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© Copyright 2025 | Toate drepturile rezervate Escort Girls
A SCAM and con-artist! BEWARE!!!! She showed up for the appointment, but had three guys knock on the door of the hotel 10 minutes after she arrived. They knocked non-stop. She begged me to answer the door and the fake interrogation began. Of course, they took her away from the room and came back to try to get me to give them cash for a room at the hotel. NOT happening. She text me 5 minutes after leaving the room wanting cash to “give to the guys”. NO on that too. I did get 5 minutes of a BJ. Felt good knowing my d**k was in her mouth with her moaning before the nonsense began. If you waste time and money on her, get her clothes off immediately, get her on the bed, and screw her brains out right away..
Total FAKE. Does NOT answer any messages
FAKE!! Does not answer any messages
FAKE!! Does not answer any messages!
FAKE!! Does not answer any messages
FAKE!! Does not answer any messages. Don’t waste your time!
Absolute FAKE!!! Do not waste your time