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© Copyright 2025 | Toate drepturile rezervate Escort Girls
Looks like Little ride red hood
Hana khalifa : Thanks baby !! See u again ❤️
Pls leave Larnaca
Cyprus queen of photoshop. 😂
Service not worth the money, 200 Eur and many services are still extra😆.
Looks like Cyprus is Switzerland
Rita : If you're stupid! Go to the girl for 60 euros, what's the problem😂
Luxury escort but then only poor service to offer and overweighted. Sounds like classic😀
Low service, better spend some drinks in bar and meet girl there. Enough lonely hotties around
pics showing Anita 20 years ago... now she gained lot more weight as well
wonder who is writing all the positive comments. Maybe someone considers her service
for example bj with condom, no cim etc as same service than most of the ex-wives:-) lol
EVA: Wondering if u ever asked me if i m doing or no these services :)) keep talking