
The Milk of Human Kindness


My friend Solange and my nephew Joe were both on their feet, their thrusts were stronger and deeper than when I first saw them copulating on the floor of the hotel bedroom during our weekend at Brighton.   Then they were on their hands and knees: I’m sure that it was that sexual position rather than the silly but innocent dance that originally inspired the words of the song I sang to Joe in the hall: ‘Hands, knees and bum see daisy’, not ‘bump’ as it’s now sung.

Since she was still standing, Solange was able to wiggle her bottom more effectively, than in the kneeling position, and she reciprocated Joe’s thrusts.   Joe stood upright with his hands round the top of her skirt, gripping her hips.   Her moist cunt greedily absorbed his thickness as he slid in and out of her.   As soon as they got into a rhythm, she commanded me to resume my slaps on Joe's buttocks.   Her cries accompanied each thrust and my blows with the hairbrush drove Joe and Solange into a simultaneous and uncontrollable orgasm, which left them both spent and gasping for breath on the table - a most satisfying start to the evening.

I told Solange and Joe to come down to the kitchen when they were ready and left them to recover.   In went down and put on the kettle and prepared some sandwiches.   They came into the kitchen just as the tea was ready and we sat down together.   Solange asked Joe how he enjoyed the love trial with Leonora.  
"What did you think of Leonora, Joseph? You seemed to get on well together. "
"Oh, Madame.   She is a beautiful young woman.   I'm sure she would make an excellent hostess for your club. "
"We agree, Joseph.

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    We have asked her to start work with us next month as soon as we have done the conversion of these apartments. "
"I hope I will be allowed to make love to her again, Madame?"
"Your Aunt Ruth has made a special concession on the club rules.   She can, provided she doesn't let it interfere with her bookings as a hostess.   You can see each other during her days off work, but bear in mind that your Aunt Ruth and I have a prior call on your services, so you may not have the stamina to cover Leonora as well. "
"How did you feel when you first entered Leonora? She was very quick and efficient in making you come into her. "

Joe blushed and replied, “I can't resist the sight of a woman from behind, whether standing, sitting or walking: poetry in motion.   But especially if she is on her hands and knees, the way her waist widens out to her hips, which then curve round and outward to her inviting rump.   I became rampant immediately, but thick as I was, when she butted up against me it slipped in with ease.   Her cunt felt like a soft velvet glove.   Then she arched her back and gripped me hard. "
"How did that feel, Joe?" I asked, remembering vividly the way she let her waist sag and butted back against him, pinning him to the side of the bed.   In her eagerness she seemed to be merciless in forcing him into her and at the same time bending him downward.   I was worried then, that her grip would hurt him.  
"Oh, Auntie, she clamped me! I felt that I was gripped harder than I had ever been before, except perhaps that time when you trapped me between your girdle and your buttocks. "
I recalled with pleasure the occasion, soon after we had started our intimacy, when I sat on his lap and played 'Ride a Cock Horse' with him.

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“Madame Solange, you are much tighter than Leonora, but inside you, Madame I was always gripped deep and straight and we delayed our ejaculations indefinitely to prolong our pleasure.   With Leonora, though, I felt that she was determined to trap my spunk from the start.   Her grip felt as though she was bending me in two, forcing me to shed my load.   I thought I would explode inside her.   After my first ejaculation I somehow remained gripped by her while she slowly but firmly continued to milk me.   The ecstasy then became so intense that I felt that my brains were turning to jelly. "
Solange sighed and said, “Ruth and I were very moved by the sight of you both.   Also later on, when she was on top of you and suckling you with her lovely breasts.   That wasn't the first time you have taken mother's milk since you were a baby, was it, Joseph?"
"Well, Madame, you know that I have enjoyed sucking your lovely breasts, as well as my Aunt Ruth's, but I have also experienced the delights of being suckled by a mother who was still lactating.
When I was a young lad just into my teens, Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bill visited me soon after they were married.   I was awestruck by my aunt's beauty and sophistication, but very shy and tongue-tied.   I was subject to the usual problems of teenagers, raging hormones, wanting to be independent of my parents, shy of girls.   Soon after Uncle Bill and Aunt Ruth's visit ended, Dad went abroad on an extended business trip, and was accompanied by my mother.  
I was sent to stay with a Mrs. Jones, a local lady who helped my mother with the housework during the day.

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    She was a well-built woman in her 30's who had recently married a marine engineer and they had a baby daughter whom she was still nursing.   Staying with Mrs. Jones suited me, and also my parents, since I was already rebelling against my father and wanted to leave home.   I couldn't do that, since I was still attending school and was entered for the General Certificate of Education examinations.
Mrs. Jones did her best to make me as welcome as possible.   She was an excellent cook and I was very willing to help her about the house with washing up and hoovering, since she had to spend a fair bit of time tending to her baby.   The baby was still at the breast-feeding stage and often woke up to be fed in the middle of the night.
In the evenings, after I finished my school homework, we used to sit together and listen to the radio.   In those times the radio programmes had good entertainment, variety shows, dance bands and comedians.   Though the comedies were corny in those innocent times, compared to today's sophisticated tastes, they were all very light hearted and occasionally very funny.   There was Jimmy Edwards, Ted Ray, the Canadian couple Bernard Braden and Barbara Murray, with adventure serials like 'Dick Barton, Special Agent' and 'Journey into Space'.

One evening as we sat down after our meal and before the evening programme had started, Mrs. Jones turned to me and said,
"Joseph, has your father explained to you about the birds and the bees?"
"Not much, Mrs. Jones" I replied.

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    "I think he was just too embarrassed.   He did say that I would become attracted to girls soon, but should not get them into trouble. "
"Do you know what he meant by that, Joseph?"
"I think he meant I shouldn't get them pregnant.   That sort of thing should only happen when I become much older and got married.   I was too embarrassed to ask him how girls became pregnant.   My father said I would get to know what was involved in good time, when I was old enough to marry. "
"The reason I am talking about this with you, Joseph dear, is that on some days when I was doing the housework for your mother, when I made your bed I noticed that your pajamas and the sheets were stained with your spunk. "
I blushed in embarrassment and mumbled my apologies.
"Don't worry, my dear.   You are a young man and it's quite natural that you occasionally ejaculate in your sleep.   You must have had some vivid dreams last week because I had to change your sheets every morning.   I think your mother became suspicious, but I managed to cover it up.   I noticed that your Uncle Bill and Aunt Ruth were staying with you then.   Would that have anything to do with it?"

I remarked, “Mrs. Jones seems to be a perceptive lady.

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    I do indeed remember the time I first met you, Joseph.   It was just before your Mum and Dad made the business trip to Australia and your Uncle Bill wanted to see your mother since he was his only sister, before they went.   I remember that you were very shy and withdrawn, and kept looking at me furtively. "
"Well, Aunt Ruth, that's true.   I was smitten by you, you were my ideal of womanly beauty.   I longed for you but knew that I couldn't attain you.   Anyway, Mrs. Jones was very sympathetic and understanding.   She advised me to take a hand towel with me to bed and tuck it into my pajama trousers.   That way if I squirted it wouldn't mess up the sheets. "
"That was good advice,” said Solange, “My son was like you as a teenager and had the same troubles.   Mrs. Jones must have been a very kind woman. "
"Yes, Madame, I was very fond of her. "
I remembered seeing a lady leaving Joe's home on the day we arrived to stay.

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    Joe's mother introduced her to me and she seemed to be a very pleasant woman.  
"Pray continue, Joseph.   Tell us what happened next,” said Solange.  

"I was very embarrassed when she told me that she had discovered pinup magazines under my bed and tried to mumble a lame explanation that a school friend had leant them to me to look after for him.
"No need to be ashamed of it, Joseph,” she said.   "I expect every red blooded young man likes to look at pretty girls wearing swimsuits and frilly knickers. "
Well, nothing much happened for several weeks.   I was staying with Mrs. Jones for the whole of the winter while my parents were away on their Australian trip.   I soon got into the routine of getting up for school in the morning, coming back in the dark evenings when she would have a nice hot meal ready for me.   She was a much better cook than my mother.   While I was clearing the table afterwards she would go upstairs to tend her baby daughter, changing her nappy and breast-feeding her in the bedroom.

I was with her one evening, listening to the wireless after I had finished my evening chores and homework, when her baby started to cry loudly in the bedroom.   She was normally a very placid baby, so Mrs. Jones went upstairs and then brought her down into the sitting room to comfort her.

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    I asked Mrs. Jones what was upsetting her.
"She is hungry, that's all, Joseph.   I hope you don't mind if I feed her here? I don't want to miss the programme. "
"Not at all Mrs. Jones. "
There was a particularly exciting crime serial on at the time and I could understand her not wanting to miss it.  
"Please could you hold little Susie for a moment, Joseph, so I can get at my bra?"
She handed me the baby and lifted her woolen jumper over her head before sitting down in her armchair.   She reached behind her back to undo the bra, but she was having difficulty in unclipping the hooks.  
"Do you mind undoing the bra hooks, Joseph? I normally wear a maternity bra which undoes from the front, but all my maternity bras are in the wash. "

I handed back baby Susie and stood behind the couch to unclip the back of her bra.   It was stretched tight behind her back, taking as it did the weight of her heavy maternal breasts.   I succeeded in unclipping it and she lifted the left cup to expose her breast to the hungry baby, who immediately started to suck on it noisily.   Since I was an only child, I had never witnessed a mother suckling her baby before.   I was fascinated and moved by the comforting sight and the contented gurgle of Susie.

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"Haven't you seen a baby being suckled before, Joseph? Are you embarrassed by the sight of my breasts?"
"Not at all, Mrs. Jones.   They are lovely. "
"Well, it's good for you to see what a real woman looks like.   I know you like to read those pinup magazines that your school friends lend to you, but I bet the girls in them don't have such full breasts. "

We listened to the rest of the programme, while Susie completed her feeding, then Mrs. Jones took her up to her cot, fast asleep.   She came down later to make our Ovaltine nightcap.   I noticed that her breasts under her jumper were more pendulous.   The sight of them moving beneath it fascinated me and I couldn't conceal my fascination from Mrs. Jones, who explained,
"I've not bothered to do up my bra since it is time for bed.   Now let me show you this, Joseph.   It's one of a number of French magazines that my husband collected on his travels to foreign parts.   Have a look at them. "
There were many high quality photographs of women in various states of undress, sometimes completely nude but mainly in provocative poses in slips, corsets and girdles.

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"Now these are real women, not like the skinny girls in your school friends' magazines. "
Indeed they were well-built and voluptuous ladies, not ashamed to display their bare breasts and ample bottoms.   In some they showed their soft round bellies, uncovered down to their thick dark pubic hair, contrasting with the milky whiteness of their plump thighs.  
"Take it to read in bed, Joseph, but don't forget to take your towel.   I suspect I may have given you something to dream on,” she added, with a mischievous grin

From that night on, Mrs. Jones nursed Susie in the sitting room while we listened to the radio, before taking her to her cot.   I looked forward to the sight of her baring her lovely full breasts every evening.   She told me of the pleasures of giving suck.   While she was feeding, baby Susie would suck away contentedly, glugging and humming between each swallow until she was sated, and then fall asleep.   Mrs. Jones would wipe her breast with a towel and hand me the baby to take upstairs and tuck into bed while she tuned the radio to the Home Service to listen to the evening news.
One evening she said,
"Even though Susie is getting on for 6 months, I am still lactating, even more so now.   I have started to feed her on solids and her front teeth are coming through, so I will have to stop breast-feeding her soon.   I still need to express my milk though; otherwise it feels uncomfortable.   So" - she looked closely at me - "Would you like to try suckling me Joseph?"
She raised her woolen jumper above her chest to reveal her bra.

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    It was a maternity bra, in soft white cotton with generous cups to support her magnificent breasts and a clip to hold up the top of each cup from her shoulder straps.   She repeated the same actions that prepared her for suckling baby Susie as she unclipped her left cup and exposed her lovely full breast.
"See, Joseph.   It is already full to overflowing.   My nipple is leaking even though I have just fed Susie.   Come hither my dear and take what's left. "

My eyes were mesmerized by the lovely spectacle of her bare breast.   I didn't know what to do, blushing as I stared goggle eyed at her.  
"Come sit down beside me, Joseph" she said, indicating the place in the couch to her right.   I sat next to her and she turned toward me and kissed me.  
"Now relax and lay your head on my breast. "
She gently crooked her arm round my neck and pulled my head across her chest so that it was resting with her left breast brushing my face.
"Go on, it won't bite you, Joseph.   Now suck on my nipple. "

I opened my mouth and she manipulated her breast to put her nipple between my lips.


    I tasted the sweet milk that was already starting to drip from her, and sucked.   I heard her sigh and pull my head harder against her breast.  
"Suck harder, Joseph.   Don't be afraid of hurting me, Susie sucks much harder than that.   Do you know that babies' mouths are designed for sucking? They have firm pads in their cheeks until they become weaned. "

I sucked and she oozed milk in a generous stream.   Meanwhile I was feeling very constricted in my trousers and tried to reach my flies to adjust them.  
"You poor dear, let me do that,” she said, “I can feel what's happening down below. "
She skillfully undid my trouser buttons and reached into my underpants, gripping my swelling and lifting it out of the constricting flies.  
"My, you're nice and big for such a young lad, Joseph.   Almost as big as my husband, who's a grown man.   While you are suckling, I will milk you. "
Holding my stem in her soft hand, she gently pulled until it was quite rigid, then slowly pushed down, so that the foreskin pealed back and exposed my swollen knob.  
"What a lovely plum that is, Joseph. " she exclaimed, “Let's cover it up again.

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She pulled and the foreskin slid over it, not quite covering the tip.   I resumed my suckling while she milked me with a slow rhythm.   She seemed to enjoy herself, softly grunting on each stroke in time with my sucking.
"We will need a towel, Joseph, stay here while I get one. "

She rose up from the couch and left me to contemplate my erection.   Though I had frequent erections over the past year since the onset of puberty, they had always been either in my sleep or in the early morning, just as I was awakening.   I had never seen the effect, being too embarrassed to look or talk about it.   My only sex education up till that time had been from smutty stories heard at school, which I was too ashamed to enquire about further.

Mrs. Jones returned with a large towel and asked me to remove my trousers and to stand up while she placed the towel on the couch.   She lifted up her skirt from the rear and sat down on the towel, then asked me to sit down beside her and we resumed our milking.   Gripping my hair with her other hand she pulled my head back to her breast and directed me to continue suckling her.  
"I need the towel because my cunt is starting to drip.   It's what happens when a woman likes a man and wants him to put his cock inside her. "

I was taken aback - I had never been told about intercourse in such clear and straightforward terms before.

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    All that I had learned up to then was what I had been told in a roundabout way from my school friends.
"Feel dear. "
She took my hand and placed it under her skirt, between the soft plumpness of her thighs.   She pressed my palm against her crutch, where I felt the crinkle of her thick pubic hair, and guided my middle finger into the soft damp folds of her cunt.  
"Put the tip of your finger deeper in and gently rub that little bump inside me, Joseph. "
She bore down on my hand, grinding her hips and arching her back, groaning softly.   She whispered,
"Keep your hand firm and your finger crooked, my dearest.   Let me press my cunt down on it. "
Our mutual delight was obvious in our hardening genitals.  

The milking sessions would last for up to an hour, depending on how much milk she had to express.   As the weeks progressed, it lasted longer.   Perhaps she was producing more milk, to suckle two.   Also Susie was taking less as she was weaned to solids.   It always ended in both of us ejaculating copiously over the towel, Mrs. Jones groaning in an agony of pleasure while my heart was beating frantically in my chest.

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"Did she ever permit you to enter her, Joseph?" asked Solange.  
"No, Madame.   I was telling you the truth when we first met and I said that I was still a virgin.   But I do remember during one session when we were getting very passionate, I was close to losing it.   We were both groaning with longing and delight and she was pulling me frantically, insisting at the same time that I stroke her clitoris harder and harder.   Then she commanded me to lie on my back on the floor, where she sat astride me and rubbed her crutch hard against my stem.   Suddenly she pulled back.
"I'm sorry, Joseph, I was getting carried away.   I should not permit you to enter me even though I would dearly love it.   I don't want to end up pregnant again. "

"How long did you continue with these lovely sessions, Joe?,” I asked.  
"Right until the spring, Auntie, when my parents came back from Australia.   Soon after that her husband returned from sea.   But we still had occasions for intimacy after that.   She came to our house twice a week to do the cleaning while my parents went to work.

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    I came home early from school on those afternoons when she was still in our house.   We would have up to an hour together before my parents returned.
Then one day she was in tears.   She told me that she was moving to Hull because her husband had changed to a shore posting with the shipping line.   That was the last I saw of her, though she did send Christmas cards to my parents after she moved.   I even wrote love letters to her, to which she discretely replied.   But they became less frequent as I finished school and went to college.   It was a sweet episode in my life. "
"Ah, the sadness of true love - how romantic. " sighed Solange.   "But let us return to our onions"
"Rather our unions,” I facetiously interjected.  





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