely and would be penalized bydenial of his right to lead if he did anything that was emblematicof abuse, incompetence or stupidity. On February 20th, he got thephone call telling him to proceed.


   He was overjoyed. Yuki had noidea he was about to collar her.

That next weekend, he took her to Ms. McMullen's beauty shop and hadher hair and nails done. From there, they went back to his house, where they chilled out in his room for a few hours watching tv. Whatshe didn't notice was that everybody had snuck out of the house andthey were alone. Then he suddenly got up around 6 p. m. and pulled ared cheongsam out of the closet along with a pair of red open toedfour inch heels. "Breedinghole, put this on," he directed. She didas she was told. He had her turn around and he brushed her hair asshe stood silently. She was excited to see where this would lead. Nodoubt, it would be something totally unpredictable, she thought toherself and her heart was racing a bit. He took out a long length ofred silk rope and pulled her hair into a pony tail and encased herlocks, which were now at the middle of her back, in a hair corset.

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  "Breedinghole will stand here in inspection position until furthernotice," he intoned. She stood at attention as he went into thebackyard and called Alan Perlis. "Okay Master Alan, I'm going tobring her over now. Please have everyone remain quiet until wearrive. "Boy Master Eddie, she's going to get the biggest surpriseof her life," he said while he warned everyone to be still and notmake any noises.

Eddie ended the call and came back inside the house. He changed intoa dark blue suit. He walked into the bedroom and told Yuki to takehis hand. She tried to raise her hand, but Eddie ordered her toremain quiet for now. She was concerned that she was going out inpublic and didn't  have any underwear on at all even while wearing aslit skirt. They went into the darkness of the night, slowly walkingover to her house. He opened the door, which should have been herfirst clue something was up because he never went into anyone'shouse without knocking. He told her to stand for inspection oncemore. He looked her over and then placed a blindfold that had beenleft on a nearby table for him on her head. Now she knew somethingwas up, but what?

He leisurely walked her up the stairs and guided her through theopen doorway of her dad's playroom.

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   He stood behind her and grabbedher arms and pushed her up the aisle that was surrounded on eitherside by the block's residents who were siting in folding chairs. Theroom was illuminated in candlelight. "Stop right here breedinghole,"he ordered. "Yes Master. " "Breedinghole will keep her eyes lookingforward when I remove the blindfold and she will also remainsilent," he advocated. 'Yes Master. Thank you Master. " She couldhear her voice echoing around the room. He slowly slid theblindfhold off and she immediately noticed the candlelight Then sherecognized Alan Perlis standing right in front of her on a makeshiftaltar. Yuki had never been to a collaring ceremony before andwondered what the hell was going on.

Eddie unzipped both parts of the cheongsam and they slipped to thefloor, leaving Yuki naked. He had her step out of the heels and theclothing, which he neatly folded and placed on the floor next toher. Then he stood by her side.

"All will rise," Alan Perlis announced. "Yuki Karen Yamanori, youhave been summoned before the board and general membership of theSouth Marlin Circle Bondage Club tonight not only to mark yourentrance into adulthood, but your lifetime enslavement to yourMaster, Edward Ian Johannson.

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   Master Edward, you will inform themembership of your rationale for honoring Yuki with your collar. "

"President Perlis and ladies and gentlemen of the South MarlinCircle Bondage Club and esteemed guests: last August, this humblesoul was blessed by the submission of Yuki Karen Yamanori to himand, as time has passed, my love for her beauty, intelligence,sweetness and obedience has only grown. Yuki has becomeindispensable to my life and has served me with all her heart andmade me look good to the community. Even when I used her for mypleasure it was always with a deep abiding love and care in myheart. Therefore, should the board so indulge me, I bestow unto youYuki Karen Yamanori this collar as a sign of your permanentservitude to me. I also pledge to care for and protect you. Do youaccept my collar  and submit yourself under my hand for as long asyou shall live?" "Yes Master. Thank you Master," Yuki agreed, whilestammering through her tears. "Master Alan, does the board and themembership approve of my taking forever this slave?"

"All those who approve say yes," Alan pronounced. About 75% of thoseassembled were copacetic with the motion. "All those who object sayno. " About a fourth gave a negative indication,  mostly due toEddie's age. "Master Edward, on behalf of all of our greatmembership your motion is carried by majority vote and Yuki KarenYamanori is now your bonded and collared slave. The board sincerelyhopes that she will carry her duties out with dignity and a gladheart and warns her Master that he will also display the necessarydignity and self control as well as judiciously care for hisproperty lest he lose his right to leadership. Do you understandYuki?" "Yes Master Alan.

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   Thank you Master Alan. " "Master Edward, doyou understand your responsibilities in having this life so grantedto you?" "Yes Master Alan. Thank you Master Alan. Thank youeveryone. "

Eddie buckled the collar on to her neck and stood her up and had herturn to face the audience. He smiled widely and she felt embarrassedbeing the center of attention like that, but she was jumping for joyinside that she was now officially owned for all  time. He took herhand and they went downstairs into the living room. Eddie huggedYuki and kissed her passionately. "I love you Yuki. I hope tonight'sceremony made you very happy," he stated. "Master, I don't know whatto say. This is such a shock. But thank you! I am honored and willalways serve you with a grateful heart. " "I know you will. Now theothers would like to greet you, so please.

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  . . . " he said, pointinginto the middle of the living room. As she walked into the center ofthe room, she was surrounded by well wishers and hugged and kisseddozens of times. Eddie got high fived by all the other Masters. "Dude, nice job landing Yuki! She rocks!" Jeff told him. "Pleasetake care of my daughter," Noriko and Koji pleaded. Eddie said hewould treat her like gold. "That was a beautiful ceremony Eddie andhaving her come in wearing that dress, nice touch," Alissaevaluated. "She looked stunning in it. " Aya was thrilled for Yuki. "I hope Ethan does that for me someday, " she bubbled. Keiko huggedEddie and expressed hope that he and Yuki would watch over her andDalton. Dalton was insulted by that and Keiko had to explain that inthe culture she comes from, it is a common request from juniors tohave their seniors help them keep from doing stupid things byhanding down some timely advice.


   Dalton still wasn't sure he wasmollified but it wasn't worth antagonizing Keiko over. Her intentionwas to be nice and take a humble position, which is a good attitudefor a subbie.

The living room emptied out while everybody went for the food,  someof which was prepared by Yuki's parents and sisters. Eddie's folkstook him aside and told him how much they love Yuki and are thrilledhe is bringing her into the family. However,  they also cautionedhim that he was still young and to try to think before he speaks oracts because merely being collared isn't going to keep her fromleaving if he fucks up. He thanked them for the advice, but wasprivately thinking, "well, duh. "

By midnight, Eddie was mentally worn out due to the stress of hidinghis plans from Yuki, stressing over the ceremony going as he hopedit would and then just dealing with everybody at the party. Yuki wasemotionally exhausted. The collaring was indeed a surprise and thenshe, as women are wont to do, was overthinking about pretty mucheverything surrounding their relationship. Then she was trying toaccommodate everyone, including her Master, to keep them happy. Eddie came and got her, took her upstairs and had her get dressedand then walked her to his house. They showered and went to bed tooknackered to cap the festivities with a good old fashioned fuck.



