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baby come to Turkey please
Come to Turkey please
Don't waste your time. They don't reply messages
Doesn’t reply messages, waste of time
Tyra : Sir for this my dear but my phone was stolen by a taxi driver who brought me from aksary to Atasehir where I stay since then I was struggling to get my number back and even to get a new phone but I thank God that right now I settled everything and if you message me I will be able to reply same number thanks 🙏🏾
Sürekli bu ajanstan kızlar çıkıyor piyasaya fakat ajansın yorumları çok kötü olduğu için güvenemiyorum. Fikri olan var mı beyler?
TRX720’nin reviewlerine hastayım hahshs. Çok İyi ve anlaşılır şekilde özetlemiş. Kendisiyle tanışmak isterim tecrübelerinden yararlanmak için hahsh
She doesn’t reply anything. Heyy, hello