Melisayı bu gün keşfettim .Ve sırf ona yorum yapmak için hesap oluşturdum 😅 . Bu kız çok tatlı . Gerçekten ona bayıldım. Seks öncesi mükemmel sohbet ve espiriler . Fantazilene bayıldım . Hiçbirşeye hayır demedi ve beni çok tatmin etti .acele etmeden telefonla oynamadan sadece benimle ilgilendi .Tabiki bende onu memnun ettim 🤑. Seni seviyorum bebeğim en kısa zamanda tekrar gelicem . Sonuç olarak beyler Melisayı tavsiye ediyorum sizlere:)
Prevedi na EngleskiFirst of all, I loved the sweet Turkish he spoke with a Russian accent. it was a very good experience location transportation is very easy in an apartment in Europe interest sincerity conversation everything was in its native place I recommend I think you are really successful and attractive in business.
She tries to bully to scare the customers. Lies as she isn't a Turkish. Behaves very badly. Lied that she will provide drinks and she didn't. Does not let visitors enjoy. She wants quick shot done so that customers hurry out. Has good breasts but very bad behaviour. Expensive also compared to others available for 4k TL. Not recommended