
Hot Steamy Incest Sex (Real Story)


Ok when i was 18 i was porn addicted like any normal 13year old would be but little did I know that the things i saw and looked at my mom knew about ..well i came 2 this site when i was 18 and i wasnted 2 see what things were like so i read in incest story and it turned me wel i guess it tured my mom on..he it goes
When i cam in that night i saw he sitting on the couch she told me 2 go 2 my room she was having a few friends come over and well i dot wana get in there way so i cam 2 this site again and read a wanked a coulple of times ..ok well i saw she had 2 me and 4 older ladies in early 40 2 late 40s.well the called me out and asked if i had ever had sex i said no they said did i ever look up porn i said no ''mom said BULL CRAP U HAVENT''and said that u concequence for lieing is 2 lick the 48year old womens clit well i wanted that so i got into well then we all started getting so i rubed her nipples al of a sudden bam explodes of hot stickey cum on my lips i liked it all up and so my mom said now fuck so i stuck my 4.5in prick in he and banged he like it was the end of the world and i mean banded it was wonderfull so then my mom said 2 give one of the guys head and i said no im not gay well she said if u want 2 contine with ur incest mom then u give head now it was nasty at first but afteer a while it wasnt bad and when he cam in my mouth tasted a little like female juices so not that bad so my mom then made me suck he nipples and then we had 69 then she said she wanted me 2 anal her i said whats that  she said were u stick ur prick in my ass and hump in so i said ok and one of the guys handed me lube so i thouge i hurt he when she yelled but she liked it so much so i said im cumming and it went all trough her and came out a little.
If there is any bisexual men or str women that need some sucking just find me on yahoo messenger eastliverpoolgigalo



