Catching Terry being a mistress was one of the days I will never forget months after we had separated I had to make a business trip up north to take care of some loose ends up there and had contacted Terry to see if I could stop by for a visit not expecting anything more. She said sure and I could crash in the spare bedroom instead of paying for a hotel and I could see my friends that lived near by easier so I took her up on it, she said you know where the spare key is and just come on in and I should be there or I may be out either way make yourself at home.
Well Friday morning came and after 5 hours of flying I set down in Boston and got me a car and headed for my old home about an hour away from the airport which is not a bad drive pretty quick with the pike and all.
I pulled in the driveway around 3pm est and was expecting to see BJ jumping up in the window he is a awesome dog and not see Terry’s car but it was there but the truck was gone so I assumed she had took it to work for one reason or another so I went and got the key and let myself in to my surprise BJ was not there at the front door so I walked in and headed for the front stairs to take me to my room and I could rest a bit and plan my next day out, but as I reached the top of the stairs I herd a familiar sound and froze Terry was home and she was moaning allot she did have soft moans hers bordered on screams sometimes and she could not fake you hitting the right spots in her, so I froze and considered what to do if this was a new boyfriend I did not want to cause friction but on the other hand I would get a free show to think about later so I eased up the stairs and at the top you can see through the bathroom into the master bedroom and sure enough I could see she was lying on the bed with her bottom at the side edge and there was a man standing one the floor slowly driving his cock in and out of her soaked pussy I could see the wet spot on the side of the bed from where I stood so I knew he had been fucking her for a while now.
Then my surprise turned to shock as I herd her say (Randy your cock feels so good in my little pussy could you fuck me harder in my little pussy. ) Terry loves to talk dirty and she loves to be fucked slow till near her orgasms then she wants to be pounded nice and hard till she does but the shocker was I was watching her best friends husband fuck her I mean these two are like sisters and there Terry is with Randy fucking her brains out and by the size of the wet spot a while. So I slipped into my room and set my stuff down and took off my shoes and snuck in for a closer look I got to the edge of the room and BJ didn’t move but he was on his bed at the end of Terry’s and the closet has two entrances it runs along the wall and makes a l into the laundry room that you can step into right from the bathroom and so I did and they still didn’t know I was there I slipped up quietly to the other door which was open and peaked out I had a perfect view of them kissing as Randy had picked up the pace and was starting to really drive his hard cock into her.
I saw her legs start to shake and she had broken the kiss and with a flurry of oh fucks she cum all over his large cock and he buried himself deep ass he could feeling her pussy grip his entire length and he held himself there enjoying the sensation till she relaxed then he started to fuck her harder and fast I could hear his balls bouncing off her ass I herd her say (Oh fuck Randy I’m going to cum again baby make me cum hard. ) Randy grunted and as she started to shake again he emptied his balls into her filling her with his seed.
A few minutes passed as they talked and kissed but the part that got me was when she said (Why now? You fingered me at the X-mas party a week after I broke it off with D and then at the New Years eve party you fingered me and I was willing to let you fuck me then if you could get Jan to pass out which she was well on the way to but you told me no so what changed. )Randy replied (She keeps wanting another kid and Im to old our daughter is enough and I will be in my 60s when she is just twenty and since I keep telling her I’m using a condom till she gets back on the pill or I get a vasectomy I am not bare backing her, so she has not let me touch her in like 8 months well before X-mas. )
There was a long pause then he said ( I know you two fucked each other on the Ireland trip two summers ago when you two went on your annual trip there.
) and he let that hang in the air and Terry turned red and said ( Yes yes we did and it was amazing but we both like the cock better. ) and she smiled and rubbed his now limp cock. They got up and Randy started getting dressed and Terry went to the bathroom to drain his cum out of her which she did after every time someone cum in her and Randy went down the back steps and out the back door Terry walked back to the rear windows and opened it slightly and told him (Bye the next time he was out for a ride to come by and get rode. ) she turned and shut the window and laid back on her bed smiling I snuck back to the bathroom door and then let her know I was there she set up and tried to cover herself.
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I looked at her (Sounded like a good fuck?) she was red and only nodded yes (Well long as Jan don’t find out you two are good. Terry’s head dropped and then looked back at me (How long did you watch?) I said (Oh from the part where you told him his cock felt good in your little pussy. ) She looked down and said (He is not the reason we are not together. ) ( I know but he has wanted to fuck you for a long time even when we where together he told me that. ) (Really?) (Yes Really. ) She just set there half covered looking at the floor for a minute then I said (Don’t feel guilty now you did it to get off no strings attached right. ) (Yes) ( Well then don’t fret get a shower lets go get a bite to eat and then we can take care of what needs to be done around here and then we can crash or fuck your choice. ) She said (Well I might need some water I think he was using Viagra or something he fucked me for two hours and cum in me three times with out loosing a hard on and before you ask I cum more that 18 times I lost count around there hence the large wet spot here but its still not as large as the one Dale and you caused.
) I just smiled at the memory. We got what needed to be done around the farm done and headed out for dinner at one of our local favorites and caught up a little then back to the house she set next to me on the couch and she had TVOed some good shows so we put one on and started talking I found out she had slept with three married guys beside Randy since I left and the first had been a fellow employ of hers from Texas her company has sights all over the US and she had met Chris in California on a business trip they worked together out there and she would call me back in Boston every night and all we talked about was what they did that day I told her then if she wanted to she could but she would not.
Well after I left that changed she told me he came out for some new contract negotiations and that they tied them up in one day but they all went out and celebrated after the fact and she wound up fucking him that night in his hotel room and then the next day he called his wife and told her it was going to take all week so they both took vacation and came to the house and fucked the rest of the week away only stopping to eat and do stuff around the farm then back to fucking I asked (How many condoms did they buy. ) And she said none she barebacked him the whole time which caught me off guard for when we first met though she was on the pill she made me use a condom and she said she never barebacked anyone she didn’t know for a while but her she barebacked a man she had met once and she said she loved it.
Chris was the first black man she had been with but Terry was never one for color, a mans is a man she said no matter the tone of his skin and though Dale was half Chris was not and she said he was not real long just 6 or 7 inches but he was like having a coke can inside her she said all she could do was cum with him in her and she got a couple wet ones with him but she said it was fun and she needed it. The other two where acquaintances husbands Kevin a typical jock married to a Barbie doll cheerleader named Kelly which she said was only feet away as her husband drove his cock into Terry but she said she did not get off and he cum in her really fast then asked her something stupid like you never had one that big in you huh had you cumin from the second I entered you which she just nodded yes not to cause any problems then promptly left the party. The third was a man who was the Horse Ferrier his name was Bryan he had come to shoe her horse and she was getting out of the shower when she saw him put her horse back in the paddock so she slid on her favorite white robe but you got to understand this robe stops just below her pussy literally and she ran down to give him his money before he left and as he was coming backin the barn he was taking off the apron he usually wore and leaving him wearing his shorts and shoes exposing his muscular body to her and he was very muscular but shorter than her which she usually does not go for but she said he was all sweaty and glistening and smelled like a man and she gave him the money and went to walk back in the house and he asked if she needed anything else she said yes before she thought and he said what would that be and she turn and dropped the robe and said ( You to fuck me right here right now.
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)He slid out of his shoes and short laid her on the barn floor and ate her pussy till she cummed then slid up and letting her wetness cover his chest and stomach till he got to his cock then he entered her all the way in one thrust force her pussy to spasm in pleasure and pain and he fucked her for what she said seemed like hours and as she was expecting to fell his load wash over her cervix and womb he pulled out walked up to her head put a knee on each side and lowered his cock toward her mouth and told her to open her mouth and with a few strokes he emptied his balls into her waiting mouth. He said to her ( Its only fair you cummed in mine so I should get to come in yours. )She usually does not like the taste of cum but she said she loved his and after he quit cumming she leaned up and sucked his cock to get what she could out of it. Well after that we went up stairs and fucked each others brains out but it was the rest of the week gave me some of the best stories.
To be continued