Ethan went over to Aya's house to pick her up. She was wearing alittle navy blue skirt and a white blouse along with white anklesocks and loafers. They met up with all the other kids in theneighborhood in front of the Alan Perlis residence. Aya was given alot of reassuring hugs before she and Ethan intertwined theirfingers and walked off to John C. Bannister Memorial Middle School. She grabbed Ethan's elbow tightly as they hit the campus. Shefidgeted a bit while they waited for their first period class tobegin. When the bell rang, they kissed each other and walked intothe classroom and she sat behind him. She surveyed the otherstudents trying to get a feel for the culture of the school. Rollwas called and they received their textbooks for the semester andthe teacher summarized the direction of the coursework.
They had their second period class together as well. Ethan wasn'tused to seeing the normally outgoing and talkative Aya so quiet. "You okay babe?" he asked her. "Yeah, just nervous," she countered. "I wish we had all of our classes together. " "Yeah, me too babe.
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Before third period, Ethan was approached by a couple of guys heknew. "Hey Perlis, 'sup?" "Hey Thompson, Brancow. " The "Brancow" wasJerry Brankowski, the center of the school's football squad. Theycalled him "Brancow" after a shock jock named "Mancow. " "So who wasthat chick we saw you with?" Jessie Thompson asked. "That's mygirlfriend Aya," he instructed. "Oh, so she's Japanese?" Jerryinquired. "Sort of. Her parents and one of her sisters are fromthere, but she was born here. " "So have you fucked her yet?" Jessieleered. "Dude, she won't even let me touch her boobs," Ethan lied. "But she's really cute and nice, so that's why I stay with her. ""Does she give you head?" Jessie asked. "Fuck Jessie, you're such aperv, dude. And the answer is no.
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She thinks the idea is gross. ""Epic fail Perlis," Jessie rejoindered. "And who are you doing rightnow? Oh, would that be, oh I don't know, NOBODY?" "Shut the fuck up,dude," Jessie retorted. "He totally owned you, man," Jerry remarkedto Jessie.
Before their fourth period class together, Ethan told Aya about theexchange. Most other guys would have bragged about the blowjobs orsex they were getting, so that Ethan didn't made her feel good abouthim. After that class, they went to lunch. She had a tomato andcheese sandwich and a couple of rice balls, one of which she sharedwith her boyfriend. He had a berry pie and shared half of that withher and they then spent the rest of the time teasing each other. Thebell sounded and he told her he would see her at seventh period,kissing her before they parted. Aya then wondered how her sisterswere doing at their new school.
Prentice, Tomiko and Yuki all sat together in their first periodclass and the couple kept an eye on the newbie. Yuki noticed acouple of boys staring at her, which made her both excited andnervous. She wished Eddie could be there. It was weird to her atfirst not being able to talk to him since they were in differentyears and couldn't get any classes together.
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At least she could seehim during lunch and then be escorted to her fifth period class byTomiko and Prentice. She got through the day without incident andreceived another reassuring hug at the flagpole from Jeff and Yumibefore Eddie showed up five minutes later.
Keiko and Dalton had their second, third and sixth period classestogether and there were other block members in the others, so herexposure to life at a new school was cushioned compared to her eldersister.
Yumi had a good day with Jeff in five of her classes and so schoolwas officially underway. They made sure they waited for everyonebefore beginning the walk home. They stopped in the alley behind theconvenience store and had all the subbie girls pull their skirts up,calling it a "panty check. " A good giggle was had by all and theyproceeded to Mrs. Westfield's house. The girls all stripped uponentrance, folded their clothes and placed them neatly along withtheir shoes in one of the cubby hole shelves next to the door. Themasters sat at the dining room table while the subbies kneeled at along low table at the rear of the livingroom. Two of the masterswanted blowjobs, so their subbies attended to those and then, afterswallowing the cum that shot out of their superior's cocks, got downto doing their homework. For almost all of the kids on this day,though, there was no homework, so Mrs. Westfield had them readquietly for an hour before releasing them for the day. Ethan, Eddieand Dalton then took their girlfriends home so that they could touchbase with Noriko before they went out the door again.
Ethan took Aya over to his place and they talked about school whilehe held her naked body against his.
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She thanked him for protectingher reputation. She hoped that the next year would pass quickly sothat she could go to high school with her new friends next year.
As that was occurring, Keiko and Yuki were receiving their masters'cocks and eventually their cum. Yuki was grateful for the fuckingsince it helped siphon off a lot of the nervous energy she wasexhibiting.
Yuki, though, wouldn't get any breaks Tuesday. Eddie had her don thered what is called in Japan "body con" dress that clung to her bodylike plastic wrap and then came down to mid thigh. She was told tosupplement that with the lacy black panty and bra set, black pantyhose and red heels. Keiko was commanded to wear her black cheongsamwith black heels, thigh high stockings, bra and panties. Theirmasters also dressed up in white dress shirts and khaki pantsbecause if they wore their usual t-shirts and jeans the contrastwould just be too incongruous.
When they hit the school grounds, they made quite an impression,especially Yuki, because of her long legs and the wiggle in her widehips. She noticed just about every boy in her classes was staring ather. Wrapping Yuki's body in his arms during lunch and the way thedress and stockings framed her body made Eddie stone hard. He ledher around the quad while everybody ate to show her off and get somerespect for nailing such a stunner.
Keiko and Yuki's attire also had an effect on their male teachers,some of whom became rather obviously erect when the two Asianhotties entered the room in those outfits. Prentice laughed tellingDalton about how one of their teachers was positively drooling overKeiko and appeared to even been trying to see past the slit in theskirt portion of the cheongsam for possible signs of beaver.
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Yuki was very glad to get to Mrs. Westfield's because the heels,which were new and not broken in yet, were killing her feet. Aftershe knelt in front of the low table to start on her homework, sheraised her hand and, after she was recognized, said, "Mistress, theparents of Master's breedinghole would be honored with the chance toserve you dinner this Saturday night. Would Mistress do this slave'sfamily the honor of accepting the invitation?" "Of course dear. Please pass along my gratitude to Master Koji and mesubuta for theirkindness. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. "
Once they left Mrs. Westfield's house, Eddie, Dalton, Yuki and Keikowent to the latter pair's home. Eddie told Yuki to bathe her feetand then return to the livingroom. After she had cleaned hertootsies, Eddie had Yuki lay on the tatami mat floor and he massagedthem for her. Noriko thought that was a very loving gesture,especially after Eddie was the one demanding that she wear thosestill stiff four inch heels. Eddie called it performing routinemaintenance on his property, but everyone knew that was adisingenuous way of putting what was actually an act of love.
Jeff, though, wasn't giving any such kindness to Yumi.
He hogtiedher in his bedroom and then skullfucked her, blasting her pieholewith big dollops of his seed.
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He untied her from that position andbound her to the headboard with her legs spread wide open. Heinserted a vibrating egg into her pussy and turned it on half way. He jumped into bed and got on his stomach. He began to suck and lickher clit and got her pretty steamed up. "Okay pleasurehole, you willnot cum without my permission or you will be punished. Do youunderstand pleasurehole?" "(Whimpering) Yes Master. " He pulled out awhip and tapped her ass cheeks to warn her what would happen if sheorgasmed without his consent. He wacked the vibrator on to full andmauled her nipples with his mouth while his fingers rubbed hernubbin. This quickly goaded her to the edge. "Master, may yourpleasurehole cum?" She pleaded. "Pleasurehole may cum in fiveminutes," he stipulated. "Thank you Master, ohhhhhhhhh" she panted. Yuki tried to relax to stave off her climax and Jeff lightly tappedher ass with the whip to make sure she understood the penalty forpremature orgasm. She was gasping and panting and Jeff smiled whilehis slave battled her desires. "Four more minutes, pleasurehole," heinformed her.
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"Oh God Master, please let your pleasurehole cum," shewhined. "Only a little over three minutes pleasurehole. Be patient,"he advocated, smiling wickedly. She attempted to get a handle on herbreathing, but it couldn't be helped. "Agggghhhhh" she cried inattempting to control herself. "Three minutes now pleasurehole. Youcan do it," he announced. The speed of her panting only increasedand she was feeling the heat inside of her beginning to plume. Hecontinued rubbing her clit while the vibrator shook her. She finallylet out a strangled scream and her pubic muscles convulsed hard,giving away the fact that she had orgasmed. Jeff immediately slappedeach cheek on her ass five times. "Sorry Master," Yumi apologized. "Because you came before I permitted it, you will not be allowedanother orgasm for ten minutes. God help you if you cum before that"he notified her.
Jeff went back to sucking and licking Yumi's clit as the vibratorresounded within her and he could tell she was ramping up again.
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Heattacked her clit with everything he had, also using the tip if hisindex finger to tantalize the opening of her pussy. "Ohhhh god!"Yumi lamented while moaning, her stiff love button pulsing andthrobbing and oh so warm. "Eight minutes pleasurehole," Jeffpronounced. She was already beginning to pant again. "OhGoooddddddddddddddd," she shivered. She could feel the vibrationsrattling her clit in addition to the sensations it generated insideof her. She squealed and let out a sound that was like half screamand half bark while she endeavored to resist her urge to orgasm. Jeff sucked as hard as he could on her clit, distending it andmaking it smart a bit. She was huffing and puffing and gasping. "Seven minutes pleasurehole. You better hold on or I'll punish youdouble over the last time," he threatened. "Please Master, " shemewled," Please let your pleasurehole cum!" she begged. "And we'reat six minutes, pleasurehole. Hold the line!" he urged. Her pussywas already a wet, steamy and sloppy mess as she grunted andwrithed.
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She suddenly emitted a yelp and then her entire body quakedas she started to orgasm, her breathing now guttural while she copedwith it. Jeff reared back and gave her ten of the best on each asscheek,, which stung sharply and left her posterior hot and sore.
"Okay pleasurehole," he began, "I'm going to give you one morechance to redeem yourself. You must go ten minutes without cummingor I will double the punishment yet again. Does pleasureholeunderstand?" "Yes Master," she whimpered again. "Okay pleasurehole,relax and try to keep the orgasm away until the time expires," hecommanded. Three minutes later, she was crying out in ecstasy againand that earned her 20 swats on each cheek. "I'm sorry Master," sheapologized. "I gave you three chances to control yourself and youfailed pleasurehole. Why do you try the patience of your Master likethat?" "I'm sorry Master. I just couldn't help it," she said.
He untied her and told her to lay on her stomach. He spanked herhard with his open hand ten times on each cheek. Then he put acondom on, lubed up her asshole and rammed his meat into herfudgetunnel, her ass stinging everytime he thrust it in all the wayin. He pulled her hair while he was doing this, enjoying thecompression on his cock by the walls of her anal cavity.
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"You lovebeing fucked in the ass, don't you slut?" he snarled. "Yes Master,"she yelped. "What are you slut?" "I'm your slut," she confirmed. "You're damned right bitch. Can I use your body whenever andhowever I see fit?" "Yes Master," she assented. "That's my goodlittle slut," he approved. With a few more violent thrusts hespooged her asshole. He pulled out and went to the bathroom to getrid of the condom and wash his penis.
He also wadded up some toilet paper to wipe her cum filled ass. Hereturned to the bathroom to flush it and wash his hands. He sat nextto Yumi and had her remain on her stomach. "So does pleasurehole'sass still hurt?" "Sort of Master. It's throbbing and it stings, butit's tolerable," she said. "That's good," Jeff nodded. He had herstand up and then kissed and held her.
He put his boxers and pantsback on and sat up in bed, put a pillow on his lap and had Yumi layher head on it while on her stomach. He stroked her head while theywatched tv together.
Wednesday, all the high school age girls from the neighborhoodexcept Lisa, naturally, were wearing tight shorts and t-shirts toschool and looking cute as hell. Aya was becoming more comfortablenow in her new middle school environment and Ethan began to see moreof her natural personality emerging. She was becoming more popularwith her classmates and a couple boys openly expressed distress ather having a boyfriend. Ethan loved that little ego stroke. He wasstill going to have to wait until the following year, when he wouldbe 14, though, to formally take Aya and even then that would onlyafter he had finished restraint training. She pretty much didanything he told her, but she could still reject anything he mighthave in mind out of hand if she wasn't in the mood for it. Even so,their discussions had ranged from possible slave names for her towhat kind of collar she would want when he turns 18 and can put oneon her and even how many kids they will have after they get married. Because of her upbringing, the tendency of girls her age bouncingfrom boyfriend to boyfriend just seemed insane to her. Ethan wasimmature to be sure, but from being taught that BDSM iscommunication-centric and to respect those who give themselves toyou he had learned to pick up on things other boys his age didn'tand he wasn't as stupid with his actions since the emphasis on selfcontrol within the community was considered a paramount sign of areal leader. He'd gotten a lot of advice about all this from hisbrothers and his parents and for Aya, who was still insecure, as allteenagers inevitably are, he had a stability about him other kidshis age did not. It also helped he was cute in her eyes and that hemade it pretty obvious that she was first in his life and all theother crap he liked to do didn't matter nearly as much. So he wasmuch more focused on making their relationship work. And then therewas her need to be dominated.
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She was glad she wasn't wasting hertime on a boy who wasn't in that world because ultimately it wouldfeel like something was missing. With Ethan, she could be deadhonest on what she was about whereas she would have to hide part ofherself with someone of a more vanilla persuasion.
For Ethan, he knew that girls like Aya didn't come along everyday. That one of the block members, Jeff Perlis, had to effectivelyresort to adoption to find someone whose thinking was congruent withthe lifestyle taught him the value of being serious about hisrelationship with Aya. One weird thing that worked in Ethan's favorwas that Aya was a double minority, being both Asian and interestedin kink. And when the majority culture persecutes a minority ittends to promote solidarity among the persecuted. That is definitelytrue of the kink community and she was much more like Ethan thansomeone from the vanilla sphere. This becomes a kind of feedbackloop that keeps her and Ethan in each other's arms since they thenbecome each other's refuge. Aya also liked the supportive ecosystemshe was in now.
Aya's sister Yuki would have a new experience that night, though. After dinner, Eddie went over to the Yamanori residence, collectedher, and took her back to his house.
He had her sit on the end ofthe bed and bound her hands together and anchored them to theheadboard. Then he wrapped her ankles in rope and secured the tie toeyebolts in the ceiling. "Breedinghole, I'm going to use yourasshole. So relax and try to make your body limp and breathenormally since that will make it hurt less.
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" "Yes Master. " Yuki wasvery concerned that this was going to hurt bigtime since she neverhad anal sex before plus it was kind of dirty, too. But she likedmaking her entire self available to be used and even if the prospectof getting it in her anus left her a little skeevy, it also made herwet. Eddie lubed up her asshole and then put a condom on his poleand greased that up, too.
He took his cock in his righthand and aimed it at the center of thepucker in her sphincter. He shifted his weight slightly and the headwas forced through the opening. She nervously gulped some air as shefelt her brown pipe being penetrated. He leaned a little more and hegot two more inches into her, but she was now beginning toexperience pain as the canal stretched to cope with the object beingburied in it. She tried to gather herself as her asshole stung andthrobbed. After waiting a minute, he shoved another inch inside ofher and the pain was intensifying. He waited for another minute andthen went in yet another inch. "Okay, breedinghole, let your body golimp. Try to clear your head," he urged. Then he forced the rest ofhis cock into her and she let out a suppressed scream. He withdrewabout halfway and drizzled more lube on his dick.
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He slid it back inall the way and held it there. He felt the sphincter strangling hismanhood as it sought a way to compensate for the invasion. He tookit most of the way out and sprinkled more lubricant on it. Hegrabbed her knees and began pumping his cock in and out. She didn'tlike the burning and stinging sensations she was feeling, but as theminutes passed it was becoming easier to endure.
He was enjoying the feeling of her tight anal channel's vice griparound his spike and she could feel him in her pussy, too, throughthe thin membrane that separates the two chambers. She was stillgasping as her hole adapted to his love gun while he hit the on ramptoward pleasureville. As her indications of suffering pain backedoff, his thrusting became more rapid and he was now up to a goodmidtempo pace. The stinging had all but disappeared and she wastruly able to relax and take him comfortably and very intimately. Hestopped momentarily to splatter more lube on his prong and continuedto ram her butthole. He started to pant as he traveled further alongthe road to climax. She moaned as he drove his pillar into herposthole. He upped the frequency of his thrusts, his pubic bonebanging into her ass hard. She was helpless to stop him and sheloved that fact, a willing captive to his passion. He gruntedfiercely and his thrust became furious before he reached the heightof his sensitivity and flooded the rubber with his semen.
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When hefinished emptying himself, he pulled out and yanked the condom off,taking it to the bathroom, flushing it, and then washing his hands.
Eddie untied her from the eyebolts and helped her stand up. He boundher hands behind her back and connected them to the ankle tie. Heharnessed her body into a karada tie and stood there and admired hishandiwork. "I've said it before breedinghole, but you would lookincredible pregnant. How would you feel about having five kids?" "Ifit would please Master, your breedinghole would have five childrenfor him," she pledged. "How about six?" he inquired. "Yes Master,six is okay if it pleases you. " "It's too bad it would beirresponsible to impregnate you right now," Eddie decried. "YesMaster. " "How does breedinghole feel about sex while she ispregnant?" "Your breedinghole would not deny Master that right," sheresolved. "She loves the surrender to her Master's wishes. " "You'resuch a good girl breedinghole. Your Master believes he has chosenwell. " Yuki smiled.
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"Thank you Master. Your breedinghole is honoredby your attention. " "Does the idea of accepting my seed and thenhaving it grow inside you get breedinghole hot?" "Oh my God Master,words can't describe how wet your breedinghole gets when shecontemplates that. " "You're my kind of girl breedinghole. YourMaster has truly been blessed. " "Thank you Master. Your breedingholehas been honored and blessed by Master taking her under his hand. "
Eddie walked up to Yuki and kissed her. He was hard again, too. Heremoved the ropes off of her and had her get in bed with him. "Let'simagine that we're married and it's three months after you've goneoff the pill. If you mention breeding or pregnancy, though, whisperit so that my parents don't freak out. " Yuki smiled. "Yes Master,"she said in a low voice. "Please breed me and give me the honor ofcarrying Master's child," she mock implored.
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He felt his cock getjust that much more stiff.
He slipped his cock inside of her and began to hump her. Her ardorwas immediately ignited. "Oh yes Master, implant your seed deep intome," she moaned. "How many children will you give me againbreedinghole?" "Six Master. " She emitted a long, soft moan androcked her hips upward so that she could put her long legs on hisback and take him to the hilt. "Good girl, breedinghole. You will bethe vessel that will create my kids," he quietly told her. "YesMaster. Please fill your breedinghole's belly with lots of yoursperm and make it grow," she smiled erotically. "God breedinghole,you're so hot. Our children will be the best looking ever," heposited. "It will be my honor to deliver such beautiful children foryou, Master. " He was frantically pounding his cock into her now, ashis excitement was reaching a crescendo. Her breathing was just asoverheated, the eroticism of the idea of pregnancy inflaming themboth.
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"Yes Master, fill your breedinghole because she will cherishevery drop," she demanded. "Fuck yes breedinghole, I'm going tofirehose that womb of yours," he insisted. "Yes Master, breed me,stud!" she hissed. "Oh God, oh yes! Oh yes, fuck me! Breed meMaster, please, plant your seed in my furrow! Plow me!" she pantedbefore she felt the orgasm wreck her senses and he piggybacked onthat, letting his river of spunk flow into her. He kissed her hardfor several minutes as soon as his wand stopped spasming, he was soturned on. Yuki shuddered when they broke the kiss, such was howhorny she had been. "Wow Yuki, you really are the hottest chickever," he enthused. "You totally rock my world Eddie," she placidlysmiled.
"My beloved wife will spend the night with me, does breedingholeunderstand?" "Yes Master. Your breedinghole is happy to always be byher husband's side. " "Call your mother and tell her you are nowheavy with child," he joked. She chuckled at the chaos that wouldcause. "Master, what should your breedinghole wear tomorrow?" "Sincebreedinghole is now carrying my child, something comfortable iscalled for, I think. So breedinghole will put on a comfortableoutfit. " "Thank you Master.
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Should your breedinghole fetch herclothing and come back or should she go home in the morning and putit on there?" "It would be best to get it now breedinghole. Pleasebe quick. Your husband feels empty when his wife isn't with him," hesnarked. "Master's wife will be as quick as she is able," Yukiresponded and she got up to get dressed. She then jogged out thedoor to her house, told her parents that she would be spending thenight with her Master. She selected a comfortable outfit and joggedback out to the Johannson residence. She disrobed and then actedlike she was feeling a distended abdomen. "Would your wife'swonderful husband like to hear his baby's heartbeat?" She asked. "Definitely," he agreed. She laid down and spread her legs. Hecrawled up in between them and rested his head on her stomach. "Theheartbeat is strong, honey. I think we got a big one brewing inthere," he kidded. "That's because my husband is so potent," shegiggled. She stroked his head and he fell asleep with a smile on hisface.
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