Topic: My All StarsI'm just your typical mother and housewife in suburban America. My husband and I have a nice home, two cars and two children, The children are both boys ages 18 and 18 who are very active in sports. Between the two of them I'm always busy going from one sporting event to another. It seems that men always want their children involved in sports but it is the mothers who go to all of the games. This story is about a trip I made with my youngest son when he made the little league all star team.
The only problem I have with my boys is my size. Since I'm only 5'2" tall and 110 pounds they are both bigger then me. It's hard to be an authority figure when you are looking up at them. It does make me proud when the boys compliment me by saying I'm the only mom they know who still looks god in a bathing suit. My boobs aren't very big at 34b but I still got the curves and I'm happy with that.
In June, my youngest son Josh came home from a little league practice all excited. He had been selected for the area all star team. I had no idea then what it involved. During the entire month of July, they went to different tournaments. I thought that was great until I found out they had to provide their own transportation and lodging. Most of their games weren't really that far away and only involved one day trips.
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The last two were out of state and were overnighters. I talked my husband into driving for the first one and we made kind of a family trip out of it. The only thing was that we had to take four other boys with us that didn't have transportation. My husband has a big SUV so that wasn't a problem and we were glad to help.
I really enjoyed myself at the games and had gotten to know most of my sons team mates by their first names. They all seemed to like me too. I was really flattered when one boy said "Mrs. M, you are one hot mom". What I didn't know was that when they all got to their rooms. they talked about how much they would like to "fuck" me. These were 18 and 18 year old boys but their hormones were kicked in. I also didn't know that my own son had been telling them stories about times he saw me either naked or partially naked. Most of his stories were made up to impress his friends.
The second out of state tournament left me responsible for the driving. My husband and older son were scheduled for a father/son golf tournament the same weekend.
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The first problem was my vehicle.
My husband needed the SUV because of the clubs they carried and that left me taking 5 boys in my small car. It would seat six but would be tight. The four hour drive would be cramped but we made it.
The next problem was a much bigger one. When we got there, we found out the motel had only booked us for one room instead of two. Before my husband and I had a room and the 5 boys shared an adjoining room paid for by the team. The coach who booked the rooms only booked for the boys. I wasn't the only one because all of the parents were in the same situation. Some of them had managed to get other rooms but because of the tournament, few were available. The others were like me and stuck rooming with the kids. The difference was that they were all fathers.
With two beds and two roll aways, there really wasn't much unoccupied space in the room but we managed. The boys had a late afternoon practice and we returned to the motel after eating. At about 8:00, I couldn't handle the frolicing of 5 boys any longer and went to the lounge.
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There I ran into several other parents with the same problem and I had several drinks to insure I would sleep soundly.
I was a little tipsy when I returned to the room to find the boys all wide awake and running around the room in their underwear. It was a half an hour past their imposed curfew so I told them all to find a bed and stay in it. I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed when I realized I had another problem. I always sleep in the nude so I hadn't brought anything to sleep in and sleeping nude with 5 boys was not an option. I solved that problem by borrowing one of Josh's t-shirts. It was long enough that I felt comfortable not wearing anything under it.
The next problem came when I looked for a place to sleep. There were two beds and two roll aways and 6 of us. Chad immediately volunteered to sleep in a bed with me but he seemed too eager. I assigned two boys to roll aways, two boys to one of the beds and my son Josh and I in the other bed. Then it was lights out. The boys kept talking back and forth and I was glad I had the number of drinks I had. If it wasn't for the alcohol in me I don't think I could have gone to sleep. I went out fairly quickly.
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During the night, I felt a hand on my breast but didn't think anything about it.
I was used to my husband feeling me while I slept and convinced myself it was him. Then I felt a hand rubbing my mound. It felt good and I was convinced I was dreaming and it was my husband. I instinctively spread my legs and a finger got inserted. That felt good, even if it was a dream. Suddenly, I was really horny.
Next, I clearly heard Josh's voice say in a half whisper "Chad, look at this". Now I was about half awake. Then I felt the bed sink with someone sitting on it. Then I heard Chad's voice say "Wow, I've never seen a real pussy before". The covers were pulled down and my t-shirt was up around my waist. Josh was still tugging my t-shirt up and I felt another hand that must have been Chad's feel a breast. He slid it under the shirt to feel it bare. I was awake now but didn't know what to do.
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My son was showing my near naked body to his friend and they both were feeling me. I knew I should stop them but something inside of me didn't want them to stop. It had been nearly two weeks since I had sex last with my husband and I was enjoying this attention. The alcohol I had drank had lowered my inhibitions and I also didn't want to create a scene that would embarrass my son.
I decided to let them have some fun. They thought I was out of it so there was no harm. My t-shirt got pulled all of the way up to my chin exposing my entire body and four hands were all over it. Then Chad took my right hand and placed it over the erection in his underwear. He said to Josh "Look at this your mom is feeling my dick". Then Josh took my other hand and placed over his erection. I was a little uncomfortable with that because he was my son but couldn't do anything without giving away the fact that I was awake. Then I heard Josh say "I'm taking my underwear off" Both boys did and I had my hands covering two erect young cocks. Chad was telling Josh that he was going to "fuck" me but Josh told him it would only wake me and they jointly decided to just be happy with my hands "jacking them off". A minute later Chad was shooting cum all over me and the bed.
Josh was on the edge of cumming and said to Chad "watch this".
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He moved my hand away and started moving up the bed. The next thing I felt was the tip of his cock on my lips. He was smearing precum on them like lipstick. Then he came all over my lips and chin.
The boys got a washcloth and cleaned me up while I feigned sleep. Then Chad went back to the other bed and Josh and I finally did go to sleep.
There was still one more night to go before we went.