I could not put this story amongst gay stories, because it was not entirely gay and it did not seem right in forced fucked because it was not entirely that. I decided it would be best in Taboo Stories.
There was a workshop which my fatherset upright next to my house a doorway which led straight into the house. The workshop had different kinds of machinery. I was 18 and learning how to be useful in the workshop. I found out later being useful being more than just that.
I was a skinnysixteen at the time, it was late in the evening.
“I’ve to go son, see you soon” My dad said and drove off. Most of the workers had gone except for a few, which included Stan. Stan was had bottle of booze and drinking and swearing as he always did.
“I’ve got to show you something, it’s really hot!” He was talking to the rest of the workers. He gets opens a locker and from it he pulled out a brown paper bag, from it was a porn magazine. Themen peered over the pages and laughed. Stan unzipped and pulled out his dick and was playing with it.
“He Will, come see this” He said looking at me. Mick comes over and brings me along.
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Stan had a page open and shows me a face ( could not tell if it was a guy or girl) a big cock stuffed into the mouth, the knob and it was forming a swelling on the side of the cheek.
“Do you like that?” Stan asks. I looked on unblinking, I felt as if I was being pushed down on asmall chair and in flash, my wrists were tied behind me, behind the chair. They took my clothes off quickly. Stan hadlarge collection of porn and all kinds.
“What the fuck is this? Let me go!” I say
The workers stripped, they bring their erect pricks to my face. I had never seen any so close to my face. The porn had gotten me breathing hard, I had an erection. Stan was the first to ram his cock into my mouth.
“Suck!” He said. One after another their cocks filled my mouth. I was disgusted. Just then to add to my shock my mother Liz showed up in the workshop in a bathing gown. I did not want her to see me like this –with a dick in my mouth, but there was nothing I could aboutthis. Her hair were wet.
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“I see you boys started without, I am sure Will is enjoying is enjoying himself, come and get while its hot” Liz says and strips out of bathing gown and lies down on two benches as if they were meant to be there. The men leave me and start screwing her instead. I watched in disbelief at what Liz was doing. I was too embarrassed abouterection, my cock was going to shoot my cum, I did not want that too happen at least not in front of her. Already theknob was a tremendous pre-cum on top of it and was dribbling on the side of my cock and some fell on the workshop floor. . Mickleaves Liz comes over to me and masturbates my cock, a huge wad flies out and sticks to the machinery.
After she was completely fucked up, Liz blow a kiss, puts on her bathing gown and disappears from where she had come from. I was released from the chair, but that was not the end of it. It was not enough that they had just screwed Liz, theystarted fucking my ass-hole, which was ill prepared for their never tiring pricks.