
WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VI


There's a theory about the origin of live that goes along the lines of water being the source of all life. The primordial sea is a term applied to the oceans of the earth at an early time in history. Of course. . . even today water still represents the source and origin of all life. Around 80% of the human body is made up of water. Before a baby is born, they live in the sea residing in their mothers called the uterus. In a sense. . . the primordial soup still exists and it connects all life on earth. A young man of high school age found himself floating naked in the ocean towards the darkness above him. It was hard to say that he was sinking since there was no guarantee that the direction he was headed was the bottom. There was enough light to see himself, but there was also no way to tell where the light was coming from. It was also hard to tell if he was right side up or upside down.

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   The young man also had the feeling that there wasn't even a surface to head towards. . . not that it mattered since he didn't think he could make it in time anyway. The strangeness of the water around him could be felt by every inch of his skin. He felt was though he had no control over his actions for the atmosphere's thickness was too suffocating for him to move. It didn't really matter though since it looked as though every direction was the same. Every direction led to darkness, which made him wonder if the source of the light was closer than he thought. He wasn't sure how long he was able to hold out until he drowned in this strange sea of mysterious light and darkness. "Hello little one, is this your first visit?" A voice called out to him from behind. The young man opened his eyes, but was unable to turn around to face the owner of such a beautiful and tantalizing voice. He felt a pair of slender arms wrap around his waist and a presence behind him that drove away the suffocating atmosphere. Even though he had only been alone in this place for thirty seconds, it felt like it had been thirty years since he felt the warmth of another human being. The goddess behind him pressed her body up against the back of the confused young man. The woman was also clearly naked as could be felt by the breasts that rubbed against the young man's naked back.

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   She pressed her forehead against the nape of the guy's neck so that she could not be seen if he suddenly turned around. They stayed like that for quite a while. . . floating in the darkness together. Both of them kept silent, waiting for the other to break the ice. "Are you. . . a goddess?" The young man asked as he attempted to see the face of his saviour. He wanted to see the face of the woman he was sure was more beautiful than anything or anyone in the entire world. "You're human. . . yet you're here.

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  . . where I'm weakest," The goddess said. She released the young man and allowed him to turn around. "This is a place of rebirth and revitalization. Is that why you're here?""I. . . don't know why I'm here," the young man replied as he turned around. Finally, he was allowed to see the face of the woman who saved him. "But I'm happy to have met The young man woke up to the sound of an alarm clock going off. He hit the snooze button and attempted to go back to sleep again. Unfortunately, he was unable to go back to the dream with the naked goddess floating in the ocean. "Why did I even set the alarm clock? It's the weekend. .

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  . "Clack. . . the sound of pebbles hitting his window gave him a reason to get up. "What now?" He muttered as he climbed out of bed and went towards the window. He opened it up and looked outside. "Wow. . . you have bad bed hair. It is all spiky and stuff," Monica remarked as she stared up at the person she woke up. "Oh! That can be your new nickname! Spike!""Wait. . .

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   you mean I have to put up with nicknames even on the weekends?" Spike grumbled as he slammed his window shut. He turned around and went back to bed, only to have more pebbles hit his window. He sighed and went back to his window to see what his friend wanted. "Are you going to keep throwing pebbles at my window until I agree to help find Sera's house with you?""Of course," Monica smiled slyly with her hands tucked behind her back and her eyes staring innocently into Spike's. ". . . fine," Spike grumbled. BBBRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN!!!"Oh right. . . I hit the snooze," Spike grumbled again as he stared at his alarm clock. "Hmm?" Monica tilted her head, then became startled when an alarm clock flew out the window and into her hands. "Huh. .

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  . ?"Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VIClass: 4DRoom: 104Let's go to the house of the demoness who not only hypnotize and enslaves people but can also decapitate other demons without even trying!"So. . . we're trying to find Sera's house, huh?" Spike asked as he wandered the streets alongside Monica. Today he chose to wear a black hoodie with blue jeans and running shoes. He also carried an umbrella even though the skies were clear. "Yes," Monica replied without looking in her companion's direction. Today she chose to wear a white cardigan sweater over a black tube top and black cargo pants. She also carried the shinken sword she used against Sera after the first day of school. "Any chance you'll tell me why?" Spike asked again. "Nope," Monica replied. "How bout why Trent's coming along, then?" Spike asked as he turned towards his other companion. "Oh, c'mon! Three's a crowd, right? Crowds are fun!" Trent laughed cheerfully. He was still wearing the same kind of clothes he had been for the past six days.

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   In fact, Spike was positive it was the exact same clothes for the past six days. "Monica?" Spike turned back towards Monica again. "No idea," Monica replied. "What is the problem with him coming along? He is your friend, right?""Hey, triple C stands for coca-cola classic, right? Who do you think thought that up?" Trent asked. "Really? First I've heard of it," Spike replied. "Wait. . . did I use that acronym before? Hmm. . . never mind. ""I heard it was coined two years ago by a hobo who claimed to be a doctor," Monica said as she twirled her finger in the air. "He also mentioned something about subliminal messages in Nike ads. ""I heard it was started three years ago by a hippie who stutters and could only read the first letter of each word," Trent replied.

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  "Man. . . now I'm thirsty," Spike muttered. He pointed towards Monica's sword and asked, "Is it okay for you to be carrying that around?""Why not?" Monica asked. "Wel-""Look! A squirrel!" Trent exclaimed as he pointed towards a passing grey squirrel. He immediately changed into a dog, shook off his clothes, and ran after the squirrel. "Wha-Wait, did he just turn into a dog?" Spike sputtered with wide open eyes. "I thought you two were friends," Monica replied as though anthropomorphic animals were completely natural. "I am surprised he did not show it off to you sooner. ""The squirrel ran down a hole," Trent grumbled as he changed back into his human form. Of course, he was completely naked at this point. "Yet. . .


   somehow. . . it all makes a strange sort of sense," Spike muttered to himself. *****The Tim stood in front of his apartment building. A fifty storey building housing over five thousand different people. It was timber-red in colour with greyish balconies and black frames around the windows and doors. He looked up at the top of the building where he was sure his room was in. The elevator ride up was mostly eventless save for a couple kids rushing in on the third floor. They pressed all the buttons leading to all floors, making the trip up even slower. Tim left the elevator and took the second one up. The music was boring, too. *****Room 5011 was a single room with a closet, open-space kitchen, and a bathroom. There was also a television set, a coffee table, and a bed in the room. Since it was such a small place, on a lightless floor, and was so high up, the rent was pretty cheap.

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   Standing in the kitchen and looking over a pot of boiling soup was a nineteen year old teenaged girl with mid-back length light brown hair and grassy dark green eyes. The brown haired girl had well-tanned skin and a small frame, which she wore only an apron over. Besides the apron, she was not wearing anything else. Eria remembered how the apartment looked when she first came here. The lights were always out and there was usually nothing in the fridge save more maybe an expired carton of milk or rotten cabbages. The cupboards were empty and the only thing out was a pot and pan, which were rarely ever used. However, things changed ever since Tim decided to go back to school. No. . . that wasn't right. . . the changes began after he came home with injuries that took a month to heal. It didn't really matter to Eria, though, as long as the future continued to look bright for the two of them.


  "Looking good there, little girl. Waiting for your hubby to come home?" Sera's voice came from behind as a pair of nimble hands snaked out and grabbed the startled girl's B-cup breasts. With cunning skill the deadly demoness groped Eria's two breasts behind the thin material of the apron. She sought out the hidden nipples with mischievous fox-like eyes and a malicious serpentine grin. Once she did, she just couldn't help giggling into her prey's ear, "What's this? Pierced nipples? How kinky of you. I couldn't had known just by looking at your face. "Who are you and how did you get in here? Eria tried to bring herself to say those words, but they just wouldn't come out. Her breathing became too heavy and her blood boiling too hot for her to kick this strange intruder out of her home. She found herself unable to concentrate anymore and fell under the spell of the demoness' hands. Her face was flushed and she was already aroused from wearing only an apron, waiting for Tim to come home. Come on. . . what's wrong with you? This isn't the time. .

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  . please. . . just. . . why. . . ?Simply put, you can't because I won't let you, Sera smirked into the weakened girl's mind. She pulled the semi-naked girl away from the boiling pot of soup and turned of the stove. After all, she didn't want any accidents to happen. She wrapped an arm around Eria's waist and brought her free hand up against the girl's cheek. At this point, the brown-haired girl was barely able to stand.

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   Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I only came here to talk to Tim, classmate to classmate. Since he's not here right not, why don't the two of us have a little bit of fun while we wait?*****"I take it you're used to seeing weird things?" Spike asked. "After all, you didn't seem freaked out when Trent transformed. ""I had seen weirder, like three headed monkeys," Monica replied with a shrug. "I am a *demon hunter*, after all. ""You're a demon hunter?" Spike blinked. "You do not know anything, do you?" Monica gave her classmate a skeptical look. It was then she picked up something else from what Spike said. "Wait. . . *do you know Japanese*?""Uh. . .

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   a little," Spike replied with a nervous chuckle. Can't tell her I learned it from fansubbing Hentai. "Huh. . . then-" Monica began. "Three headed monkey!" Trent exclaimed as he pointed towards a lawn ornament of a three headed monkey. Hiding behind the lawn ornament was the grey squirrel from before. The rodent took off as fast as he could down the street. "Anyway, if we do not find Sera's house, what do you feel like doing?" Monica asked. "I feel like following that squirrel," Spike replied as he started following the grey squirrel. "Squirrel?" Trent's attention turned back towards the grey squirrel and began chasing after it. "Hold it. . .

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   let us just follow quietly this time," Monica said as she pulled the blonde dog-man back by the hair. She studied her less hyper classmate and thought, Is this what Sera was talking about?("This part sucks," Trent muttered. "I thought it was supposed to be funny. ""The previous and next parts involve a girl seducing another girl," Spike replied. "Who really cares whether this small part is funny or not?""By the way, it turns out strawberry blonde means orange," Monica added. "Therefore, from now on Sera's hair is golden blonde. She is a demoness, so it is possible for her to change hair colours anyway. ""Sera's hair was always golden blonde," Spike replied with a quirked eyebrow. "Then whose hair was strawberry blonde?" Monica asked. "Uh. . . " Neither Spike nor Trent knew as well. )*****"So your name's Eria and you were a slave for six years? You were given as to Tim by your previous owner as payment," Sera smirked devilishly as she pinned her prey down on the bed. She was wearing a green sweater along with a pair of bicycle shorts and running shoes.

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   The sweater was baggy and made it very obvious that she was not wearing anything else underneath. Her knees were on either side of the semi-conscious girl's hips while her hands gripped tightly against the wrists. With the blonde's abnormal strength, the nineteen year old would not had been able to get free even if she were fully conscious. "Both of your parents are wanted criminals, so you can't even go to the proper authorities. In other words, your life is entirely in the palm of Gunslinger Boy's hand. In short, you're his sex slave. ""Stop. . . p-please. . . how. . .

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   how d-do you know. . . all th-this. . . ?" Eria asked in a frightened voice as she tried to escape her captive's grasp. Her apron was on the kitchen floor where Sera left it, meaning that the light brown-haired girl was completely exposed to the blonde's lustful eyes. Her pierced nipples jutted up and outward from her round B-cup breasts. Recovering a bit from her dizziness from earlier, she said, "Ah. . . as you said, T-Tim is m-my m-master. O-Once he gets b-back, y-you'll b-be sorry. ""Shush, little girl.

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   I won't hurt you if you give me no reason to," Sera said as she pressed the tip of her finger against Eria's lips. She let go of the other girl's other wrist and sat straight up. She pressed the tips of her fingers together before stretching them out and away from each other. At the same time, scarves came out of her sleeves and starting moving around on their own as though they were dancing in the air. Eventually, they wound themselves around Eria's wrists and ankles, then stayed floating in the air. Sera got off the confused and frightened girl and stood beside the bed to conduct the last of the preparations. "Don't worry, it'll be uncomfortable at first, but you'll soon learn to love it once I'm through with you. "With that said, the scarves lifted themselves until Eria was practically floating a foot off the bed. Her ankles were lifted high above her head and spread as far apart as was physically allowed. More scarves wrapped themselves around the captured girl's knees so that they were able to bend. In that position, both pussy and ass were exposed and easily accessible to the blonde demoness. "Now. . . what to do next.

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  . . " Sera tapped her chin thoughtfully as she looked around at her options in the apartment. Her yellow predatory eyes fell upon the handle of a gun that was sticking out from underneath one of the pillows. Interested, she reached in and pulled the gun out, examining it with sadistic eyes. She licked her lips and rubbed the weapon against her cheek as though it were a stuffed animal. "Hmm, the newest Glock model, I see. It's fully loaded, too. Does your master not care about gun safety? Well, at least the safety lock's on. Oh. . . now it's not. "The blonde aimed at invisible targets around the room, enjoying the look on the slave girl's face at the same time. Finally, she pressed the end of the gun barrel against the opening of the bound girl's pussy.


   At this point, Eria was too scared to even move a single muscle. Her heart was beating so loudly that she was sure Sera could hear it. Well. . . Sera could hear the beating heart, but only because she had superhuman hearing. "Tell me, have you ever been fucked by a gun before? Don't worry about answering that. I can just search your mind for the answers," Sera explained as she pushed the gun in until the barrel made its way inside the girl's moist pussy. The sound of squishing echoed throughout the room as she continued gun-fucking (is that even a word? o_O") Eria until the first signs of an orgasm reached her ears. She leaned her head in and flicked her tongue against the dark star under the pussy. The snake-like tongue danced along the opening, causing more quivers of fear and pleasure in the bound girl's body. Once her tongue invaded the slave girl's backdoor, she felt the slave girl come for the first time that day. "Oh my, there's so much juice coming out of you. Tim's a lucky boy to have such a wet and willing girl like you for a slave. "By reading Eria's mind, Sera learned that the bound slave girl had indeed been 'gun-fucked' before when she was fifteen.

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   Six girls including Eria were lined up and made to kneel down with their head against the floor and their hands tied behind their backs. Six guys with shotguns came in and started fucking the slave girls until they came several times. The girls were told that their performance was a bit. . . lacking lately. However, there was one among them who did so bad that she was going to die. They would not find out who was to die until the shotguns were fired all at once. Of course, Eria did not die. However, the memories of that day were still fresh in her mind since she had to. . . clean up the mess. ". .


  . . . " Sera stopped her fucking long enough to allow her new toy to come down from her high. Eria had a second orgasm and her pussy walls clenched tightly against the barrel of the loaded gun. She momentarily wondered if perhaps with the amount of juice she was producing the gun would malfunction, but she remembered that the gun was a hundred times more durable than an AK-47. Even after receiving two powerful orgasms, she could not help but stare at the gun in her womanhood. Sera sighed and slowly and carefully pulled out the gun. Bang!Momentarily caught off guard, Sera looked up from the gun she had in Eria's pussy and towards the front door. Standing there with a magnum in his hands was none other than the former assassin, Tim Ying. A familiar scent caught the demoness' attention and she turned back towards the light brown haired bound girl. Out of shock and fear, Eria pissed all over herself and the bed below her right before she rolled back her eyes and passed out. "Heh. . .

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   was that a warning shot?" Sera smirked as she pulled the Glock gun fully out of Eria's pussy. She brought the barrel of the gun to her lips and her tongue slid along, catching the sweet taste of the victim's juice. With her other hand, she lifted and opened it, revealing a large bullet that was still sizzling with smoke. "No. . . you were aiming it at my head, weren't you? Come now, boy. You didn't really think I was really going to kill your little sweetie pie, did you?"". . . . . " Tim had never encountered someone who was able to stop bullets with their bare hand save for his shihfu. He knew that he could not win against such a powerful opponent and opted to listen to what this blonde girl had to say. He cautiously lowered his weapon, eyeing the Glock that was in the demoness' hand.

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   "Why are you here?""Why, to see you, of course," Sera chuckled as she lowered the unconscious Eria down onto the bed. The Glock in her hand was placed on the foot of the bed between the girl's open legs. Her scarves released their hold and returned to their owner's sleeves. "I came here to invite you to visit my house this weekend. It concerns the demons who attacked. . . among other things. ""If I say no?" Tim asked. "I'll come by on a regular basis, of course," Sera smirked as she licked her lips seductively. "Fine," Tim replied. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. "*****Here I am, Tim thought to himself as he stood before the house he was searching for. He looked down at the piece of paper with Sera's address and made sure he was at the right place. He gave out a single sigh, then pocketed the piece of paper before taking a step pass the outer fence.

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  The house was in an old neighbourhood, so its appearance and style did not seem out of place at all. Two large trees on either side of the lawn hid most of the house from view including most of the second floor windows. It was almost as though they were planted specifically to make it hard to see in, but easy to see out. A tire swing hung from the tree on the right and lilies lined the front of the house. Stone steps led the way from the white wooden gate to the red front door. From the outside, it looked just like any old house you could find on the street. However, Tim reasoned with himself that this house belonged to a demoness. Simply put, he could not allow such a normal appearance throw him off. After all, he dealt with plenty of dangerous people with seemingly normal lives. He stepped onto the trail of stones and listened to the gate creak eerily behind him. Zip!"Hmm?" Tim blinked when a squirrel suddenly flashed past his feet and towards the tree with the tire swing. He watched the little rodent run into a hole at the base of the tree. Zip!A couple seconds after the squirrel flashed by, Trent was scrambling after his prey while on all fours. He sniffed around the tree in search of the hole his target escaped through, but to no avail. Apparently, that escape route had somehow disappeared like magic.

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   How knew. . . perhaps it was magic at work. "Tim? What are you doing here?" Spike asked as soon as he reached the front gate of Sera's home. Monica was right behind him. ". . . was invited. You?" Tim asked as soon as he noticed his classmates. "Yeah, Sera invited us too," Spike replied as he and Monica went past the wooden gate. "Did you have to follow a squirrel to get here, by the way?"". . .

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  . . " Tim speechlessly took out the piece of paper with Sera's address on it and showed it to his classmates. He tucked it back in and headed for the front door with Spike and Monica following closely behind. Once he reached the front door, he turned his attention back on Spike. "By the way, what's your name?""Eh? It's-" Spike began. "Today it's Spike," Trent exclaimed as he joined his friends at the front door. He gave up on finding the squirrel and opted to check out Sera's house with everyone else. "You know, cause of his bad bed hair?""Wait, how did you know about that?" Spike asked, remembering that Trent wasn't there when Monica woke him up by throwing pebbles at his window. Ding dong!"So. . . uh. . .

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   why do you thi-" Spike began again. The witch is dead,which oh witch?The wicked witch. "That song sounds vaguely familiar," Spike remarked. "The door's open," Tim noted after pushing the front door open with a single finger. His eyes went towards the door frame. "Doesn't look like it uses a door knob, either. ""So thieves can just come and go?" Monica blinked. She immediately realized her mistake. "Oh. . . right. They would not make it out alive. ""Hey, where'd Trent go?" Spike asked, suddenly realizing that the hyperactive one wasn't around anymore. After a couple of seconds, he looked up as well as Tim and Monica.

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  "Cool! She's got a pool!" Trent shouted from on top of the roof. In a flash, he was gone from the other three's sight. "Wait a minute! Trent!" Monica exclaimed as she retreated a few steps to see if she could still catch sight of her furry friend. "Huh?" Spike's attention turned towards the front door, which was wide open at this point. For some reason, the inside of the house was covered in darkness and invisible to anyone outside. Tim was also missing from where he stood, which meant he had probably gone ahead inside. Shrugging his shoulders, he went in as well. "*Huh?*" Monica suddenly realized that she was the only one left in the front yard. Muttering Japanese curse words under her breathe, she quickly went through the front door after her two friends. A few minutes later, a delivery boy riding a scooter from a local diner passed by. He had approximately twelve servings worth of food with him, which meant however ordered them probably had a lot of company or something. As he stopped right in front of Sera's house, he muttered to himself, "Let's see here. . . 1428 Elm Street.

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  . . "Rock looked down at the piece of paper in front of him, then took out a pencil. He wrote the answer on the crossword he was working on before putting it and his pencil away. After that, he checked the address to Sera's house (which was not 1428 Elm Street) before grabbing the twelve servings worth of food and heading for the front door. *****Interesting. . . Tim thought to himself as soon as he walked through the front door. His hands were already gripping tightly to the Glock guns hidden in the depths of his two pockets. His eyes were sharp and his mind was quickly processing the details of the current situation. He heard the door behind him shut and when he turned around, the door was gone. The room he was in was finely furnished with an earth green couch, a glass coffee table, and a whole range of bookcases covering all of one wall. The carpet was beige with floral patterns and the walls were painted with a light purplish pink colour. On either side of the couch were more book shelves, though these ones were the size of ordinary drawers.


   One top of each of these was a blue vase with blue roses. On the coffee table was a glass vase with white lilies. Sitting cross-legged behind the coffee table was a familiar girl. She had hazel almond-shaped eyes and wavy mahogany hair that reached down just a couple inches past her shoulders. She had on a brown t-shirt, a blue miniskirt, and wore a blue pendant around her neck. Her name was Rebecca, a girl from class 4-D. She held a deck of cards in her hand, which she placed on the coffee table. "Fancy meeting you here, Tim. How bout a game?""What game?" Tim asked before sitting down across from Rebecca. "Strip poker," Rebecca replied with a mischievous smirk on her face. ******What the. . . where the hell am I?* Monica thought to herself as she stood in the middle of a dark room. Before she could react, the only source of light from the open door behind her vanished.

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   She whirled around and ran towards the door, feeling for it with her hands. Unfortunately, all she felt was solid wall. She placed her hand on the hilt of the sword and wondered if she should try making a door. Fwip!A painful whistle pierced through the air and lashed out at the unsuspecting sword girl. Fortunately for her, she was able to pick up the sound just in time to avoid it before it hit her. With a flash of skill, she had her sword unsheathed in no time at all. She immediately circled the room in search of the source of the attack with nearly soundless feet and sharp ears. She remembered training in complete darkness when she was fourteen years old. She would be completely naked save for a blindfold and shackles that chained her ankles to the floor. All she had to defend herself with was a shinai. Her sensei would whip her from random directions at different parts of her body unless she successfully defended herself from them. Unfortunately, her sensei's footsteps were practically mute and the whistles of his whips were next to impossible to pick up despite the speed and strength behind them. The training exercise usually ended with her passing out from all the pain. Whip marks lined her skin from head to toe, especially her breasts, ass, and pussy. Monica distinctly remembered the hits to her nipples and her clitoris as the most painful of them all.


   Thankfully, the skill behind the whippings were beyond expert and left no permanent mark on her soft and supple skin. With an unusually fast healing rate and a bucket full of iced salt water, it was as though the training never happened. There was a technique where if one moved fast enough, it appeared as though there were many of them surrounding one's opponent. It was later that Monica learned that her sensei was using that same technique in her training. It was no wonder it felt as though the whips were coming from every direction around her! However, like any fighter worth their salt, she adapted and improved herself. Her first success at this training exercise was when she caught the whip with her teeth just before it could hit her face. After that, it was as though she developed a sixth sense for she was able to parry nearly all the attacks that came at her while she was still blindfolded. The whips that came at Monica now were miles behind the ones she had to deal with. Compared to her sensei's training, dodging these attacks was like avoiding an incoming truck going two miles per hour. In seconds she stood right before her assailant with the tip of her shinken pressed against the throat. *****"Eh?" The first thing Spike saw as soon as he stepped through the front door was the blonde demoness sitting at the dining room table, sipping tea. He looked around in confusion and wondered how he got here so quickly. He turned around and cautiously pushed open the door behind him. He wasn't completely surprised when he saw the kitchen instead of the front yard. The youngster turned his attention back on Sera.

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   "Um. . . hi?""Hello, Berserker. . . or should I call you Spike, instead?" Sera asked as she placed the cup of tea in her hands down on top of the table. She wore a blue skirt and blouse with the top two buttons left undone. With graceful hands, she poured her new guest a cup of tea and placed it front of him. "Please sit down and have some tea with me. ""Um. . . sure, thanks," Spike replied as he took a seat across from his blonde classmate. He stared at the tea in front of him for a couple of seconds, then he picked it up and took a small sip.

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   The scent of the tea rose up with the steam that still visibly wafted up through the air. The tea itself was still hot, but had cooled down enough to drink. The bitterness of the tea left a sweet and pleasant aftertaste. He placed the tea back down on the table and asked, "So. . . uh. . . where're the others? Trent was on the roof, but I'm pretty sure Tim and Monica came inside with me. ""They'll be joining us real soon, don't worry," Sera replied as she refilled her own cup. She placed her elbow on the table and her face against her hand. She tilted her head and stared curiously at the young man across from her. Behind her the backyard could had easily been seen if not for the thick black curtains. "Until they arrive, I thought perhaps we could talk a bit.

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  ""What do you want to talk about?" Spike asked nervously before taking another sip of tea. If he was not quick to swallow it, he probably would had spurted it out as soon as he felt something press against his groin. He simply sat there frozen stiff with the cup still held in both hands as Sera started massaging the bulge in his pants with her bare toes. "I'm sorry, but teasing's just in my nature," Sera giggled as she withdrew her foot and crossed her legs. Spike was a little disappointed when he felt the foot leave his crotch, but now he was able to visibly relax. Of course, he was still hard from that little stunt and Sera could easily tell. The blonde girl placed both elbows on the table and bridged her hands together under her chin. "All jokes aside, I'll be needing to let you in a little on the stuff that's been going on. You'll need this knowledge if you're to succeed in the trials that lay ahead. ""Alright. . . I'm listening," Spike blinked in response with uncertainty in his voice. *****"A pool! It's a pool!" Trent shouted excitedly as he stood on the edge of the roof just above Sera's swimming pool. The pool looked as though it was divided in half into two squares not by an invisible line, but by wooden poles of various sizes sticking up from the bottom of the pool.

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   The one square section closer to the house was the swim-able area with a diving board and a "Tarzan" rope. The rope was attached to a tree that was right next to the pool. The square section further from the house was the one with wooden poles, though its purpose was unknown to the dog-man at the moment. . . not that it mattered to him. Whap!Trent was just about to jump into the pool when he was knocked forward by a small object hitting him in the back of the head. He immediately recovered himself by catching and swinging along the edge of the balcony that was conveniently right underneath him. He held onto the edge with one hand while still upside down before gently lowering his feet onto it. Once he was safe from the fall, he looked up and caught sight of what hit him in the back of the head. "Ack! You're that squirrel I was chasing earlier!" Trent exclaimed as he pointed an accusing finger at his assailant. Sure enough, standing there atop one of the wooden poles was the squirrel grinning maliciously at the teen. However, one key difference about the squirrel was that it was wearing small boxing gloves this time. *****"Hello? Anyone home?" Rock grumbled right after he went in through the open front door. He rang the bell, of course, but no one answered so he went inside.

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   He was not about to let some bastard (or bitch) claim that he was late and therefore declare the food as free, especially when there were twelve servings worth of food. The room he was in looked a whole lot like an attic than anything else, but that couldn't be. He just came in through the front door. Speaking of the front door, when he turned around he noticed that the door was gone. That was the first of many signs that something was wrong, though he probably should had counted the front door being open as the first sign. Ignoring his initial mistake, he set the delivery down and explored the attic with interest in his eyes. There were stacks of boxes off to the side with labels like 'old clothes' or '19th century books' on them. Animal heads and old paintings of various styles lined the wall. There was even a pool table with all ten balls out as though waiting for someone to play. What particularly caught the young mans interest, however, was the gigantic suit of armour sitting there against the wall. It was obvious why the suit of armour was sitting down instead of standing up: It was just too big. The television-sized helmet was already almost touching the beam of wood that would had been part of the ceiling if this wasn't the attic. "Whoever wore this must've been something else," Rock whistled as he looked up into the visor of the gigantic helmet. He leaned forward and tapped his knuckle lightly against the amour and listened to the soft hollow clangs. Whoever wore this armour could easily be around fourteen or fifteen feet tall.

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   He withdrew his hand and decided to see if he could find a way out of the attic. There didn't appear to be any stairs or doors leading outside. Maybe he could climb out through the window. ClinkRock immediately turned around and came face to face with the giant armour. *****"As you may have guessed by now, I'm actually a 712 year old demoness," Sera explained while twirling her right braided sideburn. "My father is the king of snakes, meaning he's a snake demon. My mother is a fox demon and there's none better at casting illusions than her. At least none I know of, anyway. ""You're actually 712?" Spike asked as he quirked his eyebrow at this new piece of information. "So. . . your. . .

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  ""Of course, among demons 712 is still pretty young," Sera chuckled before taking another sip of tea. "I'd have to be at least a thousand to be considered a full-grown adult. Then again, it's not like anything's holding me back from being an adult among humans. ""Mmph," Spike nodded his head as he took a sip at the same time. "Enough about that, though. Why don't we talk about something more interesting," Sera grinned with a luscious look in her yellow predatory eyes. She placed a hand on the table and leaned forward, allowing a scant view of her cleavage. "Care to know what I'd like to talk about?""Uh. . . wh-what?" Spike stammered as he nervously leaned forward in response. "Magic," Sera snickered. I fell for it again, Spike's head hit the table. "Spike?" Monica's voice suddenly asked from behind. Spike quickly whirled around and saw the young sword girl come out from the kitchen door, though he bet she didn't come out of the kitchen.

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   Surprisingly, Monica had her sword out and even more surprisingly she had it against the throat of Linda who was in front of her. "I'm sorry, Mistress," Linda trembled in the presence of her owner. Besides the leather collar around her neck and what appeared to be a chastity belt with a whip attached to it, she was completely naked. "She was too fast for me. I failed, Mistress. ""Nonsense, pet. I actually expected this kind of result," Sera smiled sweetly at her slave. She turned her eyes on Monica as she addressed her, "Perhaps you could put that dangerous thing away now. It'd be bad if an avoidable accident occurred, don't you think?"Monica stared back with spirited eyes, but she knew she could not afford to get on the stronger girl's bad side now. With a sigh, she withdrew her blade and sheathed it. "Mistress," Linda cried out before running over to kneel at her Mistress' side. She rubbed her face affectionately against the blonde girl's thigh. "You did good, pet," Sera cooed as she ran her hand through the slave girl's hair. She grabbed hold of Linda's collar and directed her under the table while uncrossing her legs. It was obvious what she wanted to happen.


   She poured a third cup of tea and said, "Now, why don't you take a seat, Moto-chan? I'm sure we've a lot to talk about. ""*Fine,*" Monica/Motoko took a seat next to Spike, but did not touch her tea. After a couple seconds she reasoned with herself that if Sera wanted to try something on her, she would do so with something less subtle. With that in mind, she accepted the cup of tea and drank it. "Good, now we can begin," Sera smirked as she stroked her pet's head. "I don't believe the other three will be along for a while, anyway. It's just a hunch, though. "*****"Three aces," Tim called as he showed his hand. He crossed his arms and waited to see what his opponent hand. Evidently, he was doing pretty well what with not losing any clothes and all. His opponent on the other hand. . . "I. .

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  . I. . . " Rebecca stared at the three aces in disbelief. She wanted to accuse the young man across from her of cheating, but she was the one who dealt the cards throughout the entire game and the deck she used had a unique design. All she had left on at this point was the blue g-string hiding her moist and ready pussy. Now that she lost this hand, she had no choice but to show her classmate her most private area. "If we're done here, then I'll be going," Tim announced as he started to get up. He paused as soon as the g-string was thrown onto the coffee table right in front of him. "We're not done yet," Rebecca declared as she started shuffling her cards again. She proudly showed off her assets and did not do anything to hide her pussy. It could be easily seen through the glass coffee table, which was probably why they were playing on it. "Instead of clothes, I'll be betting some. .


  . favours. Of course, you can't really collect them until after the game, but I promise I won't run away. You're still going to play, right?"". . . . . " Tim said nothing as he sat back down to resume the game. *****"Collect four, I win," Rock declared as he dropped a black checker to end the game. There was a whole stack of board games sitting right beside him. He started shuffling through them one by one. "That means I get to choose the next game. Let's see. .

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  . Guess Who. . . Memory. . . Monopoly. . . Jumanji. . . "". .

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  . . . " The giant armour tilted his helmet-head while still holding a red checker in his finger tips. .



